Intelligence community ready to ‘go nuclear’ on Trump, senior source says

The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Sure they are, unfortunately those who could prove it are dead, unnatural causes I might add.
I hope so. The serial sex offender has impugned the whole agency's integrity.
Paybacks are a bitch.

Nobody cares what you think, The Intelligence Community has NO integrity sugar pants.
Yeah no one has any integrity but Trump, Right?

Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
You're a pathological liar and when you say these fine men and women don't have integrity you're just doing your fuhrer''s work because that's what he wants you to say.
Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

It seems that members of The Obama Administration in the last month of Obama's Presidency have very likely broken the law and their reason for the political assassination of Michael Flynn was purely to bolster the very dangerous and reckless Iran Deal that Obama insisted on.

The below breaks the law, they were deliberately leaking what very likely what included Classified Information:

The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Sources: Former Obama officials, loyalists planted series of stories to discredit Flynn, bolster Iran deal

Read the whole article it's very disturbing and interesting.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Precisely why an investigation is needed to weed out what did they know and when did they know it.
Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

It seems that members of The Obama Administration in the last month of Obama's Presidency have very likely broken the law and their reason for the political assassination of Michael Flynn was purely to bolster the very dangerous and reckless Iran Deal that Obama insisted on.

The below breaks the law, they were deliberately leaking what very likely what included Classified Information:

The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Sources: Former Obama officials, loyalists planted series of stories to discredit Flynn, bolster Iran deal

Read the whole article it's very disturbing and interesting.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn
That sounds pretty American doesn't it? I thought we were done with obie, I guess the fight continues.
I hope so. The serial sex offender has impugned the whole agency's integrity.
Paybacks are a bitch.

Nobody cares what you think, The Intelligence Community has NO integrity sugar pants.
Yeah no one has any integrity but Trump, Right?

Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
You're a pathological liar and when you say these fine men and women don't have integrity you're just doing your fuhrer''s work because that's what he wants you to say.
If she's a liar prove it. If all you have is this rant then fuck off.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

You on the other hand run around sucking Trump's dick and can't find enough words to praise him - A fucking traitor.
If I'm a traitor to you that's a good thing. I respect nothing you people have to offer as it's so far from being an American I would have never guessed it would reach this point in my lifetime yet here you are. Espousing communist ideals, socialism, massive government and trying to destroy an elected President that ran against all of that and won. You mother fucker are the very definition of anti-american.
Yeah colluding with a murderous thug is very patriotic isn't it.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

It seems that members of The Obama Administration in the last month of Obama's Presidency have very likely broken the law and their reason for the political assassination of Michael Flynn was purely to bolster the very dangerous and reckless Iran Deal that Obama insisted on.

The below breaks the law, they were deliberately leaking what very likely what included Classified Information:

The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Sources: Former Obama officials, loyalists planted series of stories to discredit Flynn, bolster Iran deal

Read the whole article it's very disturbing and interesting.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Precisely why an investigation is needed to weed out what did they know and when did they know it.
An investigation by who? obie's cronies? Hell no.
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

You on the other hand run around sucking Trump's dick and can't find enough words to praise him - A fucking traitor.
If I'm a traitor to you that's a good thing. I respect nothing you people have to offer as it's so far from being an American I would have never guessed it would reach this point in my lifetime yet here you are. Espousing communist ideals, socialism, massive government and trying to destroy an elected President that ran against all of that and won. You mother fucker are the very definition of anti-american.
Yeah colluding with a murderous thug is very patriotic isn't it.
A murderous thug? No I didn't vote for hillary.
Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.

Why not offer something of substance, instead of just posting the sort of thing you just did.

Missouri_Mike has just made accurate comments, the Leftist Maniacs are rioting, burning flags and in general being both hysterical and violent.

You are unable to shoot his comments down, because they're accurate, so instead you make a piss poor comment like you did that is both meaningless and pointless.

I recognize that Republicans in Trump's campaign consorted with Russian intelligence in a run up to the election, I recognize that his designated National Security Adviser was trading thoughts with Russian officials after the election, I recognize that the Russian dossier is real, I recognize that this is the tip of the iceberg and much, much more will come out. This is the Titanic you're sitting on and it is just a matter of time before you drown in this shit.

