Interesting bit of news about those infamous Trump's Tax Returns

What motivated Trump to say he would release his taxes?

Arrogance....He was fairly sure (but wrong) that those returns would never see the light of day.

BTW, the only "proof' that he was under audit, was the word from one of his crooked lawyers who even refused to show the audit letter from the IRS.

Audit or not, he understood the ethical obligation of someone seeking the highest office in the land to disclose information that would confirm lack of conflicts of interest. Then he reneged on that commitment. That makes a lie and an avoidance of providing said conflict info. His enemies can easily assume the worst. All other honest citizens must have suspicions at least

I'm a patriotic citizen who will always act as a gadfly to wanna-be lying despots....LOL

You are a pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bat that thinks somebody owes you something simply because you are alive. That is why you voted for that Obama asshole and that Crooked Hillary bitch. Because both of them promised you something for nothing. Despicable!

You Moon Bat Libtards are never "patriotic". You are pretty much the scum of this country. You think you are entitled to the money that successful people like Trump makes.

Tell us, since you are interested in how much people pay in income tax, how much did you pay last year? How about some disclose from you? What deductions do you take on your income tax? If you are concerned about other people taking deductions how much do you take?

I didn't vote for Trump and I don't give a shit what he paid in taxes. I know it was a lot. More than I paid. Everybody pays too much in income taxes. If he was doing some illegal then Obama's partisan IRS would have been all over him like white on rice.

Why do you care about Trump when you don't care about full disclosure from the Democrats on things that they hide like Obama's college transcripts or Crooked Hillary's emails? Are you a hypocrite?
  1. Trumps tax returns are far too complex in the first place.
  2. Elections have consequences, we won
  3. Get over it
  4. We've moved on
  5. We have more important issues to deal with
  6. We discussed this back in Little Rock
  7. The American people want Trump to Make America Great Again
  8. Dem = Party >Country
  9. It's a private matter
You are a pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bat that thinks somebody owes you something simply because you are alive. That is why you voted for that Obama asshole and that Crooked Hillary bitch. Because both of them promised you something for nothing. Despicable!

My feelings are getting "hurt".......LOL

My feelings are getting "hurt".......LOL

You pink pussy hat wearing Moon Bat assholes who are so delusional to think you paid more income tax than Donald Trump are comical as hell.

You still haven't answered my question that I have asked several times.

Why aren't you concerned about full disclosure by the Kenyan Catastrophe and Crooked Hillary?

How come you don't demand that Obama release his college transcripts so the American people will know if he enrolled as a foreign student or not or if he was passed on his race rather than his real academic achievements?

How come you didn't slam Crooked Hillary for illegally deleting her government records? Don't you think it is important for the American people to know the deals she cut with foreign countries while Secretary of State that resulted in her and Slick Willy amassing a $200 million fortune?

How come you are are only interested in full disclosure by Trump while ignoring disclosure by those filthy ass Democrat scumbags that you supported?

Why are you such a hypocrite?
Why aren't you concerned about full disclosure by the Kenyan Catastrophe and Crooked Hillary?

BOTH Obama and Hillary Clinton have released their tax returns.....Your orange clown has not........... LOL
Why aren't you concerned about full disclosure by the Kenyan Catastrophe and Crooked Hillary?

BOTH Obama and Hillary Clinton have released their tax returns.....Your orange clown has not........... LOL

You didn't answer the question Moon Bat

Why weren't you concerned about that asshole Obama not releasing his college transcripts that could have cast doubts on his eligibility to become President or Cooked Hillary's emails that could have shown massive corruption?

How come you don't want the Democrats to have full disclosure? You think that you can that question instead of running from it?

You only want the Republicans to release what you want them to release while not applying the standard of full disclosure to the filthy ass Democrats. That is hypocritical as hell Moon Bat.

If you are concerned about income tax then why don't you tell us how us how much income tax you paid and what deductions you took. You are convinced that you paid more income tax than Donald so put your money where your mouth is Moon Bat.

By the way Moon Bat, do you know about the Clinton's taxes? That shithead went back and had to redo several years worth of taxes for that sham foundation after she announced she was running for President. They had been cheating the government for years but re did them when she knew it would be scrutinized. That is the corrupt bitch that you wanted to be President.
This issue will NOT go away......Trump's tax returns will be made least for oversight committees in congress.
It isn't about the taxes themselves. It is about the character the situation reveals.
What is difficult to understand in these discussions is that those who feel compelled to defend Trump do so by illustrating that his predecessor or someone else did as bad. How does that exonerate their guy?
It isn't about the taxes themselves. It is about the character the situation reveals.
What is difficult to understand in these discussions is that those who feel compelled to defend Trump do so by illustrating that his predecessor or someone else did as bad. How does that exonerate their guy?

Add to that the following: That, for all their sins, Trump's predecessors have ALL shared their tax returns as an ethical requisite for the post of president.......The more Trump keeps those returns "secret", the more negative speculations will accrue.

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