Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).
We have Social Security because a con artist knew that the people receiving it first would never have to pay for it and he was sure to get their votes.
Yeah, that's the dogma. Now try and find the actual history?

And BTW, FDR already had their votes, moron.
ROFL! What you "learned" is dogma. What I posted is a fact.
The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Says the asshole who uses false accusations of racism and discrimination to justify his use of political power to steal from white people.
White people pay the same rates as - everyone else (if they aren't rich that is, who get away with fucking murder).

Don't pretend that middle class white are not taxed and the money spent on social programs that disproportionately help you and yours.

And that that is what your nonsense about the government owing the money is about.

And your racial justifications are now revealed to be just the bullshit that comes out of a thieves mouth to justify his crimes.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

What are you referring to, with your racist nonsense about "in the court whitey is king"?

Also, your godwin in noted, you fucking asshole, you lose.
Before the law, whitey gets a break and the darkies don't. What upsets you, Hitler youth (just embrace it) is that isn't true in all things and at all times. Not anymore, sucks to be you.

That's utter bullshit, and nothing but a rationalization for you to deny that your community is all kinds of fucked up.

While you cope by blaming whitey, your problems, that you pretend don't exist, are killing your people.
Nope, he had specific complains about specific behaviors and their results.

You ignored that.

Not the post to which I replied.

Don't pretend to have entered the thread there, or to be unaware of his larger position.

You think he would be so passionate about this issue, if he had NOT been fucked to the tune of over half his equity in his house?

As his girlfriend you may be inclined to believe any bullshit story he spins, but I'm not.

A. There is nothing unbelievable about his story.

B. It is very self serving of you to disbelieve his story....

Your loyalty to your boyfriend is laudable, but does not lend his bullshit little story any credibility. Racist shit-talkers talk shit all the time, and there is no way a racist coward would live where they had to face the terrifying prospect of seeing people who don't look like mommy on a regular basis.

Nothing in your post supported your odd belief that his completely believable story was false, or that it is racist to be unhappy about being fucked by a large drop in real estate prices.

Stating your self serving opinion strongly and rudely is not an argument.
We have equality before the law, mostly, but whites are still more equal.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

And why is whitey king? Because whitey goes to court shaved with a fresh haircut. Whitey respects the court. Whitey dresses the best he can afford. Whitey shows remorse for his crimes.

I saw a fight between a black guy and a white guy in a bar.

The black guy got arrested and the white guy did not.

Proof of racism? rightytighy would assume so.

Myself? I think it might have something to do with the fact that when the bartender yelled at them that he had called the cops the white guy left and the black guy stayed to run his mouth.
Why are you whining about it? You just endorsed inequality before the law. Which do you want, equality or inequality?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

And why is whitey king? Because whitey goes to court shaved with a fresh haircut. Whitey respects the court. Whitey dresses the best he can afford. Whitey shows remorse for his crimes.
Because the courts are - run by whitey.

And as for remorse, not so much, Trump never has any at all.

Denying you have a problem(s) means that you can never solve it.

And your people are dying while you blame whitey.
Every culture imaginable is within our borders.

I'll admit that religion is bad but culture? Think.

My experience is that people of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

What causes white flight? Is it people that move in with different color skin, or people that move in with a different culture?

Until just recently I had some Orthodox Jews as neighbors. The neighbor hood ONE over is heavily dominated by jews with a number of orthodox ones.

I did not have very much trouble living with them. I never hear complaints from other gentiles about living with them. I haven't heard any complaints from them about living with us.

No all cultures are equal.

Hasidim Jewish village Kiryas Joel isn't exactly very popular with it's neighboring towns.

You can see why.

You have a point about the gender polices of the orthodox.

The first video looks like it was taken right AFTER garbage pickup, note all the upturned EMPTY garbage cans.

And the scattered trash then, would be an condemnation of the trashworkers, being sloppy.

The local jewish neighborhood by us, we LIKE TO go there because it is nice, and has a lot of good restaurants, and used to have even more cool stuff, like a great indoor kid play area.

Hasidim Jews are notoriously trashy. (literally)

I saw first hand when I went to the Hasidim section of Williamsburg.

I don't know if the orthodox jews in my area are considered Hasidim, but the area is certainly cleaner than many of the other areas of the city..
It means everything to you, otherwise you would not side with rapist over his child victim.
says you? just lousy management. we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via our Commerce Clause. only the right wing, "hates on capitalism as much as the poor", when it interferes with their socialism on a national basis.

