Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Why is "race" important to the sole surviving species in the homo genus?

Look inward to find the answer there, Danny.

After all you side with the brown racist over the white child.
If they can't make it (having at least some kind of balance) then - fuck 'em.

And you have what you really wanted, ie opposition speech silenced by the force of government.

Which is what censorship IS.

So much for equal rights.
If your White Pride station can't make it while also airing (insert something for decent human beings) then that's neither censorship nor my concern.

if you are using government force to prevent speech, that is censor ship.

Your telling yourself that they are racist is just you rationalizing your oppression.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Promoting balance and fairness is not censorship. And do you think your White Pride means you - aren't racist just "ah, mmm, proud"?

Shutting down speech you don't like is.

Calling it "balance" and "fairness" doesn't change that.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Poor little whitey, now he's all upset again.

And I never call for censorship, never.
And you have what you really wanted, ie opposition speech silenced by the force of government.

Which is what censorship IS.

So much for equal rights.
If your White Pride station can't make it while also airing (insert something for decent human beings) then that's neither censorship nor my concern.

if you are using government force to prevent speech, that is censor ship.

Your telling yourself that they are racist is just you rationalizing your oppression.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Promoting balance and fairness is not censorship. And do you think your White Pride means you - aren't racist just "ah, mmm, proud"?

Shutting down speech you don't like is.

Calling it "balance" and "fairness" doesn't change that.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Poor little whitey, now he's all upset again.

And I never call for censorship, never.

I'm not upset.

You called me names for no reason, and I have a policy of not letting such behavior pass unchallenged.

The difference is that you lie when you call me vile names, but when I point out that you are an asshole, I am telling the truth.

And you are calling for censorship. Because you can't make the case for your policies or agenda based on their merits.

So you have to marginalize and silence your enemies.
If your White Pride station can't make it while also airing (insert something for decent human beings) then that's neither censorship nor my concern.

if you are using government force to prevent speech, that is censor ship.

Your telling yourself that they are racist is just you rationalizing your oppression.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Promoting balance and fairness is not censorship. And do you think your White Pride means you - aren't racist just "ah, mmm, proud"?

Shutting down speech you don't like is.

Calling it "balance" and "fairness" doesn't change that.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Poor little whitey, now he's all upset again.

And I never call for censorship, never.

I'm not upset.

You called me names for no reason, and I have a policy of not letting such behavior pass unchallenged.

The difference is that you lie when you call me vile names, but when I point out that you are an asshole, I am telling the truth.

And you are calling for censorship. Because you can't make the case for your policies or agenda based on their merits.

So you have to marginalize and silence your enemies.
You are my enemy (and you are nothing like silent). Talk it up, Hitler Youth.
I did, and they followed me here. Now what???
Time for Flight, Mr. White.

Can't do that. They brought down our property value so low that I can't sell out now. Besides, I have a business here part-time.

Any other suggestions?
Well, you gave us the solution - to live in harmony be like them. That's the only way, right?

Yes, that is the only solution. Why do I feel that way? Because I seen what happened to this neighborhood, I seen what happened in the neighborhood I was born in, I seen what happened to the neighborhood I grew up in.

I can't live in harmony with people that throw garbage all over the street. I can't live in harmony having to clean all the garbage up from my tree lawn before I can mow the damn thing. I can't live in harmony with people that crash red lights and don't have the intelligence to obey the walk and don't walk signs on the street. I can't live in harmony with neighbors that come home 3:00am on a work night drunk and high making all kinds of noise when I have to get up for work in the morning. I can't live in harmony with people who drive around with their car stereo so loud you can't even hear your television set.

How that can't make sense to you I'll never understand.

Never heard of voting with your feet, Ray? You are refusing to fit in. And that's just wrong, right?

So what you are saying is that I should become unemployed, violent, dirty and loud so I fit in? Sorry, but civilized people don't do that. I was raised properly in a two parent home.
Things were so much better when we kept those happy n*ggers picking cotton and singing their happy n*gger songs.

No, but it was much better when they lived in their area and we lived in ours. My property value is less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago because of blacks. You call that successful?

American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. .....

Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.

AMERICA is a nation of many peoples, and always has been. AMERICANS of all political orientations know this. Only a small minority of idiots and cowards, who represent no party or legitimate political view, still piss themselves over the prospect of ever interacting with someone who doesn't look exactly like their own mommy.
Hate to tell you barney, but we are a nation of illegal immigrants.

Nobody asked the people who were already here could we form a government.
They never asked the people they evicted from the land they were living on. We followed the same law they followed: might makes right.
In short dumbass, we broke no law.

