Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

This nation is fucked.
It's fucked for people like you, who think that whites are treated unfairly here. It's as if - you were brought here in chains as slaves.

Nobody alive in this country was brought here in chains.
These n*ggers who make you so miserable didn't just walk in now did they, Whitey? You reap what you sow.

A lot of cities in Northern states were very White, until the mid 20th century, when Blacks moved in, and so did the crime.

Even the Bronx was 90% White in the 1940's, now the Bronx is 90% non-White.
Those damn n*ggers - they're all criminals you know.
No, but it was much better when they lived in their area and we lived in ours. My property value is less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago because of blacks. You call that successful?

American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. .....

Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.
Failure? For who, the white guys?

Yep, for the white guys.
This nation is fucked.
It's fucked for people like you, who think that whites are treated unfairly here. It's as if - you were brought here in chains as slaves.

Funny how you felt the need to cut almost everything I said, to pretend to make a point.

And once again, by going all the way back to slavery to justify current anti-white discrimination policies, you AGAIN prove that multiculturalism is a failure and

as I said, that this nation is FUCKED.
Things were so much better when we kept those happy n*ggers picking cotton and singing their happy n*gger songs.

No, but it was much better when they lived in their area and we lived in ours. My property value is less than half of what I paid for it 24 years ago because of blacks. You call that successful?

American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. We are a country of free speech and free opinions. When we see a problem, we are allowed to discuss it.
Free speech and thought comes from - liberalism.

Sure it did. If you Commies had the ability, you would close down AM radio and Fox news in two seconds. A few years ago your people were talking about the reinstitution the Fairness Doctrine that Reagan got rid of; a way to silence anti-liberal talk radio.
The Fairness Doctrine should be brought back, to get some kind of balance on all forms of media, but that doesn't shut anyone up. Say your peace but please, don't be whiny little bitches about it.
And yet, you are unable to actually attack the point of the OP, ie that innocent people are paying the price for multiculturalism, on substance.

Regardless of whether he is an Nazi, if the entirety of your argument is to attack the messenger with a Godwin, you still lose.

Is it because you CAN'T defend multiculturalism on it's own merits? THat you know that his op is actually correct?
Multi-Culti only makes sense if you're a Cultural Suicide -type who refuses to defend his own...


You know... pussies... in far too many cases, a.k.a. LibTard World-Without-Borders types...

The Brits are finally beginning to figure this out, after admitting a nest of vipers into their home...

The goddamned fools...

If we can't get along with other people then they'll always be war and reasons for violence. everyone has to slowly agree that we all must be accepting of our differences.

Color isn't a reason for war
Religion should be done away with

How does one accept differences they totally disagree with?

When my suburb turned black, noise became the norm; people blowing horns all the time, rap music so loud it shakes your windows even in the winter time, garbage all over the streets and tree lawns, businesses closing up and moving out because of robberies and theft, people up all night fighting and arguing in the street while you're trying to sleep, property values plunging.

So tell me how does one accept such changes? I'd really like to know. The funny thing is, religion has nothing to do with it.

My Polish American father grew up in Portchester, New York, in an apartment without running water, central heating., A/C, telephone, TV, but those apartments were mostly Italian, and Polish, and crime was low, the apartments turned section 8 in the 1970's, they improved the living standards, Blacks moved in, and my Polish American grandmother was scared to sleep at night because of gun shots, while my Polish American uncle a Vietnam veteran was jumped by a group of Blacks who stole his leather jacket, and wallet.

Yep. I was born in Slavic Village in an all Polish community here in Cleveland. Back then, we were living upstairs from my grandmother, and very few people had AC at the time. In the summer, the entire neighborhood went to sleep with their doors and windows open. Never had a problem with any intruders.

Black Americans tore Polish American families apart.

A lot of Polish Americans were in close knit communities in walking distance from each other.

That started to change, as soon as the Blacks moved in, and terrorized many Polish American communities, sending many Polish Americans scooting at to the suburbs, and leaving behind their close knit Polish enclaves.
American's area is America. Don't like it? Leave the area known as America.

Liberals don't own America. .....

Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.
Failure? For who, the white guys?

Yep, for the white guys.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.
I grasp that proportions are irrelevant.
Sure they do, as the concentrations of Blacks increase, so will crime in all categories except drunk driving.

Which would explain East Saint Louis....
Depends... Educated employed Christian or Muslim blacks are arguably the most conservative group of Americans.

