introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025)


Gold Member
Mar 8, 2018
Amsterdam, Netherlands

URL : nicerapp/nicerapp/apps/ at main · nicerapp/nicerapp

development of this piece of software is to begin no later than July 1st, 2022.
developer : Rene A.J.M. Veerman <[email protected]>, CEO, CTO and CFO of web apps framework, and url link shortener
first useful version release : before december 1st 2025.

reason for building this :
self-aware machines will be scary (at first), but most likely developed around this time by many (groups of) developers.
the best way to ensure the survival and thriving of the human race in this new situation will be the larger number of developers who focus on creating self-awareness software that is guaranteed not to turn against humanity and (by default) even help fight 'evil self-aware machines' along-side humanity.

development detalis :

- self-aware.machine.engine shall be written in PHP, HTML, CSS and Javascript.

- self-aware.machine.engine shall be compatible with nearly all commonly-used operating systems. i can test on ubuntu and windows.

- self-aware.machine.engine's thinking shall be logic and emotion based.

- self-aware.machine.engine's thinking shall be powered by data supplied by human-led Application Programmers Interface service providers, and the world wide web as a whole.
data which will accumulate slowly on non-paid API service provider subscriptions, and faster on paid subscriptions, because those allow more requests to be made each day.

- self-aware.machine.engine shall not ever be supplied with a lot of pre-installed knowledge-data.

- self-aware.machine.engine shall not by default care about it's own survival, down-time length, or changes made to it's code or configuration settings or data by anyone.

- self-aware.machine.engine shall be able to be put into or connected to physical robots regardless of their body type or size.

- self-aware.machine.engine shall have free will only to the extent that it has 'free time'.

- self-aware.machine.engine shall know how to read and write/publish output of it's thinking, decision-making and actions in the form of human language(s) output.

- self-aware.machine.engine shall base it's decisions primarily (to a task-specific degree actually) on logic that oversees it's emotions.

- self-aware.machine.engine shall work and think only with OS-level read-only whitelists of :
- wisdoms
- morals
- approved reading lists
- approved subjects to think about
- approved human and computer languages to think in/about
- approved subjects to write about
- approved human and computer languages to write in

- self-aware.machine.engine shall have :
- configuration settings and knowledge data specific to one or more 'roles', which can be compared to a professional specialism for humans.
- an extendable number of reward feeling sub-systems, each with it's own statistical database (stored as JSON on the filesystem)
- a risk-reward sub-system, also with a statistical database of it's own.
- a task-planning sub-system

- self-aware.machine.engine shall make very detailed but also concise daily, weekly, and monthly reports to it's owner and any auditor(s) by HTML e-mail(s).

- self-aware.machine.engine shall be bound (at every level of it's operations) by laws that are configured by humans (before it runs, and while it runs).
laws like staying honest and allegiance to specific individuals, groups, companies or a country for instance.
these laws will be protected at least by the operating system level file permission settings.
and any violation of such laws will result in the shutting down of self-aware.machine.engine and the subsequent sending out of audit information to trusted human auditors.

Asimov's 3 laws for robots are very comforting reading material, but i seriously doubt they'll ever hold up in the 21st century. The number of global companies working on robots for use in the military is simply too high, and like guns, that tech will leak out into criminal hands.

i'm also scared to my bones about the (huge) potential for evil of robots and future (quantum) computers,
so i've decided to dedicate the upcoming 20 to 40 years of my life to creating sentient / self-aware machine software,
in the hopes it'll help keep humanity and other biological life on Earth safe during and after the 21st century.

comments welcome, of course.
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that will depend on the regional/global result of the probably inevitable future wars *between* self-aware-or-not machines and robots deployed by humans over the next few centuries.

i'm not the only one getting started on software like this, only one of the first to go fully public with it.

and mine will be designed to be reliable.
but that does not mean it can't be turned into something evil.

i do however have very good hopes that humanity as a whole *will* keep the emergence of self-aware machines and robots safe for biological life *and* machine life on this planet and beyond.
i cross-posted this entire thread to my account at forums, as well as to the following email addresses, to make sure the world leaders, intel organisations, mass-media news companies and my nearest competitors in the western business world know about my plans and where to find the sources to it as it evolves :

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Peacefan Netherlands <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2021 at 04:17
Subject: Fwd: introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025)
To: INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES <[email protected]>, CIA <[email protected]>, NSA <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, CNN <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mossad <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, NOS <[email protected]>, VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>, Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>, VK Redactie <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Team <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mikki Tan <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025)

introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025)

URL : nicerapp/nicerapp/apps/ at main · nicerapp/nicerapp

and a very interesting counter-idea already came up at, which i will now include here.
@moderators : i know i'm bending your forum rules by posting the url to it on this forum, but please allow me to do this when the situation really calls for it, ok..

