Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.
Failure? For who, the white guys?

Yep, for the white guys.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Your stance is - I want to live in whitey America of 1947 (when those damn n*ggers and f*ggots still knew their place).

My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
...I thought muzzies were paranoid white boys who think there is a white genocide and that whites are losing their rights, are being victimized that white is the new black. that multi culturalism will eliminate white importancee and that everyvody is taught in schools to hate white boys.
Get yo' ass to the back of the bus... boy...
I see the white supremacists are at it again. Bring on White America.

Maybe of you people were not a pack of racists & bigots die ted by Trump, these issues would not exist.

And as that has been repeatedly refuted in this thread, and you didn't address any of that, this is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your post is invalid, you have no point, and you are an asshole.
The "and you are an asshole" part really makes your point. I'm outclassed by your mastery of debate.

I addressed the "point" of his post, but I didn't want his unprovoked personal attacks to go unanswered.

That is that way of the Old Republicans who tried to take the High Road, and allowed their asshole enemies to get away with constant personal attacks and propaganda techniques.

The difference is that, his accusations are complete lies, while my point about him being an asshole is completely true.
See if you can be concise, for once, and tell us in simple terms - what discrimination that you, a white guy, are being subjected to?

It is taboo for me to advocate for the interests of my ethnic group in our society. As a result, for generations now, policy has been crafted without any consideration of me and mine.

THus, my city and my people are in far worse shape than they should be.

For one example off the top of my head.
I see, so when you don your white pointy hat (I wrote "hate" at first and that also works) and burn your crosses not everyone, of all colors, approves and this is most annoying?

You somehow don't feel as free as you should be to yell out as loudly as possible in full public display, The White Man Should Rule Here (even though he has for the last 300 years). Is that the issue?
Every culture imaginable is within our borders.

I'll admit that religion is bad but culture? Think.

My experience is that people of different races can live together in peace, but people of different cultures can't.

What causes white flight? Is it people that move in with different color skin, or people that move in with a different culture?

Until just recently I had some Orthodox Jews as neighbors. The neighbor hood ONE over is heavily dominated by jews with a number of orthodox ones.

I did not have very much trouble living with them. I never hear complaints from other gentiles about living with them. I haven't heard any complaints from them about living with us.

No all cultures are equal.

Hasidim Jewish village Kiryas Joel isn't exactly very popular with it's neighboring towns.

You can see why.

You have a point about the gender polices of the orthodox.

The first video looks like it was taken right AFTER garbage pickup, note all the upturned EMPTY garbage cans.

And the scattered trash then, would be an condemnation of the trashworkers, being sloppy.

The local jewish neighborhood by us, we LIKE TO go there because it is nice, and has a lot of good restaurants, and used to have even more cool stuff, like a great indoor kid play area.
Failure? For who, the white guys?

Yep, for the white guys.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Your stance is - I want to live in whitey America of 1947 (when those damn n*ggers and f*ggots still knew their place).

My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.
And as that has been repeatedly refuted in this thread, and you didn't address any of that, this is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your post is invalid, you have no point, and you are an asshole.
The "and you are an asshole" part really makes your point. I'm outclassed by your mastery of debate.

I addressed the "point" of his post, but I didn't want his unprovoked personal attacks to go unanswered.

That is that way of the Old Republicans who tried to take the High Road, and allowed their asshole enemies to get away with constant personal attacks and propaganda techniques.

The difference is that, his accusations are complete lies, while my point about him being an asshole is completely true.
See if you can be concise, for once, and tell us in simple terms - what discrimination that you, a white guy, are being subjected to?

It is taboo for me to advocate for the interests of my ethnic group in our society. As a result, for generations now, policy has been crafted without any consideration of me and mine.

THus, my city and my people are in far worse shape than they should be.

For one example off the top of my head.
I see, so when you don your white pointy hat (I wrote "hate" at first and that also works) and burn your crosses not everyone, of all colors, approves and this is most annoying?

You somehow don't feel as free as you should be to yell out as loudly as possible in full public display, The White Man Should Rule Here (even though he has for the last 300 years). Is that the issue?

Once again, instead of addressing what I actually SAID, you have to invent and address an absurd strawman.

I am not going to defend the positions that the voices in your head hold.

YOu asked a serious question, and I answered seriously and honestly, and you respond with dishonesty and being an asshole.

At some level, you know that you are the bad guy here. Otherwise, you would at least TRY to refute my point, seriously and honestly.

That you don't even Try shows that you know, even if you can't admit it to yourself, that you CAN'T.

Also, you are a race baiting fucktard.
Yep, for the white guys.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Your stance is - I want to live in whitey America of 1947 (when those damn n*ggers and f*ggots still knew their place).

My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

So what's wrong with that? You think that it's unusual for people to want to live with others who share their culture, who share their same values, who share their same social opinions?

