"Innocence of Muslims" cast disavows movie

No not God...the people back then are not if the modern age....there was slavery everywhere before Muhammad

And your god did nothing about it. Could not even dare to change it. Your god simply said, slavery is fine.

This is actually a good proof that islam has nothing to do with a higher being, but rather the ruling class of the time.

So, your god doesn't see any problem with the slavery system, do you accept that? Otherwise I will have to think abolishing slavery was not in the power of your god but was in Abraham Lincolns.

Oh yes he did....slavery existed in all three abrahamic faiths....God encouraged Muhamamd to free slaves and treat them well.....Muhammad bought slaves and gave them better lives...the first person to read the athaan(Islamic call of prayer) was a slave...he was given that privilege and he became a Muslim.

One question; I am a wealthy man with 4 wives, I did buy 5 male and 3 female slaves. I did make my male slaves work in my farm and did make 3 of my female slaves work in the house and sexually pleasure me when I am bored with my 4 wives.

Is this whole arrangement suitable to islam?

Easy to answer, yes or no...
And your god did nothing about it. Could not even dare to change it. Your god simply said, slavery is fine.

This is actually a good proof that islam has nothing to do with a higher being, but rather the ruling class of the time.

So, your god doesn't see any problem with the slavery system, do you accept that? Otherwise I will have to think abolishing slavery was not in the power of your god but was in Abraham Lincolns.

Oh yes he did....slavery existed in all three abrahamic faiths....God encouraged Muhamamd to free slaves and treat them well.....Muhammad bought slaves and gave them better lives...the first person to read the athaan(Islamic call of prayer) was a slave...he was given that privilege and he became a Muslim.

One question; I am a wealthy man with 4 wives, I did buy 5 male and 3 female slaves. I did make my male slaves work in my farm and did make 3 of my female slaves work in the house and sexually pleasure me when I am bored with my 4 wives.

Is this whole arrangement suitable to islam?

Easy to answer, yes or no...

Muhammad married widows and didn't have sex with them is that all you think about dick and sex?

He was rarely even home.... He was doing his job as a prophet.

Everybody then married many women....but you still cannot apply that to Muhamamd, he had a wife Khadijah whom they were happy together...then she died.....he didn't marry for love
‘Innocence of Muslims’ cast disavows movie - BlogPost - The Washington Post

So the filmmakers redubbed the movie and are gonna get sued by the actors....

George Lucas re dubbed the voice of David Prowse in Star Wars, and even re filmed the reveal of Vader's face using another actor. Only a complete ignoramus would think anyone could win a lawsuit over a producer doing what he wants with his movie.

Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.

I'm not the person sueing....are you aware of that? I just listed the article to she it was dubbed and you can tell by looking at the video

You didn't make the OP? You should report that someone hacked your account.
Oh yes he did....slavery existed in all three abrahamic faiths....God encouraged Muhamamd to free slaves and treat them well.....Muhammad bought slaves and gave them better lives...the first person to read the athaan(Islamic call of prayer) was a slave...he was given that privilege and he became a Muslim.

One question; I am a wealthy man with 4 wives, I did buy 5 male and 3 female slaves. I did make my male slaves work in my farm and did make 3 of my female slaves work in the house and sexually pleasure me when I am bored with my 4 wives.

Is this whole arrangement suitable to islam?

Easy to answer, yes or no...

Muhammad married widows and didn't have sex with them is that all you think about dick and sex?

He was rarely even home.... He was doing his job as a prophet.

Everybody then married many women....but you still cannot apply that to Muhamamd, he had a wife Khadijah whom they were happy together...then she died.....he didn't marry for love

Didn't have sex with them? IS that because he was gay and only used marriage to hide that from the people who he was lying to about seeing angels?
One question; I am a wealthy man with 4 wives, I did buy 5 male and 3 female slaves. I did make my male slaves work in my farm and did make 3 of my female slaves work in the house and sexually pleasure me when I am bored with my 4 wives.

Is this whole arrangement suitable to islam?

Easy to answer, yes or no...

Muhammad married widows and didn't have sex with them is that all you think about dick and sex?

He was rarely even home.... He was doing his job as a prophet.

Everybody then married many women....but you still cannot apply that to Muhamamd, he had a wife Khadijah whom they were happy together...then she died.....he didn't marry for love

Didn't have sex with them? IS that because he was gay and only used marriage to hide that from the people who he was lying to about seeing angels?

Dont troll this is for serious people
Alpine you were trying to refer to Muhammad....if I said yes you would have said look that's what Muhamad did....and I answered you

You're the one who is attacking Muhammad than claiming he didn't exist. You say you don't believe in God so that must mean you believe Muhammad made up right? But now you deny he even existed? Troll much
Alpine you were trying to refer to Muhammad....if I said yes you would have said look that's what Muhamad did....and I answered you

You're the one who is attacking Muhammad than claiming he didn't exist. You say you don't believe in God so that must mean you believe Muhammad made up right? But now you deny he even existed? Troll much

I didn't ever referred to your prophet.

I just asked a simple question and you can not even answer to that. I don't think you have the caliber to get involved into any discussions regarding your religion.
Muhammad married widows and didn't have sex with them is that all you think about dick and sex?

He was rarely even home.... He was doing his job as a prophet.