Calling Muslims "conservatives" makes a mockery of the term.

The term conservative is a mockery of logic and reason.

Nope. There are elements to our, historically, very successful culture that only a fool would not want to keep the same.
It depends on what those historical elements are. When you are talking about slavery and KKK inspired domestic terrorism
your brand of conservatism takes on a sinister character.
Whites can live with just about any other race of people. In most cases, those people assimilate into the white community and cause no disruption. Blacks on the other hand have no desire to do that. They believe they have every right to be in your neighborhood and bring their ghetto ways with them, and like Mathew said, you just have to tolerate it.
If only those damn n*ggers would be like me we'd get along just fine - says Whitey.

Hey, Whitey, what if they think the same thing about you?

They actually do. It's puzzling why they want to live with us. I mean, no whites would ever move into their neighborhoods unless they were so broke that's all they could afford.
Liberals don't own America. .....

Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.
Failure? For who, the white guys?

Yep, for the white guys.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Yeah, because Polish Whitey owes Blackie too. LOLOL
This nation is fucked.
It's fucked for people like you, who think that whites are treated unfairly here. It's as if - you were brought here in chains as slaves.

Funny how you felt the need to cut almost everything I said, to pretend to make a point.

And once again, by going all the way back to slavery to justify current anti-white discrimination policies, you AGAIN prove that multiculturalism is a failure and

as I said, that this nation is FUCKED.
What are these anti-white policies that you speak of?
Whites can live with just about any other race of people. In most cases, those people assimilate into the white community and cause no disruption. Blacks on the other hand have no desire to do that. They believe they have every right to be in your neighborhood and bring their ghetto ways with them, and like Mathew said, you just have to tolerate it.
If only those damn n*ggers would be like me we'd get along just fine - says Whitey.

Hey, Whitey, what if they think the same thing about you?

They actually do. It's puzzling why they want to live with us. I mean, no whites would ever move into their neighborhoods unless they were so broke that's all they could afford.
If only the n*ggers would - just keep to their own and live on the other side of the tracks where they belong.

They are welcome during the day to tend the children and scrub the floors. Shouldn't that be enough already?
Liberals don't own America. .....

Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.
Failure? For who, the white guys?

Yep, for the white guys.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Whites can live with just about any other race of people. In most cases, those people assimilate into the white community and cause no disruption. Blacks on the other hand have no desire to do that. They believe they have every right to be in your neighborhood and bring their ghetto ways with them, and like Mathew said, you just have to tolerate it.
If only those damn n*ggers would be like me we'd get along just fine - says Whitey.

Hey, Whitey, what if they think the same thing about you?

They actually do. It's puzzling why they want to live with us. I mean, no whites would ever move into their neighborhoods unless they were so broke that's all they could afford.

Eh, crazy White Liberal hipsters are gentrifying Brooklyn, mostly Williamsburg which was once a seedy Hasidim Jew - Puerto Rican neighborhood, and Greenpoint which was mostly a Polish working class neighborhood.

However, they are also gentrifying into Black neighborhoods too.
Whites can live with just about any other race of people. In most cases, those people assimilate into the white community and cause no disruption. Blacks on the other hand have no desire to do that. They believe they have every right to be in your neighborhood and bring their ghetto ways with them, and like Mathew said, you just have to tolerate it.
If only those damn n*ggers would be like me we'd get along just fine - says Whitey.

Hey, Whitey, what if they think the same thing about you?

They actually do. It's puzzling why they want to live with us. I mean, no whites would ever move into their neighborhoods unless they were so broke that's all they could afford.
If only the n*ggers would - just keep to their own and live on the other side of the tracks where they belong.

If they did, my property value would be triple of what it is today. Our police force could be cut in half, my suburb would not be in the red, and our school system would be the safest to send your children to.
I see the white supremacists are at it again. Bring on White America.

Maybe of you people were not a pack of racists & bigots die ted by Trump, these issues would not exist.

And as that has been repeatedly refuted in this thread, and you didn't address any of that, this is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion.

Your post is invalid, you have no point, and you are an asshole.
The "and you are an asshole" part really makes your point. I'm outclassed by your mastery of debate.

I addressed the "point" of his post, but I didn't want his unprovoked personal attacks to go unanswered.

That is that way of the Old Republicans who tried to take the High Road, and allowed their asshole enemies to get away with constant personal attacks and propaganda techniques.

