Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

I am whitey, Whitey.

That's utter bullshit, and nothing but a rationalization for you to deny that the black community is all kinds of fucked up.

While you support the denial in the black community by blaming whitey, their problems, that you pretend don't exist, are killing their people.
The darkies have issues, and whitey keeping them down for so long is - one of them. That doesn't change you being White Pride in the slightest.

This nation has had a consensus of "helping them up" since the 60s.

Your denial of that, and the myth that racism is the cause of their issues, is killing them.

Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. You are a race baiting asshole.
Brought them here in chains, as property. Kept them down for another 100 years after the civil war. Finally granted them some rights and tried to stop the overt and government approved discrimination 60 years ago so hey, it's all good now right? No, it's not. But it's getting better by the decade.

We've gone WAY beyond "trying to stop overt and government approve discrimination".

We've been discriminating in FAVOR of them for 60 years, more and more to the point that today, for one well documented example, having black skin is worth 230 sat points in ivy league admissions.

That you lied about that shows that you know you can't make your case honestly, but still hold to a position that you KNOW if false.

Odd that.

AND that our efforts to achieve "multiculturalism" and to heal the wounds of the past have completely failed and may very well have been ill conceived.
Lied about using legal forms of discrimination to make society better? Ah, no. I certainly never lied about that. We do that here, Whitey.
Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

Whites are over five times the population of blacks, but instead of acknowledging that, you say that whites are responsible for 50% of murderers in this country. People are not as dumb as you think when you make the insinuation that whites are just as bad as blacks:

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, whites have killed a lot of people in the past. The difference however is as time went on, we whites became more civilized whereas blacks became less civilized.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey.

There is a difference between racism and dislikes or hatred of other races.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

if you look at different groups with different rates of murder, you can learn what leads to murder and take steps to reduce it.

Sorry if explaining that simple concept was insulting to your intelligence.

But, ...
And what point do you think that that would make that is relevant to my post, commie?
You have an income worthy of taxing. Good for you. Now STFU (since most of us do). Whiny whitey bitch.

All I did was point out that your claim that income taxes are mostly paid by the rich, is not true.

For you to be offended by something as minor as that is fairly odd.

For you to characterize that as me "whining" or being a "Bitch" is just you being a fucking asshole.

You fucking asshole.
The well-to-do and the wealthy pay the majority of income taxes in the country. Look it up.

And for a White Pride jerk-off you sure can't seem to deal with being a racist?

Link on taxes paid.

and I challenge you to support your claim that I am a racist, or when you fail to admit that you are a race baiting fucking asshole piece of shit.

Also, fuck you.
Dude, everyone who reads anything you post here knows you're a racist.

And ever heard of Google? Use it.

So, sounds like you think it would be easy to prove.

But yet you don't want to...

Odd that.

So, you opt for the, you are admitting that you are a race baiting fucking asshole piece of shit.

Got it.
And what point do you think that that would make that is relevant to my post, commie?
You have an income worthy of taxing. Good for you. Now STFU (since most of us do). Whiny whitey bitch.

All I did was point out that your claim that income taxes are mostly paid by the rich, is not true.

For you to be offended by something as minor as that is fairly odd.

For you to characterize that as me "whining" or being a "Bitch" is just you being a fucking asshole.

You fucking asshole.
The well-to-do and the wealthy pay the majority of income taxes in the country. Look it up.

And for a White Pride jerk-off you sure can't seem to deal with being a racist?

Link on taxes paid.

and I challenge you to support your claim that I am a racist, or when you fail to admit that you are a race baiting fucking asshole piece of shit.

Also, fuck you.

" I don't mind black families that are assimilated"

This is a common problem with people whose racism is so inbred, they don't think they are racist.

The lefty in question was claiming that any complains made about black behavior was excuses for discomfort from being exposed to different races.

Happily living next to black families that shared a culture disproves that.
You have an income worthy of taxing. Good for you. Now STFU (since most of us do). Whiny whitey bitch.

All I did was point out that your claim that income taxes are mostly paid by the rich, is not true.

For you to be offended by something as minor as that is fairly odd.

