Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

Taking money from people because they "can afford it" is the moral code of a thief.
And Adam Smith.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

No, I'm for a consumption tax for federal income tax. After all, if we all take advantage of the system, we should all pay into the system.

Focusing on income tax is not dumb because it's income tax that pays all our federal bills. It's income tax that supports our many social services the wealthy never have a use for. It's income tax that supports our military that protects our country.
You don't know where the money comes in from either.
Wrong. Thugs tend to be poor and black. When you try make a living by robbing liquor stores, you are not headed for affluence.

In court the darkies and the poor get a beat-down. End of story.
Horseshit. Their plight is the result of their upbringing, not the judicial system.
Social Darwinism - save it, not interested.
You are not interested in truth and facts because they don't let blacks off the hook for their dysfunctional behavior.
There are kids from all walks of life, all races, all religions, with all kinds of upbringings and educations sitting in the prisons. And I don't let people off the hook. I also don't hang them from the trees.
That's pure bullshit. The fact is over 70% of them are the children of unwed mothers. They are illegitimate children who grew up on the welfare plantation.

You yourself have just been complaining that the legal system puts more blacks in prison than is justified by the crimes they commit. Now you're claiming there's no skew in the demographics of those in prison. Once again you contradict yourself, but that's what morons do. Logic is beyond them.
In court the darkies and the poor get a beat-down. End of story.
Horseshit. Their plight is the result of their upbringing, not the judicial system.
Social Darwinism - save it, not interested.
You are not interested in truth and facts because they don't let blacks off the hook for their dysfunctional behavior.
There are kids from all walks of life, all races, all religions, with all kinds of upbringings and educations sitting in the prisons. And I don't let people off the hook. I also don't hang them from the trees.
That's pure bullshit. The fact is over 70% of them are the children of unwed mothers. They are illegitimate children who grew up on the welfare plantation.

You yourself have just been complaining that the legal system puts more blacks in prison than is justified by the crimes they commit. Now you're claiming there's no skew in the demographics of those in prison. Once again you contradict yourself, but that's what morons do. Logic is beyond them.
Save the Social Darwinism for someone who - cares, Hitler youth.
Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

Taking money from people because they "can afford it" is the moral code of a thief.
And Adam Smith.
I won't deny that he was afflicted with the disease. Most people are.
Horseshit. Their plight is the result of their upbringing, not the judicial system.
Social Darwinism - save it, not interested.
You are not interested in truth and facts because they don't let blacks off the hook for their dysfunctional behavior.
There are kids from all walks of life, all races, all religions, with all kinds of upbringings and educations sitting in the prisons. And I don't let people off the hook. I also don't hang them from the trees.
That's pure bullshit. The fact is over 70% of them are the children of unwed mothers. They are illegitimate children who grew up on the welfare plantation.

You yourself have just been complaining that the legal system puts more blacks in prison than is justified by the crimes they commit. Now you're claiming there's no skew in the demographics of those in prison. Once again you contradict yourself, but that's what morons do. Logic is beyond them.
Save the Social Darwinism for someone who - cares, Hitler youth.
I love these euphemisms you have for documented facts that you don't like.
Social Darwinism - save it, not interested.
You are not interested in truth and facts because they don't let blacks off the hook for their dysfunctional behavior.
There are kids from all walks of life, all races, all religions, with all kinds of upbringings and educations sitting in the prisons. And I don't let people off the hook. I also don't hang them from the trees.
That's pure bullshit. The fact is over 70% of them are the children of unwed mothers. They are illegitimate children who grew up on the welfare plantation.

You yourself have just been complaining that the legal system puts more blacks in prison than is justified by the crimes they commit. Now you're claiming there's no skew in the demographics of those in prison. Once again you contradict yourself, but that's what morons do. Logic is beyond them.
Save the Social Darwinism for someone who - cares, Hitler youth.
I love these euphemisms you have for documented facts that you don't like.
Get an education - Social Darwinism - Google Search
ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.

90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.

Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
You are not interested in truth and facts because they don't let blacks off the hook for their dysfunctional behavior.
There are kids from all walks of life, all races, all religions, with all kinds of upbringings and educations sitting in the prisons. And I don't let people off the hook. I also don't hang them from the trees.
That's pure bullshit. The fact is over 70% of them are the children of unwed mothers. They are illegitimate children who grew up on the welfare plantation.

You yourself have just been complaining that the legal system puts more blacks in prison than is justified by the crimes they commit. Now you're claiming there's no skew in the demographics of those in prison. Once again you contradict yourself, but that's what morons do. Logic is beyond them.
Save the Social Darwinism for someone who - cares, Hitler youth.
I love these euphemisms you have for documented facts that you don't like.
Get an education - Social Darwinism - Google Search
Facts are not Social Darwinism, moron.
The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.