"I recognize that Republicans in Trump's campaign consorted with Russian intelligence in a run up to the election"

Show the evidence of this.
Nobody cares what you think, The Intelligence Community has NO integrity sugar pants.
Yeah no one has any integrity but Trump, Right?

Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
What's wrong with Russia? It is not the Russians who are ratcheting up war mongering. Are you surprised that they are preparing for defending themselves against Globalist Imperialism?
Mr. De Fuck-a, you never cease to amaze my with your dumbfuckery.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

You on the other hand run around sucking Trump's dick and can't find enough words to praise him - A fucking traitor.
If I'm a traitor to you that's a good thing. I respect nothing you people have to offer as it's so far from being an American I would have never guessed it would reach this point in my lifetime yet here you are. Espousing communist ideals, socialism, massive government and trying to destroy an elected President that ran against all of that and won. You mother fucker are the very definition of anti-american.

You are a very confused individual and have nothing to offer to this conversation. You people have your nose up Putin's ass a man who steals money to enrich himself, who has killed journalists and political foes and wants to expand Russia to where it was as the Soviet Union and you want to do business with him? That elected president cheated his way to where he is and doesn't deserve the spot if it turns out to be true.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

It seems that members of The Obama Administration in the last month of Obama's Presidency have very likely broken the law and their reason for the political assassination of Michael Flynn was purely to bolster the very dangerous and reckless Iran Deal that Obama insisted on.

The below breaks the law, they were deliberately leaking what very likely what included Classified Information:

The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Sources: Former Obama officials, loyalists planted series of stories to discredit Flynn, bolster Iran deal

Read the whole article it's very disturbing and interesting.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Precisely why an investigation is needed to weed out what did they know and when did they know it.

Yes an investigation by Jefferson Sessions and his Department of Justice into the last four weeks of The Obama Administration.
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

It seems that members of The Obama Administration in the last month of Obama's Presidency have very likely broken the law and their reason for the political assassination of Michael Flynn was purely to bolster the very dangerous and reckless Iran Deal that Obama insisted on.

The below breaks the law, they were deliberately leaking what very likely what included Classified Information:

The effort, said to include former Obama administration adviser Ben Rhodes—the architect of a separate White House effort to create what he described as a pro-Iran echo chamber—included a small task force of Obama loyalists who deluged media outlets with stories aimed at eroding Flynn’s credibility, multiple sources revealed.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Sources: Former Obama officials, loyalists planted series of stories to discredit Flynn, bolster Iran deal

Read the whole article it's very disturbing and interesting.

Former Obama Officials, Loyalists Waged Secret Campaign to Oust Flynn

Precisely why an investigation is needed to weed out what did they know and when did they know it.

Yes an investigation by Jefferson Sessions and his Department of Justice into the last four weeks of The Obama Administration.

Sure, if you think that will go anywhere then you're very confused.
Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.

Why not offer something of substance, instead of just posting the sort of thing you just did.

Missouri_Mike has just made accurate comments, the Leftist Maniacs are rioting, burning flags and in general being both hysterical and violent.

You are unable to shoot his comments down, because they're accurate, so instead you make a piss poor comment like you did that is both meaningless and pointless.

I recognize that Republicans in Trump's campaign consorted with Russian intelligence in a run up to the election, I recognize that his designated National Security Adviser was trading thoughts with Russian officials after the election, I recognize that the Russian dossier is real, I recognize that this is the tip of the iceberg and much, much more will come out. This is the Titanic you're sitting on and it is just a matter of time before you drown in this shit.
Mr. De Fuck-a, Flynn was a civilian with no public office whatsoever when he talked to the Russian ambassador. Where is the crime?
Displaying your idiocy is delightful to watch.
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

You on the other hand run around sucking Trump's dick and can't find enough words to praise him - A fucking traitor.
If I'm a traitor to you that's a good thing. I respect nothing you people have to offer as it's so far from being an American I would have never guessed it would reach this point in my lifetime yet here you are. Espousing communist ideals, socialism, massive government and trying to destroy an elected President that ran against all of that and won. You mother fucker are the very definition of anti-american.

