Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
So, you think we should entrust our children's education to profit driven corporation.
Why not just let them raise them then?
How do you go from corporations running schools to corporations raising your children? Do you support government raising your children?
I support Public Education, paid for by the Public (like the Founders did).

And if you'll let a for-profit corporation educate your child you might as well just let them raise them.
Then, according to your theory, you want the government to raise your kids. That's a sad thing to admit, but that's pretty much the case.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

When you want to solve a problem, you look for the source of the problem.
And to you that means - those damn n*ggers.
I knew a douche bag like you would give that exact response. That's because you can't argue with facts. They don't support your idiotic claims.
And what is my - idiotic claim? (This should be fun).
So, you think we should entrust our children's education to profit driven corporation.
Why not just let them raise them then?
How do you go from corporations running schools to corporations raising your children? Do you support government raising your children?
I support Public Education, paid for by the Public (like the Founders did).

And if you'll let a for-profit corporation educate your child you might as well just let them raise them.
Then, according to your theory, you want the government to raise your kids. That's a sad thing to admit, but that's pretty much the case.
The government could do much better than many parents, especially some moron like you who turns his kid over to a corporation.
How do cold hard facts play to racism?
Because racists use them to promote, as you do, racism.
You mean any facts you find inconvenient to your moronic social theories you call "racist."
No, when racists use "facts" they are usually using to to defend their "racism".
They're still facts. You can't make up your own facts, moron.
I don't. I also don't use them to pretend I'm not racist but really, I'm being a racist. Stupid n*ggers.
Apparently you believe there is some kind of intelligible idea in that mess.
Because racists use them to promote, as you do, racism.
You mean any facts you find inconvenient to your moronic social theories you call "racist."
No, when racists use "facts" they are usually using to to defend their "racism".
They're still facts. You can't make up your own facts, moron.
I don't. I also don't use them to pretend I'm not racist but really, I'm being a racist. Stupid n*ggers.
Apparently you believe there is some kind of intelligible idea in that mess.
There is - your hatred of the - stupid n*ggers.
What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

When you want to solve a problem, you look for the source of the problem.
And to you that means - those damn n*ggers.
I knew a douche bag like you would give that exact response. That's because you can't argue with facts. They don't support your idiotic claims.
And what is my - idiotic claim? (This should be fun).
1) Blacks do commit more crime than whites.
2) illegitimacy isn't a social pathology that turns people into criminals.
You mean any facts you find inconvenient to your moronic social theories you call "racist."
No, when racists use "facts" they are usually using to to defend their "racism".
They're still facts. You can't make up your own facts, moron.
I don't. I also don't use them to pretend I'm not racist but really, I'm being a racist. Stupid n*ggers.
Apparently you believe there is some kind of intelligible idea in that mess.
There is - your hatred of the - stupid n*ggers.
Sorry, asshole, but citing facts indicates hatred of nothing except your bullshit.
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

When you want to solve a problem, you look for the source of the problem.
And to you that means - those damn n*ggers.
I knew a douche bag like you would give that exact response. That's because you can't argue with facts. They don't support your idiotic claims.
And what is my - idiotic claim? (This should be fun).
1) Blacks do commit more crime than whites.
2) illegitimacy isn't a social pathology that turns people into criminals.
And so, you are very concerned about the black community? Would do what you can, and the government should as well, whatever they can to help that situation?
Whites are over five times the population of blacks, but instead of acknowledging that, you say that whites are responsible for 50% of murderers in this country. People are not as dumb as you think when you make the insinuation that whites are just as bad as blacks:

According to the US Department of Justice, blacks accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with whites 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for blacks was almost 8 times higher than whites, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of white victims killed by whites, and 93% of black victims killed by blacks.

Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia

Yes, whites have killed a lot of people in the past. The difference however is as time went on, we whites became more civilized whereas blacks became less civilized.

