Ingraham: Innocent people are paying the price for multicultism

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.

Bullshit little stories, and bitter twisting of every experience goes on all the time when bluntly stupid racists struggle to justify their weak, ignorant, simplistic view of everything.

You need to understand something dude. Your ass enables this kind of thing to go on when you call someone who opposes this shit and calls out whites for doing it, then shows where they are wrong by citing fact racists. You have a distorted view of racism and you need to get a better understanding of what it is instead of trying to make everything the same when it's not.

You are as thick-skulled and unrepentant a vile racist as all the others here. You are part of the problem.

Like I said......

Many of the other racists deny it too. Doesn't change the fact that you are all part of the problem.

Yeah right, it's racist to say that white racism has created problems in the black community when history and policy results show this to be the truth.

Yeah it's the same racism for blacks to react in anger against whites for putting that racism on them.

You are an idiot.
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Half the time employers hire who they feel they'll get along with the best. They can train anyone to do the job. Someone might have more experience but the employer says, do I want to work with this person.

No doubt blacks helped ruin Ford's Lincoln plant that was in my home town. The plant is now in Mexico. I'm not going to defend them. Would I want 50% of my staff to be black? Fuck no. I'm talking about ten %. Black people make up 12% of the population no company should be required to hire more than that. Blacks can't have their own communities or companies. Need an example? Why don't blacks start their own NBA? If LeBron and Durant are playing each other I'd watch the wb NBA. I certainly wouldn't watch the white league with Granny shots and pick and rolls. But blacks can't start their own communities teams or business'

I thank you for your honesty. What I will tell you is that blacks now have the advantage in the labor market. I work with companies that went from a nearly all white work crew to a nearly all black. Why? Because blacks can work for less money. Where they live, the cost of living is much lower than whites who live in the suburbs.

So even though blacks can't perform as well as whites in most cases, the company still makes out better because they can get black workers for lower wages. A little less production, but a much lower payroll. So even without AA, they are still put at the top of the list in hiring in some companies.
I'm not against that. If companies are going to come back to America it's probably going to be to cities where they can find the kind of labor their looking for. And we have a problem with unemployed blacks. I can't be mad because companies are hiring black Americans because they work for less. Should they pay them more? Sure but then may as well hire a white. Lol

I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Well I see more white ups and fed ex drivers.

And, sounds like blacks have the advantage over low paying jobs and white have the advantage over high paying jobs. I'd rather be white

Yes, those jobs do pay well, but those people bust their ass every day. They have people breathing down their neck from the time they punch in until the time they punch out.

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No they don't. I worked during christmas season for UPS one year when I was younger to make extra money. You get in a truck, drive a route and are not bothered by anyone. The pay rate is determined by their being part of the teamsters union not because they are white.

It used to be idiots like this were not listened to.
The 2012 election, according to sociologist Michael Kimmel, merely crystallized a much larger cultural and economic shift already taking place in the country. In his top-selling new book, Angry White Men, Kimmel describes the gradual but profound changes that have marginalized—and continue to marginalize—white men in America. These changes, Kimmel argues, have left the country’s once dominant group with a sense of “aggrieved entitlement”—the sense that their rightful place has been usurped.

If white voters are angry now, just wait. The U.S. Census Bureau predicts that, by the year 2042, racial minority groups will make up the majority of the nation’s population—and voters. Nobody really knows how this so-called “majority-minority” shift will affect Americans’ attitudes and actions, although many believe it will spell even further trouble for conservatives and Republicans. :eek:

The Future Of The (Scared, White) GOP

By 2042, all of the current right wing that has had it's worldviews shaped under 20th century politics will be gone. That's the big difference.

By 2042, my grandchildren will be the generation in the power structure that won't have a worldview shaped by the differences of today.

These will be an entirely different group of people that will have a more tolerant view of each other, and the fringe haters will be a very small minority, who's influence won't be able to carry elections or shape public policy.

If my generation can muster enough voters to create a Marshall Plan for this country like we did in Europe in the 1940's, we will leave them in a very good place.
I appreciate.your optimism.
His appeal was to people to stupid to know that someone like Trump doesn't drain the swamp - he is the fucking swamp. And just look at that, nothing but cronies in his administration.

Soooo, you've dropped the argument that he was "pitting races, religions and nationalities" against each other? Cause that was what we were talking about.

