Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
For the most part I'm on your side. I'm just telling you some reality. Lets not pretend a lot of young black men do not have a very good work ethic. We've all seen it at a drive through or at the supermarket. I'm not talking about all black people but you know the type.

My brother has a very liberal spin on it. He says, "hey at least they are showing up to work". They may not be employee of the month and enthusiastic but at least they come to work. That's better than the folks who don't. So we cut them some slack at Tim Horton when they are slow and rude.

Seriously, I'm on your side but lets not bs each other here. Not only do black parents need to stress education more, they also need to teach their kids a better work ethic. Not yessa nosir massa but be polite and enthusiastic. Smile.
I've got a better idea. Blacks need to own stuff. More Blacks need to control their own financial destiny just as they did in The black wallstreet era and in Rosewood, fla.circa 1923. Any time you are a minority in a hostile nation, looking for jobs in that environment is going to be problematic. Black autonomy
should be a national goal...and African roots should be replanted to capitalize on that invaluable cache of resources.
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
Sorry but real life around the big city is counter to your offerings. Wow, 67% visit their child ONCE a month-that's medal worthy
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

Yeah not talking about visitations so nice try with your non related to topic CDC stats
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
see this is looney lib lying. My statement was not about visitation but rather men marrying the women they impregnate and living in the home, not jailhouse and other "visits"
Lack of personal responsibility is the cause and personal responsibility is the cure. Why do you perpetuate this situation by suggesting it's not the parties responsibility but rather someone else's fault?
Last edited:
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.
Ican agree with nearly everthing you said here. But I had to step up to debunk the notion that the value of Black labor is based on cheapness rather than quality. I don't believe that for a moment. Employers want to hire the best because shoody work means the competition with high quality workers will take his/her customers. No one is going to risk that by hiring and maintaining marginal workers. Ideally, though blacks were far more self sustaining during the Jim Crow era.
On the whole, black businesses and entrepreneurs thrived during the era of American apartheid.
I worked with some black temps from the city once in a factory when I was in college. No doubt the owner hired them to save money. It wasn't because they were better workers.
Your judgement of whether or not they were better workers is irrelevant. Temp workers usually are paid less than regulars anyway because they are not expected to do as good a job as a regular...regadless of race.
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
Sorry but real life trump
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

Yeah not talking about visitations do nice try with your non related to topic CDC stats
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
see this is looney lib lying. My statement was not about visitation but rather men marrying the women they impregnate and living in the home, not jailhouse and other "visits"
Lack of personal responsibility is the cause and personal responsibility is the cure. Why do you perpetuate this situation by suggesting it's not the parties responsibility but rather someone else's fault?
The purpose of your entire clueless rant rested on the word "abandon." That CDC report messed up your central theme. Now the finger you pointed at Black fathers is pointing at a larger number of white deadbeat dads who never even visit or support their "abandoned" children.
Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
For the most part I'm on your side. I'm just telling you some reality. Lets not pretend a lot of young black men do not have a very good work ethic. We've all seen it at a drive through or at the supermarket. I'm not talking about all black people but you know the type.

My brother has a very liberal spin on it. He says, "hey at least they are showing up to work". They may not be employee of the month and enthusiastic but at least they come to work. That's better than the folks who don't. So we cut them some slack at Tim Horton when they are slow and rude.

Seriously, I'm on your side but lets not bs each other here. Not only do black parents need to stress education more, they also need to teach their kids a better work ethic. Not yessa nosir massa but be polite and enthusiastic. Smile.
I've got a better idea. Blacks need to own stuff. More Blacks need to control their own financial destiny just as they did in The black wallstreet era and in Rosewood, fla.circa 1923. Any time you are a minority in a hostile nation, looking for jobs in that environment is going to be problematic. Black autonomy
should be a national goal...and African roots should be replanted to capitalize on that invaluable cache of resources.
What a great idea. A lot of Greek Americans make a lot of money off Greek Olive oil. But black Americans don't have connections to Africa. We sort of made them cut all ties with their homeland.

But yes I think some entrepreneurial blacks should tap the African continent.