There is a difference between racism and dislikes or hatred of other races.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

To prove that blacks are much more violent than whites. That's why neighborhoods lose property value--because nobody wants to live around them. Hell, they are the only race (with the exception of those with territory or religious issues) that constantly try to move away from their own kind.

Ray you are completely wrong.

Whites are 5 times the number of blacks. But that doesn't mean you get to multiply every crime blacks commit by 5. I would not be arguing with you if blacks committed 70-80 percent of all the murders but that's not the case. I also would not be arguing with you if blacks were committing 70 percent of all the crimes. But we aren't. We commit half the crimes as whites and just because you have 5 times more doesn't mean you get to multiply the number of crimes we commit by five to make some bullshit racist claim of how we are the ones with the problem.

How about we multiply the number of blacks by five to look at reality. Then we have five times the number of employed people.. Black unemployment is the reduced to the same level as whites. 5 times the number of businesses. This increases job opportunity for blacks in black community which reduces crime. It also reduces poverty to that equal of whites.5 times the representatives in law enforcement. This reduces the racial bias in the criminal justice system as blacks have equal access to lawyers as whites. This reduces black incarceration rates. 5 times the representatives in the political process This means that more policies ad laws are implemented to meet the concerns of the black community.. 5 times the overall wealth and income. This reduces the number of blacks on government assistance and overall if we had he same number of people as whites we would not have a annual arrest rate of 70 percent.

You racists don't think when you try presenting arguments.

So really w are the ones making the misleading arguments?


Facts are not racist. Per capita, blacks are eight times likely to kill somebody than whites. I posted the proof of that claim. Not coming to terms with that is complete denial. You can try to fudge the numbers all you want, but you can't fudge the truth. Blacks per capita are much more violent than whites and commit much more violent crime than whites.

Why do you think stores and businesses open up in white areas and close down when blacks move in? Racism? No, it's because nobody can stay in business being ripped off all the time or robbed at gunpoint.
No, when racists use "facts" they are usually using to to defend their "racism".
They're still facts. You can't make up your own facts, moron.
I don't. I also don't use them to pretend I'm not racist but really, I'm being a racist. Stupid n*ggers.
Apparently you believe there is some kind of intelligible idea in that mess.
There is - your hatred of the - stupid n*ggers.
Sorry, asshole, but citing facts indicates hatred of nothing except your bullshit.
When racists use facts they are using them to promote - racism.
You are suddenly all jumpy about the murder rates in the US? What were people killed with, let's start there instead of - those murderous darkies.

What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

To prove that blacks are much more violent than whites. That's why neighborhoods lose property value--because nobody wants to live around them. Hell, they are the only race (with the exception of those with territory or religious issues) that constantly try to move away from their own kind.

Ray you are completely wrong.

Whites are 5 times the number of blacks. But that doesn't mean you get to multiply every crime blacks commit by 5. I would not be arguing with you if blacks committed 70-80 percent of all the murders but that's not the case. I also would not be arguing with you if blacks were committing 70 percent of all the crimes. But we aren't. We commit half the crimes as whites and just because you have 5 times more doesn't mean you get to multiply the number of crimes we commit by five to make some bullshit racist claim of how we are the ones with the problem.

How about we multiply the number of blacks by five to look at reality. Then we have five times the number of employed people.. Black unemployment is the reduced to the same level as whites. 5 times the number of businesses. This increases job opportunity for blacks in black community which reduces crime. It also reduces poverty to that equal of whites.5 times the representatives in law enforcement. This reduces the racial bias in the criminal justice system as blacks have equal access to lawyers as whites. This reduces black incarceration rates. 5 times the representatives in the political process This means that more policies ad laws are implemented to meet the concerns of the black community.. 5 times the overall wealth and income. This reduces the number of blacks on government assistance and overall if we had he same number of people as whites we would not have a annual arrest rate of 70 percent.

You racists don't think when you try presenting arguments.

So really w are the ones making the misleading arguments?


