Instant Karma Gets Trump Supporter

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
his anti-Mexican rhetoric
you mean anti- Illegals dont you?....
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
This lady's feelings of being duped is just the beginning of the onslaught of disgruntled Trump voters. Wait til millions lose their healthcare due to Trump's and the GOP's incompetence.
As Bob Dylan sang, " A hard rain is going to fall."
About 2,000 freaking miles and CNN found some poor woman who would be impacted by the wall and ignorant left wing jokesters call it "karma". Hatred will do strange things to you. How many people do you think FDR displaced with the TVA? How many people were displaced when Ike created the "interstate system"? Shit happens and it ain't "karma".
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
This is all part of making sacrifices in order to protect our sovereignty.
Our " sovereignty " has never been threatened..It's just the lies trump tells you to hate brown people.
When you have wetbacks, Muslims, andother third worlders pouring over our border illegally, it's a threat to our sovereignty, culture, and principles the founders created for the fabric of our nation to exist on.
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump likes people "who he CAN use eminent domain on".
The Norris dam created by the TVA displaced 3,500 people. Cemeteries were dug up and homes going back to the 1700's were given up and lost. Nobody but a fool would have called it "karma" for 3,500 people to lose their homes even though it's likely that all those people voted for FDR. The TVA still exists and is about 50 billion in debit. The "interstate system" was created by an act of congress in 1956 and at first was popular but later big cities and states revolted because of the cost and the fact that tens of thousands of people who would lose their property not to mention the cities and businesses that dried up when the interstate passed them by. Nobody but an idiot fool would have called it "karma" no matter who they voted for.
Blackfag Sez????? "If you don't see things the leftard way then you must be a product of incest!!!!!!"

Out of all the sperm that attempted to get inside the were the smartest one? SMH......
What a dumb comment, Dale. :rolleyes:

I kick your ass with relative ease, little's not like you pose any challenge.
You said nothing about this dumb inbred woman ending up on the Mexican side of the border wall. Looks like you have nothing to contribute to the thread.

How is she "inbred", dumb fuck?????? Because she doesn't toe the leftard line?
Dale pretends he knows things he has no way of knowing. Psychotic people do that a lot.

No pretending to it. It's called reading, researching with a desire to know the truth. Something leftards avoid like the plague.
View attachment 142786
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
What a dumb woman. But then again, you can't fault her since she's a product of incest.

Blackfag Sez????? "If you don't see things the leftard way then you must be a product of incest!!!!!!"

Out of all the sperm that attempted to get inside the were the smartest one? SMH......
What a dumb comment, Dale. :rolleyes:

I kick your ass with relative ease, little's not like you pose any challenge.
This nutcase is a legend in his own demented mind.
The only thing that would help is possible a straitjacket in a padded room.

But yet I kick your ass ALLLL the time by simply telling the truth. You tout the leftard commie side of things that are nothing but lies.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
This is all part of making sacrifices in order to protect our sovereignty.
Our " sovereignty " has never been threatened..It's just the lies trump tells you to hate brown people.

With a wide open southern border with little to no enforcement of federal law that prohibits illegals from coming over here and bypassing the process is indeed a breach of our sovereignty as a nation, dumb ass.
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
This is all part of making sacrifices in order to protect our sovereignty.
Our " sovereignty " has never been threatened..It's just the lies trump tells you to hate brown people.
When you have wetbacks, Muslims, andother third worlders pouring over our border illegally, it's a threat to our sovereignty, culture, and principles the founders created for the fabric of our nation to exist on.
Wetbacks? And this fraud loves to lie about what a good Christian he is.
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
This is all part of making sacrifices in order to protect our sovereignty.
Our " sovereignty " has never been threatened..It's just the lies trump tells you to hate brown people.

With a wide open southern border with little to no enforcement of federal law that prohibits illegals from coming over here and bypassing the process is indeed a breach of our sovereignty as a nation, dumb ass.
There's more leaving than entering the USA and has been that way for the past 3 years. Trump sold you a bill of goods and you bought it like the good little whore..
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

At least she would be handsomely compensated instead of the BLM tactics of outright thievery like what happened to the Hammonds and led to the Refuge stand-off in Oregon where Lavoy Finicum was murdered by "da gubermint".

So, how many illegals do you believe should be allowed into the country and subsidized, dipshit?

How the fuck do you go from The Trump border wall to Black Lives Matter to the Oregon stand off? Did the doctor turn the electro-shock therapy machine up to 13 during your last treatment session?
/----/ Bureau of Land Management you moron. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
View attachment 142786
What a dumb woman. But then again, you can't fault her since she's a product of incest.

Blackfag Sez????? "If you don't see things the leftard way then you must be a product of incest!!!!!!"

Out of all the sperm that attempted to get inside the were the smartest one? SMH......
What a dumb comment, Dale. :rolleyes:

I kick your ass with relative ease, little's not like you pose any challenge.
This nutcase is a legend in his own demented mind.
The only thing that would help is possible a straitjacket in a padded room.