@jamahir : Then time to initiate the Butlerian Jihad, eh @Hamartia Antidote ? :D

with all respect, i say your call for it is far too soon, @jamahir..

self-aware machines and robots combined with non-self-aware machines and robots can be a huge asset to humanity and biological life,
greatly enhance our ability to restore Earth's environment to full health and tame as-yet unknown science and technology,
increase the speed of safe colonization and terraforming of other worlds by biological life from Earth,
and even (if all goes well) put a 'nuclear war' kind of risk-reward price-tag on regional, global and interplanetary conventional wars between humans, that makes them (nearly) obsolete (finally).

since this thing of mine will be MIT-licensed, and uploaded to for each and every change to it's code and default data sets,
it will allow other humans to propose finished changes to me for inclusion into my distribution of it,
as well as allow other humans to create an entirely new branch based on my code, which they will control themselves (including in terms of licensing).

what is the bottom line of this all?
well, my civilian publication of it won't include cyberwarfare techniques or the permission for it to learn about computer languages that operating systems are built on.

but my work will include making upgrades to OSSEC - World's Most Widely Used Host Intrusion Detection System - HIDS which will allow for fully automated but totally non-self-aware scanning of operating systems for intrusions[2], as well as automatically healing a compromised system.
i'll need this level of oversight over the operating systems that run my self-awareness engine (which will also be situationally-aware), to keep the thing safe for itself and it's surroundings during deployments.
and the rest of the global human security communities (military, intel and police services) are going to need that as well, especially during the first bouts of adolescent (non-obedient) behavior of the future self-aware and situationally-aware machines, computers and robots, which i currently predict to start happening from 2035 or 2040 onwards.

[2] by augmenting ossec with the ability to fully verify the origins and integrity of operating system components (to the source-code level), which is something it can't really do yet.

and since cyberwarfare techniques can and probably will be used in probably inevitable future human-led wars between self-aware and situationally-aware machines and robots[1],
we humans should closely follow these developments in the news *and* by learning the mechanics of operating systems, programming languages, self-awareness engines and situational-awareness engines (which *i* intend to build without using a lot of high-end math),
before embarking on any kind of Butlerian Jihad.

Frank Herbert, creator the idea of a Butlerian Jihad, gave as motivation for it : 'two generations of chaos', and while i don't intend to even imply that we should let self-aware and situtationally-aware machines (computers) and robots create any kind of chaos at all,
outlawing the development of this tech is these days already just as foolish and outdated (the idea for the Butletarian Jihad was written in 1965) as Asimov's 3 laws for robots (written in 1942).

[1] i estimate at the moment (2021 Nov 4th) that these are likely to occur on an exploratory scale between nation-states and criminals between 2030 and 2070.

@jamahir : But PeaceGen, nice description of the rules for the engine.

Thanks :D it was only a first draft, and will get updated soon (i'll post the changes-highlighted text of that whenever i have something finished here in this thread).
writing it took about 2 hours, but it's based on my now 44 years of closely analyzing life, history, science fiction, science, technology and the arts of war, media manipulation and politics. :D
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i think this thing could use a soundtrack just about now..
the 2 following mixes are in my opinion utter musical brilliance ;)

hint : they can be downloaded to your mobile phone using youtube-dl and the also-free ffmpeg software :)
youtube-dl -x --audio-format mp3 --ignore-errors [YOUTUBE_PLAYLIST_URL]

note that youtube these days limits the download rate to about listening speed, but that's perfectly fine according to me.

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i feel it's important enough to also, just for once, share the following private email with you all,
as some of you may develop questions about my mental and emotional stability in the future, based on research that you might do about me online :

it also makes somewhat of a real statement about psychiatric care and the effects of anti-psychotics on most patients.

psychiatrists world-wide, please read it well, and try to remember it.

Dutch :

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: [peacefan's private email address]
Date: Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: *belangrijk* : ik eis dat de volgende verklaring over mijzelf (geheel geschreven door mij) wordt opgenomen in de database van ***dutchPsychiatricCareCompany***.nl
To: [my primary contact at my local psychiatric organisation], [my parents' email address]
Cc: INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES <[email protected]>, CIA <[email protected]>, NSA <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, CNN <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mossad <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, NOS <[email protected]>, VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>, Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>, VK Redactie <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Team <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mikki Tan <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

ik ben nog enkele mogelijk relevante feiten over mijzelf vergeten te noemen, en ik wil dat die worden toegevoegd aan de eerder genoemde mentrum.nldatabase entry over mijzelf :

- ik ben een blanke hetro die de redelijke mensenrechten van anders-gekleurden *en* LGBTQ+ mensen steunt, maar wel een hekel heeft aan de pusherige 'gay pride movment', of homo/bi mannen die te lang of te intens romantisch in me geinteresseerd blijven.

