Inhumane Science & Technology


VIP Member
May 16, 2011
About three (3) years ago, after becoming suspicious about the sudden replacement of ADD with autism as preferred childhood stigma, I concluded that most cases of autism are induced. Of course, some people mocked, while some thought I had completely lost it.

While autism is a true medical condition, most are outright stigma by malicious folks who have no idea about dealing with normal health children:

I have seen some very normal children who are simply very inquisitive or very energetic that are being labeled as autistic. True autism is characterized by lack of language and speech skills, and repetitive and compulsory behavior. A child who just chatters endlessly is neither autistic nor sufferer of ADD. Jenny McCarthy was correct in suspecting vaccines causes autism.

A study shows that by manipulating the gene Cntnap2 which is responsible for language and speech, autism can be induced - 'Autistic' mice created – and treated - health - 29 September 2011 - New Scientist
I am also of the opinion that most cases of psychosis, the favorite adulthood stigma, are induced!
Although I've got little respect for psychology as a hard science, -- and I believe you're entirely correct about overdiagnosing and misdiagnosing ADD and Autism -- there is no way to accept "autistic mice" as proof that they verified and pharmaceutically corrected a genome defect.

The only methods of actually diagnosing Autism are human behavioural traits.. Not likely to work in an clinical interaction with a mouse.
Although I've got little respect for psychology as a hard science, -- and I believe you're entirely correct about overdiagnosing and misdiagnosing ADD and Autism -- there is no way to accept "autistic mice" as proof that they verified and pharmaceutically corrected a genome defect.

The only methods of actually diagnosing Autism are human behavioural traits.. Not likely to work in an clinical interaction with a mouse.

Flacaltenn, you obviously did not finish reading the article cited in this discussion. Besides the use of nanodrugs and devices such as HAARP to manipulate human behavior - my emphasis, this study showed that altering the gene Cntnap2 did not only induce autism, but that mice also had the same side effects to drugs used to treat humans alleged to be suffering from autism and psychosis.
My ex put our youngest on Ritilan and he was a zombie. On my weekend visits, I wouldn't give it to him. Sure he was bouncing off the walls but he was himself- happy and energetic.

Then I'd grind up his Ritilan and snort it. It made me happy and energetic.
My ex put our youngest on Ritilan and he was a zombie. On my weekend visits, I wouldn't give it to him. Sure he was bouncing off the walls, but he was himself - happy and energetic.

Then I'd grind up his Ritilan and snort it. It made me happy and energetic.

(Laughs) "Grind up his Ritilan and snort it"! Very funny! Well, your child's drug-crazed doctor may just have found himself or herself a good candidate. (Laughs)
My ex put our youngest on Ritilan and he was a zombie. On my weekend visits, I wouldn't give it to him. Sure he was bouncing off the walls but he was himself- happy and energetic.

Then I'd grind up his Ritilan and snort it. It made me happy and energetic.

I am also of the opinion that most cases of psychosis, the favorite adulthood stigma, are induced!

This is all nothing new at all... It has been for as long as man has dwelled earth. It amazes me that it is even a question...

The whole thing may be just how important such induction(s) can prove to be/come because of the potential insight that may come from such.

The manipulation happening with our children, that is a different level of sadism, in my mind... because as you mentioned, most every case of children with psychosis is medically treated. IMO, medication and psychosis do not necessarily have to go hand in hand.

Psychosis can be an amazingly empowering thing. It does not have to be what it seems to have become by mainstream. We really must do better at coming to be better informed about this kind of thing in order to utilize it's potential.
My ex put our youngest on Ritilan and he was a zombie. On my weekend visits, I wouldn't give it to him. Sure he was bouncing off the walls but he was himself- happy and energetic.

Then I'd grind up his Ritilan and snort it. It made me happy and energetic.

Ritilan is not at all what many seem to assume... my brother was on it for years, through even the onset of puberty. It isn't a good medication for most at that age, from what I understand about it. It has adverse effects on the youths during the pubescent years. Major depression and suicidal tendencies have been reported, apparently. Yet, then, that too, could also be potentially coming from narcissism, which is also a major factor in many psychosis inductions.
Science and technology is of course not humane.
It is up to humans to use them in a humane manner.
I see children that do not do well in school because they have ADD [so their parents claim] sitting in front of a video game and playing for hrs !!! most cases it's a copout by both the parents and their spoiled kids !!
I am also of the opinion that most cases of psychosis, the favorite adulthood stigma, are induced!

This is all nothing new at all... It has been for as long as man has dwelled earth. It amazes me that it is even a question...

The whole thing may be just how important such induction(s) can prove to be/come because of the potential insight that may come from such.

The manipulation happening with our children, that is a different level of sadism, in my mind... because as you mentioned, most every case of children with psychosis is medically treated. IMO, medication and psychosis do not necessarily have to go hand in hand.

Psychosis can be an amazingly empowering thing. It does not have to be what it seems to have become by mainstream. We really must do better at coming to be better informed about this kind of thing in order to utilize it's potential.

1melissa3, I did a little study several months ago on some of the drugs used to allegedly treat psychosis, and found that most of the so-called symptoms of "psychosis" were all the very same side-effects of the drugs used to allegedly treat psychosis! I just wish our renowned drug pushers - drug-crazed doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and FDA - would simply let people be.
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I just wish our renowned drug pushers - drug-crazed doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and FDA - would simply let people be.

There is just too much money to be made.

