Instant Karma Gets Trump Supporter

It doesn't matter if it has been around longer. BLM has been almost exclusively used on this forum for Black Lives Matter.

The only reason we were both assuming that is what you were talking about... is because you are a fucking lunatic schizo. If it was someone other than you, we would have probably thought twice about what they were trying to say and reasoned it out to be something else.

Do you understand that? You are such a fucking crazy idiot, that people now just assume all your posts make no sense.

Really? The Black Lives Matter and the Oregon Refuge Standoff and the Bundy Ranch Stand-off were intertwined with each other, dipshit???????? Your fellow leftard pals howled with glee when Lavoy Finicum was murdered by the Feds and the BLM was the major player in BOTH sagas that captured the nation's attention.........don't blame me because you and Pogo are fucking's not MY fault, dipshit.

Yep, in your mind you make jumps like that all the time.

You know what's really funny? The fact you think you need to tell the entire world how smart you think you are... EVERY post. :rofl:



No, I don' are lamely attempting to cover up your stupidity.......and it is lame. Have you learned a lesson tonight???? Now, what "gubermint" entity goes by the acronym "BLM"????? Put on your thinking cap.........(snicker)

What you fail to understand, which isn't surprising, is I have no problem with my intelligence level. I've gotten my degree from a reputable university, I got accepted into Grad school, and I got a position as a Grad Assistant based on my grades and score on the GRE. What I don't have to do though, is add in every post how smart I "think" I am like you do.

Yeaaaaaah, you are a real "whiz kid".....basket weaving 101? I don't claim to be smarter...I claim to KNOW more than most...and I do and I prove it on a daily basis. You certainly showed your ass tonight....LOL!!!!!

No... I graduated Summa Cum Laude in Criminal Justice. I'm going to grad school for a Master's Degree in Criminology.

Do you have any idea how often you post how smart you think you are? I'm asking you this as a serious question.
Uh... BLM has been used for Black Lives Matter on this forum a million times since I've been a member here, and because your rants are so far out in left field, it wasn't a far reach for you.

STFU, you idiot.....the Oregon standoff has ALSO been posted on here "millions of times" including the Bundy Ranch stand-off and the BLM existed in this forum long before Black Lives Matter. You are a stupid motherfucker........seriously. Stupid and pathetic.

The Oregon standoff has nothing to do with the Trump Wall. And when you use a common acronym like BLM that is better known as Black Lives Matter, it is the smart thing to actually spell out what it is. But then again, I said it would be the smart thing to do, not what you would do.

If we are talking about land grabbing and the use of imminent domain then we certainly are. The Bureau of Land Management aka BLM has been around a couple of decades longer than the commie Black Lives Matter/ George Soros funded agitator group, you fucking moron. Don't try and weasel your way out of this one. You and Pogo just showed how utterly stupid and clueless you both are.......and it is as amusing as hell!
Why didn't you stand with the Bundys?

Had I known the way things were going to turn out, Buttecea? I would have been not only at the Bundy Ranch but the Oregon Refuge stand-off as well....gutless commie whores like you cheer on a tyrannical, run away federal "gubermint" because you unashamedly whore yourself to the state. You are one of those "three input" whores and if it's at the same time? All the better.....any other questions, whore?

No you wouldn't have, that would have meant you would have to leave your basement.
Really? The Black Lives Matter and the Oregon Refuge Standoff and the Bundy Ranch Stand-off were intertwined with each other, dipshit???????? Your fellow leftard pals howled with glee when Lavoy Finicum was murdered by the Feds and the BLM was the major player in BOTH sagas that captured the nation's attention.........don't blame me because you and Pogo are fucking's not MY fault, dipshit.

Yep, in your mind you make jumps like that all the time.

You know what's really funny? The fact you think you need to tell the entire world how smart you think you are... EVERY post. :rofl:



No, I don' are lamely attempting to cover up your stupidity.......and it is lame. Have you learned a lesson tonight???? Now, what "gubermint" entity goes by the acronym "BLM"????? Put on your thinking cap.........(snicker)

What you fail to understand, which isn't surprising, is I have no problem with my intelligence level. I've gotten my degree from a reputable university, I got accepted into Grad school, and I got a position as a Grad Assistant based on my grades and score on the GRE. What I don't have to do though, is add in every post how smart I "think" I am like you do.