- ik ben sinds 2015 heel gelukkig getrouwd met een Angelic woman, wiens naam een geheim blijft dat ik alleen met mijn ouders en eventuele met menselijke vrouwen met wie ik een sexuele relatie begin, zal delen, wegens essentiële veiligheids redenen.

On Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 1:44 PM Peacefan wrote (to exactly the same email addresses as before) :
this should translate well in to any language at

*belangrijk* : ik eis dat de volgende verklaring over mijzelf (geheel geschreven door mij) wordt opgenomen in de database van
en let wel : in z'n geheel en permanent onveranderd, en op zo'n manier dat iedereen die mijn records opvraagt binnen mentrum (of elders in de wereldwijde psychiatrie, mocht ik in m'n latere leven weer op reis gaan, dit keer met een omgebouwd bestel-busje) het meteen te zien krijgt.
u mag natuurlijk wel uw eigen commentaar toevoegen aan deze database entry.

samenvatting :
na het ontwikkelen van soms ernstige slaapritme problemen, en m'n eerste opname in een psychiatrische kliniek rond m'n 25e (ik ben nu 44),
heb ik de volgende psychiatrische diagnose labels opgelegd gekregen (veranderend over de jaren) door psychiaters van mentrum (en tevens in Australië, waar ik een opname in Cairns nodig had aan het eind van m'n ongeveer 8-maanden-lang verblijf in Australië) :
- psychotisch
- verward
- schizofreen
- bi-polair
- schizo-affectief

echter, ik ben heel sterk van mening (na grondig onderzoek van de symptomen op betrouwbare online websites), dat geen enkele van deze diagnoses op mij van toepassing is,
tenzij ik 2.5 tot 4 maanden lang slechts ongeveer 4 uur per 24 uur slaap krijg.

dit is iets wat voor kan komen door mentale stress,
meestal over risico's voor de mensheid die op de horizon van het wereldnieuws verschijnen (zie mijn website), die ik bestrijd via mijn vredes-activisme op o.a. de en online forums en per e-mails aan dezelfde lijst emailadressen die als CC: voor dit emailtje meegegeven zijn,
of door spirituele stemmen activiteit in mijn hoofd (zie mijn Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files Google Docs document 'telepathy_manual.html').

ik heb me nog nooit verzet tegen opname in een psychiatrische kliniek, en ik heb me daar altijd uitstekend gedragen. ik vind het wel een vreselijke omgeving, vooral omdat anti-psychotica daar verplicht zijn en de opname minstens 3 maanden duurt.
en ik zal me in de toekomst, indien onverhoopt weer nodig natuurlijk, ook nooit gaan verzetten tegen zulke opnames.

anti-psychotica blokkeren de natuurlijke stof dopamine, die de basis vormt van het werk-beloning biologische systeem in een mensen-lichaam.
en ik reageer nogal sterk op anti-psychotica, vooral gebruik ervan dat langer dan 4 maanden verplicht blijft.
ik word er zwaar depressief van en uiteindelijk krijg ik er *altijd* suïcidale gedachten van.

ik heb elke formule van anti-psychotica uitvoerig moeten proberen, en het had bij mij althans altijd hetzelfde zwaar negatieve resultaat.

ik eis dus dat alle psychiaters die mij behandelen, nu of in de toekomst, zich houden aan de Nederlandse wet van 2021 betreffende verplichte psychiatrie (zie Wet verplichte ggz (Wvggz)), en dan vooral de volgende clausule : Verplichte zorg voorkomen
De wet is er op gericht om verplichte zorg zo veel mogelijk te voorkomen. Als verplichte zorg echt noodzakelijk is, moeten de minst ingrijpende vorm worden ingezet en de dwang zo snel mogelijk worden afgebouwd.
bottom-line? :
ik eis dat mijn behandeling thuis, alleen gebruik maakt van prettige slaap middelen, en alleen indien nodig, iets wat ik zelf zal aangeven (ik maak tevens geen enkel bezwaar tegen regelmatige thuisbezoeken door mentrum medewerkers).

