Insanity - Ferguson Mo Caves In To Blacks And Announces Amnesty For Lawbreakers!!!

Police Commissions are not unheard of. As a side note, anyone heard how the civil rights violation investigation is going? Charges against the officer?

The delays seem to favor the police I'd say.
Enforcement is often selective. Businesses complain about parking in front of their business and police step up enforcement. Bobby almost gets hit by a speeding car in front of school. A speedtrap.
These are subpoenas that have been served and ignored... fines that have been levied and ignored...You can't distort the issue by inventing fantasy scenarios.

The DA takes some cases and throws out others.

Really? don't say...and if you fail to appear for your hearing a warrant is the original offense becomes secondary.

Juries may or may not convict with roughly similiar cases.

Not many traffic fine cases go to "the jury"....but if you don't show up it becomes irrelevant.... if you fail to appear at your hearing...a warrant is issued.

You failed to make the case this amnesty program is Black specific.
We've went over this just a couple of posts ago..did you forget already? No one said it was black only..The purpose was aimed specifically at "blacks" to
repair its frayed relationship with black residents.

I understand you need to try to evade and change the subject because you know you don't have a leg to stand this point your desperate flailing around has become comical.
Blacks are being told " Loot and burn stores and we'll CANCEL any fines you owe the city".

sep 12 2014
FERGUSON, Mo. — There were lots of jitters at the Ferguson police clerk’s window this week, as steady streams of drivers with unpaid traffic tickets and pending arrest warrants turned themselves in as part of a new city initiative to repair its frayed relationship with black residents.

They looked around skeptically. “I don’t know if they are going to lock me up,” said Katrina Clemons, who owes almost $800 in fines and penalties from a $250 traffic ticket. “I do not like coming here.”

The drivers came with their citations, thousand-dollar invoices, and tales of racial profiling and exorbitant fees. In the wake of last month’s killing of an unarmed black teenager by a white police officer, their frustrations with the police and local courts had boiled over, pressuring elected city officials this week to scale back municipal penalties that had helped fill the city’s coffers even as they had lightened the wallets of the poor.

On Tuesday, the City Council decided to abolish fines that are routinely issued if a defendant fails to show up for court, repeal a “failure to appear” law that led to many incarcerations, and give people a month to come forward and void their warrants. It also created a special docket for defendants who have difficulty making payments on outstanding fines and moved to establish a civilian review board to oversee the Police Department, which is under investigation by the Justice Department’s civil rights division.

What's "good"?

I don't understand?

This is from DingDong's linkkk. DingDong won't print the entire story, and there's a reason for that.

Municipal fines are the city’s second-highest source of revenue. Last year Ferguson drivers paid $12,400 in fines for driving cars with tinted windows. They paid another $4,905 for loud music coming out of their cars. The biggest slice of that revenue comes from people, like Ms. Clemons, who drive without insurance. In 2013, the city of just 21,000 people made almost $287,000 on that infraction alone.

Many African-Americans, who are pulled over at higher rates than whites, face traffic fines that, if not paid, can land them in jail.

So the trust level was not high in court and at the police clerk’s window in Ferguson this week.

The city issued about 25,000 arrest warrants last year — three per household, according to Arch City Defenders, a nonprofit legal group that recently published a scathing report on the issue.

To combat the notion that the city deliberately issued tickets to finance its operations, the Council on Tuesday agreed to limit how much of the city’s general fund can come from municipal fines.
I didn't read anything about looters being given a free pass. It was for parking tickets and failed court appearances.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. Are you saying none of the looters had outstanding traffic fines?? Produce your evidence or STFU.
What's "good"?

I don't understand?

This is from DingDong's linkkk. DingDong won't print the entire story, and there's a reason for that.

Municipal fines are the city’s second-highest source of revenue. Last year Ferguson drivers paid $12,400 in fines for driving cars with tinted windows. They paid another $4,905 for loud music coming out of their cars. The biggest slice of that revenue comes from people, like Ms. Clemons, who drive without insurance. In 2013, the city of just 21,000 people made almost $287,000 on that infraction alone.

Many African-Americans, who are pulled over at higher rates than whites, face traffic fines that, if not paid, can land them in jail.

So the trust level was not high in court and at the police clerk’s window in Ferguson this week.