Yeaaaaaah, you are a real "whiz kid".....basket weaving 101? I don't claim to be smarter...I claim to KNOW more than most...and I do and I prove it on a daily basis. You certainly showed your ass tonight....LOL!!!!!

No... I graduated Summa Cum Laude in Criminal Justice. I'm going to grad school for a Master's Degree in Criminology.

Do you have any idea how often you post how smart you think you are? I'm asking you this as a serious question.

Do you realize that "Criminal Justice" is a oxymoron, moron? Do you know the difference between Common Law and Statutory Law? The origins of Statutory law and how it is actually admiralty law? Why all crimes are monetized? Impress me with your knowledge. Will you be working with the barristers that have passed the BAR to impose their acts, statutes, codes and ordinances on behalf of the IMF that actually own USA.INC after it was taken into receivership?

One thing I can say that you didn't learn was what the REAL BLM is..........(snicker)

BTW, I am not smarter.....just infinitely more informed and I prove it daily....any time someone thinks that they can refute my claim? They need to step into the batter's box instead of talking shit from the stands....capiche', shithead????
Yep, in your mind you make jumps like that all the time.

You know what's really funny? The fact you think you need to tell the entire world how smart you think you are... EVERY post. :rofl:



No, I don' are lamely attempting to cover up your stupidity.......and it is lame. Have you learned a lesson tonight???? Now, what "gubermint" entity goes by the acronym "BLM"????? Put on your thinking cap.........(snicker)

What you fail to understand, which isn't surprising, is I have no problem with my intelligence level. I've gotten my degree from a reputable university, I got accepted into Grad school, and I got a position as a Grad Assistant based on my grades and score on the GRE. What I don't have to do though, is add in every post how smart I "think" I am like you do.

Yeaaaaaah, you are a real "whiz kid".....basket weaving 101? I don't claim to be smarter...I claim to KNOW more than most...and I do and I prove it on a daily basis. You certainly showed your ass tonight....LOL!!!!!

No... I graduated Summa Cum Laude in Criminal Justice. I'm going to grad school for a Master's Degree in Criminology.

Do you have any idea how often you post how smart you think you are? I'm asking you this as a serious question.

Do you realize that "Criminal Justice" is a oxymoron, moron? Do you know the difference between Common Law and Statutory Law? The origins of Statutory law and how it is actually admiralty law? Why all crimes are monetized? Impress me with your knowledge. Will you be working with the barristers that have passed the BAR to impose their acts, statutes, codes and ordinances on behalf of the IMF that actually own USA.INC after it was taken into receivership?

One thing I can say that you didn't learn was what the REAL BLM is..........(snicker)

BTW, I am not smarter.....just infinitely more informed and I prove it daily....any time someone thinks that they can refute my claim? They need to step into the batter's box instead of talking shit from the stands....capiche', shithead????

Once again, you take a simple statement and go off on some huge rant that is totally off topic. I could ask you about a recipe for spaghetti and you'd go off on a two-page rant about how the government is starting wars.

You are certifiably crazy. And I don't mean that in a good way.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! This is TOOO fucking hilarious!!!!!! The Bureau of Land Management, a federal "gubermint" bureaucracy has been around since1946....but leftards like Pogo and Lewdog believe that BLM actually stands for "Black Lives Matter".......that came onto the scene three years ago!!!!!

And they ADMITTED as much!!!!

First of all "when something came into existence" has nothing whatsoever to do with its place in common parlance.

Actually, strike "first of all". That alone is probably way over your head.
No, I don' are lamely attempting to cover up your stupidity.......and it is lame. Have you learned a lesson tonight???? Now, what "gubermint" entity goes by the acronym "BLM"????? Put on your thinking cap.........(snicker)

What you fail to understand, which isn't surprising, is I have no problem with my intelligence level. I've gotten my degree from a reputable university, I got accepted into Grad school, and I got a position as a Grad Assistant based on my grades and score on the GRE. What I don't have to do though, is add in every post how smart I "think" I am like you do.