Changing the subject with a load of word salad doesn't change the fact that you side with the brown rapist over his white child victim.

So, if you wonder why race is still so important, look inwards.
Only in right wing fantasy is having an actual solution, called "word salad".

Your word salad was not a solution, but to distract from the fact that you sided with the brown rapist over his white victim based on race.
do you always advertise your incompetence in political discourse?

Dude. YOu aren't fooling anyone.

Even the lefties that sometimes take sides with you, can see that you are full of crap.

My point stands.

Your word salad was not a solution, but to distract from the fact that you sided with the brown rapist over his white victim based on race.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.

The Federal REserve Banks transfer ownership of the paper dollars to the banks.

THe banks transfer ownership of the dollars to people when they cash checks.

For you to claim the government still owns the dollars in circulation is just the rationalization of a thief.

or a communist. Same dif.
Of course it's up to you. That's why we vote. The "system" we have is called capitalism, not government. You didn't build that. Our financial success was not built off of welfare systems, it was built by encouraging investments and taking risks.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

I'm middle class and I pay thousands of dollars in income taxes every year.

You are just wrong.

The rich don't get paychecks, mostly, they get dividends and capital gains.
ROFL! Facts are facts, moron.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Reduce illegitimacy and that will reduce crime. and other forms of dysfunction.

But that would require you to stop blaming whitey for all your problems and actually deal with them yourself.

SO, instead you keep talking shit while your people keep dying.
Diversity only happens in White countries

There's no such thing as a "white country" but, the US is the exact opposite.

What the US needs is open season on knuckle dragging, inbred, cracker trailer trash. We could make it a holiday, like the movie "Purge". Yep, I do believe I'm on to something with this.


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Now you're openly advocating killing white people.

And you claim you're not a racist?

Are all white people knuckle dragging, inbred, cracker trailer trash?


Therefore no racism.

What a bullshitter. If some 'white' were to say (as some here have from time to time) "I don't hate black people. Heck, I loves me some black people. I just hate them damn n*****s!" You would rightly deem them racist. Well, your little persona here is at least that blatantly racist. You're a racist and a hypocrite.

I've said nothing racist and you cannot show one example where I have.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Reduce illegitimacy and that will reduce crime. and other forms of dysfunction.

But that would require you to stop blaming whitey for all your problems and actually deal with them yourself.

SO, instead you keep talking shit while your people keep dying.

Illegitimacy has nothing to do with this.

Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey. The truth is that racism is an abusive behavior that creates the same types of stressors as other forms of abuse. Racism causes the same types of behaviors both positive and negative as other forms of abuse. When someone of color experiences an act of racism, it can cause PTSD just like any other traumatic experience. So when a black person sees another act of racism, whether it is TV or in person, racism can triggers events that take them back to the bad memories of their own experience,

Each time we see a police shooting of another black person or a story of a black person killed by a white supremacist it creates a situation where millions of blacks return to remembering their own traumatic experiences and in some cases destructive behaviors result. The racist language in paves like this can do the same thing. You are a stupid white---with no knowledge of this issue and you really need to earn how to shut the fuck up and listen instead of believing you have the right to lecture us about illegitimacy or other matters.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

Whitey will be blamed because whitey is responsible.
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Reduce illegitimacy and that will reduce crime. and other forms of dysfunction.

But that would require you to stop blaming whitey for all your problems and actually deal with them yourself.

SO, instead you keep talking shit while your people keep dying.

Illegitimacy has nothing to do with this.

Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey. The truth is that racism is an abusive behavior that creates the same types of stressors as other forms of abuse. Racism causes the same types of behaviors both positive and negative as other forms of abuse. When someone of color experiences an act of racism, it can cause PTSD just like any other traumatic experience. So when a black person sees another act of racism, whether it is TV or in person, racism can triggers events that take them back to the bad memories of their own experience,

Each time we see a police shooting of another black person or a story of a black person killed by a white supremacist it creates a situation where millions of blacks return to remembering their own traumatic experiences and in some cases destructive behaviors result. The racist language in paves like this can do the same thing. You are a stupid white---with no knowledge of this issue and you really need to earn how to shut the fuck up and listen instead of believing you have the right to lecture us about illegitimacy or other matters.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

Whitey will be blamed because whitey is responsible.

