Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

I'll amend my statement to read: When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me *.

* but the Jews are okay even when they do their own thing (whatever that is and I don't want to know).

The Jewish are hard working and educated people. When was the last time you heard of a Jewish murderer or a Jew robbing a bank or convenience store?

We have a Jewish community here. Never hear of them. They are never in the news, never any trouble in their community, housing prices keep on rising. How would anybody find it difficult to live with such people?
My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.
I see it now. When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me.

NOpe. as I said earlier, my area has quite a number of jews, including orthodox ones, and we all live in harmony.
I'll amend my statement to read: When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me *.

* but the Jews are okay even when they do their own thing (whatever that is and I don't want to know).

Are you really too dim to realize that your second sentence disproves your first?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

So what's wrong with that? You think that it's unusual for people to want to live with others who share their culture, who share their same values, who share their same social opinions?

I don't think that's unusual. What I think is unusual is being a member of a race that constantly strives to move away from their own kind.
Humans are tribal, racist, sexist, violent, and a host of other evils. They would slaughter the dreaded "other" in a minute if given a chance which is why we don't give you the chance and you have to grow up and deal with, oh the horror, others not like you here.

I'm sure there are still places on earth populated only by happy little white people. Find one and go there, this is no longer a nation for your kind. Sorry, Whitey.

No, there are very few (if any) all white nations; minorities moved in with them. Look at what's going on in Europe today.

Whites have no problem living with just whites. Blacks have problems living with just blacks. That's why they are always trying to move in with us.
I said places, not nations. And you should find one and go there. They'd understand your kind.

I did, and they followed me here. Now what???
Time for Flight, Mr. White.
So what's wrong with that? You think that it's unusual for people to want to live with others who share their culture, who share their same values, who share their same social opinions?

I don't think that's unusual. What I think is unusual is being a member of a race that constantly strives to move away from their own kind.
Humans are tribal, racist, sexist, violent, and a host of other evils. They would slaughter the dreaded "other" in a minute if given a chance which is why we don't give you the chance and you have to grow up and deal with, oh the horror, others not like you here.

I'm sure there are still places on earth populated only by happy little white people. Find one and go there, this is no longer a nation for your kind. Sorry, Whitey.

No, there are very few (if any) all white nations; minorities moved in with them. Look at what's going on in Europe today.

Whites have no problem living with just whites. Blacks have problems living with just blacks. That's why they are always trying to move in with us.
I said places, not nations. And you should find one and go there. They'd understand your kind.

I did, and they followed me here. Now what???
Time for Flight, Mr. White.

Can't do that. They brought down our property value so low that I can't sell out now. Besides, I have a business here part-time.

Any other suggestions?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.
I see it now. When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me.

NOpe. as I said earlier, my area has quite a number of jews, including orthodox ones, and we all live in harmony.
I'll amend my statement to read: When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me *.

* but the Jews are okay even when they do their own thing (whatever that is and I don't want to know).

Are you really too dim to realize that your second sentence disproves your first?
I made an exception for the Jews. Are there others? Wetbacks who love Macaroni and Cheese? Muslims who dress like Bob Hope?
Humans are tribal, racist, sexist, violent, and a host of other evils. They would slaughter the dreaded "other" in a minute if given a chance which is why we don't give you the chance and you have to grow up and deal with, oh the horror, others not like you here.

I'm sure there are still places on earth populated only by happy little white people. Find one and go there, this is no longer a nation for your kind. Sorry, Whitey.

No, there are very few (if any) all white nations; minorities moved in with them. Look at what's going on in Europe today.

Whites have no problem living with just whites. Blacks have problems living with just blacks. That's why they are always trying to move in with us.
I said places, not nations. And you should find one and go there. They'd understand your kind.

I did, and they followed me here. Now what???
Time for Flight, Mr. White.

Can't do that. They brought down our property value so low that I can't sell out now. Besides, I have a business here part-time.

Any other suggestions?
Well, you gave us the solution - to live in harmony be like them. That's the only way, right?
My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.

Well Assimilated?

Really Mr Bigot?