Yeaaaaaah, you are a real "whiz kid".....basket weaving 101? I don't claim to be smarter...I claim to KNOW more than most...and I do and I prove it on a daily basis. You certainly showed your ass tonight....LOL!!!!!

No... I graduated Summa Cum Laude in Criminal Justice. I'm going to grad school for a Master's Degree in Criminology.

Do you have any idea how often you post how smart you think you are? I'm asking you this as a serious question.

Do you realize that "Criminal Justice" is a oxymoron, moron? Do you know the difference between Common Law and Statutory Law? The origins of Statutory law and how it is actually admiralty law? Why all crimes are monetized? Impress me with your knowledge. Will you be working with the barristers that have passed the BAR to impose their acts, statutes, codes and ordinances on behalf of the IMF that actually own USA.INC after it was taken into receivership?

One thing I can say that you didn't learn was what the REAL BLM is..........(snicker)

BTW, I am not smarter.....just infinitely more informed and I prove it daily....any time someone thinks that they can refute my claim? They need to step into the batter's box instead of talking shit from the stands....capiche', shithead????

Once again, you take a simple statement and go off on some huge rant that is totally off topic. I could ask you about a recipe for spaghetti and you'd go off on a two-page rant about how the government is starting wars.

You are certifiably crazy. And I don't mean that in a good way.

Ayep --- you can't spell "Dale" without ... ale. :alcoholic:
STFU, you idiot.....the Oregon standoff has ALSO been posted on here "millions of times" including the Bundy Ranch stand-off and the BLM existed in this forum long before Black Lives Matter. You are a stupid motherfucker........seriously. Stupid and pathetic.

The Oregon standoff has nothing to do with the Trump Wall. And when you use a common acronym like BLM that is better known as Black Lives Matter, it is the smart thing to actually spell out what it is. But then again, I said it would be the smart thing to do, not what you would do.

If we are talking about land grabbing and the use of imminent domain then we certainly are. The Bureau of Land Management aka BLM has been around a couple of decades longer than the commie Black Lives Matter/ George Soros funded agitator group, you fucking moron. Don't try and weasel your way out of this one. You and Pogo just showed how utterly stupid and clueless you both are.......and it is as amusing as hell!
Why didn't you stand with the Bundys?

Had I known the way things were going to turn out, Buttecea? I would have been not only at the Bundy Ranch but the Oregon Refuge stand-off as well....gutless commie whores like you cheer on a tyrannical, run away federal "gubermint" because you unashamedly whore yourself to the state. You are one of those "three input" whores and if it's at the same time? All the better.....any other questions, whore?

No you wouldn't have, that would have meant you would have to leave your basement.

Lewdog, what basement is that? I was working on multiple projects in Livonia, Michigan during the Bundy Stand-off and was working in Dallas, Texas during the Oregon Refuge what basement was I in exactly, dipshit?

You see, I know more than you.....infinitely more. I believe your real claim of scholarly brilliance is in reality "Soona Cum In My Mouth" Laude.....(snicker)

You are no scholar...hell, you can't even punctuate worth a shit....utterly pathetic.
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! This is TOOO fucking hilarious!!!!!! The Bureau of Land Management, a federal "gubermint" bureaucracy has been around since1946....but leftards like Pogo and Lewdog believe that BLM actually stands for "Black Lives Matter".......that came onto the scene three years ago!!!!!

And they ADMITTED as much!!!!

First of all "when something came into existence" has nothing whatsoever to do with its place in common parlance.

Actually, strike "first of all". That alone is probably way over your head.

So, Pogo......what is the BLM as it pertains to the Bundys and the Hammond family????? Feel free to backtrack through the prior posts, dipshit............(snicker)
What you fail to understand, which isn't surprising, is I have no problem with my intelligence level. I've gotten my degree from a reputable university, I got accepted into Grad school, and I got a position as a Grad Assistant based on my grades and score on the GRE. What I don't have to do though, is add in every post how smart I "think" I am like you do.