And no one is stopping them from owning more stuff. I'm sure there are some who say there are people who have historically stopped them but I think enough making excuses.

And I've never known a company I've worked for to have a problem with a hard working brother or sister. I'll be honest, I haven't met many. I'm not kidding either. I'm thinking of all the places I've worked. All the top sales people are white. Sales is a job the company doesn't care what color you are. If you can sell you are green to them. All green.

I've worked with some really good black people too. I'm not dogging them. They've just never been at the top of the food chain as far as performers.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — An African-American lawmaker in South Carolina said Tuesday that stricter illegal immigration laws would hurt the state because blacks and whites don’t work as hard as Hispanics.

State Sen. Robert Ford made his remarks during a Senatecommittee debate over an Arizona-style immigration law, eliciting a smattering of nervous laughter in the chamber after he said “brothers” don’t work as hard as Mexicans. He continued that his “blue-eyed brothers” don’t either.

Once his ancestors were freed from slavery, he said, they didn’t want to do any more hard work, so they were replaced by Chinese and Japanese.

“We need these workers here. A lot of people aren’t going to do certain type of work in this country,” said Ford, D-Charleston. “The brothers are going to find ways to take a break. Ever since this country was built, we’ve had somebody do the work for us.”

The executive director of the state GOP called on Ford to apologize.

“It’s abhorrent and incredibly offensive that any elected official would make comments this racist,” said executive director Joel Sawyer.

Ford, who ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination last year, said he’d apologize, but he doesn’t know what for, or what it would change.

Through the generations, whenever one immigrant group becomes “Americanized,” they stop working hard, he said.

“Black guys and white guys are going to get out there and do the hard work? No. I’m for America, and America’s a country of immigrants,” Ford said later when reached on his cell phone. “Everybody in America finds ways to take a break.”

To his critics, he said, “They’re taking life too serious. My advice is for them to get a life and to learn American history.”

The state NAACP leader called Ford’s wording unfortunate, and that Ford should have spoken in the larger context from the start, rather than further stereotypes.

“All human beings that I know of share both positive and negative traits,” said Lonnie Randolph with the South Carolina chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “All individuals share the same shortcomings.”
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
Sorry but real life trump
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

Yeah not talking about visitations do nice try with your non related to topic CDC stats
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
see this is looney lib lying. My statement was not about visitation but rather men marrying the women they impregnate and living in the home, not jailhouse and other "visits"
Lack of personal responsibility is the cause and personal responsibility is the cure. Why do you perpetuate this situation by suggesting it's not the parties responsibility but rather someone else's fault?
The purpose of your entire clueless rant rested on the word "abandon." That CDC report messed up your central theme. Now the finger you pointed at Black fathers is pointing at a larger number of white deadbeat dads who never even visit or support their "abandoned" children.

Well I'm telling you if the kid doesn't have 2 parents in the home he or she is at a disadvantage.

67% to 25%. That's the difference. 67% of black kids in 2013 lived in 1 parent home and 25% of whites did. That's why the black community is a mess.,869,36,868,867/10,11,9,12,1,185,13/432,431

And why are whites getting worse? Because that number is probably higher than 25% now. God forbid it ever gets to 67%. We see what that does to a community.

Don't blame whites for your woes moving forward. Even if you are right, there is nothing we are going to do about it now. Move on. Be grateful you live in the best country in the world. Or do what my grandparents did. If you don't like the country you live in get out.
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
For the most part I'm on your side. I'm just telling you some reality. Lets not pretend a lot of young black men do not have a very good work ethic. We've all seen it at a drive through or at the supermarket. I'm not talking about all black people but you know the type.

My brother has a very liberal spin on it. He says, "hey at least they are showing up to work". They may not be employee of the month and enthusiastic but at least they come to work. That's better than the folks who don't. So we cut them some slack at Tim Horton when they are slow and rude.

