Interesting bit of news about those infamous Trump's Tax Returns

A proposal has been made by some House democrats (which, of course blocked by right wingers in congress) would compel the IRS to disclose, under a written request by congress, Trump's tax returns....of course to be reviewed by congress itself.

The request has been written and is being held up by the head of the Ways and Means committee (Kevin Brady of TX,) What congressional democrats want to see is, obviously, Trump's direct ties to Russia and China's bankers and oligarchs.

Check out the IRS law that would authorize Trump's tax returns' release (btw, the IRS law was amended after the Tea Pot Dome scandal.)

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

The fucking commiecrats are on an obvious fishing expedition and Kevin won't allow it. Learn to deal with it pathetic snowflake.
Actually, it could potentially end his presidency.

...and even more so........Remember Trump's son, just a few years ago, openly stated that "money is pouring in from Russia" while Trump while campaigning denied any direct ties (loans) form Russian oligarchs.......Perhaps those tax returns will not only end his presidency but convince even the most brain dead right winger that the orange clown repeatedly lied.

OH WOW, Russians bought a lot of property, BFD.
I don't understand why orange shitlord supporters wouldn't want to see his tax returns. You muppets feign disinterest, "Oh, I'm over it. I don't care about his taxes." Yet if it were a democrat in office who hadn't released their returns you'd be foaming at the mouth.

The orange shitlord supporters here are the biggest partisan hacks I've ever seen.
A proposal has been made by some House democrats (which, of course blocked by right wingers in congress) would compel the IRS to disclose, under a written request by congress, Trump's tax returns....of course to be reviewed by congress itself.

The request has been written and is being held up by the head of the Ways and Means committee (Kevin Brady of TX,) What congressional democrats want to see is, obviously, Trump's direct ties to Russia and China's bankers and oligarchs.

Check out the IRS law that would authorize Trump's tax returns' release (btw, the IRS law was amended after the Tea Pot Dome scandal.)

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Certainly, the comrade is held hostage by several foreign countries. Conflicts of interest are coming out of his ears. But he has already stated that even after the audit is complete he will not be releasing his tax returns.

We'll see if this holds up or not. What will be interesting since congress has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Putin hackings--is that they may subpoena his returns, and if he refuses or tries to fight that off, then he's guilty by default.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation
I don't understand why orange shitlord supporters wouldn't want to see his tax returns. You muppets feign disinterest, "Oh, I'm over it. I don't care about his taxes." Yet if it were a democrat in office who hadn't released their returns you'd be foaming at the mouth.

The orange shitlord supporters here are the biggest partisan hacks I've ever seen.
I don't understand why orange shitlord supporters wouldn't want to see his tax returns. You muppets feign disinterest, "Oh, I'm over it. I don't care about his taxes." Yet if it were a democrat in office who hadn't released their returns you'd be foaming at the mouth.

The orange shitlord supporters here are the biggest partisan hacks I've ever seen.

For the millionth time what Republican would want to show their taxes after Harry Reid lied about Romney's
A proposal has been made by some House democrats (which, of course blocked by right wingers in congress) would compel the IRS to disclose, under a written request by congress, Trump's tax returns....of course to be reviewed by congress itself.

The request has been written and is being held up by the head of the Ways and Means committee (Kevin Brady of TX,) What congressional democrats want to see is, obviously, Trump's direct ties to Russia and China's bankers and oligarchs.

Check out the IRS law that would authorize Trump's tax returns' release (btw, the IRS law was amended after the Tea Pot Dome scandal.)

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Certainly, the comrade is held hostage by several foreign countries. Conflicts of interest are coming out of his ears. But he has already stated that even after the audit is complete he will not be releasing his tax returns.

We'll see if this holds up or not. What will be interesting since congress has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Putin hackings--is that they may subpoena his returns, and if he refuses or tries to fight that off, then he's guilty by default.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

What's to investigate, Hillary got caught being a corrupt bitch and Russia told the world about it.


A proposal has been made by some House democrats (which, of course blocked by right wingers in congress) would compel the IRS to disclose, under a written request by congress, Trump's tax returns....of course to be reviewed by congress itself.

The request has been written and is being held up by the head of the Ways and Means committee (Kevin Brady of TX,) What congressional democrats want to see is, obviously, Trump's direct ties to Russia and China's bankers and oligarchs.

Check out the IRS law that would authorize Trump's tax returns' release (btw, the IRS law was amended after the Tea Pot Dome scandal.)

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Certainly, the comrade is held hostage by several foreign countries. Conflicts of interest are coming out of his ears. But he has already stated that even after the audit is complete he will not be releasing his tax returns.