The difference is that, his accusations are complete lies, while my point about him being an asshole is completely true.
See if you can be concise, for once, and tell us in simple terms - what discrimination that you, a white guy, are being subjected to?

It is taboo for me to advocate for the interests of my ethnic group in our society. As a result, for generations now, policy has been crafted without any consideration of me and mine.

THus, my city and my people are in far worse shape than they should be.

For one example off the top of my head.
Who said anything about liberals?

Integration is a liberal policy. Now that we see it was a failure, it's liberals that continue to support it.
Failure? For who, the white guys?

Yep, for the white guys.
Well, Whitey, that sucks for you but as they say - payback is a bitch.

Really? What did I do that deserves payback?

Yep, it is a bitch. Billions of dollars in lost property value, thousands of murders, hundreds of thousands of robberies and violent crime. But to a liberal, payback is a bitch so don't you have a stance against it.
Your stance is - I want to live in whitey America of 1947 (when those damn n*ggers and f*ggots still knew their place).
Whites can live with just about any other race of people. In most cases, those people assimilate into the white community and cause no disruption. Blacks on the other hand have no desire to do that. They believe they have every right to be in your neighborhood and bring their ghetto ways with them, and like Mathew said, you just have to tolerate it.
If only those damn n*ggers would be like me we'd get along just fine - says Whitey.

Hey, Whitey, what if they think the same thing about you?

They actually do. It's puzzling why they want to live with us. I mean, no whites would ever move into their neighborhoods unless they were so broke that's all they could afford.
If only the n*ggers would - just keep to their own and live on the other side of the tracks where they belong.

If they did, my property value would be triple of what it is today. Our police force could be cut in half, my suburb would not be in the red, and our school system would be the safest to send your children to.
Dreams of the Hitler youth. Say, that might make a good short story.
Whites can live with just about any other race of people. In most cases, those people assimilate into the white community and cause no disruption. Blacks on the other hand have no desire to do that. They believe they have every right to be in your neighborhood and bring their ghetto ways with them, and like Mathew said, you just have to tolerate it.
If only those damn n*ggers would be like me we'd get along just fine - says Whitey.

Hey, Whitey, what if they think the same thing about you?

They actually do. It's puzzling why they want to live with us. I mean, no whites would ever move into their neighborhoods unless they were so broke that's all they could afford.

Eh, crazy White Liberal hipsters are gentrifying Brooklyn, mostly Williamsburg which was once a seedy Hasidim Jew - Puerto Rican neighborhood, and Greenpoint which was mostly a Polish working class neighborhood.

However, they are also gentrifying into Black neighborhoods too.

That doesn't go on here very much. Black areas that are strictly black stay that way. I went to school with a girl who got pregnant by some guy, and they got married very young. They were liberal minded and moved into a black section of town. They killed her husband less than two weeks after they moved in.
Whites can live with just about any other race of people. In most cases, those people assimilate into the white community and cause no disruption. Blacks on the other hand have no desire to do that. They believe they have every right to be in your neighborhood and bring their ghetto ways with them, and like Mathew said, you just have to tolerate it.
If only those damn n*ggers would be like me we'd get along just fine - says Whitey.

Hey, Whitey, what if they think the same thing about you?

They actually do. It's puzzling why they want to live with us. I mean, no whites would ever move into their neighborhoods unless they were so broke that's all they could afford.
If only the n*ggers would - just keep to their own and live on the other side of the tracks where they belong.

If they did, my property value would be triple of what it is today. Our police force could be cut in half, my suburb would not be in the red, and our school system would be the safest to send your children to.
Dreams of the Hitler youth. Say, that might make a good short story.

Why is pointing out facts Hitler youth? Why do liberals hate facts so much?
...If we can't get along with other people then they'll always be war and reasons for violence...

...everyone has to slowly agree that we all must be accepting of our differences...
That process has been ongoing for thousands of years.

Side A becomes pacific, then is challenged by Side B, but it is too late for Side A to toughen-up again, and Side A is overrun and become slaves of Side B.

...Color isn't a reason for war...
On paper - true.

In the Real World - happens all the time, over the course of human history.

...Religion should be done away with

Religions that promote peace should be encouraged and given the freedom to prosper.

Religions that promote slaughter of those who do not believe as they do, should be discouraged, or at least confined to their own domains, and not allowed to mix.

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