True, which is why I am of the opinion that there has never been a war on drugs. Of course, I am also aware the noise made about "war on drugs" is always against non-cronies of our above mentioned renowned drug pushers. There is money in drugs, and our drug kingpins would do anything to attempt to monopolize the territory.
It is not a war on drugs, it is a war on uscitizens using drugs.
Just to be accurate.

But most of the drugs "uscitizens" use are handled to them (and most for imagined illnesses) by our drug kingpins - doctors and the pharmaceutical industry in collaboration of the FDA.
I am also of the opinion that most cases of psychosis, the favorite adulthood stigma, are induced!

This is all nothing new at all... It has been for as long as man has dwelled earth. It amazes me that it is even a question...

The whole thing may be just how important such induction(s) can prove to be/come because of the potential insight that may come from such.

The manipulation happening with our children, that is a different level of sadism, in my mind... because as you mentioned, most every case of children with psychosis is medically treated. IMO, medication and psychosis do not necessarily have to go hand in hand.

Psychosis can be an amazingly empowering thing. It does not have to be what it seems to have become by mainstream. We really must do better at coming to be better informed about this kind of thing in order to utilize it's potential.

1melissa3, I did a little study several months ago on some of the drugs used to allegedly treat psychosis, and found that most of the so-called symptoms of "psychosis" were all the very same side-effects of the drugs used to allegedly treat psychosis! I just wish our renowned drug pushers - drug-crazed doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and FDA - would simply let people be.

This is a biggy. It has been my experience that medication and medical practitioners are not always necessary in treating psychosis. I have known many people to suffer, however, through years of narcissistic relationships and/or behavior of their own in such a way that it seemed so close to insanity for there to not be some kind of professional intervention.

I don't blame the medical practitioners or the pharmaceutical companies more than I blame the individual and the individual families for the conditions that can be changed but that are not for whatever reasons. Granted, sometimes the negative things during childhood can come to be profoundly positive things in the adult life of an individual, but all too often, that isn't the case and people live for most of the years of their lives defeated no place else more than within their own head.

It isn't an easy admission, but the work of computer programmers and such the like have an amazing opportunity to touch the world in ways that nothing else has in our current level of history.
I see children that do not do well in school because they have ADD [so their parents claim] sitting in front of a video game and playing for hrs !!! most cases it's a copout by both the parents and their spoiled kids !!

Well, from my side I see lazy teachers also trying to force a diagnosis. My son has a learning disability and his teachers lied to try and force an ADD diagnosis so they wouldn't have to deal with him in their class of 33 students.
This is all nothing new at all... It has been for as long as man has dwelled earth. It amazes me that it is even a question...

The whole thing may be just how important such induction(s) can prove to be/come because of the potential insight that may come from such.

The manipulation happening with our children, that is a different level of sadism, in my mind... because as you mentioned, most every case of children with psychosis is medically treated. IMO, medication and psychosis do not necessarily have to go hand in hand.

Psychosis can be an amazingly empowering thing. It does not have to be what it seems to have become by mainstream. We really must do better at coming to be better informed about this kind of thing in order to utilize it's potential.

1melissa3, I did a little study several months ago on some of the drugs used to allegedly treat psychosis, and found that most of the so-called symptoms of "psychosis" were all the very same side-effects of the drugs used to allegedly treat psychosis! I just wish our renowned drug pushers - drug-crazed doctors, the pharmaceutical industry and FDA - would simply let people be.

This is a biggy. It has been my experience that medication and medical practitioners are not always necessary in treating psychosis. I have known many people to suffer, however, through years of narcissistic relationships and/or behavior of their own in such a way that it seemed so close to insanity for there to not be some kind of professional intervention.

I don't blame the medical practitioners or the pharmaceutical companies more than I blame the individual and the individual families for the conditions that can be changed but that are not for whatever reasons. Granted, sometimes the negative things during childhood can come to be profoundly positive things in the adult life of an individual, but all too often, that isn't the case and people live for most of the years of their lives defeated no place else more than within their own head.

It isn't an easy admission, but the work of computer programmers and such the like have an amazing opportunity to touch the world in ways that nothing else has in our current level of history.

There is nothing wrong with technology itself. Technological problems arise when bunch of wise guys/gals start exploiting the potential negatives and using their findings against humankind.

I am a techie and just cannot imagine living in an era without electronic technology. Being able to sit in my part of the globe and chat with others at other corners in real time is invaluable. I love and enjoy technology; I just do not appreciate the dehumanization of people via hi-tech. That's all.
I see children that do not do well in school because they have ADD [so their parents claim] sitting in front of a video game and playing for hrs !!! most cases it's a copout by both the parents and their spoiled kids !!

Well, from my side I see lazy teachers also trying to force a diagnosis. My son has a learning disability and his teachers lied to try and force an ADD diagnosis so they wouldn't have to deal with him in their class of 33 students.

Furthur, I think it is more than just "lazy teachers." It is more like a conspiracy to dehumanize, and the perpetrators have figured it is better to get folks at a young age - that way people grow up never knowing how they should have been that they never were. I have seem some very normal children being labeled ADD or autism (though with good command of speech and language) that just leaves me dumbfounded:

Children are supposed to be very active and inquisitive, which is why they need parents and teachers to help give them some structure in life. To stigmatize children as ADD or autistic for simply being children and wrongfully drug to render them docile is diabolic!

Therefore I tell parents: If the school system makes vaccines (the commonly used medium in this sadistic game) mandatory and starts stigmatizing your child, then go elsewhere or simply home school your child. Several of our prominent inventors and thinkers were home schooled.

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