We'll see if this holds up or not. What will be interesting since congress has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Putin hackings--is that they may subpoena his returns, and if he refuses or tries to fight that off, then he's guilty by default.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

What's to investigate, Hillary got caught being a corrupt bitch and Russia told the world about it.



Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, all eyeballs are focused on Trump. If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with for Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States to leak emails, it will be considered TREASON.

They may already have something. This article was written BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out.

And yes Trump does have ties to Russian banks.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
A proposal has been made by some House democrats (which, of course blocked by right wingers in congress) would compel the IRS to disclose, under a written request by congress, Trump's tax returns....of course to be reviewed by congress itself.

The request has been written and is being held up by the head of the Ways and Means committee (Kevin Brady of TX,) What congressional democrats want to see is, obviously, Trump's direct ties to Russia and China's bankers and oligarchs.

Check out the IRS law that would authorize Trump's tax returns' release (btw, the IRS law was amended after the Tea Pot Dome scandal.)

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Certainly, the comrade is held hostage by several foreign countries. Conflicts of interest are coming out of his ears. But he has already stated that even after the audit is complete he will not be releasing his tax returns.

We'll see if this holds up or not. What will be interesting since congress has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Putin hackings--is that they may subpoena his returns, and if he refuses or tries to fight that off, then he's guilty by default.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

What's to investigate, Hillary got caught being a corrupt bitch and Russia told the world about it.



Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, all eyeballs are focused on Trump. If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with for Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States to leak emails, it will be considered TREASON.

They may already have something. This article was written BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out.

And yes Trump does have ties to Russian banks.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

No I also hoped Russia would find and leak to the press Hillary's corruption..

And for the millionth time it's well known Putin's hatred for Hillary goes to her state department years when she messed with Russia's elections..

So they would have to open that can of worms too

A proposal has been made by some House democrats (which, of course blocked by right wingers in congress) would compel the IRS to disclose, under a written request by congress, Trump's tax returns....of course to be reviewed by congress itself.

The request has been written and is being held up by the head of the Ways and Means committee (Kevin Brady of TX,) What congressional democrats want to see is, obviously, Trump's direct ties to Russia and China's bankers and oligarchs.

Check out the IRS law that would authorize Trump's tax returns' release (btw, the IRS law was amended after the Tea Pot Dome scandal.)

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Certainly, the comrade is held hostage by several foreign countries. Conflicts of interest are coming out of his ears. But he has already stated that even after the audit is complete he will not be releasing his tax returns.

We'll see if this holds up or not. What will be interesting since congress has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Putin hackings--is that they may subpoena his returns, and if he refuses or tries to fight that off, then he's guilty by default.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

What's to investigate, Hillary got caught being a corrupt bitch and Russia told the world about it.



Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, all eyeballs are focused on Trump. If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with for Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States to leak emails, it will be considered TREASON.

They may already have something. This article was written BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out.

And yes Trump does have ties to Russian banks.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

No I also hoped Russia would find and leak to the press Hillary's corruption..

And for the millionth time it's well known Putin's hatred for Hillary goes to her state department years when she messed with Russia's elections..

So they would have to open that can of worms too


We can't have foreign adversary's picking and choosing our President's for us. Look there isn't one single person in this country that believes Trump would have won this election without the unprecedented interference into it, via Putin, Julian Assange, and FBI Director James Comey failing to follow long standing DOJ protocol.

Everyone KNOWS that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Add to this that she won the popular vote by 3 million, makes Donald Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.

Investigations are on-going. The Senate will be doing a thorough investigation into the Russian hacking, and the DOJ has announced an investigation into the FBI and FBI Director James Comey.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

This is what your life is going to be like for the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first. If they can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--well you can imagine what they'll do with this.
A proposal has been made by some House democrats (which, of course blocked by right wingers in congress) would compel the IRS to disclose, under a written request by congress, Trump's tax returns....of course to be reviewed by congress itself.

The request has been written and is being held up by the head of the Ways and Means committee (Kevin Brady of TX,) What congressional democrats want to see is, obviously, Trump's direct ties to Russia and China's bankers and oligarchs.

Check out the IRS law that would authorize Trump's tax returns' release (btw, the IRS law was amended after the Tea Pot Dome scandal.)

26 U.S. Code § 6103 - Confidentiality and disclosure of returns and return information

Certainly, the comrade is held hostage by several foreign countries. Conflicts of interest are coming out of his ears. But he has already stated that even after the audit is complete he will not be releasing his tax returns.

We'll see if this holds up or not. What will be interesting since congress has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Putin hackings--is that they may subpoena his returns, and if he refuses or tries to fight that off, then he's guilty by default.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

What's to investigate, Hillary got caught being a corrupt bitch and Russia told the world about it.



Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, all eyeballs are focused on Trump. If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with for Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States to leak emails, it will be considered TREASON.

They may already have something. This article was written BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out.