For you to characterize that as me "whining" or being a "Bitch" is just you being a fucking asshole.

You fucking asshole.
The well-to-do and the wealthy pay the majority of income taxes in the country. Look it up.

And for a White Pride jerk-off you sure can't seem to deal with being a racist?

Link on taxes paid.

and I challenge you to support your claim that I am a racist, or when you fail to admit that you are a race baiting fucking asshole piece of shit.

Also, fuck you.
Dude, everyone who reads anything you post here knows you're a racist.

And ever heard of Google? Use it.

So, sounds like you think it would be easy to prove.

But yet you don't want to...

Odd that.

So, you opt for the, you are admitting that you are a race baiting fucking asshole piece of shit.

Got it.
It is easy to prove, you lazy white bitch. Get off your ass and do so.
Whites are over five times the population of blacks, but instead of acknowledging that, you say that whites are responsible for 50% of murderers in this country. People are not as dumb as you think when you make the insinuation that whites are just as bad as blacks:

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, whites have killed a lot of people in the past. The difference however is as time went on, we whites became more civilized whereas blacks became less civilized.

There is a difference between racism and dislikes or hatred of other races.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

To prove that blacks are much more violent than whites. That's why neighborhoods lose property value--because nobody wants to live around them. Hell, they are the only race (with the exception of those with territory or religious issues) that constantly try to move away from their own kind.
So, what you really want to prove is - blacks are bad. Yeah, we know that's your position.

No, proving that blacks are much worse when it comes to crime. Trust me, I live in a black neighborhood. I remember how great it was here when it was white. My property value is less than 50% of what it was worth 25 years ago.

The thing is nothing ever gets solved if you don't address the problem. Blacks don't want to address the problem--they want to make excuses instead. But you get nowhere making excuses. There are no books written about successful excuse makers. All excuse makers in this country are failures.
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Reduce illegitimacy and that will reduce crime. and other forms of dysfunction.

But that would require you to stop blaming whitey for all your problems and actually deal with them yourself.

SO, instead you keep talking shit while your people keep dying.

Illegitimacy has nothing to do with this.

Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey. The truth is that racism is an abusive behavior that creates the same types of stressors as other forms of abuse. Racism causes the same types of behaviors both positive and negative as other forms of abuse. When someone of color experiences an act of racism, it can cause PTSD just like any other traumatic experience. So when a black person sees another act of racism, whether it is TV or in person, racism can triggers events that take them back to the bad memories of their own experience,

Each time we see a police shooting of another black person or a story of a black person killed by a white supremacist it creates a situation where millions of blacks return to remembering their own traumatic experiences and in some cases destructive behaviors result. The racist language in paves like this can do the same thing. You are a stupid white---with no knowledge of this issue and you really need to earn how to shut the fuck up and listen instead of believing you have the right to lecture us about illegitimacy or other matters.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

Whitey will be blamed because whitey is responsible.

1. Your pretense that you are unable to understand proportions is dismissed.

2. The connection between illegitimacy and crime is settled science. That is the problem in your community that you need to fix. Spending your time blaming whitey is not a solution, but a form of denial.

3. While you are busy blaming whitey, your people are dying. Don't you care about that?

The white bread racist claim of crime using proportion is fake news.

Illegitimacy is not the problem we need to fix.

Whites commit double the crime we do. So the rate of crime and illegitimacy can't be the case if whites have so much less and hey commit twice the number of crimes.

So while you sit on your white ass trying to lecture blacks your people are dying.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. The lack of economic opportunities in back communities because of white attitudes and legislative decisions are the problem our community needs to fix.

You can't tell me anything different correll. I've worked in the black community. You haven't.
That's utter bullshit, and nothing but a rationalization for you to deny that the black community is all kinds of fucked up.

While you support the denial in the black community by blaming whitey, their problems, that you pretend don't exist, are killing their people.
The darkies have issues, and whitey keeping them down for so long is - one of them. That doesn't change you being White Pride in the slightest.

This nation has had a consensus of "helping them up" since the 60s.

Your denial of that, and the myth that racism is the cause of their issues, is killing them.

Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. You are a race baiting asshole.
Brought them here in chains, as property. Kept them down for another 100 years after the civil war. Finally granted them some rights and tried to stop the overt and government approved discrimination 60 years ago so hey, it's all good now right? No, it's not. But it's getting better by the decade.

We've gone WAY beyond "trying to stop overt and government approve discrimination".

We've been discriminating in FAVOR of them for 60 years, more and more to the point that today, for one well documented example, having black skin is worth 230 sat points in ivy league admissions.

That you lied about that shows that you know you can't make your case honestly, but still hold to a position that you KNOW if false.

Odd that.

AND that our efforts to achieve "multiculturalism" and to heal the wounds of the past have completely failed and may very well have been ill conceived.
Lied about using legal forms of discrimination to make society better? Ah, no. I certainly never lied about that. We do that here, Whitey.

You JUST lied about it, when you characterized our efforts since the 60s as just "tried to stop the overt and government approved discrimination".

BUT, I am glad, when called on it, that you are now admitting that we are discriminating in favor of blacks and thus against whites and that you support that.

Query: Is it legitimate in your mind, for whites to be opposed to being discriminated against?
...What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.
It makes a difference, when one race is eight times more likely to commit murder than the other... it plays to mindset, and morals, or lack thereof.
It plays to - your racism.

How do cold hard facts play to racism?
Because racists use them to promote, as you do, racism.

You and your "racism" already. It's not a wonder why nothing ever improves in this country when it comes to race.

Okay, our racism. Now ask yourself: is racism in inherent flaw, or does somebody cause people to be racist?
The darkies have issues, and whitey keeping them down for so long is - one of them. That doesn't change you being White Pride in the slightest.

This nation has had a consensus of "helping them up" since the 60s.

Your denial of that, and the myth that racism is the cause of their issues, is killing them.

Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. You are a race baiting asshole.
Brought them here in chains, as property. Kept them down for another 100 years after the civil war. Finally granted them some rights and tried to stop the overt and government approved discrimination 60 years ago so hey, it's all good now right? No, it's not. But it's getting better by the decade.

We've gone WAY beyond "trying to stop overt and government approve discrimination".

We've been discriminating in FAVOR of them for 60 years, more and more to the point that today, for one well documented example, having black skin is worth 230 sat points in ivy league admissions.

That you lied about that shows that you know you can't make your case honestly, but still hold to a position that you KNOW if false.

Odd that.

AND that our efforts to achieve "multiculturalism" and to heal the wounds of the past have completely failed and may very well have been ill conceived.
Lied about using legal forms of discrimination to make society better? Ah, no. I certainly never lied about that. We do that here, Whitey.

You JUST lied about it, when you characterized our efforts since the 60s as just "tried to stop the overt and government approved discrimination".

BUT, I am glad, when called on it, that you are now admitting that we are discriminating in favor of blacks and thus against whites and that you support that.

Query: Is it legitimate in your mind, for whites to be opposed to being discriminated against?

How are whites being discriminated against correll?
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Reduce illegitimacy and that will reduce crime. and other forms of dysfunction.

But that would require you to stop blaming whitey for all your problems and actually deal with them yourself.

SO, instead you keep talking shit while your people keep dying.

Illegitimacy has nothing to do with this.

Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey. The truth is that racism is an abusive behavior that creates the same types of stressors as other forms of abuse. Racism causes the same types of behaviors both positive and negative as other forms of abuse. When someone of color experiences an act of racism, it can cause PTSD just like any other traumatic experience. So when a black person sees another act of racism, whether it is TV or in person, racism can triggers events that take them back to the bad memories of their own experience,

Each time we see a police shooting of another black person or a story of a black person killed by a white supremacist it creates a situation where millions of blacks return to remembering their own traumatic experiences and in some cases destructive behaviors result. The racist language in paves like this can do the same thing. You are a stupid white---with no knowledge of this issue and you really need to earn how to shut the fuck up and listen instead of believing you have the right to lecture us about illegitimacy or other matters.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

Whitey will be blamed because whitey is responsible.

1. Your pretense that you are unable to understand proportions is dismissed.

2. The connection between illegitimacy and crime is settled science. That is the problem in your community that you need to fix. Spending your time blaming whitey is not a solution, but a form of denial.

