Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

I love these euphemisms you have for documented facts that you don't like.
Get an education - Social Darwinism - Google Search
Facts are not Social Darwinism, moron.
They are when used by a Social Darwinist to justify - Social Darwinism.
ROFL! Facts are facts, moron.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
Aside from the military, which protects me from foreign predators, how does any of that help me earn money?
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
Tried that once, it was a mess. That's how we got to where we are now.

Bullshit. It worked far better than the current mess.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

Wrong. We have the current mess because a series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
The schools you went to, the roads you drive on, the police to keep the peace, the courts to enforce contracts, the fire department (keeps your insurance rates down), the integrity of the financial systems you use, the laws that protect you from being ripped off, the laws that go after people who rip others off, and so on and so on and so on. All of which has to be paid for unless you move to an island of one and spend your time fishing and jerking off.

Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
Tried that once, it was a mess. That's how we got to where we are now.

Bullshit. It worked far better than the current mess.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.
Facts are not Social Darwinism, moron.
They are when used by a Social Darwinist to justify - Social Darwinism.
ROFL! Facts are facts, moron.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Who earned it, asshole?
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.
Why don't you ask your boss to pay you in something besides U.S. dollars. The government's name is written on every piece of U.S. currency. I haven't seen your name on even a penny. STFU.
Almost all that can be provided by private companies. The part that can't only comes to about 10% of the taxes I pay.
Tried that once, it was a mess. That's how we got to where we are now.

Bullshit. It worked far better than the current mess.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Tried that once, it was a mess. That's how we got to where we are now.

Bullshit. It worked far better than the current mess.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).
Facts are not Social Darwinism, moron.
They are when used by a Social Darwinist to justify - Social Darwinism.
ROFL! Facts are facts, moron.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
They are when used by a Social Darwinist to justify - Social Darwinism.
ROFL! Facts are facts, moron.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?

If you want to do something that matters you figure out why anyone is in prison and was there something society could have done to make that less likely? But, as we all know, you don't believe in such things.
Who earned it, asshole?
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

ROFL! I've come across this lame leftwing excuse many times for giving government the right to expropriate whatever proportion of my wealth it wants.

Where is the legislation that says there is a fee for using federal reserve notes? Where is the legislation that says using federal reserve notes gives government the right to take whatever it wants?

The money I earn is the money my employer or my clients give me in exchange for my services. Government played no part in that transaction. What I earn isn't what government allows me to keep. You have to be an utterly servile groveling tool to believe the that.

By posting this imbecile theory all you did is unmask yourself as an economic ignoramus.
Why don't you ask your boss to pay you in something besides U.S. dollars. The government's name is written on every piece of U.S. currency. I haven't seen your name on even a penny. STFU.

What's your point, moron? I already said the government forces you to use the currency it issues.
ROFL! Facts are facts, moron.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?
How do you continue to live when you are obviously too stupid to make your lungs work.
No, facts need context. 100% of people on death row drank milk as children. That's a fact (it's just utterly useless).
So what "context" proves that the backgrounds of people in prison are the same as the backgrounds of people who have never been in prison?
How many people raised by single mothers have never been in prison? Go.
How would the answer to that question alter the fact that most people in prison were raised by single mothers?
What difference does that make? Most people raised by single mothers are not in prison. So?
How do you continue to live when you are obviously too stupid to make your lungs work.
100% of people in prison drank milk as children. We must ban milk, it creates criminals, says Bripat.
Bullshit. It worked far better than the current mess.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).

We don't have social security, because of people like oshitass, and his friends. As far as your knowledge of history, it is completely WRONG like most liberal educated self assured pseudointellectual ignoramuses.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).

We don't have social security, because of people like oshitass, and his friends. As far as your knowledge of history, it is completely WRONG like most liberal educated self assured pseudointellectual ignoramuses.
We don't have Social Security? Want to see its share of the Federal Budget?
Bullshit. It worked far better than the current mess.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).
We have Social Security because a con artist knew that the people receiving it first would never have to pay for it and he was sure to get their votes.
No, which is why we have the current mess. You think we haven't tried your bullshit way of life before? It was so bad people no longer wanted to live that way. That's how we got here, dummy.

Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).
We have Social Security because a con artist knew that the people receiving it first would never have to pay for it and he was sure to get their votes.
Yeah, that's the dogma. Now try and find the actual history?

And BTW, FDR already had their votes, moron.
Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).
We have Social Security because a con artist knew that the people receiving it first would never have to pay for it and he was sure to get their votes.
Yeah, that's the dogma. Now try and find the actual history?

And BTW, FDR already had their votes, moron.
ROFL! What you "learned" is dogma. What I posted is a fact.
Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).
We have Social Security because a con artist knew that the people receiving it first would never have to pay for it and he was sure to get their votes.
Yeah, that's the dogma. Now try and find the actual history?

And BTW, FDR already had their votes, moron.
ROFL! What you "learned" is dogma. What I posted is a fact.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).
We have Social Security because a con artist knew that the people receiving it first would never have to pay for it and he was sure to get their votes.
Yeah, that's the dogma. Now try and find the actual history?

And BTW, FDR already had their votes, moron.
ROFL! What you "learned" is dogma. What I posted is a fact.
Just go to bed, dumbass.

Social Security History
Wrong. We have the current mess because series of demagogues like Obama talked people into believing the government could solve all their problems. It didn't. Government made their problems worse.
Your ignorance of American history (and lack of common sense) is astounding.

I say that because I know American history far better than you. I know that most of the people you admire were liars and con artists.
Just save it, idiot.

Why do we have Social Security? Start there (and save the FDR dogma).
We have Social Security because a con artist knew that the people receiving it first would never have to pay for it and he was sure to get their votes.
Yeah, that's the dogma. Now try and find the actual history?

And BTW, FDR already had their votes, moron.
ROFL! What you "learned" is dogma. What I posted is a fact.

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