Seriously, I'm on your side but lets not bs each other here. Not only do black parents need to stress education more, they also need to teach their kids a better work ethic. Not yessa nosir massa but be polite and enthusiastic. Smile.
I've got a better idea. Blacks need to own stuff. More Blacks need to control their own financial destiny just as they did in The black wallstreet era and in Rosewood, fla.circa 1923. Any time you are a minority in a hostile nation, looking for jobs in that environment is going to be problematic. Black autonomy
should be a national goal...and African roots should be replanted to capitalize on that invaluable cache of resources.
What a great idea. A lot of Greek Americans make a lot of money off Greek Olive oil. But black Americans don't have connections to Africa. We sort of made them cut all ties with their homeland.

But yes I think some entrepreneurial blacks should tap the African continent.

And no one is stopping them from owning more stuff. I'm sure there are some who say there are people who have historically stopped them but I think enough making excuses.

And I've never known a company I've worked for to have a problem with a hard working brother or sister. I'll be honest, I haven't met many. I'm not kidding either. I'm thinking of all the places I've worked. All the top sales people are white. Sales is a job the company doesn't care what color you are. If you can sell you are green to them. All green.

I've worked with some really good black people too. I'm not dogging them. They've just never been at the top of the food chain as far as performers.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — An African-American lawmaker in South Carolina said Tuesday that stricter illegal immigration laws would hurt the state because blacks and whites don’t work as hard as Hispanics.

State Sen. Robert Ford made his remarks during a Senatecommittee debate over an Arizona-style immigration law, eliciting a smattering of nervous laughter in the chamber after he said “brothers” don’t work as hard as Mexicans. He continued that his “blue-eyed brothers” don’t either.

Once his ancestors were freed from slavery, he said, they didn’t want to do any more hard work, so they were replaced by Chinese and Japanese.

“We need these workers here. A lot of people aren’t going to do certain type of work in this country,” said Ford, D-Charleston. “The brothers are going to find ways to take a break. Ever since this country was built, we’ve had somebody do the work for us.”

The executive director of the state GOP called on Ford to apologize.

“It’s abhorrent and incredibly offensive that any elected official would make comments this racist,” said executive director Joel Sawyer.

Ford, who ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination last year, said he’d apologize, but he doesn’t know what for, or what it would change.

Through the generations, whenever one immigrant group becomes “Americanized,” they stop working hard, he said.

“Black guys and white guys are going to get out there and do the hard work? No. I’m for America, and America’s a country of immigrants,” Ford said later when reached on his cell phone. “Everybody in America finds ways to take a break.”

To his critics, he said, “They’re taking life too serious. My advice is for them to get a life and to learn American history.”

The state NAACP leader called Ford’s wording unfortunate, and that Ford should have spoken in the larger context from the start, rather than further stereotypes.

“All human beings that I know of share both positive and negative traits,” said Lonnie Randolph with the South Carolina chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “All individuals share the same shortcomings.”
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
Sorry but real life trump
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC

Yeah not talking about visitations do nice try with your non related to topic CDC stats
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
see this is looney lib lying. My statement was not about visitation but rather men marrying the women they impregnate and living in the home, not jailhouse and other "visits"
Lack of personal responsibility is the cause and personal responsibility is the cure. Why do you perpetuate this situation by suggesting it's not the parties responsibility but rather someone else's fault?
The purpose of your entire clueless rant rested on the word "abandon." That CDC report messed up your central theme. Now the finger you pointed at Black fathers is pointing at a larger number of white deadbeat dads who never even visit or support their "abandoned" children.

Even though I voted for Hillary, I'm one of those whites who you claim voted for Trump because of racism. As you can see from my posts yes I am sick of Detroit and Chicago and I am done arguing for your side. So this liberal has been defending and arguing for blacks for 30 years but it's getting old. Yes Trump tapped into white people's prejudice. I'm not stupid enough to fall for it and vote for that ass clown because I know to the GOP we are all ni*#rs. But I totally get how the GOP won over middle class and poor whites with racism. Black people aren't doing themselves any favors acting the way they act. Time to clean up your own community. Lets see you make an honest effort to lower the birth rate of single moms who can't afford to have children and lets see you teach your kids how to speak english. If you do these things white racists won't have the excuse why they don't hire you.

