Investigate the Moore/Trump Accusers

But...why is the "Family Values" party, the party of "christians" always attacking the victims?

What Would Jesus Do?

Hell, the evangelicals were supporting the pervert, Moore, so I guess the "christian" party shit is just that. Shit.

Bullshit, to be precise.
"Victims" ? There ARE NO victims. The only time there is a "victim" is when proof is presented, and due process of law is accorded. The anti-American idiots accusing Roy Moore have provided none of this. They should be ashamed big-time, for trashing our precious American fundamental values.

Shut up LOSER!! The fact is that some of his victims told other people 39 years ago. How would they know Moore would run for the Senate 39 years later? In addition to that, his views on the Constitution are nutty. He believes that Muslims should not be in Congress. He believes that we don't need any amendments afer the 10th. slavery would still be legal. Women would not have the right to vote. He was unfit to be a Senator.

Hey, quit it.
He's a good old confederate boy"
Bring lynchings back that's what I say
But...why is the "Family Values" party, the party of "christians" always attacking the victims?

What Would Jesus Do?

Hell, the evangelicals were supporting the pervert, Moore, so I guess the "christian" party shit is just that. Shit.

Bullshit, to be precise.
"Victims" ? There ARE NO victims. The only time there is a "victim" is when proof is presented, and due process of law is accorded. The anti-American idiots accusing Roy Moore have provided none of this. They should be ashamed big-time, for trashing our precious American fundamental values.

So what kind of proof would satisfy you.?
Mr Moore swearing on a stack of bibles.?
I think the word is preponderance, 20 plus one one side and mrmoore (who has Jewish friends and already got kicked out of office twice) on the other
But...why is the "Family Values" party, the party of "christians" always attacking the victims?

What Would Jesus Do?

Hell, the evangelicals were supporting the pervert, Moore, so I guess the "christian" party shit is just that. Shit.

Bullshit, to be precise.
"Victims" ? There ARE NO victims. The only time there is a "victim" is when proof is presented, and due process of law is accorded. The anti-American idiots accusing Roy Moore have provided none of this. They should be ashamed big-time, for trashing our precious American fundamental values.

Precious values?
Like our C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
His lawyer did say a husband can't rape his wife.
Which gives me an idea, look out wife, I'm coming.
Love our slave holder constitution writers values
You still have President Pussy-Grabber. So there’s that.
How many times have YOU uttered male chauvenist, sexually, abusive comments ? No need to reply. We won't believe you.

Of course not. You are a C grabber cult member.
I personally never heard a guy bragging about grabbing
Vaginas. Guys who get pLenty don't have to brag about it
Maybe in your rube world.
I guess you don't believe in the C grabber building a dune across an 80 yr olds property so she couldn't see the N sea either
Why? She refused to sell to him.
As my old prof used to say "a small man in every sense of the word"
But...why is the "Family Values" party, the party of "christians" always attacking the victims?

What Would Jesus Do?

Hell, the evangelicals were supporting the pervert, Moore, so I guess the "christian" party shit is just that. Shit.

Bullshit, to be precise.
"Victims" ? There ARE NO victims. The only time there is a "victim" is when proof is presented,.

So all the people killed in the Holocaust- that we don't have actual proof of their dying- they were not victims- because we don't have proof of their deaths?

I think that if they were still alive that they would disagree.
But...why is the "Family Values" party, the party of "christians" always attacking the victims?

What Would Jesus Do?

Hell, the evangelicals were supporting the pervert, Moore, so I guess the "christian" party shit is just that. Shit.

Bullshit, to be precise.
"Victims" ? There ARE NO victims. The only time there is a "victim" is when proof is presented, and due process of law is accorded. The anti-American idiots accusing Roy Moore have provided none of this. They should be ashamed big-time, for trashing our precious American fundamental values.