1. Your pretense that you are unable to understand proportions is dismissed.

2. The connection between illegitimacy and crime is settled science. That is the problem in your community that you need to fix. Spending your time blaming whitey is not a solution, but a form of denial.

3. While you are busy blaming whitey, your people are dying. Don't you care about that?
I'd like equality but whitey is still getting a break.

Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

What are you referring to, with your racist nonsense about "in the court whitey is king"?

Also, your godwin in noted, you fucking asshole, you lose.
Before the law, whitey gets a break and the darkies don't. What upsets you, Hitler youth (just embrace it) is that isn't true in all things and at all times. Not anymore, sucks to be you.

That's utter bullshit, and nothing but a rationalization for you to deny that your community is all kinds of fucked up.

While you cope by blaming whitey, your problems, that you pretend don't exist, are killing your people.
I am whitey, Whitey.
Capitalism requires good government. For that there is a price to be paid and that price is not set my morons like Bripat.

Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

I'm middle class and I pay thousands of dollars in income taxes every year.

You are just wrong.

The rich don't get paychecks, mostly, they get dividends and capital gains.
Look up who pays the taxes and from what sources? TY.
Your denial of obvious and documented reality is nonsense.
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

What are you referring to, with your racist nonsense about "in the court whitey is king"?

Also, your godwin in noted, you fucking asshole, you lose.
Before the law, whitey gets a break and the darkies don't. What upsets you, Hitler youth (just embrace it) is that isn't true in all things and at all times. Not anymore, sucks to be you.

That's utter bullshit, and nothing but a rationalization for you to deny that your community is all kinds of fucked up.

While you cope by blaming whitey, your problems, that you pretend don't exist, are killing your people.
I am whitey, Whitey.

That's utter bullshit, and nothing but a rationalization for you to deny that the black community is all kinds of fucked up.

While you support the denial in the black community by blaming whitey, their problems, that you pretend don't exist, are killing their people.
Okay, but don't we all benefit from good government? The ability to get a job, the ability to earn a living, the ability to get a higher education for higher income, the ability to invest and secure a good retirement?

Yet nearly half of the people in this country pay no income tax whatsoever. If we all benefit from good government, shouldn't we all be paying into that good government and not just the fortunate?
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

I'm middle class and I pay thousands of dollars in income taxes every year.

You are just wrong.

The rich don't get paychecks, mostly, they get dividends and capital gains.
Look up who pays the taxes and from what sources? TY.

And what point do you think that that would make that is relevant to my post, commie?
In the court whitey is king. What pisses you off, Hitler youth, is that's no longer true everywhere else.

What are you referring to, with your racist nonsense about "in the court whitey is king"?

Also, your godwin in noted, you fucking asshole, you lose.
Before the law, whitey gets a break and the darkies don't. What upsets you, Hitler youth (just embrace it) is that isn't true in all things and at all times. Not anymore, sucks to be you.

That's utter bullshit, and nothing but a rationalization for you to deny that your community is all kinds of fucked up.

While you cope by blaming whitey, your problems, that you pretend don't exist, are killing your people.
I am whitey, Whitey.

That's utter bullshit, and nothing but a rationalization for you to deny that the black community is all kinds of fucked up.

While you support the denial in the black community by blaming whitey, their problems, that you pretend don't exist, are killing their people.
The darkies have issues, and whitey keeping them down for so long is - one of them. That doesn't change you being White Pride in the slightest.
For one to pay income tax, in a progressive tax system, one must earn enough income to - tax.

Why? If you are taking advantage of this good government you speak of, it shouldn't matter whether you make 20K or 20 million a year. If government is responsible (as you say it is) for the ability of capitalism, isn't government also responsible for the ability to create income of any kind?
The government allows for the system and the system takes it from there. What you seem to want is a flat tax and that is regressive so we have a progressive tax instead. Focusing on income taxes is dumb. That's mostly paid by the well-to-do and the wealthy who can afford it.

I'm middle class and I pay thousands of dollars in income taxes every year.

You are just wrong.

The rich don't get paychecks, mostly, they get dividends and capital gains.
Look up who pays the taxes and from what sources? TY.

And what point do you think that that would make that is relevant to my post, commie?
You have an income worthy of taxing. Good for you. Now STFU (since most of us do). Whiny whitey bitch.

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