Black people act like racism is as bad today as it was in the 60's. It's not even close. But as things improved Detroit and places like it got worse. Why didn't they move out of Detroit? Isn't that what people do? They go where the jobs are. Even the blacks in Detroit. Their parents came from the south to the north for manufacturing jobs. Why is today's generation so scared of moving?

What was good back in the day was that companies needed workers, no education required. Today those jobs don't pay very much. So black people with no skills can't pick up and move anywhere.

Actually that's not entirely true. Detroiters can have a better life and all they have to do is move 30 minutes away to METRO Detroit. That's where all the jobs are. They must not want to live with honkeys. And that's ok. I don't want them moving out here either. I'd rather they figure it out and stay in Detroit.
Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
For the most part I'm on your side. I'm just telling you some reality. Lets not pretend a lot of young black men do not have a very good work ethic. We've all seen it at a drive through or at the supermarket. I'm not talking about all black people but you know the type.

My brother has a very liberal spin on it. He says, "hey at least they are showing up to work". They may not be employee of the month and enthusiastic but at least they come to work. That's better than the folks who don't. So we cut them some slack at Tim Horton when they are slow and rude.

Seriously, I'm on your side but lets not bs each other here. Not only do black parents need to stress education more, they also need to teach their kids a better work ethic. Not yessa nosir massa but be polite and enthusiastic. Smile.
I've got a better idea. Blacks need to own stuff. More Blacks need to control their own financial destiny just as they did in The black wallstreet era and in Rosewood, fla.circa 1923. Any time you are a minority in a hostile nation, looking for jobs in that environment is going to be problematic. Black autonomy
should be a national goal...and African roots should be replanted to capitalize on that invaluable cache of resources.
What a great idea. A lot of Greek Americans make a lot of money off Greek Olive oil. But black Americans don't have connections to Africa. We sort of made them cut all ties with their homeland.

But yes I think some entrepreneurial blacks should tap the African continent.

And no one is stopping them from owning more stuff. I'm sure there are some who say there are people who have historically stopped them but I think enough making excuses.

And I've never known a company I've worked for to have a problem with a hard working brother or sister. I'll be honest, I haven't met many. I'm not kidding either. I'm thinking of all the places I've worked. All the top sales people are white. Sales is a job the company doesn't care what color you are. If you can sell you are green to them. All green.

I've worked with some really good black people too. I'm not dogging them. They've just never been at the top of the food chain as far as performers.

COLUMBIA, S.C. — An African-American lawmaker in South Carolina said Tuesday that stricter illegal immigration laws would hurt the state because blacks and whites don’t work as hard as Hispanics.

State Sen. Robert Ford made his remarks during a Senatecommittee debate over an Arizona-style immigration law, eliciting a smattering of nervous laughter in the chamber after he said “brothers” don’t work as hard as Mexicans. He continued that his “blue-eyed brothers” don’t either.

Once his ancestors were freed from slavery, he said, they didn’t want to do any more hard work, so they were replaced by Chinese and Japanese.

“We need these workers here. A lot of people aren’t going to do certain type of work in this country,” said Ford, D-Charleston. “The brothers are going to find ways to take a break. Ever since this country was built, we’ve had somebody do the work for us.”

The executive director of the state GOP called on Ford to apologize.

“It’s abhorrent and incredibly offensive that any elected official would make comments this racist,” said executive director Joel Sawyer.

Ford, who ran unsuccessfully for the Democratic gubernatorial nomination last year, said he’d apologize, but he doesn’t know what for, or what it would change.

Through the generations, whenever one immigrant group becomes “Americanized,” they stop working hard, he said.

“Black guys and white guys are going to get out there and do the hard work? No. I’m for America, and America’s a country of immigrants,” Ford said later when reached on his cell phone. “Everybody in America finds ways to take a break.”

To his critics, he said, “They’re taking life too serious. My advice is for them to get a life and to learn American history.”

The state NAACP leader called Ford’s wording unfortunate, and that Ford should have spoken in the larger context from the start, rather than further stereotypes.

