Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Ray you are completely wrong.

Whites are 5 times the number of blacks. But that doesn't mean you get to multiply every crime blacks commit by 5. I would not be arguing with you if blacks committed 70-80 percent of all the murders but that's not the case. I also would not be arguing with you if blacks were committing 70 percent of all the crimes. But we aren't. We commit half the crimes as whites and just because you have 5 times more doesn't mean you get to multiply the number of crimes we commit by five to make some bullshit racist claim of how we are the ones with the problem.

How about we multiply the number of blacks by five to look at reality. Then we have five times the number of employed people.. Black unemployment is the reduced to the same level as whites. 5 times the number of businesses. This increases job opportunity for blacks in black community which reduces crime. It also reduces poverty to that equal of whites.5 times the representatives in law enforcement. This reduces the racial bias in the criminal justice system as blacks have equal access to lawyers as whites. This reduces black incarceration rates. 5 times the representatives in the political process This means that more policies ad laws are implemented to meet the concerns of the black community.. 5 times the overall wealth and income. This reduces the number of blacks on government assistance and overall if we had he same number of people as whites we would not have a annual arrest rate of 70 percent.

You racists don't think when you try presenting arguments.

So really w are the ones making the misleading arguments?


Facts are not racist. Per capita, blacks are eight times likely to kill somebody than whites. I posted the proof of that claim. Not coming to terms with that is complete denial. You can try to fudge the numbers all you want, but you can't fudge the truth. Blacks per capita are much more violent than whites and commit much more violent crime than whites.

Why do you think stores and businesses open up in white areas and close down when blacks move in? Racism? No, it's because nobody can stay in business being ripped off all the time or robbed at gunpoint.
No racism there, not even a little bit. Stupid violent n*ggers.

You said it, I didn't.
That's all you say - you just aren't honest about it.

How much more honest can I be? I gave you personal evidence, I gave you documented evidence, what other conclusion could any reasonable person draw?
Just say what you mean next time - stupid violent n*ggers.
Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.

Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
We have never been - a melting pot.

Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.
Facts are not racist. Per capita, blacks are eight times likely to kill somebody than whites. I posted the proof of that claim. Not coming to terms with that is complete denial. You can try to fudge the numbers all you want, but you can't fudge the truth. Blacks per capita are much more violent than whites and commit much more violent crime than whites.

Why do you think stores and businesses open up in white areas and close down when blacks move in? Racism? No, it's because nobody can stay in business being ripped off all the time or robbed at gunpoint.
No racism there, not even a little bit. Stupid violent n*ggers.

You said it, I didn't.
That's all you say - you just aren't honest about it.

How much more honest can I be? I gave you personal evidence, I gave you documented evidence, what other conclusion could any reasonable person draw?
Just say what you mean next time - stupid violent n*ggers.

I said exactly what I meant to say. You can reword it to whatever fits your desire.
No racism there, not even a little bit. Stupid violent n*ggers.

You said it, I didn't.
That's all you say - you just aren't honest about it.

How much more honest can I be? I gave you personal evidence, I gave you documented evidence, what other conclusion could any reasonable person draw?
Just say what you mean next time - stupid violent n*ggers.

I said exactly what I meant to say. You can reword it to whatever fits your desire.
What you meant to say was - I can't live with those damn n*ggers.
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Single parent homes are directly related to poverty. Poverty is directly related to crime. The rest you can figure out on your own.

The link between poverty and crime is weak.

The link between illegitimacy and crime is strong.

Poor children of two parent families do much better than poor children of single moms.

No the link to poverty and crime is not weak.

Link please.
Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.

Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
We have never been - a melting pot.

Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.

Yes, we can live together, but never in peace. Whites and blacks are two totally opposite people. They can never accept my ways and I can never accept theirs. I'm not a violent person, I'm not a dirty person, I'm not a loud person. I believe in law and order--not hatred of our police. I support our police.

Oh, but just learn to live together. How? How can I learn to accept our stores closing all the time because of crime? How can we live together when I just want to sit on my back porch in peace and quiet, but can't? How can we live tougher when I had to lock up my new propane grill because they stole my last one right out of my yard? How can we live together when our teachers get attacked every month during the school year?

You have to understand that we can't live together in peace because white people don't live like that. We live just the opposite in most cases.
Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.

Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
We have never been - a melting pot.

Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.

Yes, we can live together, but never in peace. Whites and blacks are two totally opposite people. They can never accept my ways and I can never accept theirs. I'm not a violent person, I'm not a dirty person, I'm not a loud person. I believe in law and order--not hatred of our police. I support our police.

Oh, but just learn to live together. How? How can I learn to accept our stores closing all the time because of crime? How can we live together when I just want to sit on my back porch in peace and quiet, but can't? How can we live tougher when I had to lock up my new propane grill because they stole my last one right out of my yard? How can we live together when our teachers get attacked every month during the school year?

