Institutionalized racism... or are blacks just less employable?


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
When the unemployment rate rose last month, the pain wasn't spread evenly.

There is always statistical noise in month-to-month changes in the labor market, but some patterns are clear. Black workers still have a far higher unemployment rate than other groups measured by the Labor Department. And the gap appears to be widening. In August it hit 16.3 percent after being 15.6 in July.

For whites, the unemployment rate was 8.7 percent in August, up from 8.6 percent.

The Associated Press: Economy 101: Jobless rate widens for black workers
Neither. We just don't encourage educational value in certain demographics. For this, I tend to blame the Democrats. They have made 'minorities' a 'pet project' and have failed them badly. They do it for the votes, they don't actually help minorities in any meaningful way. Instead of pushing programs that encourage education and positive outcomes, they encourage 'entitlement' programs.
Is there anything you can't blame the democrats for CG?

If you paid real attention, mani, you would know that I often blame both sides. I certainly view all politicians with equal contempt.... However, on this particular subject.... it is the Dems that have failed the minorities. They set themselves up as the 'party of minorities' and treat them like children.
I think she has a point- take the black congressional caucus, an interesting exercise I performed like a year ago, on another forum.
I took the time to evaluate 20 of their districts as to educational achievement, drop out rates etc....for a block of congress- people whom beat the drum for every entitlement they can get their hands on and laud education the graduations rates in their districts are horrid and inhabit the biottom quartile.

Now you can certainly take 20 random white congressional districts and may, may find the same, but then they are not suffering the unemployment vacuum we see here, they don’t have a caucus have a caucus and use their muscle to eat up earmarks and make a great show of helping their people and all the while saying they are getting kept down, this has been going on for 40 years, something aint right in that formula....and to top it off, the numbers have trended downward, like a sagging branch.

Simply put they talk the talk but don't walk the walk. They take NEA and associated teachers union money and fight every reform of such, tooth and nail, there by hurting their own to feather their own is what it is.
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The biggest factor in employment has been intelligence and the acquisition of useful skills. This holds true for all races.

A secondary factor supports CG's assertion that liberal policies have hurt blacks disproportionately. Some groups over or underperform their intelligence levels. Black students earn lower grades and take easier majors than their individual SAT scores would predict. The most likely reason for this is the negative effect of affirmative action on black student's study habits. While whites and asians know their future depends on hard work and good grades, blacks know that there is a back door open to any black with a reasonable intellectual ability whether they work hard or not. The liberal policies that devolved AA into defacto quotas rather than a help up based on individual efforts, assured that this difference would appear. A large portion of black students are as much as two standard deviation lower in qualifications and this shows as it is not unusual for 50% of black students to be in the bottom 10% of their class.
The biggest factor in employment has been intelligence and the acquisition of useful skills. This holds true for all races.

A secondary factor supports CG's assertion that liberal policies have hurt blacks disproportionately. Some groups over or underperform their intelligence levels. Black students earn lower grades and take easier majors than their individual SAT scores would predict. The most likely reason for this is the negative effect of affirmative action on black student's study habits. While whites and asians know their future depends on hard work and good grades, blacks know that there is a back door open to any black with a reasonable intellectual ability whether they work hard or not. The liberal policies that devolved AA into defacto quotas rather than a help up based on individual efforts, assured that this difference would appear. A large portion of black students are as much as two standard deviation lower in qualifications and this shows as it is not unusual for 50% of black students to be in the bottom 10% of their class.

agreed, in addition we have set them up from the social aspect, to underperform as well.
Look at historical charts, if memory serves, prior to minimal wage laws, UE was pretty even among the races and age groups. It's sad but as long as more blacks drop out of school and more blacks don't learn a trade; among other things; the UE rate will be higher;imho; than that of their racial counterparts in other groups.
Months ago I posted a study that showed that employment rates were about 80% explained by school achievement at age 18. It also presented military results that showed skill acquisition was dependant on intelligece level as measured by AFQT and that the results were not racially different except for a slight overprediction for blacks.
Neither. We just don't encourage educational value in certain demographics. For this, I tend to blame the Democrats. They have made 'minorities' a 'pet project' and have failed them badly. They do it for the votes, they don't actually help minorities in any meaningful way. Instead of pushing programs that encourage education and positive outcomes, they encourage 'entitlement' programs.

:lol: I love it when people try to blame liberals for this kind of stuff. You guys assume we are all stupid enough to believe you.
Look at historical charts, if memory serves, prior to minimal wage laws, UE was pretty even among the races and age groups. It's sad but as long as more blacks drop out of school and more blacks don't learn a trade; among other things; the UE rate will be higher;imho; than that of their racial counterparts in other groups.