You admit that that is not true, and instead now want to move on to if he is/was sincere?

Trump ran on racism. People voted for him based on racism.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

Being against Black Lives Matter or being sick of high crime among illegals is not racism, it is not even White Nationalism.

Those are legitimate political positions.

The margin of victory, as the above link shows was primarily working class whites that last time voted for Obama.

Calling them racist, should be a wake call as to just how fucking full of shit modern liberalism is.

Nah. I understand it wasn't all about racism. And it wasn't all racists reasons why people went from Obama to Trump. Stupidity played a much larger role.
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.
These articles are based on a study done by demos asking why people voted for Trump.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

I know no one wants to admit this but we can no longer afford to,
When you talk to a rural white hick who tells you all the racist right wing talking points, it's hard to say it wasn't at least partially racism. And I know a lot of people who voted for Trump. It wasn't racism entirely but the GOP successfully used Black Lives Matter and Illegals to stir people up. I know because it almost worked on me. Still I wasn't dumb enough to vote Trump even though I liked some of the things he said. I knew/know he's a big time liar.
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

Were they not hired because of the color of their skin, or that people with their skin color couldn't do the job?

Most of the post office is black today--at least where I live. No matter how many times I complain, I can't get a mail carrier to figure out how to put the mail in the right mailboxes. I make sure all our names are on the mailboxes with one inch lettering I purchased from the hardware store. Not only do I have addresses on my houses, I also put the address on the mailboxes themselves. They still can't figure it out.

Half the time I go to my black McDonald's, they get the order wrong. There is nothing complicated about my order. I even order it by the number on the menu. You can't leave my McDonald's without checking your bag first because something is likely to be wrong.

I'm a truck driver and as such, I need to use the restrooms at the companies I deliver to or pickup from. When I know I'm going to a place that has mostly blacks working there, I make sure I use the restroom at the stop before them. Why? Because you'll never get into a stall where black people work. They know they can't get fired for going to the bathroom, so they use the restroom to get out of work and stay there forever.

The favorite color of any employer is green. The employees that make them the most green are the owners favorite employees.
Half the time employers hire who they feel they'll get along with the best. They can train anyone to do the job. Someone might have more experience but the employer says, do I want to work with this person.

No doubt blacks helped ruin Ford's Lincoln plant that was in my home town. The plant is now in Mexico. I'm not going to defend them. Would I want 50% of my staff to be black? Fuck no. I'm talking about ten %. Black people make up 12% of the population no company should be required to hire more than that. Blacks can't have their own communities or companies. Need an example? Why don't blacks start their own NBA? If LeBron and Durant are playing each other I'd watch the wb NBA. I certainly wouldn't watch the white league with Granny shots and pick and rolls. But blacks can't start their own communities teams or business'

I thank you for your honesty. What I will tell you is that blacks now have the advantage in the labor market. I work with companies that went from a nearly all white work crew to a nearly all black. Why? Because blacks can work for less money. Where they live, the cost of living is much lower than whites who live in the suburbs.

So even though blacks can't perform as well as whites in most cases, the company still makes out better because they can get black workers for lower wages. A little less production, but a much lower payroll. So even without AA, they are still put at the top of the list in hiring in some companies.
I'm not against that. If companies are going to come back to America it's probably going to be to cities where they can find the kind of labor their looking for. And we have a problem with unemployed blacks. I can't be mad because companies are hiring black Americans because they work for less. Should they pay them more? Sure but then may as well hire a white. Lol

Pay discrimination because of race is racial discrimination. .Most blacks perform as well or better than whites.

You say blacks have the advantage in the labor market. The department of labor says not so.

No that other guy said blacks have preferential treatment in low paying jobs. Factory type jobs. But I don' think blacks graduating college have an advantage. I think whites do.
I thank you for your honesty. What I will tell you is that blacks now have the advantage in the labor market. I work with companies that went from a nearly all white work crew to a nearly all black. Why? Because blacks can work for less money. Where they live, the cost of living is much lower than whites who live in the suburbs.