Facts are not racist. Per capita, blacks are eight times likely to kill somebody than whites. I posted the proof of that claim. Not coming to terms with that is complete denial. You can try to fudge the numbers all you want, but you can't fudge the truth. Blacks per capita are much more violent than whites and commit much more violent crime than whites.

Why do you think stores and businesses open up in white areas and close down when blacks move in? Racism? No, it's because nobody can stay in business being ripped off all the time or robbed at gunpoint.
No racism there, not even a little bit. Stupid violent n*ggers.
Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.

Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
Multiculturalism has never worked. The strength of the US has always been to incorporate other cultures into the overall culture. What we are seeing in Europe is more like parallel cultures, not a good thing. More likely to end up resembling the Balkans.

The presence of, or support for the presence of, several distinct cultural or ethnic groups within a society existed here centuries before we became the United States of America.

Of course past policies stole the land of native Americans, enslaved native Africans and denied for a time the Irish jobs, incarcerated Japanese citizens and has now locked up more prisoners than any other nation; today we have Donald Trump, who has divided our nation into those who support him and his list of enemies; the non obsequious critics who see him for what he is, i.e. a disaster.
What difference does it make what they were killed with? Murder is murder.

I'm merely pointing out that IM's figures are intentionally misleading. You can put lipstick on a pig........
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

To prove that blacks are much more violent than whites. That's why neighborhoods lose property value--because nobody wants to live around them. Hell, they are the only race (with the exception of those with territory or religious issues) that constantly try to move away from their own kind.

Ray you are completely wrong.

Whites are 5 times the number of blacks. But that doesn't mean you get to multiply every crime blacks commit by 5. I would not be arguing with you if blacks committed 70-80 percent of all the murders but that's not the case. I also would not be arguing with you if blacks were committing 70 percent of all the crimes. But we aren't. We commit half the crimes as whites and just because you have 5 times more doesn't mean you get to multiply the number of crimes we commit by five to make some bullshit racist claim of how we are the ones with the problem.

How about we multiply the number of blacks by five to look at reality. Then we have five times the number of employed people.. Black unemployment is the reduced to the same level as whites. 5 times the number of businesses. This increases job opportunity for blacks in black community which reduces crime. It also reduces poverty to that equal of whites.5 times the representatives in law enforcement. This reduces the racial bias in the criminal justice system as blacks have equal access to lawyers as whites. This reduces black incarceration rates. 5 times the representatives in the political process This means that more policies ad laws are implemented to meet the concerns of the black community.. 5 times the overall wealth and income. This reduces the number of blacks on government assistance and overall if we had he same number of people as whites we would not have a annual arrest rate of 70 percent.

You racists don't think when you try presenting arguments.

So really w are the ones making the misleading arguments?


Facts are not racist. Per capita, blacks are eight times likely to kill somebody than whites. I posted the proof of that claim. Not coming to terms with that is complete denial. You can try to fudge the numbers all you want, but you can't fudge the truth. Blacks per capita are much more violent than whites and commit much more violent crime than whites.

Why do you think stores and businesses open up in white areas and close down when blacks move in? Racism? No, it's because nobody can stay in business being ripped off all the time or robbed at gunpoint.
No racism there, not even a little bit. Stupid violent n*ggers.

You said it, I didn't.
Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.

Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
We have never been - a melting pot.
What difference does it make what race they are, murder is murder.

To prove that blacks are much more violent than whites. That's why neighborhoods lose property value--because nobody wants to live around them. Hell, they are the only race (with the exception of those with territory or religious issues) that constantly try to move away from their own kind.

Ray you are completely wrong.

Whites are 5 times the number of blacks. But that doesn't mean you get to multiply every crime blacks commit by 5. I would not be arguing with you if blacks committed 70-80 percent of all the murders but that's not the case. I also would not be arguing with you if blacks were committing 70 percent of all the crimes. But we aren't. We commit half the crimes as whites and just because you have 5 times more doesn't mean you get to multiply the number of crimes we commit by five to make some bullshit racist claim of how we are the ones with the problem.