90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.

Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.
There are kids from all walks of life, all races, all religions, with all kinds of upbringings and educations sitting in the prisons. And I don't let people off the hook. I also don't hang them from the trees.
That's pure bullshit. The fact is over 70% of them are the children of unwed mothers. They are illegitimate children who grew up on the welfare plantation.

You yourself have just been complaining that the legal system puts more blacks in prison than is justified by the crimes they commit. Now you're claiming there's no skew in the demographics of those in prison. Once again you contradict yourself, but that's what morons do. Logic is beyond them.
Save the Social Darwinism for someone who - cares, Hitler youth.
I love these euphemisms you have for documented facts that you don't like.
Get an education - Social Darwinism - Google Search
Facts are not Social Darwinism, moron.
They are when used by a Social Darwinist to justify - Social Darwinism.
Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

No, I'm for a consumption tax for federal income tax. After all, if we all take advantage of the system, we should all pay into the system.

Focusing on income tax is not dumb because it's income tax that pays all our federal bills. It's income tax that supports our many social services the wealthy never have a use for. It's income tax that supports our military that protects our country.
You don't know where the money comes in from either.

Yes, those are mostly federal income taxes. The exception is payroll taxes which do not support anything but social programs. In other words, if you live the average lifespan in the US, you get all that money back and then some.

You get deducted taxes for Medicare. You get deducted taxes for Social Security. You get deducted taxes for FICA which is a fancy acronym for Social Security. You get deducted state and local taxes which you take advantage of immediately.

But no payroll taxes go to support the federal government outside of social goodies that you get back, and those systems are supported by federal income taxes.
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

No, I'm for a consumption tax for federal income tax. After all, if we all take advantage of the system, we should all pay into the system.

Focusing on income tax is not dumb because it's income tax that pays all our federal bills. It's income tax that supports our many social services the wealthy never have a use for. It's income tax that supports our military that protects our country.
You don't know where the money comes in from either.

Yes, those are mostly federal income taxes. The exception is payroll taxes which do not support anything but social programs. In other words, if you live the average lifespan in the US, you get all that money back and then some.

You get deducted taxes for Medicare. You get deducted taxes for Social Security. You get deducted taxes for FICA which is a fancy acronym for Social Security. You get deducted state and local taxes which you take advantage of immediately.

But no payroll taxes go to support the federal government outside of social goodies that you get back, and those systems are supported by federal income taxes.
If you have a point here - no one (including me) cares.
That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.

90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.

Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.

Race is NOT a biological's a social construct.
One created by a German wanting to establish a social heirarchy based on superficial differences in humankind.

Sure it is, why else can DNA, and skeletal remains tell ones race?

Superficial differences?

Some races are taller, than one another, and while that might seem to be "Superficial" on closer inspection it can alter temperament, as Serotonin tends to be lower in taller people, which is why they're more likely to commit suicide.

Also tall people tend to have higher levels of intelligence, and success, which is probably mostly from IGF-1, which increases height, and also brain size.

That's just one of many.
So are you saying one"race" has all the tall people and another all the short people?.
You're starting to get ridiculous. And if there was an innate correlation between tallness and intelligence the Watusis would all be rocket scientists.

Enough of your superficial nonsense. Stop trying to pass off environmental mutations in certain populations as racial characteristics.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.

90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.

Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
Tried that once, it was a mess. That's how we got to where we are now.
That's pure bullshit. The fact is over 70% of them are the children of unwed mothers. They are illegitimate children who grew up on the welfare plantation.

You yourself have just been complaining that the legal system puts more blacks in prison than is justified by the crimes they commit. Now you're claiming there's no skew in the demographics of those in prison. Once again you contradict yourself, but that's what morons do. Logic is beyond them.
Save the Social Darwinism for someone who - cares, Hitler youth.
I love these euphemisms you have for documented facts that you don't like.
Get an education - Social Darwinism - Google Search
Facts are not Social Darwinism, moron.
They are when used by a Social Darwinist to justify - Social Darwinism.
ROFL! Facts are facts, moron.
90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.

Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
Tried that once, it was a mess. That's how we got to where we are now.

Bullshit. It worked far better than the current mess.
Save the Social Darwinism for someone who - cares, Hitler youth.
I love these euphemisms you have for documented facts that you don't like.
Get an education - Social Darwinism - Google Search
Facts are not Social Darwinism, moron.
They are when used by a Social Darwinist to justify - Social Darwinism.
ROFL! Facts are facts, moron.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.

Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
Tried that once, it was a mess. That's how we got to where we are now.

Bullshit. It worked far better than the current mess.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

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