Interesting question...

Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Mohammed pulled off the
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Mohammed pulled the prophet schtick which has nothing to do with Allah.
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Mohammed pulled off the
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Mohammed pulled the prophet schtick which has nothing to do with Allah.
horse hooey.

There was no such thing as allah before mohammed came along and pretended to be both the fulfillment of the second coming of Christ and the fulfillment of Jewish Messianic expectations.

Allah is as made up as the trinity is.

You are flirting with apostasy.
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Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Mohammed pulled off the
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Mohammed pulled the prophet schtick which has nothing to do with Allah.
horse hooey.

There was no such thing as allah before mohammed came along and pretended to be both the fulfillment of the second coming of Christ and the fulfillment of Jewish Messianic expectations.

Allah is as made up as the trinity is.

You are flirting with apostasy.
Uh huh.
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
That's impossible. Islam's god doesn't care for the Jews very much, while Jehovah most certainly does.
Copy, paste, hate source.

Prove it is a hate source besides the usual. claiming it is. Copy and paste the "hate" that you find in that source and show us what you consider hate or STFU.
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Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?

Jihadists run around because this supposedly civilized world lets them. If you have a hard on for God why can't there be two? You obviously do not respect the concept.

And when both(Christianity and Islam) are held accountable which one uses violence to respond?
I never said there can't be two. So, tell me, what is the difference between the God of Islam, and the God of Christianity? Not the difference in the religions' doctrines, but the difference in the nature of the actual deities? I dunno. Bombing abortion clinics, standing outside of funerals, spewing hatred, and venom. Hell, there are Christian leaders even today calling for the public executions of homosexuals. Please don't pretend that there are not violent factions of Christianity.

Not condoned in the doctrine. Sorry not Christians.
And moderate Muslims would say the same about the Jihadists, that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine. But the Muslim extremists believe that they are following the word, and the will of God, just as the Christian extremists do. If you can't separate moderate Muslims from Muslim extremists, then you don't get to separate moderate Christians from Christian extremists.
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God our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are the only true and living God. All other Gods are false gods. That is the main difference.
Well, that's an adorable canned response. Muslim's insist the same thing. You are spewing doctrine. I specifically stated I wasn't looking for doctrinal differences. Rather I am looking for the difference in the nature of each deity.

It may be doctrine but it is also the nature of each deity.
Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?

Jihadists run around because this supposedly civilized world lets them. If you have a hard on for God why can't there be two? You obviously do not respect the concept.

And when both(Christianity and Islam) are held accountable which one uses violence to respond?
I never said there can't be two. So, tell me, what is the difference between the God of Islam, and the God of Christianity? Not the difference in the religions' doctrines, but the difference in the nature of the actual deities? I dunno. Bombing abortion clinics, standing outside of funerals, spewing hatred, and venom. Hell, there are Christian leaders even today calling for the public executions of homosexuals. Please don't pretend that there are not violent factions of Christianity.

Not condoned in the doctrine. Sorry not Christians.
And moderate Muslims would say the same about the Jihadists, that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine. But the Muslim extremists believe that they are following the word, and the will of God, just as the Christian extremists do. If you can't separate moderate Muslims from Muslim extremists, then you don't get to separate moderate Christians from Christian extremists.

Then can we separate which one is doing all the killing at the present time? And I say I did not separate extremists?

I don't think I did. If you are going to assume what I think before you read it, what good is this conversation?
God our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are the only true and living God. All other Gods are false gods. That is the main difference.
It's three or one. In the real world you can't have it both ways. You may tell yourself you can. You may even be silly enough to believe it, despite how nonsensical it is; but every other rational person just laughs at your non commital indecisivness.
Actually in today's world the question is moot. It is just more jibber jabber to escape the reality of a very serious problem. And when progressives whine about the people who do follow a religion guess which one they leave out?

These comparisons accomplish nothing more than minimizing terror because "our" God is doing it, somehow?
Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?

Jihadists run around because this supposedly civilized world lets them. If you have a hard on for God why can't there be two? You obviously do not respect the concept.