How about we multiply the number of blacks by five to look at reality. Then we have five times the number of employed people.. Black unemployment is the reduced to the same level as whites. 5 times the number of businesses. This increases job opportunity for blacks in black community which reduces crime. It also reduces poverty to that equal of whites.5 times the representatives in law enforcement. This reduces the racial bias in the criminal justice system as blacks have equal access to lawyers as whites. This reduces black incarceration rates. 5 times the representatives in the political process This means that more policies ad laws are implemented to meet the concerns of the black community.. 5 times the overall wealth and income. This reduces the number of blacks on government assistance and overall if we had he same number of people as whites we would not have a annual arrest rate of 70 percent.

You racists don't think when you try presenting arguments.

So really w are the ones making the misleading arguments?


Facts are not racist. Per capita, blacks are eight times likely to kill somebody than whites. I posted the proof of that claim. Not coming to terms with that is complete denial. You can try to fudge the numbers all you want, but you can't fudge the truth. Blacks per capita are much more violent than whites and commit much more violent crime than whites.

Why do you think stores and businesses open up in white areas and close down when blacks move in? Racism? No, it's because nobody can stay in business being ripped off all the time or robbed at gunpoint.
No racism there, not even a little bit. Stupid violent n*ggers.

You said it, I didn't.
That's all you say - you just aren't honest about it.
To prove that blacks are much more violent than whites. That's why neighborhoods lose property value--because nobody wants to live around them. Hell, they are the only race (with the exception of those with territory or religious issues) that constantly try to move away from their own kind.

Ray you are completely wrong.

Whites are 5 times the number of blacks. But that doesn't mean you get to multiply every crime blacks commit by 5. I would not be arguing with you if blacks committed 70-80 percent of all the murders but that's not the case. I also would not be arguing with you if blacks were committing 70 percent of all the crimes. But we aren't. We commit half the crimes as whites and just because you have 5 times more doesn't mean you get to multiply the number of crimes we commit by five to make some bullshit racist claim of how we are the ones with the problem.

How about we multiply the number of blacks by five to look at reality. Then we have five times the number of employed people.. Black unemployment is the reduced to the same level as whites. 5 times the number of businesses. This increases job opportunity for blacks in black community which reduces crime. It also reduces poverty to that equal of whites.5 times the representatives in law enforcement. This reduces the racial bias in the criminal justice system as blacks have equal access to lawyers as whites. This reduces black incarceration rates. 5 times the representatives in the political process This means that more policies ad laws are implemented to meet the concerns of the black community.. 5 times the overall wealth and income. This reduces the number of blacks on government assistance and overall if we had he same number of people as whites we would not have a annual arrest rate of 70 percent.

You racists don't think when you try presenting arguments.

So really w are the ones making the misleading arguments?


Facts are not racist. Per capita, blacks are eight times likely to kill somebody than whites. I posted the proof of that claim. Not coming to terms with that is complete denial. You can try to fudge the numbers all you want, but you can't fudge the truth. Blacks per capita are much more violent than whites and commit much more violent crime than whites.

Why do you think stores and businesses open up in white areas and close down when blacks move in? Racism? No, it's because nobody can stay in business being ripped off all the time or robbed at gunpoint.
No racism there, not even a little bit. Stupid violent n*ggers.

You said it, I didn't.
That's all you say - you just aren't honest about it.

How much more honest can I be? I gave you personal evidence, I gave you documented evidence, what other conclusion could any reasonable person draw?
Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.

Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
We have never been - a melting pot.

Maybe not the entire country, but the areas where the melting took place turned into a disaster. It's a failure and doesn't work. You can't force a lion and a hyena to live together in peace.
Before America was the melting pot where cultures would blend, Today it is more like oil and water.
Cultural Diversity is bad for a country.

Yep, it's like I said earlier. If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk and mix that with 1/4 cup of sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is a cup of bad milk.
leave it to the right wing to have nothing but repeal or "bah humbug".

why not advocate eating more salad and using more "sour cream" recipes.

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