Iowa Democratic Party releases Caucuses winner!!


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
After a long wait from Iowa, we can finally declare the winner of the Democratic Party caucuses:



The Democrats seem determined to hand the election to Trump on a silver platter. Thank you!!
After a long wait from Iowa, we can finally declare the winner of the Democratic Party caucuses:



The Democrats seem determined to hand the election to Trump on a silver platter. Thank you!!

Now that is the most truthful statement on this board today!
It’s been a bad 24ish hours for democrats. Trump polling at an all time high in Gallup, appearance of impropriety by Dems in the Iowa caucus, a well received SOTU by Trump, Pelosi acting like an ass, a good jobs report, Trump’s acquittal
And Buttkeggar won the Democrat side.... now that is some funny shit right there.
Biden was in last place.
And Buttkeggar won the Democrat side.... now that is some funny shit right there.
Biden was in last place.

That a homosexual pervert and a socialist were #1, #2 in the primary tells you all you need to know about the sick, incompetent Democratic Party.
Twoo dat fo shizzle!

And Buttkeggar won the Democrat side.... now that is some funny shit right there.
Biden was in last place.

That a homosexual pervert and a socialist were #1, #2 in the primary tells you all you need to know about the sick, incompetent Democratic Party.
Not so much.
But it says a lot about how the party really has no one to put against Trump.
The media has made the Presidential race an exercise in getting your life investigated to death and every bad thing you ever did is magnified and broadcast to the world. one of much substance runs anymore.
And Buttkeggar won the Democrat side.... now that is some funny shit right there.
Biden was in last place.

That a homosexual pervert and a socialist were #1, #2 in the primary tells you all you need to know about the sick, incompetent Democratic Party.
Not so much.
But it says a lot about how the party really has no one to put against Trump.
The media has made the Presidential race an exercise in getting your life investigated to death and every bad thing you ever did is magnified and broadcast to the world. one of much substance runs anymore.
Yeah, if I ran for office the media would have no prob finding the skeletons in my closet … I never leave home without 'em.
The democrats are handing this election to Trump on a silver platter!


Leftist cheaters and liars can't stop cheating and lying. They simply can't. Evil is like that.
Lying about Republicans being "racist" is a sin. It is the sin of bearing false witness against your neighbor.
Whining about "the rich" is a sin. It is the sin of covetousness. These are two of the primary planks in the Democrat Party, malicious slander and covetousness. The next one is murdering innocent unborn babies, millions of them. They never learn. They keep doubling down on their evil sins.
Iowa DNC Concedes Complete And Utter Caucus FAIL - Calls for re-canvasing of Iowa Caucus after App-chaos, delayed reporting, erroneous partial reporting that forced public corrections to already-released partial results, conflicting data - all of which puts the entire Iowa Caucus results into question.

DNC chair calls for Iowa to recanvass caucus vote, says 'enough is enough'

"Enough is enough," Perez said in a tweet, saying that the recanvass — essentially double checking the vote count — was needed to restore confidence in the embattled contest. "In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass," he said."

DNC chair calls for Iowa to recanvass caucus vote, says 'enough is enough'
"Democrat Congresswoman blames Iowa Caucus disaster on Russia
Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas suggested that the Russians were behind the vote reporting app crash during the Iowa democratic caucuses"

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