Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.
90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.

Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
So, you think we should entrust our children's education to profit driven corporation.
Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

Whites are over five times the population of blacks, but instead of acknowledging that, you say that whites are responsible for 50% of murderers in this country. People are not as dumb as you think when you make the insinuation that whites are just as bad as blacks:

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, whites have killed a lot of people in the past. The difference however is as time went on, we whites became more civilized whereas blacks became less civilized.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey.

There is a difference between racism and dislikes or hatred of other races.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

When you want to solve a problem, you look for the source of the problem.
Horseshit. Their plight is the result of their upbringing, not the judicial system.
Social Darwinism - save it, not interested.
You are not interested in truth and facts because they don't let blacks off the hook for their dysfunctional behavior.
There are kids from all walks of life, all races, all religions, with all kinds of upbringings and educations sitting in the prisons. And I don't let people off the hook. I also don't hang them from the trees.
That's pure bullshit. The fact is over 70% of them are the children of unwed mothers. They are illegitimate children who grew up on the welfare plantation.

You yourself have just been complaining that the legal system puts more blacks in prison than is justified by the crimes they commit. Now you're claiming there's no skew in the demographics of those in prison. Once again you contradict yourself, but that's what morons do. Logic is beyond them.
Your stats are bullshit. Fatherless homes doers not mean unwed mothers.
It absolutely does in most cases.
ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.

The money you earn is what you are allowed to keep after paying for the system that allows you to earn a living. Without that system you'd be back hunting and gathering. What gets paid out to support the system will never be up to you nor will you ever approve. Deal with it, snowflake.

That's your opinion, not a fact. My income is a result of a transaction and other persons. Taxation comes after the fact of earning.
Before, after, during, in matters not a damn. There is a price to be paid to those who made what you use to make money regardless. That systems wasn't built by you but you owe no matter what. Just be a man and deal with it.

90% of what I pay goes to feed ticks on the ass of society. It did nothing to make it possible for me to earn money. In fact it often positively harmed my ability to make money.
90% is bullshit.
It's actually higher than that. Government can be eliminated entirely.
Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

Whites are over five times the population of blacks, but instead of acknowledging that, you say that whites are responsible for 50% of murderers in this country. People are not as dumb as you think when you make the insinuation that whites are just as bad as blacks:

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, whites have killed a lot of people in the past. The difference however is as time went on, we whites became more civilized whereas blacks became less civilized.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey.

There is a difference between racism and dislikes or hatred of other races.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

When you want to solve a problem, you look for the source of the problem.
And to you that means - those damn n*ggers.
B.S. You have no idea what you pay or where it goes.

Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
So, you think we should entrust our children's education to profit driven corporation.
Why not just let them raise them then?
Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

Whites are over five times the population of blacks, but instead of acknowledging that, you say that whites are responsible for 50% of murderers in this country. People are not as dumb as you think when you make the insinuation that whites are just as bad as blacks:

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, whites have killed a lot of people in the past. The difference however is as time went on, we whites became more civilized whereas blacks became less civilized.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey.

There is a difference between racism and dislikes or hatred of other races.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

To prove that blacks are much more violent than whites. That's why neighborhoods lose property value--because nobody wants to live around them. Hell, they are the only race (with the exception of those with territory or religious issues) that constantly try to move away from their own kind.

Ray you are completely wrong.

Whites are 5 times the number of blacks. But that doesn't mean you get to multiply every crime blacks commit by 5. I would not be arguing with you if blacks committed 70-80 percent of all the murders but that's not the case. I also would not be arguing with you if blacks were committing 70 percent of all the crimes. But we aren't. We commit half the crimes as whites and just because you have 5 times more doesn't mean you get to multiply the number of crimes we commit by five to make some bullshit racist claim of how we are the ones with the problem.

How about we multiply the number of blacks by five to look at reality. Then we have five times the number of employed people.. Black unemployment is the reduced to the same level as whites. 5 times the number of businesses. This increases job opportunity for blacks in black community which reduces crime. It also reduces poverty to that equal of whites.5 times the representatives in law enforcement. This reduces the racial bias in the criminal justice system as blacks have equal access to lawyers as whites. This reduces black incarceration rates. 5 times the representatives in the political process This means that more policies ad laws are implemented to meet the concerns of the black community.. 5 times the overall wealth and income. This reduces the number of blacks on government assistance and overall if we had he same number of people as whites we would not have a annual arrest rate of 70 percent.

You racists don't think when you try presenting arguments.

So really w are the ones making the misleading arguments?

...What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.
It makes a difference, when one race is eight times more likely to commit murder than the other... it plays to mindset, and morals, or lack thereof.
It plays to - your racism.

How do cold hard facts play to racism?
Because racists use them to promote, as you do, racism.
You mean any facts you find inconvenient to your moronic social theories you call "racist."
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Single parent homes are directly related to poverty. Poverty is directly related to crime. The rest you can figure out on your own.

The link between poverty and crime is weak.

The link between illegitimacy and crime is strong.

Poor children of two parent families do much better than poor children of single moms.

No the link to poverty and crime is not weak.
Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
So, you think we should entrust our children's education to profit driven corporation.
Why not just let them raise them then?
How do you go from corporations running schools to corporations raising your children? Do you support government raising your children?
There's no such thing as a "white country" but, the US is the exact opposite.

What the US needs is open season on knuckle dragging, inbred, cracker trailer trash. We could make it a holiday, like the movie "Purge". Yep, I do believe I'm on to something with this.


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Now you're openly advocating killing white people.

And you claim you're not a racist?

Are all white people knuckle dragging, inbred, cracker trailer trash?


Therefore no racism.