"Blacks are OK as long as they act like white people"

a. The point was, it isn't race.

b. nothing racist about describing the situation. They had the local culture as opposed to any black subculture. If you had met them, you would agree. THis is not meant as a slur.

c. ANd I've already described other cultures that are very different that I see whites living together with without comment. So, your point about that was also incorrect.

d. And you are an asshole.

a) It isn't race, its whether they act like whites.
b) It is racist because you claim that blacks need to act white in order for you to accept them
c) Other whites can live with other cultures. Just not you & blacks under they assimilate.
d) You are a racist fuck. One of those whose racism is so inbred that they don't even know they are racist.

I feel no need for people around me to be just like me. I do want a certain level of respect, a level of respect that I am happy to return. Tolerance is a two way street.

That is not what we are getting today.

You are the racist fuck, who can't accept that white people have the same rights as you do.
You want censorship.
Ah, no.

FUnny you felt you needed to cut this.

Except you know that isn't what happens. THe radio station, instead of having to air a money loser like Maddow, just shuts down all talk radio.
If they can't make it (having at least some kind of balance) then - fuck 'em.

And you have what you really wanted, ie opposition speech silenced by the force of government.

Which is what censorship IS.

So much for equal rights.
Free Trade for one. I live in a Rust Belt city, and my attempts to discuss the plight of the working class whites here are dismissed by lefties with smug disregard for the efforts and lives of my neighbors.

Hey, check out this.

Free trade is anti-white? I'll make sure to let the very rich white guys on Wall Street know of your concerns.

Is rap music anti-white (because it makes it harder to hear Pat Boone songs)?

As part of the defense of the Free Trade Policy by it's supporters is to dismiss the interests of working class whites in the Rust Belt,


then yes, it is an anti-white policy.

THe rest of your post is just you being an asshole.

I see so, freed trade only hurts - whitey? (and has nothing to do with workers in low-skill or low-wage situations making products that can be imported for less from other nations).

I never said free trade only hurts "whitey", you racist pig, I said that my attempts to discuss the issue, and the interests of the white workers hurt, was dismissed based on race.

That makes it a form of discrimination that you asked me for,

Presumably you wanted to debunk my claims. Soooooo, go ahead and tell me why having their interest dismissed based on race is not an anti-white policy.

Well, let's see here. I want to discuss terrorism (but only against whites because the darkies don't matter) and for some reason when I do, people are annoyed. I just can't imagine why.

Look, my little Nazi, if you would not try to make everything about race (free trade a race issue? get a clue) then you wouldn't fee like - no one wants to hear what I say.

And instead of addressing what I actually said, you AGAIN, just make up shit and address that.

As I said before, the voices in your head have nothing to do with me.

You challenged me to give you an example of anti-white discrimination and I gave you one.

And you can't even address it.

Also, your Godwin and race baiting is noted, you are a race baiting asshole.
You want censorship.
Ah, no.

FUnny you felt you needed to cut this.

Except you know that isn't what happens. THe radio station, instead of having to air a money loser like Maddow, just shuts down all talk radio.
If they can't make it (having at least some kind of balance) then - fuck 'em.

And you have what you really wanted, ie opposition speech silenced by the force of government.

Which is what censorship IS.

So much for equal rights.
If your White Pride station can't make it while also airing (insert something for decent human beings) then that's neither censorship nor my concern.
I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.
I see it now. When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me.

NOpe. as I said earlier, my area has quite a number of jews, including orthodox ones, and we all live in harmony.
I'll amend my statement to read: When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me *.

* but the Jews are okay even when they do their own thing (whatever that is and I don't want to know).

Are you really too dim to realize that your second sentence disproves your first?
I made an exception for the Jews. Are there others? Wetbacks who love Macaroni and Cheese? Muslims who dress like Bob Hope?

Or maybe I judge people based on their behavior, and how offensive or annoying or even dangerous it is.

Which is completely reasonable, and you are the racist if you think that is wrong.
You want censorship.
Ah, no.

FUnny you felt you needed to cut this.

Except you know that isn't what happens. THe radio station, instead of having to air a money loser like Maddow, just shuts down all talk radio.
If they can't make it (having at least some kind of balance) then - fuck 'em.

And you have what you really wanted, ie opposition speech silenced by the force of government.

Which is what censorship IS.

So much for equal rights.
If your White Pride station can't make it while also airing (insert something for decent human beings) then that's neither censorship nor my concern.

if you are using government force to prevent speech, that is censor ship.

Your telling yourself that they are racist is just you rationalizing your oppression.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are an asshole.
No, there are very few (if any) all white nations; minorities moved in with them. Look at what's going on in Europe today.

