Intellectual Dishonesty on the Left

Why do the Lefties on this board routinely refuse to answer simple questions about what they espouse? Are they intellectually dishonest or just too stupid/brainwashed to answer?
Give me a simple question and I will answer in simple words you can understand
Is any lie, any act, justifiable as long as you get what you think is right in the end?
Please point to a lie....I'm waiting....

"If a mother were in labor and nonetheless elected abortion, Northam said,"

"He was talking about the birth of a severely deformed child and what would happen. And let me stop the intellectually dishonest ones who want to claim that the discussion the doctor and the grief stricken parents would necessarily have would be about how to kill the infant. It wasn't, he actually never mentioned what the ensuing conversation would entail.

There you go. A fucking lie at the heart of a false narrative.

You're welcome.
Why do the Lefties on this board routinely refuse to answer simple questions about what they espouse? Are they intellectually dishonest or just too stupid/brainwashed to answer?

It's simple.....

The Tards are all full of Shit....
The dam has broken

Trump with Barr and Graham all ready to hammer the deep state will now draw many strong patios to also become heroes to save America against the crooked deep state

Trumps rallies will have a stampede of strong patriots on their side
The women soon will become silent and run off and hide from how they voted in crooks that would destroy the nation

The men now will take back over

The men now sees like the founders saw. Many times saying yes to women is hurting them in the same way of saying yes at times to kids. Many times the wise must say NO to the unwise in order to protect them

A world wide change is about to occur with this understanding
Is any lie, any act, justifiable as long as you get what you think is right in the end?
Please point to a lie....I'm waiting....

"If a mother were in labor and nonetheless elected abortion, Northam said,"

"He was talking about the birth of a severely deformed child and what would happen. And let me stop the intellectually dishonest ones who want to claim that the discussion the doctor and the grief stricken parents would necessarily have would be about how to kill the infant. It wasn't, he actually never mentioned what the ensuing conversation would entail.

There you go. A fucking lie at the heart of a false narrative.

You're welcome.
So now you are correcting and editing his statement?....
Severely deformed child? who determines?
Why do the Lefties on this board routinely refuse to answer simple questions about what they espouse? Are they intellectually dishonest or just too stupid/brainwashed to answer?

Did Trump have sex with Stormy then pay her hush money?


Well? Lets see some intellectual honesty on your part.

Sorry, I don't always read your posts. As to your question:

Did Trump have sex with Stormy then pay her hush money?

I have no personal knowledge, but it seems plausible.

Any other questions?
My guess would be the same reason the righties on the broad do the very same thing. Since all they do is parrot talking points they cannot answer even simple questions.

PROJECTION, that's what you progs do. Gutless and intellectual dishonest. Pretty please ask questions right fucking here, so we can put your BS to rest.

Other than that, it's not just this board, intellectual dishonesty is a major prog component. You cannot defend ideologies and narratives built on propaganda, projection, emotions and dishonesty.
PROJECTION, that's what you progs do. Gutless and intellectual dishonest. Pretty please ask questions right fucking here, so we can put your BS to rest.

Why do you lie and pretend you think abortion is murder?

We know you're lying. Everyone does. Specks aren't people. Speck, person. Speck, person. Very different things. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and even she understands that specks aren't people. Presumably your brain is larger, so you should understand as well. If you say you don't understand, you're either a liar or lunatic. And you don't sound crazy, just butthurt.

Other than that, it's not just this board, intellectual dishonesty is a major prog component. You cannot defend ideologies and narratives built on propaganda, projection, emotions and dishonesty.

Whenever you cry like that, we can tell that some liberal has just spanked you good. Throwing a weeping fit is how you deflect and run.
PROJECTION, that's what you progs do. Gutless and intellectual dishonest. Pretty please ask questions right fucking here, so we can put your BS to rest.

Why do you lie and pretend you think abortion is murder?

We know you're lying. Everyone does. Specks aren't people. Speck, person. Speck, person. Very different things. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and even she understands that specks aren't people. Presumably your brain is larger, so you should understand as well. If you say you don't understand, you're either a liar or lunatic. And you don't sound crazy, just butthurt.