I think it has more to do with the economic policies of corporate america. We didn't have to start raising the minimal wage until we started letting corporate America control our country, and in the process started going after unions, and moving our jobs over seas. We have to raise minimal wage because people have to survive on it now.
You can thank Reagan for high number of poor uneducated people in this country, and for destroying black america.
Is there anything you can't blame the democrats for CG?

If you paid real attention, mani, you would know that I often blame both sides. I certainly view all politicians with equal contempt.... However, on this particular subject.... it is the Dems that have failed the minorities. They set themselves up as the 'party of minorities' and treat them like children.

While the right treats them like dirt.
I don't think it's racism that a lot of blacks are less able to find employment.

Think it has more to do with what they're able to show a potential employer about their various work skills, previous employment, understanding of how to act, dress, talk, etc. in a particular work environment.

Someone shows up for an opening I've got wearing a baseball cap on sideways, saggy pants showing off their choice of underwear, and not able to speak proper English isn't going to get beyond filling out an application. Not because I'm racist but because that's not the image I want representing my company. And it's certainly not my job to educate them to such reality. That's the responsibility of their families or someone else in their community.
combination of things.

The blacks I see in college are insufficiently prepared. They don't lack the brains, they lack skills.

Minorities in general have a chip on their shoulder, even the asians, when it comes to dealing with how they are treated. (with good reason in many cases. Asians take this as an excuse to kick ass. Blacks seem defeated.

Blacks don't seem interested in white english. the Asians try really hard. Especially difficult given how different english is from most asian languages. I think the blacks have been conned in this regard, as speaking the language is, As George Bernard Shaw noted, the key to being "one of us" 0bama's biggest step to success, I believe.

there very real prejudice, and blacks are seen as Stepan Fetchet types. (I am sure there are you tube videos of that available.) This results in them being last hired, first fired. The actual blacks I have worked with are nothing like this at all, but the prejudice is there.

Anyway, given the level of education the blacks get in mostly black schools (which I am sure are dumping grounds) leaves them at the mercy of economic cycles, and the level of prejudice in white society (worse among liberals in my experience from conversations) means they always get the short end of the economic stick.
Neither. We just don't encourage educational value in certain demographics. For this, I tend to blame the Democrats. They have made 'minorities' a 'pet project' and have failed them badly. They do it for the votes, they don't actually help minorities in any meaningful way. Instead of pushing programs that encourage education and positive outcomes, they encourage 'entitlement' programs.

:lol: I love it when people try to blame liberals for this kind of stuff. You guys assume we are all stupid enough to believe you.

I love it when people don't read what someone writes and assume shit.

I didn't say liberals, mo chara.... I said the Democrats. Liberals may vote for the Democrat Party - that is your choice. But.... those politicians - the Democrats - have used minority populations as a voting block. They spread fear within those groups - telling them that conservatives (who tend to vote Republican or Libertarian) 'hate' them. When the Dems are in power, all they do is instill 'entitlement' programs. They do not seek to level the playing field. They pander to, and promote, programs that are designed not to raise expectations among minorities but to keep them as a voting block.

It's quite obvious.... they have had decades to do the right thing by 'minorities' and they have not.
Is there anything you can't blame the democrats for CG?

If you paid real attention, mani, you would know that I often blame both sides. I certainly view all politicians with equal contempt.... However, on this particular subject.... it is the Dems that have failed the minorities. They set themselves up as the 'party of minorities' and treat them like children.


The next time I see you blame republicans for anything will be the first.
Look at historical charts, if memory serves, prior to minimal wage laws, UE was pretty even among the races and age groups. It's sad but as long as more blacks drop out of school and more blacks don't learn a trade; among other things; the UE rate will be higher;imho; than that of their racial counterparts in other groups.

I think it has more to do with the economic policies of corporate america. We didn't have to start raising the minimal wage until we started letting corporate America control our country, and in the process started going after unions, and moving our jobs over seas. We have to raise minimal wage because people have to survive on it now.
You can thank Reagan for high number of poor uneducated people in this country, and for destroying black america.

What is the difference in the achievement of Black Americans before and after Reagan?

No to put too fine a point on this, but without "corporate America", there is not the unusually high standard of living in this country. What are the attractive qualities of life you find in countries that have no corporations?
Is there anything you can't blame the democrats for CG?

If you paid real attention, mani, you would know that I often blame both sides. I certainly view all politicians with equal contempt.... However, on this particular subject.... it is the Dems that have failed the minorities. They set themselves up as the 'party of minorities' and treat them like children.

While the right treats them like dirt.

Treats them like dirt? Exactly what activities of Conservatives make you say this?

My goal for a government is to leave me the Hell alone. For the most part, they do. If you are able bodied, not mentally impaired and looking for the government to do more than leave you the hell alone, that means you are begging.

The difference between trying to get tax subsidies and just begging with a sign on a freeway ramp is one of effort.

At least the guys on the freeway ramps had the energy to get off their ass and go for it.

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