The problem with your lie is these guys had been here for centuries.
No, actually, a tribe, say the Sioux, occupied its territory for only a couple hundred years, at the most Indian territories in the New World were fluid, and the introduction of the horse in 1600 greatly changed the balance of power and rearranged the deck chairs. Indian nations warred on each other constantly, so I don't see why anyone should get their knickers in a knot that we got into the contest.

Well the thing is that whites were doing the same thing in Europe and no one decided to invade those countries and attempt to wipe all Europeans out by any means necessary. You white racists propose excuses for all your fucked up bad behavior all the time,

Oh, so it's OK if the guy next door wipes you out, but not if the guy across the ocean wipes you out.

Do you see why I call you a retard?

We are in no danger of being wiped out by anyone. When you talk about retarded look at your comment. I'm not fine with anyone wiping anybody out. You're just a paranoid wacko.
Let us all look at these posts and never again say that white racism in America is a thing of the past.
if you are using government force to prevent speech, that is censor ship.

Your telling yourself that they are racist is just you rationalizing your oppression.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Promoting balance and fairness is not censorship. And do you think your White Pride means you - aren't racist just "ah, mmm, proud"?

Shutting down speech you don't like is.

Calling it "balance" and "fairness" doesn't change that.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.
Poor little whitey, now he's all upset again.

And I never call for censorship, never.

I'm not upset.

You called me names for no reason, and I have a policy of not letting such behavior pass unchallenged.

The difference is that you lie when you call me vile names, but when I point out that you are an asshole, I am telling the truth.

And you are calling for censorship. Because you can't make the case for your policies or agenda based on their merits.

So you have to marginalize and silence your enemies.
You are my enemy (and you are nothing like silent). Talk it up, Hitler Youth.

And the lefty calls for censorship while calling ME "hitler youth".

Liberals: all the self awareness of a turnip.

You brownshirt piece of shit.
No, but it was much better when they lived in their area and we lived in ours. My property value is less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago because of blacks. You call that successful?

American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. .....

Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.

AMERICA is a nation of many peoples, and always has been. AMERICANS of all political orientations know this. Only a small minority of idiots and cowards, who represent no party or legitimate political view, still piss themselves over the prospect of ever interacting with someone who doesn't look exactly like their own mommy.

If you were brave you would not be afraid to address what he actually complained about, instead of making up a strawman.

He's not the one hiding from the truth.
Let us all look at these posts and never again say that white racism in America is a thing of the past.

As you have been unable to refute anything we cons have said, and now just resort to a basic play of the Race Card,

you are engaged in the Logical Fallacy of Argument by Assertion.

Your point is invalid, your post is meaningless garbage and you lose.
Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Why is "race" important to the sole surviving species in the homo genus?

Look inward to find the answer there, Danny.

After all you side with the brown racist over the white child.
Means nothing to Hispanics. And, for your information, Spanish is the other, white European language.
No, but it was much better when they lived in their area and we lived in ours. My property value is less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago because of blacks. You call that successful?

American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. .....

Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.

AMERICA is a nation of many peoples, and always has been. AMERICANS of all political orientations know this. Only a small minority of idiots and cowards, who represent no party or legitimate political view, still piss themselves over the prospect of ever interacting with someone who doesn't look exactly like their own mommy.

Speaking of mommy, do you know what my mommy did when me and my siblings didn't get along? She made us play in separate rooms. Problem solved every time.

As I stated earlier, whites can live with just about any other race of people. Asians and whites have no problem living together, Jewish and whites have no problem living together, Indians and whites have no problem living together (at least where I live), so once again, tell me how some people can't get along with others that don't look like their mommy.

If you take 3/4 cup of fresh wholesome milk, and mix that with 1/4 cup of stale sour curdled milk, you only have one thing, and that is 1 cup of bad milk. It's too bad our government can't figure this out.
Let us all look at these posts and never again say that white racism in America is a thing of the past.

Truth is not racism--racism is racism.

Some years ago a family member became an alcoholic due to a death in the family. My sister and I sought help. One of the first things the worker asked was if this person realizes they have a problem? Theory being you can't solve a problem that isn't there--at least in that persons mind.

The right addresses our problems while the left figures the solution is to just keep drinking.
Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Why is "race" important to the sole surviving species in the homo genus?

Look inward to find the answer there, Danny.

After all you side with the brown racist over the white child.
Means nothing to Hispanics. And, for your information, Spanish is the other, white European language.

It means everything to you, otherwise you would not side with rapist over his child victim.
... address what he actually complained .about...

I did.

Nope, he had specific complains about specific behaviors and their results.

You ignored that.

Not the post to which I replied.

Don't pretend to have entered the thread there, or to be unaware of his larger position.

You think he would be so passionate about this issue, if he had NOT been fucked to the tune of over half his equity in his house?

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