I don't think that's unusual. What I think is unusual is being a member of a race that constantly strives to move away from their own kind.
Yep, for the white guys.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Your stance is - I want to live in whitey America of 1947 (when those damn n*ggers and f*ggots still knew their place).

My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.
According to your data, a Black person was 2X more likely to commit a crime than the general population.

No it doesn't.
DO you think that black & low income inner-cities have the same job & school opportunity's as the white suburbs ?

No they don't, but in our country, each community supports the type of education they want. But money isn't necessarily the main component to better education.

I live in a black suburb. A few years ago, the neighbor kid brought home one of those portable basketball hoops. Before you know it, every kid from five blocks were here playing basketball night and day. They would come here right after school and play into the night where a few times I've had to call the cops.

The question is what were those kids doing here? They were of all ages from seven years old to seventeen.

It seems their black mothers really didn't care. They obviously didn't care where their kids were. They obviously didn't care about their homework. They obviously didn't care about their kids getting to school the next day. So what is a good school system supposed to do about that?

As a white person who grew up in a white suburb, this never happened. We were home before the street lights came on whether they came on at 6:00 at night or 9:00. Homework better be completed by the end of the night.

How many times are you going to post that exact same story?

As many times as the subject comes up. Don't like it, there is an "ignore" button that awaits you.

Stop spamming. Fabricate a new bullshit story or STFU.

There is nothing unbelievable about his story.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Your stance is - I want to live in whitey America of 1947 (when those damn n*ggers and f*ggots still knew their place).

My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.

That's been my point all along. It's not race, it's culture.
American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. .....

Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.
Failure? For who, the white guys?

Yep, for the white guys.

I'm not so sure it is that great for the black guys either.
The "and you are an asshole" part really makes your point. I'm outclassed by your mastery of debate.

I addressed the "point" of his post, but I didn't want his unprovoked personal attacks to go unanswered.

That is that way of the Old Republicans who tried to take the High Road, and allowed their asshole enemies to get away with constant personal attacks and propaganda techniques.

The difference is that, his accusations are complete lies, while my point about him being an asshole is completely true.
See if you can be concise, for once, and tell us in simple terms - what discrimination that you, a white guy, are being subjected to?

It is taboo for me to advocate for the interests of my ethnic group in our society. As a result, for generations now, policy has been crafted without any consideration of me and mine.

THus, my city and my people are in far worse shape than they should be.

For one example off the top of my head.
I see, so when you don your white pointy hat (I wrote "hate" at first and that also works) and burn your crosses not everyone, of all colors, approves and this is most annoying?

You somehow don't feel as free as you should be to yell out as loudly as possible in full public display, The White Man Should Rule Here (even though he has for the last 300 years). Is that the issue?

Once again, instead of addressing what I actually SAID, you have to invent and address an absurd strawman.

I am not going to defend the positions that the voices in your head hold.

YOu asked a serious question, and I answered seriously and honestly, and you respond with dishonesty and being an asshole.

At some level, you know that you are the bad guy here. Otherwise, you would at least TRY to refute my point, seriously and honestly.

That you don't even Try shows that you know, even if you can't admit it to yourself, that you CAN'T.

Also, you are a race baiting fucktard.
Now I've gone an upset whitey. That was very mean of me.

BTW, just what does the advocacy of "your people" look like?

No, but it was much better when they lived in their area and we lived in ours. My property value is less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago because of blacks. You call that successful?

American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. We are a country of free speech and free opinions. When we see a problem, we are allowed to discuss it.
Free speech and thought comes from - liberalism.

Sure it did. If you Commies had the ability, you would close down AM radio and Fox news in two seconds. A few years ago your people were talking about the reinstitution the Fairness Doctrine that Reagan got rid of; a way to silence anti-liberal talk radio.
The Fairness Doctrine should be brought back, to get some kind of balance on all forms of media, but that doesn't shut anyone up. Say your peace but please, don't be whiny little bitches about it.

And now the lefty wants censorship.

At some level, they know that they are lying, and they need to shut up the people that call them on their lies.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Your stance is - I want to live in whitey America of 1947 (when those damn n*ggers and f*ggots still knew their place).

My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.
I see it now. When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me.
This nation is fucked.
It's fucked for people like you, who think that whites are treated unfairly here. It's as if - you were brought here in chains as slaves.

Funny how you felt the need to cut almost everything I said, to pretend to make a point.

And once again, by going all the way back to slavery to justify current anti-white discrimination policies, you AGAIN prove that multiculturalism is a failure and

as I said, that this nation is FUCKED.
What are these anti-white policies that you speak of?

Free Trade for one. I live in a Rust Belt city, and my attempts to discuss the plight of the working class whites here are dismissed by lefties with smug disregard for the efforts and lives of my neighbors.

Hey, check out this.