Yeaaaaaah, you are a real "whiz kid".....basket weaving 101? I don't claim to be smarter...I claim to KNOW more than most...and I do and I prove it on a daily basis. You certainly showed your ass tonight....LOL!!!!!

No... I graduated Summa Cum Laude in Criminal Justice. I'm going to grad school for a Master's Degree in Criminology.

Do you have any idea how often you post how smart you think you are? I'm asking you this as a serious question.

Do you realize that "Criminal Justice" is a oxymoron, moron? Do you know the difference between Common Law and Statutory Law? The origins of Statutory law and how it is actually admiralty law? Why all crimes are monetized? Impress me with your knowledge. Will you be working with the barristers that have passed the BAR to impose their acts, statutes, codes and ordinances on behalf of the IMF that actually own USA.INC after it was taken into receivership?

One thing I can say that you didn't learn was what the REAL BLM is..........(snicker)

BTW, I am not smarter.....just infinitely more informed and I prove it daily....any time someone thinks that they can refute my claim? They need to step into the batter's box instead of talking shit from the stands....capiche', shithead????

Once again, you take a simple statement and go off on some huge rant that is totally off topic. I could ask you about a recipe for spaghetti and you'd go off on a two-page rant about how the government is starting wars.

You are certifiably crazy. And I don't mean that in a good way.

Ayep --- you can't spell "Dale" without ... ale. :alcoholic:

Pogo.........B-L-M......Bundy Ranch..........can you make the connection between Negros running amok and how it ties into the Oregon refuge stand-off and how you made that connection? I am really curious.

Pogo SEZ?????? "That Dale guy tried to tie Black Lives Matter to the Bundys and how crazy is that because there is only one BLM on my radar because I be a leftard!!!!!!!!!"

Rock on wid' yo bad self, Pogo.....sag to your heart's content.
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Unfortunately there's always casualties in war.
It's the total piece of shits within your corrupt lawless party that keeps waving in the third world filth and offering free shit for a vote and a lifetime ride on the backs of American taxpayers.
Now, once again hard working legit Americans will get fucked over as a result of your twisted bullshit.
"Illegals before Americans"
Write it's the new DNC tag line.
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Unfortunately there's always casualties in war.
It's the total piece of shits within your corrupt lawless party that keeps waving in the third world filth and offering free shit for a vote and a lifetime ride on the backs of American taxpayers.
Now, once again hard working legit Americans will get fucked over as a result of your twisted bullshit.
"Illegals before Americans"
Write it's the new DNC tag line.

Leftards like the OP don't care.....they are closet commies just begging to come out in the open but they need the protection of a bunch of illiterate and low skilled illegals to provide cover for them......pretty sickening when you think about it.
The Oregon standoff has nothing to do with the Trump Wall. And when you use a common acronym like BLM that is better known as Black Lives Matter, it is the smart thing to actually spell out what it is. But then again, I said it would be the smart thing to do, not what you would do.

If we are talking about land grabbing and the use of imminent domain then we certainly are. The Bureau of Land Management aka BLM has been around a couple of decades longer than the commie Black Lives Matter/ George Soros funded agitator group, you fucking moron. Don't try and weasel your way out of this one. You and Pogo just showed how utterly stupid and clueless you both are.......and it is as amusing as hell!
Why didn't you stand with the Bundys?

Had I known the way things were going to turn out, Buttecea? I would have been not only at the Bundy Ranch but the Oregon Refuge stand-off as well....gutless commie whores like you cheer on a tyrannical, run away federal "gubermint" because you unashamedly whore yourself to the state. You are one of those "three input" whores and if it's at the same time? All the better.....any other questions, whore?

No you wouldn't have, that would have meant you would have to leave your basement.

Lewdog, what basement is that? I was working on multiple projects in Livonia, Michigan during the Bundy Stand-off and was working in Dallas, Texas during the Oregon Refuge what basement was I in exactly, dipshit?

You see, I know more than you.....infinitely more. I believe your real claim of scholarly brilliance is in reality "Soona Cum In My Mouth" Laude.....(snicker)

You are no scholar...hell, you can't even punctuate worth a shit....utterly pathetic.