So even though blacks can't perform as well as whites in most cases, the company still makes out better because they can get black workers for lower wages. A little less production, but a much lower payroll. So even without AA, they are still put at the top of the list in hiring in some companies.
I'm not against that. If companies are going to come back to America it's probably going to be to cities where they can find the kind of labor their looking for. And we have a problem with unemployed blacks. I can't be mad because companies are hiring black Americans because they work for less. Should they pay them more? Sure but then may as well hire a white. Lol

I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.
Hmmmm. I wonder why Obama was so much better at being president rhan Trump.

Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

“Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time” – Mother Jones

Obama 12th best president, Lincoln first, Clinton 15th: Historians
His appeal was to people to stupid to know that someone like Trump doesn't drain the swamp - he is the fucking swamp. And just look at that, nothing but cronies in his administration.

Soooo, you've dropped the argument that he was "pitting races, religions and nationalities" against each other? Cause that was what we were talking about.

You admit that that is not true, and instead now want to move on to if he is/was sincere?

Trump ran on racism. People voted for him based on racism.

New election analysis: Yes, it really was blatant racism that gave us President Donald Trump

Fear of Diversity Made People More Likely to Vote Trump

"It’s worth remembering, particularly when the Hillary Clinton recrimination news cycle is in full swing, that Donald Trump is president today because of a margin of fewer than 80,000 votes spread across three states.

“The most important states, though, were Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin,” Philip Bump in The Washington Post wrote in December. “Trump won those states by 0.2, 0.7 and 0.8 percentage points, respectively — and by 10,704, 46,765 and 22,177 votes.”

Those three states, however, had been comfortably won by Democrat Barack Obama in both 2008 and 2012. Much of the recent shift, however tiny, was due to slightly more white working-class voters voting Republican than before. This, in turn, has prompted an ugly and ongoing fight between two progressive factions: those who believe those voters were primarily motivated by a sense of economic insecurity and people who think the shift occurred because racist appeals are prompting more white people to vote for Republicans."

So, voters who voted for Obama, voted for Trump, because racism.

A lot of people who typically vote liberal were won over with white nationalism. Black lives matter, illegals are rapists.

I know they did it because it appealed to me. I'm a white male liberal and like you I'm sick of high crime rates in the black community and illegals "Mexicans" stealing our jobs.

Trumps position is very liberal. Unions never liked illegals either. And no one likes the high crime coming from blacks. Trump used these issues to be different than the gop

Being against Black Lives Matter or being sick of high crime among illegals is not racism, it is not even White Nationalism.

Those are legitimate political positions.

The margin of victory, as the above link shows was primarily working class whites that last time voted for Obama.

Calling them racist, should be a wake call as to just how fucking full of shit modern liberalism is.

Just curious. Do you believe no one who voted for Obama could be racist? If you search my history or ask Unkotare, I say some of the most racist things on USMB. Now I don't think I meet the classic definition of a racist but I think most blacks would read my post and at least assume I am prejudice.

So a lot of racists might have realized in 2007 that Republicans were fucking them. So they voted for the Democrat who just so happened to be black. They may still be prejudice people. And Trump used that to win over a lot of former Obama voters.

I voted for Obama. Does that mean I can't possibly be a racist or prejuduce?
I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.

Bullshit little stories, and bitter twisting of every experience goes on all the time when bluntly stupid racists struggle to justify their weak, ignorant, simplistic view of everything.

Yeah, I know. You know it happens but you kind never wants to hear about it. Just keep your eyes and ears closed and pretend it doesn't happen. And dare somebody speak the truth, .....

What I know is that "your kind" talks a lot of shit to try and justify your predetermined conclusions, and you wouldn't recognize the truth if it picked you up and dropped you on your head.
End our monocultural Drug War, right wingers.
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
You must be on the right wing. Even the Love Boat had an episode that covered it.

Just lousy political management.
I'm not against that. If companies are going to come back to America it's probably going to be to cities where they can find the kind of labor their looking for. And we have a problem with unemployed blacks. I can't be mad because companies are hiring black Americans because they work for less. Should they pay them more? Sure but then may as well hire a white. Lol

I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.
Hmmmm. I wonder why Obama was so much better at being president rhan Trump.