“All human beings that I know of share both positive and negative traits,” said Lonnie Randolph with the South Carolina chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. “All individuals share the same shortcomings.”
You didn't say anything.
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.
Ican agree with nearly everthing you said here. But I had to step up to debunk the notion that the value of Black labor is based on cheapness rather than quality. I don't believe that for a moment. Employers want to hire the best because shoody work means the competition with high quality workers will take his/her customers. No one is going to risk that by hiring and maintaining marginal workers. Ideally, though blacks were far more self sustaining during the Jim Crow era.
On the whole, black businesses and entrepreneurs thrived during the era of American apartheid.
I worked with some black temps from the city once in a factory when I was in college. No doubt the owner hired them to save money. It wasn't because they were better workers.
Your judgement of whether or not they were better workers is irrelevant. Temp workers usually are paid less than regulars anyway because they are not expected to do as good a job as a regular...regadless of race.

I remember too the white full timers were furious the black temps were using their locker room. This was 1989. I love it how whites try to pretend racism like this just disappeared. Or they try to pretend it's no biggy.
Bullshit little stories, and bitter twisting of every experience goes on all the time when bluntly stupid racists struggle to justify their weak, ignorant, simplistic view of everything.

You need to understand something dude. Your ass enables this kind of thing to go on when you call someone who opposes this shit and calls out whites for doing it, then shows where they are wrong by citing fact racists. You have a distorted view of racism and you need to get a better understanding of what it is instead of trying to make everything the same when it's not.

You are as thick-skulled and unrepentant a vile racist as all the others here. You are part of the problem.

Like I said......

Many of the other racists deny it too. Doesn't change the fact that you are all part of the problem.

Yeah right, it's racist to say that white racism has created problems in the black community when history and policy results show this to be the truth.

Yeah it's the same racism for blacks to react in anger against whites for putting that racism on them.

You are an idiot.

You're claiming the RIGHT to be a racist because other people were and are racist. So, you're either claiming racism is acceptable, or you're a fucking hypocrite. Logic is the same for everyone, even the aggrieved.
I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.

Bullshit little stories, and bitter twisting of every experience goes on all the time when bluntly stupid racists struggle to justify their weak, ignorant, simplistic view of everything.

You need to understand something dude. Your ass enables this kind of thing to go on when you call someone who opposes this shit and calls out whites for doing it, then shows where they are wrong by citing fact racists. You have a distorted view of racism and you need to get a better understanding of what it is instead of trying to make everything the same when it's not.

Don't waste your time with unkotard. He's a piece of shit who looks down on his minority students .....

Another filthy lie from a known pathological liar.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.

Bullshit little stories, and bitter twisting of every experience goes on all the time when bluntly stupid racists struggle to justify their weak, ignorant, simplistic view of everything.

Yeah, I know. You know it happens but you kind never wants to hear about it. Just keep your eyes and ears closed and pretend it doesn't happen. And dare somebody speak the truth, .....

What I know is that "your kind" talks a lot of shit to try and justify your predetermined conclusions, and you wouldn't recognize the truth if it picked you up and dropped you on your head.
End our monocultural Drug War, right wingers.

How about NO?
What was good back in the day was that companies needed workers, no education required. Today those jobs don't pay very much. So black people with no skills can't pick up and move anywhere.

My industry is looking for tens of thousands of workers--some will even pay you while you learn the trade.
Your judgement of whether or not they were better workers is irrelevant. Temp workers usually are paid less than regulars anyway because they are not expected to do as good a job as a regular...regadless of race.

You would be surprised at how many companies use temps as a trial for workers. I deal with several companies who strictly use temporary agencies for that purpose. Their line of thinking is that if a person is willing to work hard for the little money they make at the temp agency, they may work even harder once they land a real full-time job.

Most temps don't make it unfortunately. Many are on food stamps and refuse to work extra hours when the company needs them because extra money will cut into their food stamp allowance. The temps that do work hard and when the company needs them get offered full-time employment with the company.
Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
For the most part I'm on your side. I'm just telling you some reality. Lets not pretend a lot of young black men do not have a very good work ethic. We've all seen it at a drive through or at the supermarket. I'm not talking about all black people but you know the type.