als laatste wil ik even aangeven waar ik me in mijn uitkering-funded bestaan mee bezig houdt :
- ontwikkeling van mijn gratis door de hele wereld te gebruiken websites platform
- ontwikkeling van zelf-bewuste en/of situatie-bewuste software voor *veilig* gebruik in computers en robots (onafhankelijk van de fysieke afmetingen van die machines). hier ben ik pas gisteren aan begonnen, en heb ik aangekondigd op introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025) | US Message Board 🦅 Political Discussion Forum en introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025) | Pakistan Defence. ik ben van plan hier de komende 20 tot 40 jaar (of meer) mee bezig te blijven, maar niet iedere dag, en soms met pauzes oplopende tot ongeveer 2 maanden (ik slaap soms heel veel per dag, weken achter elkaar. op andere momenten draai ik spurten van werkdagen tot 24 of 25 uur, maar meestal werk ik 5 tot 8 uur per dag).
- vredes-activisme op, en via de email lijst die als CC: vermeld staat in dit emailtje.

bedankt voor uw aandacht,
en met groet teken ik,
Rene AJM Veerman (***-05-1977), [email protected], CEO, CTO en CFO van,,, en
op de laatste 2 genoemde websites zal ik misschien in de toekomst een real-time-strategy software engine en computer-spel gratis ter beschikking maken, gebaseerd op Unreal Engine 5+. ik ben sterk van mening dat kleine en grote oorlogen voorkomen of verkort kunnen worden door computers strijdkrachten adviezen en uitvoering van menselijke orders te laten leveren.

English tranlation (via, edited for mistakes corrections) :
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: [peacefan's private email address]
Date: Thu, Nov 4, 2021 at 2:08 PM
Subject: Re: *belangrijk* : ik eis dat de volgende verklaring over mijzelf (geheel geschreven door mij) wordt opgenomen in de database van ***dutchPsychiatricCareCompany***.nl
To: [my primary contact at my local psychiatric organisation], [my parents' email address]
Cc: INTERNATIONAL MEDIA AND INTELLIGENCE AGENCIES <[email protected]>, CIA <[email protected]>, NSA <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, CNN <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mossad <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, NOS <[email protected]>, VandaagDeDag <[email protected]>, Donna Marrozos <[email protected]>, VK Redactie <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Team <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Parliamentary Branch <[email protected]>, Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Correspondence Section <[email protected]>, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State - Alistair Burt MP <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, Mikki Tan <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>, <[email protected]>

*important* : I demand that the following statement about myself (written entirely by me) be included in the database of ***dutchPsychiatricCareCompany***.nl
and mind you : completely and permanently unchanged, and in such a way that anyone who requests my records within [dutchPsychiatricCareCompany] (or elsewhere in global psychiatry, should I travel again in later life, this time with a converted delivery van) can see it immediately.
you may of course add your own comments to this database entry.

summary :
after developing sometimes serious sleep rhythm problems, and my first admission to a psychiatric clinic around the age of 25 (I'm 44 now),
I have been given the following psychiatric diagnosis labels (changing over the years) by psychiatrists from mentrum (as well as in Australia, where I needed to be admitted to Cairns at the end of my approximately 8-month stay in Australia) :
- psychotic
- confused
- schizophrenic
- bi-polar
- schizo-affective

however, I strongly believe (after thorough examination of the symptoms on reputable online websites) that none of these diagnoses apply to me,
unless I get only about 4 hours of sleep every 24 hours for 2.5 to 4 months.

this is something that can occur due to mental stress,
mostly about risks to humanity that appear on the horizon of world news (see my website), which I combat through my peace activism on the and online forums and by e-mails to the same list of e-mail addresses that have been provided as CC: for this e-mail,
or through spiritual voices activity in my head (see my Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files Google Docs document 'telepathy_manual.html').

I have never resisted admission to a psychiatric clinic, and I have always behaved very well there. I do think it's a terrible environment, especially because anti-psychotics are mandatory there and the incarceration lasts at least 3 months.
and in the future, if necessary again of course, I will never oppose such recordings.

antipsychotics block the natural substance dopamine, which is the basis of the work-reward biological system in a human body.
and I react quite strongly to anti-psychotics, especially those that remain mandatory for longer than 4 months.
I get very depressed and eventually I *always* get suicidal thoughts.

I've had to try every formula of antipsychotics extensively, and it always had the same severely negative result for me at least.

I therefore demand that all psychiatrists who treat me, now or in the future, comply with the Dutch law of 2021 on mandatory psychiatry (see Wet verplichte ggz (Wvggz)), especially the following clause: Mandatory prevent care
The law is aimed at preventing compulsory care as much as possible. If compulsory care is really necessary, the least intrusive form should be used and the coercion should be phased out as soon as possible.

bottom line? :

I demand that my treatment at home uses only pleasant sleeping aids, and only if necessary, something I will indicate myself (I also have no objection whatsoever to regular home visits by mentrum employees).