3. While you are busy blaming whitey, your people are dying. Don't you care about that?

The white bread racist claim of crime using proportion is fake news.

Illegitimacy is not the problem we need to fix.

Whites commit double the crime we do. So the rate of crime and illegitimacy can't be the case if whites have so much less and hey commit twice the number of crimes.

So while you sit on your white ass trying to lecture blacks your people are dying.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. The lack of economic opportunities in back communities because of white attitudes and legislative decisions are the problem our community needs to fix.

You can't tell me anything different correll. I've worked in the black community. You haven't.

Your continued pretense of not understanding proportionality is still dismissed.

I will not coddle you and pretend that you need to have grade school math explained to you.

Your lies about white crime and your denial about black crime is dismissed.

My point stands, as all you have done is lie and play dumb.

The connection between illegitimacy and crime is settled science. That is the problem in your community that you need to fix. Spending your time blaming whitey is not a solution, but a form of denial.
This nation has had a consensus of "helping them up" since the 60s.

Your denial of that, and the myth that racism is the cause of their issues, is killing them.

Your race baiting in noted and dismissed. You are a race baiting asshole.
Brought them here in chains, as property. Kept them down for another 100 years after the civil war. Finally granted them some rights and tried to stop the overt and government approved discrimination 60 years ago so hey, it's all good now right? No, it's not. But it's getting better by the decade.

We've gone WAY beyond "trying to stop overt and government approve discrimination".

We've been discriminating in FAVOR of them for 60 years, more and more to the point that today, for one well documented example, having black skin is worth 230 sat points in ivy league admissions.

That you lied about that shows that you know you can't make your case honestly, but still hold to a position that you KNOW if false.

Odd that.

AND that our efforts to achieve "multiculturalism" and to heal the wounds of the past have completely failed and may very well have been ill conceived.
Lied about using legal forms of discrimination to make society better? Ah, no. I certainly never lied about that. We do that here, Whitey.

You JUST lied about it, when you characterized our efforts since the 60s as just "tried to stop the overt and government approved discrimination".

BUT, I am glad, when called on it, that you are now admitting that we are discriminating in favor of blacks and thus against whites and that you support that.

Query: Is it legitimate in your mind, for whites to be opposed to being discriminated against?

How are whites being discriminated against correll?

When you discriminate in favor of blacks, as in the case of the ivy league admissions where black skin is worth 230 sat points, you by the nature of limited resources, discriminate against other groups who are competing for those resources, ie whites.

When you discriminate in favor of blacks, as in the case of the ivy league admissions where black skin is worth 230 sat points, you by the nature of limited resources, discriminate against other groups who are competing for those resources, ie whites.

Not only that, but it discredits those of color who did everything on their own with no help whatsoever. The assumption is they got to where they are at because of the color of their skin and not their personal accomplishments in life.
All I did was point out that your claim that income taxes are mostly paid by the rich, is not true.

For you to be offended by something as minor as that is fairly odd.

For you to characterize that as me "whining" or being a "Bitch" is just you being a fucking asshole.

You fucking asshole.
The well-to-do and the wealthy pay the majority of income taxes in the country. Look it up.

And for a White Pride jerk-off you sure can't seem to deal with being a racist?

Link on taxes paid.

and I challenge you to support your claim that I am a racist, or when you fail to admit that you are a race baiting fucking asshole piece of shit.

Also, fuck you.
Dude, everyone who reads anything you post here knows you're a racist.

And ever heard of Google? Use it.

So, sounds like you think it would be easy to prove.

But yet you don't want to...

Odd that.

So, you opt for the, you are admitting that you are a race baiting fucking asshole piece of shit.

Got it.
It is easy to prove, you lazy white bitch. Get off your ass and do so.

Wow. I ask you to back up and accusation you made, and you flip out?

Did you go looking for something to post and realize you had nothing? Or did you know it the moment I challenged you, that you could not do it?

You know what is your only way to win this?

To admit you were wrong. I'm not even asking for an apology.

Just a lefty with the balls to discuss issues without playing the dishonest lefty games.

So, far, I haven't found one.

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