Whites have no problem living with just whites. Blacks have problems living with just blacks. That's why they are always trying to move in with us.
I said places, not nations. And you should find one and go there. They'd understand your kind.

I did, and they followed me here. Now what???
Time for Flight, Mr. White.

Can't do that. They brought down our property value so low that I can't sell out now. Besides, I have a business here part-time.

Any other suggestions?
Well, you gave us the solution - to live in harmony be like them. That's the only way, right?

Yes, that is the only solution. Why do I feel that way? Because I seen what happened to this neighborhood, I seen what happened in the neighborhood I was born in, I seen what happened to the neighborhood I grew up in.

I can't live in harmony with people that throw garbage all over the street. I can't live in harmony having to clean all the garbage up from my tree lawn before I can mow the damn thing. I can't live in harmony with people that crash red lights and don't have the intelligence to obey the walk and don't walk signs on the street. I can't live in harmony with neighbors that come home 3:00am on a work night drunk and high making all kinds of noise when I have to get up for work in the morning. I can't live in harmony with people who drive around with their car stereo so loud you can't even hear your television set.

How that can't make sense to you I'll never understand.
Free trade is anti-white? I'll make sure to let the very rich white guys on Wall Street know of your concerns.

Is rap music anti-white (because it makes it harder to hear Pat Boone songs)?

As part of the defense of the Free Trade Policy by it's supporters is to dismiss the interests of working class whites in the Rust Belt,


then yes, it is an anti-white policy.

THe rest of your post is just you being an asshole.
I see so, freed trade only hurts - whitey? (and has nothing to do with workers in low-skill or low-wage situations making products that can be imported for less from other nations).

I never said free trade only hurts "whitey", you racist pig, I said that my attempts to discuss the issue, and the interests of the white workers hurt, was dismissed based on race.

That makes it a form of discrimination that you asked me for,

Presumably you wanted to debunk my claims. Soooooo, go ahead and tell me why having their interest dismissed based on race is not an anti-white policy.
Well, let's see here. I want to discuss terrorism (but only against whites because the darkies don't matter) and for some reason when I do, people are annoyed. I just can't imagine why.

Look, my little Nazi, if you would not try to make everything about race (free trade a race issue? get a clue) then you wouldn't fee like - no one wants to hear what I say.

And instead of addressing what I actually said, you AGAIN, just make up shit and address that.

As I said before, the voices in your head have nothing to do with me.

You challenged me to give you an example of anti-white discrimination and I gave you one.

And you can't even address it.

Also, your Godwin and race baiting is noted, you are a race baiting asshole.
Your discrimination list so far - free trade = anti-white. Are there other issues, maybe the difficulty in finding rice krispies treats at the taco wagons?

FUnny you felt you needed to cut this.

Except you know that isn't what happens. THe radio station, instead of having to air a money loser like Maddow, just shuts down all talk radio.
If they can't make it (having at least some kind of balance) then - fuck 'em.

And you have what you really wanted, ie opposition speech silenced by the force of government.

Which is what censorship IS.

So much for equal rights.
If your White Pride station can't make it while also airing (insert something for decent human beings) then that's neither censorship nor my concern.

if you are using government force to prevent speech, that is censor ship.

Your telling yourself that they are racist is just you rationalizing your oppression.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Promoting balance and fairness is not censorship. And do you think your White Pride means you - aren't racist just "ah, mmm, proud"?
I said places, not nations. And you should find one and go there. They'd understand your kind.

I did, and they followed me here. Now what???
Time for Flight, Mr. White.

Can't do that. They brought down our property value so low that I can't sell out now. Besides, I have a business here part-time.

Any other suggestions?
Well, you gave us the solution - to live in harmony be like them. That's the only way, right?

Yes, that is the only solution. Why do I feel that way? Because I seen what happened to this neighborhood, I seen what happened in the neighborhood I was born in, I seen what happened to the neighborhood I grew up in.

I can't live in harmony with people that throw garbage all over the street. I can't live in harmony having to clean all the garbage up from my tree lawn before I can mow the damn thing. I can't live in harmony with people that crash red lights and don't have the intelligence to obey the walk and don't walk signs on the street. I can't live in harmony with neighbors that come home 3:00am on a work night drunk and high making all kinds of noise when I have to get up for work in the morning. I can't live in harmony with people who drive around with their car stereo so loud you can't even hear your television set.