I have PROVEN my accomplishments. You trying to tell someone else about punctuation? Now that is some funny ass shit.
If we are talking about land grabbing and the use of imminent domain then we certainly are. The Bureau of Land Management aka BLM has been around a couple of decades longer than the commie Black Lives Matter/ George Soros funded agitator group, you fucking moron. Don't try and weasel your way out of this one. You and Pogo just showed how utterly stupid and clueless you both are.......and it is as amusing as hell!
Why didn't you stand with the Bundys?

Had I known the way things were going to turn out, Buttecea? I would have been not only at the Bundy Ranch but the Oregon Refuge stand-off as well....gutless commie whores like you cheer on a tyrannical, run away federal "gubermint" because you unashamedly whore yourself to the state. You are one of those "three input" whores and if it's at the same time? All the better.....any other questions, whore?

No you wouldn't have, that would have meant you would have to leave your basement.

Lewdog, what basement is that? I was working on multiple projects in Livonia, Michigan during the Bundy Stand-off and was working in Dallas, Texas during the Oregon Refuge what basement was I in exactly, dipshit?

You see, I know more than you.....infinitely more. I believe your real claim of scholarly brilliance is in reality "Soona Cum In My Mouth" Laude.....(snicker)

You are no scholar...hell, you can't even punctuate worth a shit....utterly pathetic.

I have PROVEN my accomplishments. You trying to tell someone else about punctuation? Now that is some funny ass shit.

LOL!!! You have made claims with nothing to back it up and you avoided my questions. You are a poseur.......and a uninformed leftard idiot that is very insecure. Sucks to be you.....(snicker)
Last edited:
Why didn't you stand with the Bundys?

Had I known the way things were going to turn out, Buttecea? I would have been not only at the Bundy Ranch but the Oregon Refuge stand-off as well....gutless commie whores like you cheer on a tyrannical, run away federal "gubermint" because you unashamedly whore yourself to the state. You are one of those "three input" whores and if it's at the same time? All the better.....any other questions, whore?

No you wouldn't have, that would have meant you would have to leave your basement.

Lewdog, what basement is that? I was working on multiple projects in Livonia, Michigan during the Bundy Stand-off and was working in Dallas, Texas during the Oregon Refuge what basement was I in exactly, dipshit?

You see, I know more than you.....infinitely more. I believe your real claim of scholarly brilliance is in reality "Soona Cum In My Mouth" Laude.....(snicker)

You are no scholar...hell, you can't even punctuate worth a shit....utterly pathetic.

I have PROVEN my accomplishments. You trying to tell someone else about punctuation? Now that is some funny ass shit.

LOL!!! You have made claims with nothing to back it up and you avoided my questions. You are as poseur.......and a uninformed leftard idiot that is very insecure. Sucks to be you.....(snicker)

I posted my diploma on here... Just like when I said I got a 99 on the ASVAB and no one believed me including the former recruiter that said they only saw one person in all their years get a score of 99. When I say something about myself on here, I don't lie, and I back it up.
Had I known the way things were going to turn out, Buttecea? I would have been not only at the Bundy Ranch but the Oregon Refuge stand-off as well....gutless commie whores like you cheer on a tyrannical, run away federal "gubermint" because you unashamedly whore yourself to the state. You are one of those "three input" whores and if it's at the same time? All the better.....any other questions, whore?

No you wouldn't have, that would have meant you would have to leave your basement.

Lewdog, what basement is that? I was working on multiple projects in Livonia, Michigan during the Bundy Stand-off and was working in Dallas, Texas during the Oregon Refuge what basement was I in exactly, dipshit?

You see, I know more than you.....infinitely more. I believe your real claim of scholarly brilliance is in reality "Soona Cum In My Mouth" Laude.....(snicker)

You are no scholar...hell, you can't even punctuate worth a shit....utterly pathetic.

I have PROVEN my accomplishments. You trying to tell someone else about punctuation? Now that is some funny ass shit.

