Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Why is "race" important to the sole surviving species in the homo genus?

Look inward to find the answer there, Danny.

After all you side with the brown racist over the white child.
Means nothing to Hispanics. And, for your information, Spanish is the other, white European language.

It means everything to you, otherwise you would not side with rapist over his child victim.
says you? just lousy management. we could be solving our illegal problem on a permanent basis via our Commerce Clause. only the right wing, "hates on capitalism as much as the poor", when it interferes with their socialism on a national basis.
Diversity only happens in White countries

There's no such thing as a "white country" but, the US is the exact opposite.

What the US needs is open season on knuckle dragging, inbred, cracker trailer trash. We could make it a holiday, like the movie "Purge". Yep, I do believe I'm on to something with this.


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Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.

The problem with your lie is these guys had been here for centuries.
No, actually, a tribe, say the Sioux, occupied its territory for only a couple hundred years, at the most Indian territories in the New World were fluid, and the introduction of the horse in 1600 greatly changed the balance of power and rearranged the deck chairs. Indian nations warred on each other constantly, so I don't see why anyone should get their knickers in a knot that we got into the contest.
Then you should have no problem with the influx of Muslims and Mexicans getting into the contest NOW to take over here, RIGHT?

Nothing I posted says we aren't free to do what we want to prevent incursions of foreigners. That means stopping immigration, if we so choose.
Immigration has to be proved; tourism, is not immigration and is covered under our Commerce Clause.
The Jewish are hard working and educated people. When was the last time you heard of a Jewish murderer or a Jew robbing a bank or convenience store?

We have a Jewish community here. Never hear of them. They are never in the news, never any trouble in their community, housing prices keep on rising. How would anybody find it difficult to live with such people?

Same with the asians over here in southern california. They work like the devil, their kids get top grades in school etc. and so on. It's the mindset. Ben carson is living proof of that. Living in a ghetto, no father, almost illiterate mother. All kinds of excuses for failure but the mother turned of the t.v. and make the kids study.

Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

I don't think they believe that, but they want blacks to believe it.

The Democrat party exists because of two groups of people: government dependents and victims. The more government dependents they create and the more people they can convince are victims, the more likely voters they will have.

Between Commie Care and food stamps, Obama's white house proudly announced they created over 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone. It was no accident. It was all in their plans.

When or if blacks ever take a serious interest in politics; serious enough to study intensely, that will be the Democrats worst nightmare. When blacks realize what Democrat policies have done to their race, they will turn on them in a heartbeat.

Let me know when your party ends all help for poor people & lower income people. Then maybe I can no longer have listen to you asshole bitch about poor people stealing your precious money. After all, we know no Republican has ever ever needed government help. Nooooooooooooo. Just the evil black people.

TANF is based on getting a job. Food Stamps help millions of working families. Getting people ionsured gets them access to healthcare.

You assholes mocked Barack Obama for community organizing because you were all too God Damn stupid to know what that is. It is going into poor communities & getting them to help themselves. Setting up community child care, etc. Getting help for people so they can get jobs.

But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO> You mocked it.

You really need to STFU about poor people. You have no basis because your party keeps corporate welfare going at high speed. You love handing money to oil companies yet bitch about helping a poor single mother feed their children.

You all should rot in Hell for your anti-Christian views & judgements you make about people.

Who is "you all"?
I'll amend my statement to read: When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me *.

* but the Jews are okay even when they do their own thing (whatever that is and I don't want to know).

The Jewish are hard working and educated people. When was the last time you heard of a Jewish murderer or a Jew robbing a bank or convenience store?

We have a Jewish community here. Never hear of them. They are never in the news, never any trouble in their community, housing prices keep on rising. How would anybody find it difficult to live with such people?

Same with the asians over here in southern california. They work like the devil, their kids get top grades in school etc. and so on. It's the mindset. Ben carson is living proof of that. Living in a ghetto, no father, almost illiterate mother. All kinds of excuses for failure but the mother turned of the t.v. and make the kids study.

Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

I don't think they believe that, but they want blacks to believe it.

The Democrat party exists because of two groups of people: government dependents and victims. The more government dependents they create and the more people they can convince are victims, the more likely voters they will have.

Between Commie Care and food stamps, Obama's white house proudly announced they created over 40 million more new government dependents on those two programs alone. It was no accident. It was all in their plans.

When or if blacks ever take a serious interest in politics; serious enough to study intensely, that will be the Democrats worst nightmare. When blacks realize what Democrat policies have done to their race, they will turn on them in a heartbeat.
nothing but excuses from the right wing; how, inferior. End the Drug War.
I'll amend my statement to read: When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me *.

* but the Jews are okay even when they do their own thing (whatever that is and I don't want to know).

The Jewish are hard working and educated people. When was the last time you heard of a Jewish murderer or a Jew robbing a bank or convenience store?

We have a Jewish community here. Never hear of them. They are never in the news, never any trouble in their community, housing prices keep on rising. How would anybody find it difficult to live with such people?

Same with the asians over here in southern california. They work like the devil, their kids get top grades in school etc. and so on. It's the mindset. Ben carson is living proof of that. Living in a ghetto, no father, almost illiterate mother. All kinds of excuses for failure but the mother turned of the t.v. and make the kids study.

Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Equal protection of the law, should solve that problem.

Everyone deserve protection and freedom. Too bad conservatives wish to take that away from everyone besides the upper class.

Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
The Jewish are hard working and educated people. When was the last time you heard of a Jewish murderer or a Jew robbing a bank or convenience store?

We have a Jewish community here. Never hear of them. They are never in the news, never any trouble in their community, housing prices keep on rising. How would anybody find it difficult to live with such people?

Same with the asians over here in southern california. They work like the devil, their kids get top grades in school etc. and so on. It's the mindset. Ben carson is living proof of that. Living in a ghetto, no father, almost illiterate mother. All kinds of excuses for failure but the mother turned of the t.v. and make the kids study.

Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.
Diversity only happens in White countries

There's no such thing as a "white country" but, the US is the exact opposite.

What the US needs is open season on knuckle dragging, inbred, cracker trailer trash. We could make it a holiday, like the movie "Purge". Yep, I do believe I'm on to something with this.


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Now you're openly advocating killing white people.

And you claim you're not a racist?
Everyone deserve protection and freedom. Too bad conservatives wish to take that away from everyone besides the upper class.

Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.
Same with the asians over here in southern california. They work like the devil, their kids get top grades in school etc. and so on. It's the mindset. Ben carson is living proof of that. Living in a ghetto, no father, almost illiterate mother. All kinds of excuses for failure but the mother turned of the t.v. and make the kids study.

Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Who earned it, asshole?
Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Who earned it, asshole?
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
Absolutely. It's not about different people, it's about different ways some people act.

The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Who earned it, asshole?
Only fools and horses have to work and pay taxes.
Except the RIght, today is arguing for equal treatment and protection and freedom for everyone and it is the Left that is making excuses for policies that discrimination against whites.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.
No, "whitey" doesn't do better, and only a racist piece of trash would go around using terms like "whitey."

Whether AA "worked" is a matter of debate. Whether it's unconstitutional is a matter of fact. The constitution mandates equal treatment by the law, not special treatment for favored groups.
Poor poor whitey, he just can't catch a break here.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.
No, "whitey" doesn't do better, and only a racist piece of trash would go around using terms like "whitey."

Whether AA "worked" is a matter of debate. Whether it's unconstitutional is a matter of fact. The constitution mandates equal treatment by the law, not special treatment for favored groups.
You get more than equal treatment under the law. We have the numbers to prove it so, just STFU.
The obamas and clintons truly believe that blacks can't make it without the government's help. obama himself is black, but it's obvious he has no use for blacks other than during the election cycle.

The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Who earned it, asshole?
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably handle less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use its currency. It's not optional.
I love the way you turds ridicule anyone who expects equal treatment under the law. Whenever given half a chance, you never fail to reveal your fascist cloven hoof.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.
No, "whitey" doesn't do better, and only a racist piece of trash would go around using terms like "whitey."

Whether AA "worked" is a matter of debate. Whether it's unconstitutional is a matter of fact. The constitution mandates equal treatment by the law, not special treatment for favored groups.
You get more than equal treatment under the law. We have the numbers to prove it so, just STFU.

The numbers prove that blacks are more criminal than whites, and that they don't perform as well in the job market. That's all they prove.
You get (better than) equal treatment, in most cases. We have the stats to prove it.

But poor whitey, he just can't catch a break - in America.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.
No, "whitey" doesn't do better, and only a racist piece of trash would go around using terms like "whitey."

Whether AA "worked" is a matter of debate. Whether it's unconstitutional is a matter of fact. The constitution mandates equal treatment by the law, not special treatment for favored groups.
You get more than equal treatment under the law. We have the numbers to prove it so, just STFU.

The numbers prove that blacks are more criminal than whites, and that they don't perform as well in the job market. That's all they prove.
The numbers prove that blacks under whitey law get hit harder by the courts.
Now we don't, moron. Unequal treatment is mandated by law.
In the courts of law, run by whitey, whitey does better. If you are offended by AA don't be. It worked so well we almost don't need it any longer. Still, places like universities will seek diversity. And that is their right.
No, "whitey" doesn't do better, and only a racist piece of trash would go around using terms like "whitey."

Whether AA "worked" is a matter of debate. Whether it's unconstitutional is a matter of fact. The constitution mandates equal treatment by the law, not special treatment for favored groups.
You get more than equal treatment under the law. We have the numbers to prove it so, just STFU.

The numbers prove that blacks are more criminal than whites, and that they don't perform as well in the job market. That's all they prove.
The numbers prove that blacks under whitey law get hit harder by the courts.
No they don't. They prove that more black people are thugs than white people.
The government helps poor people, dickwad. If you don't like it move to a country that doesn't.

You asshats act like only black people need & get help. So why don't poor white people vote Democrats? Racist fuck.

No, we'll just vote out the thieves who want to take our money. If you want to give your money away to other people, feel free to write them a check.
Your first mistake - thinking it's your money.

Who earned it, asshole?
Who printed it, asshole? That ain't a free service.
ROFL! printing the notes does not equate to owning the wealth those notes represent. I probably hand less than $500 in cash during the year, but I earn many times that amount in a year.

It takes a special kind of primitive mind to equate printing the medium of exchange with owning everything people use that medium of exchange for.

Furthermore, government forces us to use it's currency. It's not optional.
Okay, first step. The government prints the money (and for that there is a fee) and the government allows for the market (and for that there is a fee). You'd be paying someone no matter what (and still bitching about it). The money you earn is that which you keep after paying up for - what allows you to earn money.

It's really no different than the bicycle you bought (so you could be a paperboy). There is no free lunch.

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