And when both(Christianity and Islam) are held accountable which one uses violence to respond?
I never said there can't be two. So, tell me, what is the difference between the God of Islam, and the God of Christianity? Not the difference in the religions' doctrines, but the difference in the nature of the actual deities? I dunno. Bombing abortion clinics, standing outside of funerals, spewing hatred, and venom. Hell, there are Christian leaders even today calling for the public executions of homosexuals. Please don't pretend that there are not violent factions of Christianity.

Not condoned in the doctrine. Sorry not Christians.
And moderate Muslims would say the same about the Jihadists, that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine. But the Muslim extremists believe that they are following the word, and the will of God, just as the Christian extremists do. If you can't separate moderate Muslims from Muslim extremists, then you don't get to separate moderate Christians from Christian extremists.
... that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine.

it is a little less than candid to ask to compare the gods of the respective religions and not consider the differences between the religions they represent when it is their religions through their books that define their god.

to bring the desert religions to accept one god to represent all three would be to compel them to rewrite their books (or better yet burn them together in a bonfire) and start out fresh to find the True religion that does represent the one Almighty of the Everlasting they all three are trying to find.
God our Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost are the only true and living God. All other Gods are false gods. That is the main difference.
It's three or one. In the real world you can't have it both ways. You may tell yourself you can. You may even be silly enough to believe it, despite how nonsensical it is; but every other rational person just laughs at your non commital indecisivness.

God the Father, Jesus Christ his Son, and the Holy Ghost are three separate and distinct beings but form a perfect God head. They are one in spirit and truth. Jesus only does that which the father would have him do, likewise the Holy Ghost. Together they are the one true God. If we follow after Jesus and do the will of the Father, we too can become one with them.

John 17: 20-23
20 Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word;
21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are one:
23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one; and that the world may know that thou hast sent me, and hast loved them, as thou hast loved me.
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Mohammed pulled off the
Islam worships an infinite God whose manifestations are viewed as part of an entire tapestry as opposed to conflicting attributes.
Islam worships the same God as Judaism.
Do Jews believe that Mohammed, an antisemitic megalomaniac with a penchant for violence and little girls, was the greatest and last prophet of God?

was mohammed the messiah from God that you have all been waiting for?
Mohammed pulled the prophet schtick which has nothing to do with Allah.
horse hooey.

There was no such thing as allah before mohammed came along and pretended to be both the fulfillment of the second coming of Christ and the fulfillment of Jewish Messianic expectations.

Allah is as made up as the trinity is.

You are flirting with apostasy.
Uh huh.

Uh huh?

Uh huh that allah is as made up as the trinity?

Or uh huh that you are an apostate for embracing the deity of a false prophet that contradicts your professed dedication to a Holy God?
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Nope. Because "Your God" is doing it only points out the stupidity of religion; whether it be Christianity, Islam, or any other religion that claims some invisible sky-man is responsible for all of reality. I don't know about "Progressives", but I hold all religions - including Islam - accountable for their irrational beliefs.

This is as much an indictment of Islam as it is Christianity. I mean, think about it. Jihadists want to run around blowing people up, because they don't worship the "right God", all while they worship the same fucking God as the other two largest religions in the world. REALLY?!?!?

Jihadists run around because this supposedly civilized world lets them. If you have a hard on for God why can't there be two? You obviously do not respect the concept.

And when both(Christianity and Islam) are held accountable which one uses violence to respond?
I never said there can't be two. So, tell me, what is the difference between the God of Islam, and the God of Christianity? Not the difference in the religions' doctrines, but the difference in the nature of the actual deities? I dunno. Bombing abortion clinics, standing outside of funerals, spewing hatred, and venom. Hell, there are Christian leaders even today calling for the public executions of homosexuals. Please don't pretend that there are not violent factions of Christianity.

Not condoned in the doctrine. Sorry not Christians.
And moderate Muslims would say the same about the Jihadists, that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine. But the Muslim extremists believe that they are following the word, and the will of God, just as the Christian extremists do. If you can't separate moderate Muslims from Muslim extremists, then you don't get to separate moderate Christians from Christian extremists.
... that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine.

to bring the desert religions to accept one god to represent all three would be to compel them to rewrite their books (or better yet burn them together in a bonfire) and start out fresh to find the True religion that does represent the one Almighty of the Everlasting they all three are trying to find.