How that can't make sense to you I'll never understand.

Never heard of voting with your feet, Ray? You are refusing to fit in. And that's just wrong, right?
Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Dogs are descended from wolves; "Dogs have been selectively bred for millions of years, sometimes by inbreeding dogs from the same ancestral lines, sometimes by mixing dogs from very different lines."--
Experts can tell race by a DNA sample, or by skeletal remains.
So, how do you figure that?

I Guess people like Obama drives experts crazy. But here is something even more enlightening.
The proportion of human genetic variation due to differences between populations is modest, and individuals from different populations can be genetically more similar than individuals from the same population.
Genetic Similarities Within and Between Human Populations
Note that my link substitutes the word "populations" in place of "races." I agree because the differences between humans aren't great enough to classify those differences as races.

There's also sweep disparities between races in genetic characteristics
Impossible. All humans belong to the same race. Supremacists have tried hard to create a racial hierarchy with white people at the top and blacks at the bottom but scientific evidence isn't on their side. All living humans are Homo Sapiens Sapiens.

In fact, sometimes a gene can be limited to a single ethnic group even, such as the Chinese genetic allele for DAB1 causing larger, and more developed brains, or the Finnish genetic allele HTR2B Q20 causing impulsivity.
That Chinese gene can be passed on to any other human group on the planet via sex. No group of humans have genes that can't be
shared with other humans.and believe me...they will find a way.
Humans belong to the same species, not the same race. What you're trying to say is that a Doberman is the same as a Yorkshire Terrier. They are obviously different, but they can still interbreed.

You're spouting a bogus theory popular with leftwing academics, but's total bullshit.
Why is "race" important to the sole surviving species in the homo genus?
As part of the defense of the Free Trade Policy by it's supporters is to dismiss the interests of working class whites in the Rust Belt,


then yes, it is an anti-white policy.

THe rest of your post is just you being an asshole.
I see so, freed trade only hurts - whitey? (and has nothing to do with workers in low-skill or low-wage situations making products that can be imported for less from other nations).

I never said free trade only hurts "whitey", you racist pig, I said that my attempts to discuss the issue, and the interests of the white workers hurt, was dismissed based on race.

That makes it a form of discrimination that you asked me for,

Presumably you wanted to debunk my claims. Soooooo, go ahead and tell me why having their interest dismissed based on race is not an anti-white policy.
Well, let's see here. I want to discuss terrorism (but only against whites because the darkies don't matter) and for some reason when I do, people are annoyed. I just can't imagine why.

Look, my little Nazi, if you would not try to make everything about race (free trade a race issue? get a clue) then you wouldn't fee like - no one wants to hear what I say.

And instead of addressing what I actually said, you AGAIN, just make up shit and address that.

As I said before, the voices in your head have nothing to do with me.

You challenged me to give you an example of anti-white discrimination and I gave you one.

And you can't even address it.

Also, your Godwin and race baiting is noted, you are a race baiting asshole.
Your discrimination list so far - free trade = anti-white. Are there other issues, maybe the difficulty in finding rice krispies treats at the taco wagons?

You asked for A concise example and I gave you one.

One that you have been unable to honestly or seriously address, at all.

FYI, your repeated strawmen don't count.

I will be happy, in the near future, to give you other examples you can lie about and run away from.

But soon my wife is putting breakfast on the table, so I don't want to start something new right now.
FUnny you felt you needed to cut this.

Except you know that isn't what happens. THe radio station, instead of having to air a money loser like Maddow, just shuts down all talk radio.
If they can't make it (having at least some kind of balance) then - fuck 'em.

And you have what you really wanted, ie opposition speech silenced by the force of government.

Which is what censorship IS.

So much for equal rights.
If your White Pride station can't make it while also airing (insert something for decent human beings) then that's neither censorship nor my concern.

if you are using government force to prevent speech, that is censor ship.

Your telling yourself that they are racist is just you rationalizing your oppression.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are an asshole.
Promoting balance and fairness is not censorship. And do you think your White Pride means you - aren't racist just "ah, mmm, proud"?

Shutting down speech you don't like is.

Calling it "balance" and "fairness" doesn't change that.

Also, your race baiting is noted. YOu are a race baiting asshole. Fuck you.

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