What a bullshitter. If some 'white' were to say (as some here have from time to time) "I don't hate black people. Heck, I loves me some black people. I just hate them damn n*****s!" You would rightly deem them racist. Well, your little persona here is at least that blatantly racist. You're a racist and a hypocrite.

I've said nothing racist and you cannot show one example where I have.

You and your counterpart racists here deserve each other.

Like I said this is all you can do. Try proving my racism.

Show qoutes.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Reduce illegitimacy and that will reduce crime. and other forms of dysfunction.

But that would require you to stop blaming whitey for all your problems and actually deal with them yourself.

SO, instead you keep talking shit while your people keep dying.

Illegitimacy has nothing to do with this.

Whites are killing themselves also. Whites accounted for almost 50 percent of all murders in this country in 2015 and here have been a number of years whites have killed more than anyone else. Almost 90 percent of all whites who get murdered are murdered by another white person. And if you want to tally up the number of murders in American history, whites lead by a large margin. Whites have been the most violent race of people in this country. That's a fact. Stop lying to yourselves. Then shut up about blacks dying.

You see Correll racism is a complex thing and whites like you have spent the majority of your days hearing simple minded white race baiters talking about blaming whitey. The truth is that racism is an abusive behavior that creates the same types of stressors as other forms of abuse. Racism causes the same types of behaviors both positive and negative as other forms of abuse. When someone of color experiences an act of racism, it can cause PTSD just like any other traumatic experience. So when a black person sees another act of racism, whether it is TV or in person, racism can triggers events that take them back to the bad memories of their own experience,

Each time we see a police shooting of another black person or a story of a black person killed by a white supremacist it creates a situation where millions of blacks return to remembering their own traumatic experiences and in some cases destructive behaviors result. The racist language in paves like this can do the same thing. You are a stupid white---with no knowledge of this issue and you really need to earn how to shut the fuck up and listen instead of believing you have the right to lecture us about illegitimacy or other matters.

Can Racism Cause PTSD? Implications for DSM-5

Whitey will be blamed because whitey is responsible.

1. Your pretense that you are unable to understand proportions is dismissed.

2. The connection between illegitimacy and crime is settled science. That is the problem in your community that you need to fix. Spending your time blaming whitey is not a solution, but a form of denial.

3. While you are busy blaming whitey, your people are dying. Don't you care about that?

The white bread racist claim of crime using proportion is fake news.

Illegitimacy is not the problem we need to fix.

Whites commit double the crime we do. So the rate of crime and illegitimacy can't be the case if whites have so much less and hey commit twice the number of crimes.

So while you sit on your white ass trying to lecture blacks your people are dying.

Whitey will be blamed for what whitey is responsible for. The lack of economic opportunities in back communities because of white attitudes and legislative decisions are the problem our community needs to fix.

You can't tell me anything different correll. I've worked in the black community. You haven't.
I realize you turds can't do simple math, but no one is fooled. Proportions matter.
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
So, you think we should entrust our children's education to profit driven corporation.
Why not just let them raise them then?
How do you go from corporations running schools to corporations raising your children? Do you support government raising your children?
I support Public Education, paid for by the Public (like the Founders did).

And if you'll let a for-profit corporation educate your child you might as well just let them raise them.
...What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.
It makes a difference, when one race is eight times more likely to commit murder than the other... it plays to mindset, and morals, or lack thereof.
It plays to - your racism.

How do cold hard facts play to racism?
Because racists use them to promote, as you do, racism.
You mean any facts you find inconvenient to your moronic social theories you call "racist."
No, when racists use "facts" they are usually using to to defend their "racism".
Whites are over five times the population of blacks, but instead of acknowledging that, you say that whites are responsible for 50% of murderers in this country. People are not as dumb as you think when you make the insinuation that whites are just as bad as blacks:

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, whites have killed a lot of people in the past. The difference however is as time went on, we whites became more civilized whereas blacks became less civilized.

There is a difference between racism and dislikes or hatred of other races.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

When you want to solve a problem, you look for the source of the problem.
And to you that means - those damn n*ggers.
I knew a douche bag like you would give that exact response. That's because you can't argue with facts. They don't support your idiotic claims.
It makes a difference, when one race is eight times more likely to commit murder than the other... it plays to mindset, and morals, or lack thereof.
It plays to - your racism.

How do cold hard facts play to racism?
Because racists use them to promote, as you do, racism.
You mean any facts you find inconvenient to your moronic social theories you call "racist."
No, when racists use "facts" they are usually using to to defend their "racism".
They're still facts. You can't make up your own facts, moron.
Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
So, you think we should entrust our children's education to profit driven corporation.
Why not just let them raise them then?
How do you go from corporations running schools to corporations raising your children? Do you support government raising your children?
I support Public Education, paid for by the Public (like the Founders did).

And if you'll let a for-profit corporation educate your child you might as well just let them raise them.

As compared to what, letting the teachers union raise them?
It plays to - your racism.

How do cold hard facts play to racism?
Because racists use them to promote, as you do, racism.
You mean any facts you find inconvenient to your moronic social theories you call "racist."
No, when racists use "facts" they are usually using to to defend their "racism".
They're still facts. You can't make up your own facts, moron.
I don't. I also don't use them to pretend I'm not racist but really, I'm being a racist. Stupid n*ggers.
So, you think we should entrust our children's education to profit driven corporation.
Why not just let them raise them then?
How do you go from corporations running schools to corporations raising your children? Do you support government raising your children?
I support Public Education, paid for by the Public (like the Founders did).

And if you'll let a for-profit corporation educate your child you might as well just let them raise them.

As compared to what, letting the teachers union raise them?
The union doesn't even teach let alone raise children. Get a grip.

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