Survey: Historians rank Obama 12th best president

“Why Obama Will Go Down as One of the Greatest Presidents of All Time” – Mother Jones

Obama 12th best president, Lincoln first, Clinton 15th: Historians
12 o
Mulitculturalism has already passed its high point in American history......white nationalism will be getting far more fervent in the coming decades. The Trump victory was the beginning and progressives are clueless about its expanse. PCness has been identified as highly ghey by tens of milllions of people in this country......thank God!! People are sick and tired of this Disney thinking and don't care anymore to just be embracing the fake narrative. We'll be seeing far more of what we saw this weekend with the anti-Sharia marches.........and progressives are going to have to sit back and like it.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
Sounds like some translation from a German citizen circa 1939.
I'm not against that. If companies are going to come back to America it's probably going to be to cities where they can find the kind of labor their looking for. And we have a problem with unemployed blacks. I can't be mad because companies are hiring black Americans because they work for less. Should they pay them more? Sure but then may as well hire a white. Lol

I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
I am wondering what white racism it is that causes 75% of adult black males to abandon the women they impregnated?
Is that the stupid racism or the irresponsible racism?
Maybe it's just blame assignment for poor conduct and poor choices with a chorus of weepy liberals helping to sing "we be done bad"
Here is a viable counter to your sophistry.
Pew estimates that 67 percent of black dads who don’t live with their kids see them at least once a month, compared to 59 percent of white dads and just 32 percent of Hispanic dads. And there’s compelling evidence that number of black dads living apart from their kids stems from structural systems of inequality and poverty, not the unfounded assumption that African-American men somehow place less value on parenting.
The absent black father myth—debunked by CDC
I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.
For the most part I'm on your side. I'm just telling you some reality. Lets not pretend a lot of young black men do not have a very good work ethic. We've all seen it at a drive through or at the supermarket. I'm not talking about all black people but you know the type.

My brother has a very liberal spin on it. He says, "hey at least they are showing up to work". They may not be employee of the month and enthusiastic but at least they come to work. That's better than the folks who don't. So we cut them some slack at Tim Horton when they are slow and rude.

Seriously, I'm on your side but lets not bs each other here. Not only do black parents need to stress education more, they also need to teach their kids a better work ethic. Not yessa nosir massa but be polite and enthusiastic. Smile.
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.
Ican agree with nearly everthing you said here. But I had to step up to debunk the notion that the value of Black labor is based on cheapness rather than quality. I don't believe that for a moment. Employers want to hire the best because shoody work means the competition with high quality workers will take his/her customers. No one is going to risk that by hiring and maintaining marginal workers. Ideally, though blacks were far more self sustaining during the Jim Crow era.
On the whole, black businesses and entrepreneurs thrived during the era of American apartheid.
I''m just simply pointing out the advantage they have over whites. I'm not against that either. If an employer can get the jobs completed using less money, it's the employers right to do so. However I also believe that if an employer aims for white employees because of attendance, better performance, ability to advance within the company, they should be allowed to do so as well.

Each situation has it's advantages depending on how an employer views the job needed to be done. However in the case of my illiterate post office carriers, nothing can be done because it's government doing the hiring, and when you have a monopoly, you really don't have a concern about competition.
Black Americans don't have employment advantages over whites. Haven't you been paying attention? The national black unemployment rate is nearly always more than double that of the white unemployment rate.

Look. Your social conditioning is going full throttle here. You are convinced that black work ethics are inferior to white work ethics.
Historically, that white work ethic, or lack thereof, seems to have increased demand for slaves. Rich whites brought in slaves to work the fields because whites wouldn't. Blacks didn't ask to come here...they were forced. The black experience here has been anything but rosy. They have had to fight and scrap for every Constitutional guarantee white people take for granted. And it is said that at any specific job...the black worker has to be twice as good as his white counterpart.
After reviewing the docu-drama, "Hidden Figures", I tend to accept that. Those black women were 5 times better than the whites working around them...including the boss.

Hmmm. Well maybe it depends on where you live, because over here, blacks are incompetent at their jobs. Many times if I get a black on the phone to assist me with a problem I'm having with a company, I have to call back repeatedly until I get a non-black to solve the problem.

No, blacks did not ask to come here, but few have left after they had the opportunity to go back to their homeland. Unemployment? Who's fault is that?

Last Friday I had to work an hour later because of blacks. The first stop, I had a pallet at the end of the trailer. The dock was difficult to get into, so I asked the receiver to come out and pull take it off the back of the truck. He got ten feet from the truck when a black guy (I'm assuming his supervisor) came running out and said he couldn't take it off the truck, and I had to back into the the dock. No reason given, and I didn't bother to ask because I'm sure his reason would have been just as stupid as his demand.