But yet I kick your ass ALLLL the time by simply telling the truth. You tout the leftard commie side of things that are nothing but lies.

View attachment 142859
Not even once have you even come close. That's because I have the truth on my side. Imagine hitching your wagon to a pathologically lyin pussygrabber. You have zero integrity.

" The Boy Scouts head called my speech the best one he ever heard."
Boy Scouts head: No I didn't..
Ha ha
The Norris dam created by the TVA displaced 3,500 people. Cemeteries were dug up and homes going back to the 1700's were given up and lost. Nobody but a fool would have called it "karma" for 3,500 people to lose their homes even though it's likely that all those people voted for FDR. The TVA still exists and is about 50 billion in debit. The "interstate system" was created by an act of congress in 1956 and at first was popular but later big cities and states revolted because of the cost and the fact that tens of thousands of people who would lose their property not to mention the cities and businesses that dried up when the interstate passed them by. Nobody but an idiot fool would have called it "karma" no matter who they voted for.
she believed Trump would take care of her.
Now she's on the Mexican side of the imaginary wall that won't ever be built.
She's not happy.
What a dumb comment, Dale. :rolleyes:

I kick your ass with relative ease, little's not like you pose any challenge.
You said nothing about this dumb inbred woman ending up on the Mexican side of the border wall. Looks like you have nothing to contribute to the thread.

How is she "inbred", dumb fuck?????? Because she doesn't toe the leftard line?
Dale pretends he knows things he has no way of knowing. Psychotic people do that a lot.

No pretending to it. It's called reading, researching with a desire to know the truth. Something leftards avoid like the plague.
So do you do research on all of Trump's comments that turn out to be 100% false?
And you still love him. Lol
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
This is all part of making sacrifices in order to protect our sovereignty.
Our " sovereignty " has never been threatened..It's just the lies trump tells you to hate brown people.
When you have wetbacks, Muslims, andother third worlders pouring over our border illegally, it's a threat to our sovereignty, culture, and principles the founders created for the fabric of our nation to exist on.
Wetbacks? And this fraud loves to lie about what a good Christian he is.
Yes, Wetbacks! Maybe you should know history, especially about President Eisenhower' government deportation plan to round up illegals. Guess what it was called? Operation Wetback

Here you know nothing libtard
Operation Wetback - Wikipedia
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Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
This is all part of making sacrifices in order to protect our sovereignty.
Our " sovereignty " has never been threatened..It's just the lies trump tells you to hate brown people.

With a wide open southern border with little to no enforcement of federal law that prohibits illegals from coming over here and bypassing the process is indeed a breach of our sovereignty as a nation, dumb ass.
There's more leaving than entering the USA and has been that way for the past 3 years. Trump sold you a bill of goods and you bought it like the good little whore..

If so, that is a good thing because since the Hildebeast lost, amnesty is off the table and with ICE actually enforcing the law? Illegals have something to fear for a change. As I have stated numerous times, I do not participate in the elections of this banana republic because I am no longer a de-facto employee of USA.INC and reclaimed my pre-14th amendment status by filing the proper UCC-1 paperwork. I am, however, very much impressed with Trump that has taken on the establishment and their cohorts that run the lamestream media. I know that you believe in leftardism and there is no sin or crime that the Hildebeast, the Obamamonkey or the DNC could commit that would turn your stomach because the ends justifies the means. It's also the credo of the communist you can bite it hard for all I care. You are a fucking joke in search of a punchline.
View attachment 142786
Blackfag Sez????? "If you don't see things the leftard way then you must be a product of incest!!!!!!"

Out of all the sperm that attempted to get inside the were the smartest one? SMH......
What a dumb comment, Dale. :rolleyes:

I kick your ass with relative ease, little's not like you pose any challenge.
This nutcase is a legend in his own demented mind.
The only thing that would help is possible a straitjacket in a padded room.

But yet I kick your ass ALLLL the time by simply telling the truth. You tout the leftard commie side of things that are nothing but lies.

View attachment 142859
Not even once have you even come close. That's because I have the truth on my side. Imagine hitching your wagon to a pathologically lyin pussygrabber. You have zero integrity.

" The Boy Scouts head called my speech the best one he ever heard."
Boy Scouts head: No I didn't..
Ha ha

Not even once have you even come close. That's because I have the truth on my side. Imagine hitching your wagon to a pathologically lyin pussygrabber. You have zero integrity>>>>>>>>>>>>

I don't believe or have faith in man at all but I will give kudos where it belongs and thus far Trump has done nothing to cause me to regret my feelings of relief when he defeated the Hildebeast. If you voted for her? YOU are the one with no intyegrity and as far as "pussy-grabbing" goes and sexual assault? I never once mentioned Bill "drop trou" in any post to you.

Hope this helps!

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