Because to Protectionist- accusing your abuser is 'trashing American fundamental values'
Of course not. You are a C grabber cult member.
I personally never heard a guy bragging about grabbing
Vaginas. Guys who get pLenty don't have to brag about it
Maybe in your rube world.
I guess you don't believe in the C grabber building a dune across an 80 yr olds property so she couldn't see the N sea either
Why? She refused to sell to him.
As my old prof used to say "a small man in every sense of the word"
Looks like your non-answer to the question, IS the answer. You've uttered male chauvenist, sexually, abusive comments MANY, MANY times. Those who haven't, don't DODGE the question like you just did. :biggrin:
So all the people killed in the Holocaust- that we don't have actual proof of their dying- they were not victims- because we don't have proof of their deaths?

I think that if they were still alive that they would disagree.
If you have no proof of their victimization, than NO, you can't call them victims.
Precious values?
Like our C grabber dragging his wife by the hair before raping her?
His lawyer did say a husband can't rape his wife.
Which gives me an idea, look out wife, I'm coming.
Love our slave holder constitution writers values
Is there a doctor in the house ? I mean really.
So what kind of proof would satisfy you.?
Mr Moore swearing on a stack of bibles.?
I think the word is preponderance, 20 plus one one side and mrmoore (who has Jewish friends and already got kicked out of office twice) on the other
20 on one side vs 1, is not preponderance of ANYTHING. Wouldn't matter if there were 100. 100 people can be paid off very easily. Plenty of poor Democrats around (with low moral values)

What is proof ? A video. An audio. Still photo-pictures. None of these have been presented.
The preponderance of non-proof favors Moore.
Shut up LOSER!! The fact is that some of his victims told other people 39 years ago. How would they know Moore would run for the Senate 39 years later? In addition to that, his views on the Constitution are nutty. He believes that Muslims should not be in Congress. He believes that we don't need any amendments afer the 10th. slavery would still be legal. Women would not have the right to vote. He was unfit to be a Senator.
YOU shut up, and YOU'RE the "loser". My guy (Trump) won. Your murderer/Muslim freak Hillary was the loser.

Other people ? Not ! Even if other people came foward, so what ? (see post # )

He is correct that Muslims should not be in Congress. If you think they should YOU are nutty. Islam is illegal in America, and has been since the Constitution was written. Read the Supremacy clause > it is a ban of Islam (entirely)

Some of the rest of your post is just plain :bsflag:

You're just mad at me, because of the many times I've handed you your ass in this forum. Well, if you didn't talk like an idiot, that wouldn't happen.
No actual facts as usual.
I guess you believe hill sold uranium to the Russians
"Throwing charges?" Hilarious. Read the C grabbers website devoted to his lies?
FALSE! I DID present a fact - the only one needed. That the accusers presened no facts, to back up their accusations. Neither did YOU. :biggrin:
Shut up LOSER!! The fact is that some of his victims told other people 39 years ago. How would they know Moore would run for the Senate 39 years later? In addition to that, his views on the Constitution are nutty. He believes that Muslims should not be in Congress. He believes that we don't need any amendments afer the 10th. slavery would still be legal. Women would not have the right to vote. He was unfit to be a Senator.
YOU shut up, and YOU'RE the "loser". My guy (Trump) won. Your murderer/Muslim freak Hillary was the loser.

Other people ? Not ! Even if other people came foward, so what ? (see post # )

He is correct that Muslims should not be in Congress. If you think they should YOU are nutty. Islam is illegal in America, and has been since the Constitution was written. Read the Supremacy clause > it is a ban of Islam (entirely)

Some of the rest of your post is just plain :bsflag:

You're just mad at me, because of the many times I've handed you your ass in this forum. Well, if you didn't talk like an idiot, that wouldn't happen.
No actual facts as usual.
I guess you believe hill sold uranium to the Russians
"Throwing charges?" Hilarious. Read the C grabbers website devoted to his lies?
FALSE! I DID present a fact - the only one needed. That the accusers presened no facts, to back up their accusations. Neither did YOU. :biggrin:
The only fact need in your made up mind.
So what fact 30 years ago do you want?
20 people's opinion isn't enough?
It's called preponderance of the evidence.
What do you want 8mm film.?
other guy a god nut who got thrown out twice?
I guess you didn't believe the white boy mall guy who said he was creepy hitting on teenagers too?
Shut up LOSER!! The fact is that some of his victims told other people 39 years ago. How would they know Moore would run for the Senate 39 years later? In addition to that, his views on the Constitution are nutty. He believes that Muslims should not be in Congress. He believes that we don't need any amendments afer the 10th. slavery would still be legal. Women would not have the right to vote. He was unfit to be a Senator.
YOU shut up, and YOU'RE the "loser". My guy (Trump) won. Your murderer/Muslim freak Hillary was the loser.