The city issued about 25,000 arrest warrants last year — three per household, according to Arch City Defenders, a nonprofit legal group that recently published a scathing report on the issue.

To combat the notion that the city deliberately issued tickets to finance its operations, the Council on Tuesday agreed to limit how much of the city’s general fund can come from municipal fines.

Hey stupid. What's your point?. Are you saying drivng without insurance should be legal??

I like the idea of a city getting it's revenue thru fines. Make the criminals pay and reduce the taxes of law abiding citizens.

I didn't read anything about looters being given a free pass. It was for parking tickets and failed court appearances.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. Are you saying none of the looters had outstanding traffic fines?? Produce your evidence or STFU.
What's "good"?

I don't understand?

This is from DingDong's linkkk. DingDong won't print the entire story, and there's a reason for that.

Municipal fines are the city’s second-highest source of revenue. Last year Ferguson drivers paid $12,400 in fines for driving cars with tinted windows. They paid another $4,905 for loud music coming out of their cars. The biggest slice of that revenue comes from people, like Ms. Clemons, who drive without insurance. In 2013, the city of just 21,000 people made almost $287,000 on that infraction alone.

Many African-Americans, who are pulled over at higher rates than whites, face traffic fines that, if not paid, can land them in jail.

So the trust level was not high in court and at the police clerk’s window in Ferguson this week.

The city issued about 25,000 arrest warrants last year — three per household, according to Arch City Defenders, a nonprofit legal group that recently published a scathing report on the issue.

To combat the notion that the city deliberately issued tickets to finance its operations, the Council on Tuesday agreed to limit how much of the city’s general fund can come from municipal fines.

Hey stupid. What's your point?. Are you saying drivng without insurance should be legal??

I like the idea of a city getting it's revenue thru fines. Make the criminals pay and reduce the taxes of law abiding citizens.


I'm saying the majority of people they were pulling over was blackkk people. It's from your own link, DingDong.
Blacks trash everything. They hate the law and civilization....

wake the fuck up if you want to live within a first world country....
I didn't read anything about looters being given a free pass. It was for parking tickets and failed court appearances.

HAHAHA. Hey einstein. Are you saying none of the looters had outstanding traffic fines?? Produce your evidence or STFU.

In fact, of the 51 people who were arrested Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, only one person was from Ferguson. The rest were from surrounding towns and faraway cities such as Des Moines, Iowa, Chicago and New York.

Who Are The Protesters Getting Arrested In Ferguson NPR
Enforcement is often selective. Businesses complain about parking in front of their business and police step up enforcement. Bobby almost gets hit by a speeding car in front of school. A speedtrap.

The DA takes some cases and throws out others. Juries may or may not convict with roughly similiar cases.

You failed to make the case this amnesty program is Black specific.

99% of the looting, burning and the furgasson bs is BLACK. Wake the hell up.
This is from DingDong's linkkk. DingDong won't print the entire story, and there's a reason for that.

Municipal fines are the city’s second-highest source of revenue. Last year Ferguson drivers paid $12,400 in fines for driving cars with tinted windows. They paid another $4,905 for loud music coming out of their cars. The biggest slice of that revenue comes from people, like Ms. Clemons, who drive without insurance. In 2013, the city of just 21,000 people made almost $287,000 on that infraction alone.

So the city should abolish all ordinances in order to not offend negroes...

Many African-Americans, who are pulled over at higher rates than whites, face traffic fines that, if not paid, can land them in jail.

I sense an agenda leaking through here.

Do white people not go to jail for failure to appear or not paying their fines?

So the trust level was not high in court and at the police clerk’s window in Ferguson this week.
Pay your fines...appear at the date and time on the subpoena...just like white people have to.

The city issued about 25,000 arrest warrants last year — three per household, according to Arch City Defenders, a nonprofit legal group that recently published a scathing report on the issue.

There's obviously something missing in you think 3 people from every household in ferguson went to jail last year?

To combat the notion that the city deliberately issued tickets to finance its operations, the Council on Tuesday agreed to limit how much of the city’s general fund can come from municipal fines.

Pssstt..that's how every community in america works...fines go to the city..

...but you think the fines already levied and the warrants already issued should be disregarded or excused because they offend negroes.
Hell of a way to run a country...

luckily it's almost over..Corrections will be made.

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