Iowa Passes Six Weeks Abortion Ban

Sure she can choose not to. She can have an abortion within six weeks, or if she hems and haws about whether to murder her child, her boyfriend can drive her over the state line.
you do know that most women who have abortions are married and already have kids don't you?
You CAN choose not to. It's not a mystery how women end up pregnant and there are a myriad of ways to prevent it or deal with it if it does happen, including getting an abortion up to 6 weeks after conception.
Yes it's ALWAYS the fault of the woman.

Personally I think the state should pass a law that every single male upon reaching puberty must submit a DNA sample so that the second any woman has a positive pregnancy test that the state will know who the father is and force him to pay monetary child support provide shelter, clothing food and medical insurance to the woman he got pregnant
Another person playing stupid games. That would be stealing, that's against the law. A real law. Murder is also against the law. Unwanted sexual advances are also against the law plus depending on the age difference you're probably facing pedophile charges. Which is also against the laws. Everything you cited were legitimate laws. Abortion laws aren't legitimate in a free nation and unconscionable in a free society. Abortion hurts no one.
Abortion is still murder of a living creature.

And abortion hurts no one? How about the future life of the unborn?
Then her husband can drive her to the next state.

Better yet she can move out of your control freak state to a place where her rights of sovereignty over her own body are respected.

And then your little state will most likely see a Dr shortage because medical professionals will not want to practice there.

And then you'll have to drive to another state to get care or you can be one of those wacko religious nuts who don't believe in medicine.
Name one of the dead. Fetuses were never born, they don't have names. And what if all those fetuses somehow weren't aborted. All them throughout the history of the world. My guess is humans in this world would have become extinct by as early as the 1600's. This world cannot support the human population as it is. How many will starve this year ? Next year it will be even worse. The more the population increases the more we destroy what's left of this world. Abortion is a blessing, only a fool would consider it a curse. Your very life depends on it.
You say abortion is a blessing? Not to the aborted one.

And what exactly is the problem with Iowa‘s law, anyway? Only 1 in 200 woman will get pregnant after a year of sex (when using birth control), and for that 0.5%, she can still get an abortion in Iowa if she acts quickly. If not, hubby can drive her over to Illinois and get it down there.
Better yet she can move out of your control freak state to a place where her rights of sovereignty over her own body are respected.

And then your little state will most likely see a Dr shortage because medical professionals will not want to practice there.

And then you'll have to drive to another state to get care or you can be one of those wacko religious nuts who don't believe in medicine.
I don’t live in Iowa.

And you’re right. People are free to move to states that better align with their values.

And this law was obviously a compromise between the half of Iowans who are opposed to abortion entirely, and those who want it on demand at any point. So why should half the citizens have to kowtow to the 0.5% of citizens who will want an abortion?
You say abortion is a blessing? Not to the aborted one.

And what exactly is the problem with Iowa‘s law, anyway? Only 1 in 200 woman will get pregnant after a year of sex (when using birth control), and for that 0.5%, she can still get an abortion in Iowa if she acts quickly. If not, hubby can drive her over to Illinois and get it down there.
The aborted fetus is oblivious to all things

A fetus before it is viable outside the womb is analogous to a person being kept alive by machines. People make decisions to take people off life support all the time.
I don’t live in Iowa.

And you’re right. People are free to move to states that better align with their values.

And this law was obviously a compromise between the half of Iowans who are opposed to abortion entirely, and those who want it on demand at any point. So why should half the citizens have to kowtow to the 0.5% of citizens who will want an abortion?
It is not a compromise it is a de-facto ban. A compromise would have been 11 or 12 weeks since most abortions take place before week 11 and not too many women realize they are pregnant in the first 6 weeks.
The aborted fetus is oblivious to all things

Not when it’s aborted when its head is already in the birth canal or in the few months prior to that. It feels pain.
A fetus before it is viable outside the womb is analogous to a person being kept alive by machines. People make decisions to take people off life support all the time.
That’s why the six-week ban is good. It requires abortion before viability. (I’d actually be OK with 12 weeks.)
Link for this stat?

If a woman kills an infant, is it our business? Or if a thug kills a passerby, is it our business? SOME people think killing is wrong.

And in the case of the six-week ban, it’s a compromise between the people who want no abortion and people who are appalled by mid-term abortions. The woman still gets to have her abortion, or if she decides too late, she can take a bus to the next state.

No. It’s not. And the law was passed against the majority of people.

Abortion will be the issue that buries you in future elections.

Killing women because you are a religious nut job, makes you a murderer.