Other people ? Not ! Even if other people came foward, so what ? (see post # )

He is correct that Muslims should not be in Congress. If you think they should YOU are nutty. Islam is illegal in America, and has been since the Constitution was written. Read the Supremacy clause > it is a ban of Islam (entirely)

Some of the rest of your post is just plain :bsflag:

You're just mad at me, because of the many times I've handed you your ass in this forum. Well, if you didn't talk like an idiot, that wouldn't happen.
No actual facts as usual.
I guess you believe hill sold uranium to the Russians
"Throwing charges?" Hilarious. Read the C grabbers website devoted to his lies?
FALSE! I DID present a fact - the only one needed. That the accusers presened no facts, to back up their accusations. Neither did YOU. :biggrin:
The only fact need in your made up mind.
So what fact 30 years ago do you want?
20 people's opinion isn't enough?
It's called preponderance of the evidence.
What do you want 8mm film.?
other guy a god nut who got thrown out twice?
I guess you didn't believe the white boy mall guy who said he was creepy hitting on teenagers too?
Now I see your pic glorifying a wife cheater
Guess you don't believe Ike was screwing his sec either?

So I guess we know where you are coming from
I guess you didn't believe the white boy mall guy who said he was creepy hitting on teenagers too?

You got some proof of the white boy mall guy, and whatever he said ? That's a rhetorical question. I'll provide the answer >> NO YOU DON'T. :slap:
Now I see your pic glorifying a wife cheater
Guess you don't believe Ike was screwing his sec either?

So I guess we know where you are coming from
Why would I believe any of this trash ?... when it was all just devised to win an election. You got some proof of the sec thing ? If so, let's hear it. :biggrin:
Now I see your pic glorifying a wife cheater
Guess you don't believe Ike was screwing his sec either?

So I guess we know where you are coming from
Why would I believe any of this trash ?... when it was all just devised to win an election. You got some proof of the sec thing ? If so, let's hear it. :biggrin:
You got proof that this was all devised to win an election?

Show it to us.
Shut up LOSER!! The fact is that some of his victims told other people 39 years ago. How would they know Moore would run for the Senate 39 years later? In addition to that, his views on the Constitution are nutty. He believes that Muslims should not be in Congress. He believes that we don't need any amendments afer the 10th. slavery would still be legal. Women would not have the right to vote. He was unfit to be a Senator.
YOU shut up, and YOU'RE the "loser". My guy (Trump) won. Your murderer/Muslim freak Hillary was the loser.

Other people ? Not ! Even if other people came foward, so what ? (see post # )

He is correct that Muslims should not be in Congress. If you think they should YOU are nutty. Islam is illegal in America, and has been since the Constitution was written. Read the Supremacy clause > it is a ban of Islam (entirely)

Some of the rest of your post is just plain :bsflag:

You're just mad at me, because of the many times I've handed you your ass in this forum. Well, if you didn't talk like an idiot, that wouldn't happen.

Muslims should be in Congress if they win the election. Islam is not banned. Try enforcing any ban on Islam and we will make a bet how long that lasts before it is overturned by the Courts and make it in hours. If you think they should not be then you are a BIGOT and IDIOT.

Your post is BULLSHIT!! Moore did say that we didn't need any amendments after the 10th. Which means that slavery would still be legal and women would not be able to vote. Read the Constitution some time.
You got proof that this was all devised to win an election?

Show it to us.
1. They remained silent for 39 years.

2. They spoke up only right before a critical election.

3. Circumstantial, but very strong circumstantial, and a lot more than the accusers offered (which was nothing)

4. The accused does not have the burden of presenting proof. That burden lies with the accusers (who failed)

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