You have to understand that we can't live together in peace because white people don't live like that. We live just the opposite in most cases.
Those stupid lazy criminal n*ggers.
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society existed here centuries before we became the United States of America.

Of course past policies stole the land of native Americans, enslaved native Africans and denied for a time the Irish jobs, incarcerated Japanese citizens and has now locked up more prisoners than any other nation; today we have Donald Trump, who has divided our nation into those who support him and his list of enemies; the non obsequious critics who see him for what he is, i.e. a disaster.

Your issues with the past actions of the American Nations, is noted and irrelevant.

Donald Trump isn't the one that divided this nation. Trump ran against HIllary and other politicians.

It was Hillary that made the campaign about pitting one half of the nation against the other half.
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society existed here centuries before we became the United States of America.

Of course past policies stole the land of native Americans, enslaved native Africans and denied for a time the Irish jobs, incarcerated Japanese citizens and has now locked up more prisoners than any other nation; today we have Donald Trump, who has divided our nation into those who support him and his list of enemies; the non obsequious critics who see him for what he is, i.e. a disaster.

Your issues with the past actions of the American Nations, is noted and irrelevant.

Donald Trump isn't the one that divided this nation. Trump ran against HIllary and other politicians.

It was Hillary that made the campaign about pitting one half of the nation against the other half.
The nation was already divided, dummy. People like you hated that n*gger in the White House.
Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.

Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
We have never been - a melting pot.

Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.

Yes, we can live together, but never in peace. Whites and blacks are two totally opposite people. They can never accept my ways and I can never accept theirs. I'm not a violent person, I'm not a dirty person, I'm not a loud person. I believe in law and order--not hatred of our police. I support our police.

Oh, but just learn to live together. How? How can I learn to accept our stores closing all the time because of crime? How can we live together when I just want to sit on my back porch in peace and quiet, but can't? How can we live tougher when I had to lock up my new propane grill because they stole my last one right out of my yard? How can we live together when our teachers get attacked every month during the school year?

You have to understand that we can't live together in peace because white people don't live like that. We live just the opposite in most cases.

The current situation, imo, is primarily driven by generations of race baiting and hatemongering by the left to radicalize and inflame the minority populations.

There is no reason to assume that, without that massive external factor that the black community would not be a FAR more productive and pleasant part of society.
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society existed here centuries before we became the United States of America.

Of course past policies stole the land of native Americans, enslaved native Africans and denied for a time the Irish jobs, incarcerated Japanese citizens and has now locked up more prisoners than any other nation; today we have Donald Trump, who has divided our nation into those who support him and his list of enemies; the non obsequious critics who see him for what he is, i.e. a disaster.

Your issues with the past actions of the American Nations, is noted and irrelevant.

Donald Trump isn't the one that divided this nation. Trump ran against HIllary and other politicians.

It was Hillary that made the campaign about pitting one half of the nation against the other half.
The nation was already divided, dummy. People like you hated that n*gger in the White House.

Oh? THe nation wasn't divided when Bill Clinton was in the white house?
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society existed here centuries before we became the United States of America.

Of course past policies stole the land of native Americans, enslaved native Africans and denied for a time the Irish jobs, incarcerated Japanese citizens and has now locked up more prisoners than any other nation; today we have Donald Trump, who has divided our nation into those who support him and his list of enemies; the non obsequious critics who see him for what he is, i.e. a disaster.

Your issues with the past actions of the American Nations, is noted and irrelevant.

Donald Trump isn't the one that divided this nation. Trump ran against HIllary and other politicians.

It was Hillary that made the campaign about pitting one half of the nation against the other half.

Tissue? Did being called out as a deplorable person hurt your feelings? You forgot to add to this statement ["Donald Trump isn't the one that divided this nation"] believe me!, two-words which have become the biggest lie of the century.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Single parent homes are directly related to poverty. Poverty is directly related to crime. The rest you can figure out on your own.

The link between poverty and crime is weak.

The link between illegitimacy and crime is strong.

Poor children of two parent families do much better than poor children of single moms.

No the link to poverty and crime is not weak.

Link please.

.I provided you a link that showed how racism causes PTSD and you still want to argue illegitimacy.
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society existed here centuries before we became the United States of America.

Of course past policies stole the land of native Americans, enslaved native Africans and denied for a time the Irish jobs, incarcerated Japanese citizens and has now locked up more prisoners than any other nation; today we have Donald Trump, who has divided our nation into those who support him and his list of enemies; the non obsequious critics who see him for what he is, i.e. a disaster.

Your issues with the past actions of the American Nations, is noted and irrelevant.

Donald Trump isn't the one that divided this nation. Trump ran against HIllary and other politicians.

It was Hillary that made the campaign about pitting one half of the nation against the other half.
The nation was already divided, dummy. People like you hated that n*gger in the White House.