My brother has a very liberal spin on it. He says, "hey at least they are showing up to work". They may not be employee of the month and enthusiastic but at least they come to work. That's better than the folks who don't. So we cut them some slack at Tim Horton when they are slow and rude.

Seriously, I'm on your side but lets not bs each other here. Not only do black parents need to stress education more, they also need to teach their kids a better work ethic. Not yessa nosir massa but be polite and enthusiastic. Smile.
I've got a better idea. Blacks need to own stuff. More Blacks need to control their own financial destiny just as they did in The black wallstreet era and in Rosewood, fla.circa 1923. Any time you are a minority in a hostile nation, looking for jobs in that environment is going to be problematic. Black autonomy
should be a national goal...and African roots should be replanted to capitalize on that invaluable cache of resources.

Black people are at a disadvantage because of their parent(s). White people learn about investing from young on because their parents are knowledgable of investments. That's why public schools (particularly in lower income areas) need to start teaching young kids about investing.

Black kids have this belief that the only way to success is if you can make a good rap song or be very good at sports. They believe there is no chance for them to have wealth because of their skin color, the neighborhood they were born into, the family they were born into, and yes, whitey is out to get them. When they discover they don't have the athletic talent and can't write music, many of them turn to crime.

If you know or are associated with any young black people, ask them what the stock market is all about? Ask them what the commodity market is all about? Ask them what they know about real estate? Ask them what they know about opening up a business? Ask them about compound interest, the bond market or CD's, and no, not the kind of CD's that you hear music on.

You will be met with a blank stare. That's what needs to change in this country.
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.
Ican agree with nearly everthing you said here. But I had to step up to debunk the notion that the value of Black labor is based on cheapness rather than quality. I don't believe that for a moment. Employers want to hire the best because shoody work means the competition with high quality workers will take his/her customers. No one is going to risk that by hiring and maintaining marginal workers. Ideally, though blacks were far more self sustaining during the Jim Crow era.
On the whole, black businesses and entrepreneurs thrived during the era of American apartheid.

Given your reply, you might find this article interesting. It's a short read but it gets to the point:

Walter Williams: Black Self-Sabotage
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
For the most part I'm on your side. I'm just telling you some reality. Lets not pretend a lot of young black men do not have a very good work ethic. We've all seen it at a drive through or at the supermarket. I'm not talking about all black people but you know the type.

My brother has a very liberal spin on it. He says, "hey at least they are showing up to work". They may not be employee of the month and enthusiastic but at least they come to work. That's better than the folks who don't. So we cut them some slack at Tim Horton when they are slow and rude.

Seriously, I'm on your side but lets not bs each other here. Not only do black parents need to stress education more, they also need to teach their kids a better work ethic. Not yessa nosir massa but be polite and enthusiastic. Smile.
I've got a better idea. Blacks need to own stuff. More Blacks need to control their own financial destiny just as they did in The black wallstreet era and in Rosewood, fla.circa 1923. Any time you are a minority in a hostile nation, looking for jobs in that environment is going to be problematic. Black autonomy
should be a national goal...and African roots should be replanted to capitalize on that invaluable cache of resources.

Black people are at a disadvantage because of their parent(s). White people learn about investing from young on because their parents are knowledgable of investments. That's why public schools (particularly in lower income areas) need to start teaching young kids about investing.

Black kids have this belief that the only way to success is if you can make a good rap song or be very good at sports. They believe there is no chance for them to have wealth because of their skin color, the neighborhood they were born into, the family they were born into, and yes, whitey is out to get them. When they discover they don't have the athletic talent and can't write music, many of them turn to crime.

If you know or are associated with any young black people, ask them what the stock market is all about? Ask them what the commodity market is all about? Ask them what they know about real estate? Ask them what they know about opening up a business? Ask them about compound interest, the bond market or CD's, and no, not the kind of CD's that you hear music on.