You are a very confused individual and have nothing to offer to this conversation. You people have your nose up Putin's ass a man who steals money to enrich himself, who has killed journalists and political foes and wants to expand Russia to where it was as the Soviet Union and you want to do business with him? That elected president cheated his way to where he is and doesn't deserve the spot if it turns out to be true.

You're an idiot. The bolded part of your post sounds like any of the clinton.crime family.
Lucy Hameton still on a Hillary kick because she sees what a unamerican traitor her fuhrer is and can't address it.
It's all Obamas fault or Hillary's.
never Trump's.
how come assholes like you can never hold him accountable for ANYTHING?
Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
obie runs around thee globe sucking dick from Cuba to Iran and you worship him yet you expect us to think you give a fuck about patriotism? Kiss my ass.

You on the other hand run around sucking Trump's dick and can't find enough words to praise him - A fucking traitor.
If I'm a traitor to you that's a good thing. I respect nothing you people have to offer as it's so far from being an American I would have never guessed it would reach this point in my lifetime yet here you are. Espousing communist ideals, socialism, massive government and trying to destroy an elected President that ran against all of that and won. You mother fucker are the very definition of anti-american.

You are a very confused individual and have nothing to offer to this conversation. You people have your nose up Putin's ass a man who steals money to enrich himself, who has killed journalists and political foes and wants to expand Russia to where it was as the Soviet Union and you want to do business with him? That elected president cheated his way to where he is and doesn't deserve the spot if it turns out to be true.

You're an idiot. The bolded part of your post sounds like any of the clinton.crime family.

Yeah except it's about your personal hero.
Lucy Hameton still on a Hillary kick because she sees what a unamerican traitor her fuhrer is and can't address it.
It's all Obamas fault or Hillary's.
never Trump's.
how come assholes like you can never hold him accountable for ANYTHING?

Well they are in for a rude surprise and the bigger the denier the bigger the fall.
I hope so. The serial sex offender has impugned the whole agency's integrity.
Paybacks are a bitch.

Nobody cares what you think, The Intelligence Community has NO integrity sugar pants.
Yeah no one has any integrity but Trump, Right?

Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are

American patriots torture people against International Law? American patriots break the Geneva Conventions?

How someone as pathetically stupid as you is even allowed to crap your idiocy here is nothing short of astonishing, you babble garbage about things you have zero comprehension about.
So you're really blaming the intelligence community for Bush sending the orders to commit the torture?
You're really a babbling fool.
Yeah no one has any integrity but Trump, Right?

Add something substantial to this debate and other debates, instead of drive by posts that are just part of the Leftist Echo Chamber.

Show that The Intelligence Community has any integrity, I have posted multiple links in this thread to illustrate that they have NO integrity or even any decency, they are basically slugs that crawl from under their rocks. The honourable and decent amongst them are few and far between.
The intelligence community are american patriots. For your kind of dreck to question them just shows what a piece of garbage you are
Nobody would ever confuse you and the people you support as patriots. You and your ilk are rioting, BURNING flags, destroying property, saying America was never great, claiming only black lives and abortion (a paradox for sure) matter, fags and trannies are the new normal, throwing a massive hissy fit and yes some of you are in the government doing basically the same thing.

Fuck off with your version of patriotism.

Says the fool with his nose up Russia's ass.
What's wrong with Russia? It is not the Russians who are ratcheting up war mongering. Are you surprised that they are preparing for defending themselves against Globalist Imperialism?
Mr. De Fuck-a, you never cease to amaze my with your dumbfuckery.

The whole situation with North Korea is the most dangerous and also Iran, yet the Leftists ignore both North Korea and Iran and instead prefer the hysteria and increasing insanity of frothing at the mouth every five minutes about Russia and Putin.

The International Globablists have wanted WWIII for many years and have been poking The Bear for at least the past three years, and all of that pre-dates Donald Trump announcing he was running for American President.

The unthinkable happened, Trump won, he said the WORST thing EVER, that wouldn't it be better to reach out to Russia rather than trying to get into a war with them, which would become WWIII and almost certainly involve some nuclear weaponry.

Trump upset The International Globalists plans for WWIII, this is the crux of why they are going after him with their main tool in America The Shadow Government, or what many prefer to just call The Deep State.

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