Gee...what a concept. Forget dogma, and start fresh. Accept that all three worship the same God, and come together to try and understand the nature of that God. What an outrageous idea... (yes, that was sarcasm)
Jihadists run around because this supposedly civilized world lets them. If you have a hard on for God why can't there be two? You obviously do not respect the concept.

And when both(Christianity and Islam) are held accountable which one uses violence to respond?
I never said there can't be two. So, tell me, what is the difference between the God of Islam, and the God of Christianity? Not the difference in the religions' doctrines, but the difference in the nature of the actual deities? I dunno. Bombing abortion clinics, standing outside of funerals, spewing hatred, and venom. Hell, there are Christian leaders even today calling for the public executions of homosexuals. Please don't pretend that there are not violent factions of Christianity.

Not condoned in the doctrine. Sorry not Christians.
And moderate Muslims would say the same about the Jihadists, that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine. But the Muslim extremists believe that they are following the word, and the will of God, just as the Christian extremists do. If you can't separate moderate Muslims from Muslim extremists, then you don't get to separate moderate Christians from Christian extremists.
... that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine.

to bring the desert religions to accept one god to represent all three would be to compel them to rewrite their books (or better yet burn them together in a bonfire) and start out fresh to find the True religion that does represent the one Almighty of the Everlasting they all three are trying to find.

Gee...what a concept. Forget dogma, and start fresh. Accept that all three worship the same God, and come together to try and understand the nature of that God. What an outrageous idea... (yes, that was sarcasm)

Islam is not even a religion. It is the cult of a dead man, just not dead enough.
The history of the god Allah in short:

The first we know he was a main god named Il further east (Iraq?).

He drifted into Arabia, perhaps with early immigrants who settled there. Here he became the moon god al-Ilah, at least in the southern part of Arabia. As said it is no co-incidence that Allah's symbol is the (crescent) moon.

His name slowly changed to al-Lah, and sometimes Allah. (Easier to pronounce.)

He outcompeted the moon god Hubal in the Kabah temple in Mecca, and he became the main god.

Muhammad took him over and declared that he for one thing was the only god, and for another that he was the same god as the old Jewish and Christian god, Yahweh. This in spite of that the two were very different, had very different teachings, very different heavens, and very different moral codes, etc. - so much so that the differences prove with mathematical strength that Yahweh and Allah are not the same god (and thus that Jesus (and the other Jewish prophets) was neither in the same line of prophets nor even in the same religion.

Surah 1 - 1000+ Claims in the Quran - Invalid Unless Proven
I never said there can't be two. So, tell me, what is the difference between the God of Islam, and the God of Christianity? Not the difference in the religions' doctrines, but the difference in the nature of the actual deities? I dunno. Bombing abortion clinics, standing outside of funerals, spewing hatred, and venom. Hell, there are Christian leaders even today calling for the public executions of homosexuals. Please don't pretend that there are not violent factions of Christianity.

Not condoned in the doctrine. Sorry not Christians.
And moderate Muslims would say the same about the Jihadists, that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine. But the Muslim extremists believe that they are following the word, and the will of God, just as the Christian extremists do. If you can't separate moderate Muslims from Muslim extremists, then you don't get to separate moderate Christians from Christian extremists.
... that they are acting on a corruption of their doctrine.

to bring the desert religions to accept one god to represent all three would be to compel them to rewrite their books (or better yet burn them together in a bonfire) and start out fresh to find the True religion that does represent the one Almighty of the Everlasting they all three are trying to find.

Gee...what a concept. Forget dogma, and start fresh. Accept that all three worship the same God, and come together to try and understand the nature of that God. What an outrageous idea... (yes, that was sarcasm)

Islam is not even a religion. It is the cult of a dead man, just not dead enough.

everyone thinks that about everyone else's belief systems.

and the 1st amendment disagrees with you anyway.
According to Alberto Rivera, a Jesuit Priest, Islam (and therefore Allah) was created by the Catholics:


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