You will be met with a blank stare. That's what needs to change in this country.
You speak of blacks being at a disadvantage then proceed to bark that there IS no disadvantage...which is it? I am inclined to believe that millions of Blacks are enjoying middle class status though hard work and perseverance. But they put that money right back into a hostile white community instead of circulating every dollar in their own communities for as long as possible. Those Blacks with means need to pool their resources and create business entities that support their people. Blacks can no longer depend on white society to give them jobs or anything else. They must create their own jobs by any means necessary.
I thank you for your honesty. What I will tell you is that blacks now have the advantage in the labor market. I work with companies that went from a nearly all white work crew to a nearly all black. Why? Because blacks can work for less money. Where they live, the cost of living is much lower than whites who live in the suburbs.

So even though blacks can't perform as well as whites in most cases, the company still makes out better because they can get black workers for lower wages. A little less production, but a much lower payroll. So even without AA, they are still put at the top of the list in hiring in some companies.
I'm not against that. If companies are going to come back to America it's probably going to be to cities where they can find the kind of labor their looking for. And we have a problem with unemployed blacks. I can't be mad because companies are hiring black Americans because they work for less. Should they pay them more? Sure but then may as well hire a white. Lol

I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Well I see more white ups and fed ex drivers.

And, sounds like blacks have the advantage over low paying jobs and white have the advantage over high paying jobs. I'd rather be white

Yes, those jobs do pay well, but those people bust their ass every day. They have people breathing down their neck from the time they punch in until the time they punch out.

Sent from my iPhone using

No they don't. I worked during christmas season for UPS one year when I was younger to make extra money. You get in a truck, drive a route and are not bothered by anyone. The pay rate is determined by their being part of the teamsters union not because they are white.

It used to be idiots like this were not listened to.

Then it is either your area or things changed a lot. The UPS drivers I know make great money but are treated like dirt. One driver told me it was like joining the military. The supervisors would inspect you to make sure you were properly dressed right down to how your shoelaces were tied. I knew one driver that delivered to our place who said he leaves his keys in the ignition because taking them with him cost time when you do that a hundred times a day. One day he came out of a building and his truck was gone. He called his supervisor to report the theft, but then found out it was he that stole the truck to teach the driver a lesson about keeping his keys in the ignition. He was suspended after that.
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
For the most part I'm on your side. I'm just telling you some reality. Lets not pretend a lot of young black men do not have a very good work ethic. We've all seen it at a drive through or at the supermarket. I'm not talking about all black people but you know the type.

My brother has a very liberal spin on it. He says, "hey at least they are showing up to work". They may not be employee of the month and enthusiastic but at least they come to work. That's better than the folks who don't. So we cut them some slack at Tim Horton when they are slow and rude.

Seriously, I'm on your side but lets not bs each other here. Not only do black parents need to stress education more, they also need to teach their kids a better work ethic. Not yessa nosir massa but be polite and enthusiastic. Smile.
I've got a better idea. Blacks need to own stuff. More Blacks need to control their own financial destiny just as they did in The black wallstreet era and in Rosewood, fla.circa 1923. Any time you are a minority in a hostile nation, looking for jobs in that environment is going to be problematic. Black autonomy
should be a national goal...and African roots should be replanted to capitalize on that invaluable cache of resources.

Black people are at a disadvantage because of their parent(s). White people learn about investing from young on because their parents are knowledgable of investments. That's why public schools (particularly in lower income areas) need to start teaching young kids about investing.

Black kids have this belief that the only way to success is if you can make a good rap song or be very good at sports. They believe there is no chance for them to have wealth because of their skin color, the neighborhood they were born into, the family they were born into, and yes, whitey is out to get them. When they discover they don't have the athletic talent and can't write music, many of them turn to crime.

If you know or are associated with any young black people, ask them what the stock market is all about? Ask them what the commodity market is all about? Ask them what they know about real estate? Ask them what they know about opening up a business? Ask them about compound interest, the bond market or CD's, and no, not the kind of CD's that you hear music on.

You will be met with a blank stare. That's what needs to change in this country.

No that's not what needs to change. You white people have no suggestions that meet the needs of what must be done for black communities. .

I don't know what black kids you've been talking to but for the past 32 years I've seen black kids grow up and start businesses. Some even invested in mutual funds and stocks. Others have gotten jobs in places like Waddell and Reed or Edward Jones. You're wrong Ray.

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