Then I go to another stop for a pickup. The shipper was busy with another truck, so he told some black kid to load mine. The idiot tried to bring the pallet boxes double stacked to the trailer. What made this idiot think that he could put a 1,400 lbs box on top of another one and drive it into the truck is beyond me. So the top box crushed the bottom box, and they had to take all those bolts from the crushed box, put them into a new box, and that took a half hour.

So I get the delivery to it's destination, and guess what? Another black unloaded me. I've been to this place a dozen times or so, and usually I'm out of there in about fifteen minutes, but not with this guy. He took each of those 15 pallets all the way across the factory to the other end instead of placing the freight by the door and then monkey around with it after I left. That took an additional half-hour.

My coworkers asked me why I got back so late, and I explained happened. Then one asked "was it the white guy who unloaded you or the black guy?" I just gave him a look, and he burst out laughing. He said he had the same experience and it's too bad I didn't get the white guy.

It goes on all the time.
When we have a black mailman they deliver a couple hours later than the white.

Sometimes I wonder if they do it on purpose.

Now we know why slave owners had to crack the whip.

Sure, right. Another ile.
One unprovable racist anecdote after the other. Thse racist bahs-turds are incorrigible.
They don't post here to debate, they come here to vent rage and spew hatred. Sadly, these bigots are a microcosm of society at large...indeed, these are dangerous times.

I do want to debate. Tell me where I'm wrong. I'll admit when I'm wrong. But you must also admit when we are right and not just come back with "white people do it too". I know loser whites are bad employees too. Stop comparing yourselves with them. Compare yourselves with us good white workers who do take pride in what we do and put an effort in.

I could tell you a million stories from Ford motor factory. Quick one, a black guy who worked with my dad in the cafeteria tried stealing a car off the lot. Rather than be happy with his ford motor pay, pension, healthcare benefits, he got fired. Dumb fuck. And he was a nice guy just shady. So you can take the black out of Detroit but can you take Detroit out of the black?

I'm purposely being blunt/rude to get to the crux of things. I know I'm being rude and a racist but we've all seen too many examples of bad black employees. WHy do you think we don't hire blacks? We've had too many bad experiences. But maybe that's our fault too. We should cut them some slack. Sort of make up for past injustices. Well that's exactly what we did during Affirmative Action. Those days are over. It's time black people who get fired stop suing for discrimination. They were just bad. But employers have to have extra documentation and black people get 4 strikes before they are out.
Ingraham: Innocent People Are Paying the Price for Multiculturalism

Yep. She is 100% correct. This entire DIEversity and Multicultism and White self hatred will go down as the darkest decades in history.
Affirmative-action/political correctness has fucked this country up, beyond all recognition...
But before affirmative action white companies were not hiring blacks, and for racist reasons. A lot of black people benefitted. Did it solve everything? No but it did for the hundreds of thousands of blacks who were finally hired.

Who I think are funny are the white losers who complain about aa

What is funny about that?
That white people who've enjoyed centuries of preferential treatment would cry that things are unfair. I told those stupid fucks that they weren't Republicans. I told them that to the republicans/rich, we are all N8*#$rs.
I agree Republicans aren't racist. They hate all poor people.

Cute story. White trash told my dad at Ford to go back to his country (Greece). He was over here "stealing our jobs". Me and my bro went to highschool with their loser sons and whore daughters. Now my brother is a VP of a fortune 500 company. Do they think he took their job? In other words, could those white trash even do the job my brother does? No they can not. So this country needs immigrants. Why? Because white people are not all that smart or special. And sorry for not feeling sorry for your dumbest and poorest that they have to compete now with blacks. And if blacks will do the job for less, why not go with them? They are Americans you know.
Ican agree with nearly everthing you said here. But I had to step up to debunk the notion that the value of Black labor is based on cheapness rather than quality. I don't believe that for a moment. Employers want to hire the best because shoody work means the competition with high quality workers will take his/her customers. No one is going to risk that by hiring and maintaining marginal workers. Ideally, though blacks were far more self sustaining during the Jim Crow era.
On the whole, black businesses and entrepreneurs thrived during the era of American apartheid.
I worked with some black temps from the city once in a factory when I was in college. No doubt the owner hired them to save money. It wasn't because they were better workers.

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