Other than that, it's not just this board, intellectual dishonesty is a major prog component. You cannot defend ideologies and narratives built on propaganda, projection, emotions and dishonesty.

Whenever you cry like that, we can tell that some liberal has just spanked you good. Throwing a weeping fit is how you deflect and run.

Why do you lie and pretend you think abortion is murder? I guess this is a prog challenge. Oldlady, you're out of your league. To answer this question, pretty please find a single post where I stated abortion was murder or defined as murder. That said, do you lie to yourself believing a "fetus" is anything less than human? How is it our Constitution doesn't apply to them? Does a fetus magically become human when the umbilical cord is cut, does it require a birth certificate, perhaps a spanking, or maybe the mother declaring "I'll take it"?

We know you're lying. Everyone does. Specks aren't people. Speck, person. Speck, person. Very different things. My cat has a brain the size of a walnut, and even she understands that specks aren't people. Presumably your brain is larger, so you should understand as well. If you say you don't understand, you're either a liar or lunatic. And you don't sound crazy, just butthurt. WTF?

Presumably your brain is larger, so you should understand as well. If you say you don't understand, you're either a liar or lunatic. And you don't sound crazy, just butthurt. R U OK Oldlady?

Other than that, it's not just this board, intellectual dishonesty is a major prog component. You cannot defend ideologies and narratives built on propaganda, projection, emotions and dishonesty. Whenever you cry like that, we can tell that some liberal has just spanked you good. Throwing a weeping fit is how you deflect and run. This is ironic, see the thread title.
Why do the Lefties on this board routinely refuse to answer simple questions about what they espouse? Are they intellectually dishonest or just too stupid/brainwashed to answer?
Righties are simply too stupid to understand what the left is saying.
Is any lie, any act, justifiable as long as you get what you think is right in the end?
Please point to a lie....I'm waiting....

"If a mother were in labor and nonetheless elected abortion, Northam said,"

"He was talking about the birth of a severely deformed child and what would happen. And let me stop the intellectually dishonest ones who want to claim that the discussion the doctor and the grief stricken parents would necessarily have would be about how to kill the infant. It wasn't, he actually never mentioned what the ensuing conversation would entail.

There you go. A fucking lie at the heart of a false narrative.

You're welcome.
Comprehension is essential. This is the dishonesty in YOUR stance.

What do you think the conversation was going to be about? The type of college fund this human was going to need in 18 years?

He was talking about a conversation between the mother and the physician on the disposition of the live birth of a human being. Let Me help you out a little further since you don't seem to be to cognitive about these matters. When I say 'disposition" I am referring to a discussion on the life or death of the now alive human.

Most 3rd graders would make that connection when reading your statement.

This is a perfect example of what the OP is going on about.
Now...being intellectually honest, as you claim, will you admit that you are trying to fear monger by using a crime that is exceedingly rare and considered horrible by support your ridiculous anti-choice agenda?

My "agenda" was to point out that most Lefties on this board refuse to answer specific questions about they espouse. Thank you for being an exception.

As regards to being "anti-choice" my preferred position is to let individual States decide the matter, such as when my example occurs: Some States consider this to be homicide, while others do not. Making this a Federal matter has been a mistake that may backfire on those who have been pushing a radical "pro-choice" agenda.

Works well for men.

For women? Not so much. If you’re working at Bank of America in an evolved state (blue state) and are offered an opportunity to head up the office in Bedrock (red state), you have to make a decision if you’re willing to remain sexually active or not. For men…no problem. For women…if you get pregnant, you’re on the shelf for several months thus hurting your career.

Just one of the many reasons a woman’s right to privacy shouldn’t be trusted to the States.
Um...I guess you've never been to a red state, so I have some inside information for you:

Birth control is available in red states.

Therefore, women can and do remain sexually active. They can fuck like rabbits.

I bet that just blows your "evolved" mind, eh?

I had the WTF? moment after that post. Something is messed up.

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