American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. We are a country of free speech and free opinions. When we see a problem, we are allowed to discuss it.
Free speech and thought comes from - liberalism.

Sure it did. If you Commies had the ability, you would close down AM radio and Fox news in two seconds. A few years ago your people were talking about the reinstitution the Fairness Doctrine that Reagan got rid of; a way to silence anti-liberal talk radio.
The Fairness Doctrine should be brought back, to get some kind of balance on all forms of media, but that doesn't shut anyone up. Say your peace but please, don't be whiny little bitches about it.

And now the lefty wants censorship.

At some level, they know that they are lying, and they need to shut up the people that call them on their lies.
I never call for censorship (and didn't then). Talk it up, PTBW.
This nation is fucked.
It's fucked for people like you, who think that whites are treated unfairly here. It's as if - you were brought here in chains as slaves.

Funny how you felt the need to cut almost everything I said, to pretend to make a point.

And once again, by going all the way back to slavery to justify current anti-white discrimination policies, you AGAIN prove that multiculturalism is a failure and

as I said, that this nation is FUCKED.
What are these anti-white policies that you speak of?

Free Trade for one. I live in a Rust Belt city, and my attempts to discuss the plight of the working class whites here are dismissed by lefties with smug disregard for the efforts and lives of my neighbors.

Hey, check out this.

Free trade is anti-white? I'll make sure to let the very rich white guys on Wall Street know of your concerns.

Is rap music anti-white (because it makes it harder to hear Pat Boone songs)?
I addressed the "point" of his post, but I didn't want his unprovoked personal attacks to go unanswered.

That is that way of the Old Republicans who tried to take the High Road, and allowed their asshole enemies to get away with constant personal attacks and propaganda techniques.

The difference is that, his accusations are complete lies, while my point about him being an asshole is completely true.
See if you can be concise, for once, and tell us in simple terms - what discrimination that you, a white guy, are being subjected to?

It is taboo for me to advocate for the interests of my ethnic group in our society. As a result, for generations now, policy has been crafted without any consideration of me and mine.

THus, my city and my people are in far worse shape than they should be.

For one example off the top of my head.
I see, so when you don your white pointy hat (I wrote "hate" at first and that also works) and burn your crosses not everyone, of all colors, approves and this is most annoying?

You somehow don't feel as free as you should be to yell out as loudly as possible in full public display, The White Man Should Rule Here (even though he has for the last 300 years). Is that the issue?

Once again, instead of addressing what I actually SAID, you have to invent and address an absurd strawman.

I am not going to defend the positions that the voices in your head hold.

YOu asked a serious question, and I answered seriously and honestly, and you respond with dishonesty and being an asshole.

At some level, you know that you are the bad guy here. Otherwise, you would at least TRY to refute my point, seriously and honestly.

That you don't even Try shows that you know, even if you can't admit it to yourself, that you CAN'T.

Also, you are a race baiting fucktard.
Now I've gone an upset whitey. That was very mean of me.

BTW, just what does the advocacy of "your people" look like?...

1. Your race baiting is noted and dismissed. Consider yourself ridiculed for it.

2. Your pretense that it is odd of me to respond to your rudeness is just you being an asshole. FUCK YOU.

My point, which you have completely failed to address, (hint: you being an asshole is not addressing a topic) stands.

It is taboo for me to advocate for the interests of my ethnic group in our society. As a result, for generations now, policy has been crafted without any consideration of me and mine.

THus, my city and my people are in far worse shape than they should be.

For one example off the top of my head.

I double dog dare you to seriously and honestly address my point, coward.
Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Your stance is - I want to live in whitey America of 1947 (when those damn n*ggers and f*ggots still knew their place).

My stance? Think I'm alone with that opinion? Then can you explain white flight to me?
Never said you were alone. Whitey likes it when it's just - whitey. Shocking.

I grew up in the suburbs next to some well assimilated blacks. NO one said boo about it.

Hell, my one cousin married a black woman, and no one said anything about it.
I see it now. When the ______s are like me, we get along fine therefore - everyone needs to be like me.

Nope. Happy to tolerate reasonable differences.
Liberals don't own America. We are a country of free speech and free opinions. When we see a problem, we are allowed to discuss it.
Free speech and thought comes from - liberalism.

Sure it did. If you Commies had the ability, you would close down AM radio and Fox news in two seconds. A few years ago your people were talking about the reinstitution the Fairness Doctrine that Reagan got rid of; a way to silence anti-liberal talk radio.
The Fairness Doctrine should be brought back, to get some kind of balance on all forms of media, but that doesn't shut anyone up. Say your peace but please, don't be whiny little bitches about it.

And now the lefty wants censorship.

At some level, they know that they are lying, and they need to shut up the people that call them on their lies.
I never call for censorship (and didn't then). Talk it up, PTBW.

SUre. YOu just want the government to use force to get something you consider "balance".


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