And that’s how the majority of people see you.

Now go look in the mirror at yourself, and convince yourself you are somebody. I’m sure that’s something you do often.
It is not a compromise it is a de-facto ban. A compromise would have been 11 or 12 weeks since most abortions take place before week 11 and not too many women realize they are pregnant in the first 6 weeks.
Of course women realize they’re pregnant before six weeks. When they miss their next period (I can’t believe I have to give biology lessons to an adult man), they already suspect. A week later, and no period….it’s almost a given. They go to the drugstore and buy a test, and they know. (Of course, they follow up with a doctor’s appointmwnt to verify).

At that point, they are about three weeks pregnant. They still have another three weeks to get the abortion in their home state. If the time passes, her husband can drive her to Illinois for the procedure.

It‘s what you call a compromise between those who are opposed to abortion entirely and those who want unlettered access.
Not when it’s aborted when its head is already in the birth canal or in the few months prior to that. It feels pain.

That’s why the six-week ban is good. It requires abortion before viability. (I’d actually be OK with 12 weeks.)
Most abortion take place before we 11 there is no "head in a birth canal"

Less than 1% of all abortions occur after week 21.

And a fetus is not viable before week 24 so why not have an elective abortion time period of 12 weeks? And then after that only allow abortion if the mother's life is at risk or there is a defect in the fetus?

That is what you call a compromise.

A de-facto ban is not compromise.
Of course women realize they’re pregnant before six weeks. When they miss their next period (I can’t believe I have to give biology lessons to an adult man), they already suspect. A week later, and no period….it’s almost a given. They go to the drugstore and buy a test, and they know. (Of course, they follow up with a doctor’s appointmwnt to verify).

At that point, they are about three weeks pregnant. They still have another three weeks to get the abortion in their home state. If the time passes, her husband can drive her to Illinois for the procedure.

It‘s what you call a compromise between those who are opposed to abortion entirely and those who want unlettered access.
Not really.

A 6 week ban basically gives a person less than 2 weeks to decide and hat decision involves getting a Drs appointment which in itself can take more than 2 weeks these days.

And as I have said before there is no way to accurately date a conception so the 6 week time frame is unreasonable.
No. It’s not. And the law was passed against the majority of people.

Please show the percentage of Iowans opposed to abortion.
Abortion will be the issue that buries you in future elections.

Not in my state.
Killing women because you are a religious nut job, makes you a murderer.

Nobody is killing women. Exceptions are made for the life of the mother.
And that’s how the majority of people see you.

Now go look in the mirror at yourself, and convince yourself you are somebody. I’m sure that’s something you do often.
No, the majority of people see me as someone willing to compromise. The majority of people see YOU as someone who insists on laws that they like, regardless of what others like.
Most abortion take place before we 11 there is no "head in a birth canal"

Less than 1% of all abortions occur after week 21.

And a fetus is not viable before week 24 so why not have an elective abortion time period of 12 weeks? And then after that only allow abortion if the mother's life is at risk or there is a defect in the fetus?

That is what you call a compromise.

A de-facto ban is not compromise.
OK…I’d be OK with week 12. But it’s not up to people who don’t live in Iowa to demand what laws Iowa passes.

And yes, there are partial birth abortions, and Democrats who support them.
OK…I’d be OK with week 12. But it’s not up to people who don’t live in Iowa to demand what laws Iowa passes.

And yes, there are partial birth abortions, and Democrats who support them.
It's not really up to other people to dictate what anyone does to their own self

And again less than 1% of all abortions occur after week 21 so you are all obsessing over the exception and ignoring the fact that most abortions occur before week 12
It's not really up to other people to dictate what anyone does to their own self

And again less than 1% of all abortions occur after week 21 so you are all obsessing over the exception and ignoring the fact that most abortions occur before week 12
It’s not really up to you to dictate what laws a state other than your own pass.
Yes it's ALWAYS the fault of the woman.
Who said that? Both parties have a responsibility in this. That said women are the gatekeepers of sex, we can act like that's isnt and has been the case since forever but it is. What's the old saying? Women need a reason to have sex men just need a place and time. Joking aside men are just as responsible for the children they make as women are.
Personally I think the state should pass a law that every single male upon reaching puberty must submit a DNA sample so that the second any woman has a positive pregnancy test that the state will know who the father is and force him to pay monetary child support provide shelter, clothing food and medical insurance to the woman he got pregnant

Men are already by law required to pay child support. We didnt have near these problems in that regard in the past. Wonder why that is.....

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