Oh? THe nation wasn't divided when Bill Clinton was in the white house?
It wasn't as much racism then although many thought of Clinton as a N*gger-lover.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.

Single parent homes are directly related to poverty. Poverty is directly related to crime. The rest you can figure out on your own.

The link between poverty and crime is weak.

The link between illegitimacy and crime is strong.

Poor children of two parent families do much better than poor children of single moms.

No the link to poverty and crime is not weak.

Link please.
Here is a proverb: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say, Who is the Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain.
Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
We have never been - a melting pot.

Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.

Yes, we can live together, but never in peace. Whites and blacks are two totally opposite people. They can never accept my ways and I can never accept theirs. I'm not a violent person, I'm not a dirty person, I'm not a loud person. I believe in law and order--not hatred of our police. I support our police.

Oh, but just learn to live together. How? How can I learn to accept our stores closing all the time because of crime? How can we live together when I just want to sit on my back porch in peace and quiet, but can't? How can we live tougher when I had to lock up my new propane grill because they stole my last one right out of my yard? How can we live together when our teachers get attacked every month during the school year?

You have to understand that we can't live together in peace because white people don't live like that. We live just the opposite in most cases.

The current situation, imo, is primarily driven by generations of race baiting and hatemongering by the left to radicalize and inflame the minority populations.

There is no reason to assume that, without that massive external factor that the black community would not be a FAR more productive and pleasant part of society.

Maybe some day, but nowhere in the near future.

When you have government forcing groups of people on each other, that's no way to improve their opinions of each other. The real solution is to get rid of government regulations like Fair Housing and HUD. If somebody doesn't want to sell you a house or rent an apartment to you for whatever reason, that should be totally legal. As it is now, you are forced to sell or rent to an undesirable or face penalties by the law. You may know it's wrong, and you may know it's ruining your neighborhood, but you have no choice legally.

People should be segregated by class. That can happen if government gets out of the way. It would keep the bad people out that gives all blacks a bad name, and would not hurt property values like what's going on now. HUD should have their funds cut in half so they could only afford to house people in lower income areas. HUD should not be buying or renting dwellings for their people in the suburbs.
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society existed here centuries before we became the United States of America.

Of course past policies stole the land of native Americans, enslaved native Africans and denied for a time the Irish jobs, incarcerated Japanese citizens and has now locked up more prisoners than any other nation; today we have Donald Trump, who has divided our nation into those who support him and his list of enemies; the non obsequious critics who see him for what he is, i.e. a disaster.

Your issues with the past actions of the American Nations, is noted and irrelevant.

Donald Trump isn't the one that divided this nation. Trump ran against HIllary and other politicians.

It was Hillary that made the campaign about pitting one half of the nation against the other half.
The nation was already divided, dummy. People like you hated that n*gger in the White House.

Oh? THe nation wasn't divided when Bill Clinton was in the white house?

Trump was the one pitting races, religions and nationalities. And this nation has never been united. Stop pretending that it has.

Past policies denied blacks jobs, educations, housing and incomes. Things for blacks just did not end with slavery.
We have never been - a melting pot.

Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
If dogs and cats and birds can live together - so can you. And we have never been a melting pot. That is a myth.

Yes, we can live together, but never in peace. Whites and blacks are two totally opposite people. They can never accept my ways and I can never accept theirs. I'm not a violent person, I'm not a dirty person, I'm not a loud person. I believe in law and order--not hatred of our police. I support our police.

Oh, but just learn to live together. How? How can I learn to accept our stores closing all the time because of crime? How can we live together when I just want to sit on my back porch in peace and quiet, but can't? How can we live tougher when I had to lock up my new propane grill because they stole my last one right out of my yard? How can we live together when our teachers get attacked every month during the school year?

You have to understand that we can't live together in peace because white people don't live like that. We live just the opposite in most cases.

The current situation, imo, is primarily driven by generations of race baiting and hatemongering by the left to radicalize and inflame the minority populations.

There is no reason to assume that, without that massive external factor that the black community would not be a FAR more productive and pleasant part of society.

Maybe some day, but nowhere in the near future.

When you have government forcing groups of people on each other, that's no way to improve their opinions of each other. The real solution is to get rid of government regulations like Fair Housing and HUD. If somebody doesn't want to sell you a house or rent an apartment to you for whatever reason, that should be totally legal. As it is now, you are forced to sell or rent to an undesirable or face penalties by the law. You may know it's wrong, and you may know it's ruining your neighborhood, but you have no choice legally.

People should be segregated by class. That can happen if government gets out of the way. It would keep the bad people out that gives all blacks a bad name, and would not hurt property values like what's going on now. HUD should have their funds cut in half so they could only afford to house people in lower income areas. HUD should not be buying or renting dwellings for their people in the suburbs.
Ray wants to go back to the days when the deed could say you couldn't sell the house to a Jew.

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