Everybody then married many women....but you still cannot apply that to Muhamamd, he had a wife Khadijah whom they were happy together...then she died.....he didn't marry for love

Didn't have sex with them? IS that because he was gay and only used marriage to hide that from the people who he was lying to about seeing angels?

Dont troll this is for serious people

You claim to be serious and claim that Mohammad did not have sex with his wives? What do you base that on?

Let me quote the Qur'an

But when Zaid had accomplished his want of her, We gave her to you as a wife, so that there should be no difficulty for the believers in respect of the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished their want of them; and Allah's command shall be performed. Sura 33:37

O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who fled with you; and a believing woman if she gave herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desired to marry her-- specially for you, not for the (rest of) believers; We know what We have ordained for them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame may attach to you; You may put off whom you please of them, and you may take to you whom you please, and whom you desire of those whom you had separated provisionally; no blame attaches to you; this is most proper, so that their eyes may be cool and they may not grieve, and that they should be pleased. Sura 33:50-51

If you don't want me to troll your post don't try to bamboozle me with bullshit that any one that has ever read the Qur'an can disprove without trying. Mohammad had sex. lots of it, and bragged about it in the book he wrote.

Alpine you were trying to refer to Muhammad....if I said yes you would have said look that's what Muhamad did....and I answered you

You're the one who is attacking Muhammad than claiming he didn't exist. You say you don't believe in God so that must mean you believe Muhammad made up right? But now you deny he even existed? Troll much

I didn't ever referred to your prophet.

I just asked a simple question and you can not even answer to that. I don't think you have the caliber to get involved into any discussions regarding your religion.

Yes you are trying to refer to Muhammad I can see where you're going it's obvious for me I've had many questions like that asked....it's not new to me
Didn't have sex with them? IS that because he was gay and only used marriage to hide that from the people who he was lying to about seeing angels?

Dont troll this is for serious people

You claim to be serious and claim that Mohammad did not have sex with his wives? What do you base that on?

Let me quote the Qur'an

But when Zaid had accomplished his want of her, We gave her to you as a wife, so that there should be no difficulty for the believers in respect of the wives of their adopted sons, when they have accomplished their want of them; and Allah's command shall be performed. Sura 33:37

O Prophet! surely We have made lawful to you your wives whom you have given their dowries, and those whom your right hand possesses out of those whom Allah has given to you as prisoners of war, and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts, and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who fled with you; and a believing woman if she gave herself to the Prophet, if the Prophet desired to marry her-- specially for you, not for the (rest of) believers; We know what We have ordained for them concerning their wives and those whom their right hands possess in order that no blame may attach to you; You may put off whom you please of them, and you may take to you whom you please, and whom you desire of those whom you had separated provisionally; no blame attaches to you; this is most proper, so that their eyes may be cool and they may not grieve, and that they should be pleased. Sura 33:50-51

If you don't want me to troll your post don't try to bamboozle me with bullshit that any one that has ever read the Qur'an can disprove without trying. Mohammad had sex. lots of it, and bragged about it in the book he wrote.

No, he did have sex with his wives some of them....not all the widows though....and what is wrong with a human having sex again? He tried to get children not for pleasure like you perverts always think about(sex).

Abraham had sex and Moses had sex too I am proving any point? You stupid moron
BIK, guys, is a fuckward.

When dealing with the fuckwad, accept that fact.

Of course security concerns mean something, and that the fuckwad pretends he does not get it shows why he is a fuckwad.

Oh I will have a lot to say....and what is your country? Why aren't you naming the country you used to live in? Perhaps you're lying about coming from a Muslim county just name it what's hard about that?

I dont want to. What is the big deal, I don't get it. I have security concerns regarding my family. I could name one easily if I wanted to, don't you think?

I don't see the security concern of naming your native country....:confused:

Just name it, here I'm native to gaza happy?
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BIK, guys, is a fuckward.

When dealing with the fuckwad, accept that fact.

Of course security concerns mean something, and that the fuckwad pretends he does not get is shows why he is a fuckwad.

I dont want to. What is the big deal, I don't get it. I have security concerns regarding my family. I could name one easily if I wanted to, don't you think?

I don't see the security concern of naming your native country....:confused:

Just name it, here I'm native to gaza happy?

Me? This guy doesn't sound like am ex Muslim....he sounds pretty basic...
You? You don't sound sentient . . . you sound like you simply slug along.
You? You don't sound sentient . . . you sound like you simply slug along.

Dont hate...you can't claim your Muslim and not know half of what you're talking about....he wanted to challenge me on the Koran....and well I answered what I could
Answer honestly. Just don't hate. And certainly don't judge what a security issue is the ME or North Africa for Muslims. Or Christians or Jews or Druze for that matter.
Answer honestly. Just don't hate. And certainly don't judge what a security issue is the ME or North Africa for Muslims. Or Christians or Jews or Druze for that matter.

I did answer honestly I am against people using the embassy riots as a justification for their hate on Islam
BIK, guys, is a fuckward.

When dealing with the fuckwad, accept that fact.

Of course security concerns mean something, and that the fuckwad pretends he does not get it shows why he is a fuckwad.

Watch it Jake, keep this up and you might end up with a reputation for being reasonable.
I am very reasonable, just not one of our far right extremists on the Board, who are anything but reasonable, most of the time.

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