LOL!!! You have made claims with nothing to back it up and you avoided my questions. You are as poseur.......and a uninformed leftard idiot that is very insecure. Sucks to be you.....(snicker)

I posted my diploma on here... Just like when I said I got a 99 on the ASVAB and no one believed me including the former recruiter that said they only saw one person in all their years get a score of 99. When I say something about myself on here, I don't lie, and I back it up.

HOLY shit, how insecure can someone be that posts his grades in a forum of faceless strangers????? How desperate for acceptance are you? Hell, you are not that intelligent because you thought the BLM meant Black Lives Matter and you never answered my questions about (snicker) "criminal justice", admiralty/statutory law and Common Law. You are a pussy.....bottom line.

Hope this helps!!!!!
No you wouldn't have, that would have meant you would have to leave your basement.

Lewdog, what basement is that? I was working on multiple projects in Livonia, Michigan during the Bundy Stand-off and was working in Dallas, Texas during the Oregon Refuge what basement was I in exactly, dipshit?

You see, I know more than you.....infinitely more. I believe your real claim of scholarly brilliance is in reality "Soona Cum In My Mouth" Laude.....(snicker)

You are no scholar...hell, you can't even punctuate worth a shit....utterly pathetic.

I have PROVEN my accomplishments. You trying to tell someone else about punctuation? Now that is some funny ass shit.

LOL!!! You have made claims with nothing to back it up and you avoided my questions. You are as poseur.......and a uninformed leftard idiot that is very insecure. Sucks to be you.....(snicker)

I posted my diploma on here... Just like when I said I got a 99 on the ASVAB and no one believed me including the former recruiter that said they only saw one person in all their years get a score of 99. When I say something about myself on here, I don't lie, and I back it up.

HOLY shit, how insecure can someone be that posts his grades in a forum of faceless strangers????? How desperate for acceptance are you? Hell, you are not that intelligent because you thought the BLM meant Black Lives Matter and you never answered my questions about (snicker) "criminal justice", admiralty/statutory law and Common Law. You are a pussy.....bottom line.

Hope this helps!!!!!

It's not about insecurity, it's about the fact that I don't lie. And I don't need to count on self bragging about my intelligence in every post like you do. I could care less about acceptance. If acceptance was what I was here about, I'd be parroting Trump supporter lines in order to get a false sense of approval, instead of giving my REAL opinion.

I never answered your questions about Criminal Justice because no matter what I say you are going to say some dumb shit that you don't have a clue about, which is already made evident by your comments about Criminal Justice.
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
This is all part of making sacrifices in order to protect our sovereignty.
Our " sovereignty " has never been threatened..It's just the lies trump tells you to hate brown people.
What a dumb woman. But then again, you can't fault her since she's a product of incest.

Blackfag Sez????? "If you don't see things the leftard way then you must be a product of incest!!!!!!"

Out of all the sperm that attempted to get inside the were the smartest one? SMH......
What a dumb comment, Dale. :rolleyes:

I kick your ass with relative ease, little's not like you pose any challenge.
You said nothing about this dumb inbred woman ending up on the Mexican side of the border wall. Looks like you have nothing to contribute to the thread.

How is she "inbred", dumb fuck?????? Because she doesn't toe the leftard line?
Dale pretends he knows things he has no way of knowing. Psychotic people do that a lot.
Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall

Trump’s border wall and his anti-Mexican rhetoric was a driving force for many of his supporters in Texas. Now as his wall inches closer to reality, many of them are now finding out that they’ll be forced to sell their land to make way for the wall’s construction, and those who aren’t forced out by eminent domain could find their property on the Mexican side.

Trump supporter finds out her house will end up on the Mexican side of Trump’s wall
What a dumb woman. But then again, you can't fault her since she's a product of incest.

Blackfag Sez????? "If you don't see things the leftard way then you must be a product of incest!!!!!!"

Out of all the sperm that attempted to get inside the were the smartest one? SMH......
What a dumb comment, Dale. :rolleyes:

I kick your ass with relative ease, little's not like you pose any challenge.
This nutcase is a legend in his own demented mind.
The only thing that would help is possible a straitjacket in a padded room.

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