Insider: Democrats plan on impeaching Trump within 6 month

How would the Democrats impeach Trump?

As soon as they get majority in the House AND the Senate.
Anyone over forty will not live long enough to see that happen in their lifetime.
Watch President Trump put two-three strict Constitutionalists on the SC.
This is the number one reason.......forget the stupid wet dream Russian collusion bullshit......that the LIBs and their LIB MSM are DESPERATE to get rid of President Trump so he can't put these judges on the bench.
Imagine an America with seven or eight strict Constitutionalist judges for the next four five decades!
It actually sends a shiver up my leg!
How would the Democrats impeach Trump?

As soon as they get majority in the House AND the Senate.
Anyone over forty will not live long enough to see that happen in their lifetime.
Watch President Trump put two-three strict Constitutionalists on the SC.
This is the number one reason.......forget the stupid wet dream Russian collusion bullshit......that the LIBs and their LIB MSM are DESPERATE to get rid of President Trump so he can't put these judges on the bench.
Imagine an America with seven or eight strict Constitutionalist judges for the next four five decades!
It actually sends a shiver up my leg!

"....put two-three strict Constitutionalists on the SC.
This is the number one reason.......forget the stupid wet dream Russian collusion bullshit......that the LIBs and their LIB MSM are DESPERATE to get rid of President Trump so he can't put these judges on the bench."

My fondest hope, and the number one reason for my vote.

The second reason was this:
"Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty'
(CNN)President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive order Thursday that could allow churches and other religious organizations to become more active politically, according to officials.

The order will direct the IRS to exercise "maximum enforcement discretion" over the Johnson Amendment, which prevents churches and other tax-exempt religious organizations from endorsing or opposing political candidates. It will also provide "regulatory relief" for organizations that object on religious grounds to a provision in Obamacare that mandates employers provide certain health services, including coverage for contraception.

The order will declare that it is the policy of the Trump administration "to protect and vigorously promote religious liberty," according to a senior administration official."
Trump to sign executive order to 'vigorously promote religious liberty' -
How would the Democrats impeach Trump?

As soon as they get majority in the House AND the Senate.
Anyone over forty will not live long enough to see that happen in their lifetime.
Watch President Trump put two-three strict Constitutionalists on the SC.
This is the number one reason.......forget the stupid wet dream Russian collusion bullshit......that the LIBs and their LIB MSM are DESPERATE to get rid of President Trump so he can't put these judges on the bench.
Imagine an America with seven or eight strict Constitutionalist judges for the next four five decades!
It actually sends a shiver up my leg!

Those who cry and bitch about President (or candidate) Trump allegedly colluding with Putin forget that Franklin Delano Roosevelt, you know, the mental and physical nicotine addict cripple in fact colluded with the second worst criminal in history, his favorite Uncle Joe Stalin.
So if they impeach him so what? He doesnt have to leave office...Clinton didn't
They planned on impeaching six months far? Nada

You see how they are going after the son and law now don't you, well pay attention to anything having to with Trump off MSM............... each day , week, and month . They are looking for and are wanting to find anything they can to pin it on him and they will go to any length to do it.
Like the way republicans and Kenneth Starr went after Bill Clinton? For one made up gate after another? Is this the SAME Deep State?

Who rules this so called deep state?

Why the puppet masters do .
And who are the puppet masters?

And what do they want to accomplish?

And why? For what goal? What purpose?

How does it benefit them?

Control the food you control the population
Control the oil you control the population
Control the medical you control the people

The Globalist are the puppet masters

Names like Kissinger, Soros, research about the Bildaberg meetings.

Is that anything like Build-A-Bear?
So if they impeach him so what? He doesnt have to leave office...Clinton didn't
Clinton was impeached by the House (charged).....but in the impeachment trial, he was acquitted...found not guilty by the Senate.

This is why he was able to stay in office.

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