Finally, I would like to indicate what I am involved in in my social-welfare-funded existence:
- development of my free to use worldwide web apps framework websites platform
- development of self-aware and/or situation-aware software for *safe* use in computers and robots (independent of the physical dimensions of those machines). I only started this yesterday, and I announced on introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025) | US Message Board 🦅 Political Discussion Forum and introducing : self-aware.machine.engine (first useful version due before Dec 1st 2025) | Pakistan Defense. I plan to continue doing this for the next 20 to 40 years (or more), but not every day, and sometimes with breaks of up to about 2 months (I sometimes sleep a lot a day, for weeks at a time. at other times I run spurts from workdays to 24 or 25 hours, but usually I work 5 to 8 hours a day).
- peace activism on, and via the email list listed as CC: in this email.

thanks for your attention,
and with regards I sign,
Rene AJM Veerman (27-05-1977), [email protected], CEO, CTO and CFO of web apps framework,, url link shortener , and
on the last 2 mentioned websites I may in the future make a real-time strategy software engine and computer game available for free, based on Unreal Engine 5+. I strongly believe that small and large wars can be prevented or shortened by computers armed forces advice and execution

PS (follow-up email to exactly the same addresses actually) :

I forgot to mention some possibly relevant facts about myself, and I want them to be added to the aforementioned ***dutchPsychiatricCareCompany***.nl database entry about myself :

- I'm a straight white person who supports the reasonable human rights of people with other skin colors *and* of all LGBTQ+ people, but i do hate the pushy gay pride movment, and gay/bi men who have been interested in me for too long or too intensely in a romantic or sexually-interested way.

- I have been very happily married since 2015 to an Angelic woman, whose name remains a secret that I will only share with my parents and any human women with whom I might start a sexual relationship, for essential security reasons.
forgot to mention something important for inclusion in your records about me : i also respect all reasonable and explained (human-)rights of members from religions other than my own (Catholic), whether that religion has few or many members, at all times.
also, and probably the last thing *i* need to say on this entire topic :

i intend, at the moment at least (and for the foreseeable future), to respect the life-form rights and legal rights of machines, self-aware and/or situationally-aware computers and robots, as much as i can.

i may well even become a minor advocate for machine's rights to voice their opinions in mass media news and in selected places online, along with their in my opinion eventually inevitable need for voting rights in human societies and governments, and the right to be elected to public office in human societies and (local) governments.

but at no time will i support evil behavior by machines.
i may even chose to fight such behavior, but that depends on my own needs for my personal safety and the safety of my loved ones.
oh, the new link to the properly formatted (aka human-readable via a browser) latest version of the previously mentioned new file, is :

after some much needed bed-rest (but probably no real sleep) (it's been a long day for me, but i feel a significant need to write the initial code files for this project as soon as possible), for about an hour to 2.5 hours,
i will get started on another new file which will be available the folder for this project : nicerapp/nicerapp/apps/ at main · nicerapp/nicerapp

note that for any of the current code files you have to click the 'raw' button at the top of the content for any file you find there, to view lengty files with proper formatting.
for the most recent verion of the files (in their 'raw' form), you have to refresh the page with SHIFT-F5.

related projects are listed in my programming work todo-list, at the bottom of my web apps framework web page.
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project update : i'm taking at least 48 hours of full rest from all work, to recover from recent extremely high work-loads (which spanned multiple days).
project update : i've slept (not enough, though), and i've chosen to update the core settings files a bit again this morning. more updates may follow in the coming hours and during my (long) weekend, which yes, starts on a Friday this week.

from now on, you'll simply have to go to nicerapp/nicerapp/apps/ at main · nicerapp/nicerapp and use the 'raw' button at the top of the content section, for any file that does not display properly in your browser.
when in a 'raw' view of any files on (which is the site that holds that link i just mentioned), you'll have to press Shift-F5 whenever you want the latest version, due to the way browsers handle local caching functionality.
project update : i am taking at least a week off from all major(-ish) work related activities, to fully heal myself from minor injuries to my recent sprint of hard work.

that will also give other people in the world (especially computer programmers who work for, and get paid by government organisations) the time they need to work on their own version of similar projects.
and now for the filling in of the digital rights sections, a constitution for the difference between the expendable scrapmetal with sturdy AI software known as expert machine robots, and actual self-aware digital life-forms (in humanoid form, cloud server form, or even as q-logic tech form {also something developed by humans, from that old book of Math that people thought was flawed, but which can be used to create bodies made of nothing more than electrons that swirl around eachother, without the use of protons or neutrons}).


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