And yes Trump does have ties to Russian banks.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

No I also hoped Russia would find and leak to the press Hillary's corruption..

And for the millionth time it's well known Putin's hatred for Hillary goes to her state department years when she messed with Russia's elections..

So they would have to open that can of worms too


We can't have foreign adversary's picking and choosing our President's for us. Look there isn't one single person in this country that believes Trump would have won this election without the unprecedented interference into it, via Putin, Julian Assange, and FBI Director James Comey failing to follow long standing DOJ protocol.

Everyone KNOWS that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Add to this that she won the popular vote by 3 million, makes Donald Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.

Investigations are on-going. The Senate will be doing a thorough investigation into the Russian hacking, and the DOJ has announced an investigation into the FBI and FBI Director James Comey.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

This is what your life is going to be like for the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first. If they can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--well you can imagine what they'll do with this.

So the DOJ is going to investigate Comey?

Do you know how stupid you sound?

Are you tattoo or something?, this is not fantasy island..

Certainly, the comrade is held hostage by several foreign countries. Conflicts of interest are coming out of his ears. But he has already stated that even after the audit is complete he will not be releasing his tax returns.

We'll see if this holds up or not. What will be interesting since congress has announced they will be doing a thorough investigation into the Putin hackings--is that they may subpoena his returns, and if he refuses or tries to fight that off, then he's guilty by default.
Senate Committee May Use Subpoenas in Russian Hacking Investigation

What's to investigate, Hillary got caught being a corrupt bitch and Russia told the world about it.



Hillary Clinton is out of the picture, all eyeballs are focused on Trump. If they find collusion with anyone within the Trump campaign or anyone he is associated with for Russia to do a cyber attack on the United States to leak emails, it will be considered TREASON.

They may already have something. This article was written BEFORE all Russian diplomats were thrown out.

And yes Trump does have ties to Russian banks.
Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia

No I also hoped Russia would find and leak to the press Hillary's corruption..

And for the millionth time it's well known Putin's hatred for Hillary goes to her state department years when she messed with Russia's elections..

So they would have to open that can of worms too


We can't have foreign adversary's picking and choosing our President's for us. Look there isn't one single person in this country that believes Trump would have won this election without the unprecedented interference into it, via Putin, Julian Assange, and FBI Director James Comey failing to follow long standing DOJ protocol.

Everyone KNOWS that the goal posts were moved on Hillary Clinton's side of the field. Add to this that she won the popular vote by 3 million, makes Donald Trump the most illegitimate President ever to be sworn into the oval office.

Investigations are on-going. The Senate will be doing a thorough investigation into the Russian hacking, and the DOJ has announced an investigation into the FBI and FBI Director James Comey.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI

This is what your life is going to be like for the next 4 years, if he isn't impeached first. If they can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--well you can imagine what they'll do with this.

So the DOJ is going to investigate Comey?

Do you know how stupid you sound?

Are you tattoo or something?, this is not fantasy island..


You're lil Einstein comments are really not impressive. So get your crayons & coloring books out, turn back on your FOX News and live the "dream while you can."
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

The fucking commiecrats are on an obvious fishing expedition and Kevin won't allow it. Learn to deal with it pathetic snowflake.

"true".....OKTX, "its better NOT to know about Trump's sleazy background, than to know",,,,,LOL
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I don't understand why orange shitlord supporters wouldn't want to see his tax returns. You muppets feign disinterest, "Oh, I'm over it. I don't care about his taxes." Yet if it were a democrat in office who hadn't released their returns you'd be foaming at the mouth.

The orange shitlord supporters here are the biggest partisan hacks I've ever seen.

Actually, you and I KNOW WELL why the nitwits don't want to know....Their delusion and flimsy "house of cards" would begin: to crumble if Trump is found to:

have his businesses HEAVILY beholden to Russian (or maybe Chinese) oligarchs
have not paid a penny of income tax to the federal treasury
have not contributed a penny to charitable causes.
etc., etc.
I don't understand why orange shitlord supporters wouldn't want to see his tax returns. You muppets feign disinterest, "Oh, I'm over it. I don't care about his taxes." Yet if it were a democrat in office who hadn't released their returns you'd be foaming at the mouth.

The orange shitlord supporters here are the biggest partisan hacks I've ever seen.
I don't understand why orange shitlord supporters wouldn't want to see his tax returns. You muppets feign disinterest, "Oh, I'm over it. I don't care about his taxes." Yet if it were a democrat in office who hadn't released their returns you'd be foaming at the mouth.

The orange shitlord supporters here are the biggest partisan hacks I've ever seen.

For the millionth time what Republican would want to show their taxes after Harry Reid lied about Romney's

CONvoluted logic.
If he shows them, then people can't lie about them if they're available for scrutiny.

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