Iowa Passes Six Weeks Abortion Ban

Abortion is still murder of a living creature.

And abortion hurts no one? How about the future life of the unborn?
A woman who must dwell on the prospect of an abortion, wanted or not, does not have the luxury of that type belief. Let's hope not anyway, that would make it all the more difficult. You forget not all abortions are wanted, some are simply best for one or the other or both involved.
A woman who must dwell on the prospect of an abortion, wanted or not, does not have the luxury of that type belief. Let's hope not anyway, that would make it all the more difficult. You forget not all abortions are wanted, some are simply best for one or the other or both involved.
A woman doesn’t have the “luxury“ of “dwelling” on the life of the unborn, and the 90 years of family, friends, career, travel, hobbies, civil engagement, etc., it will never have If she terminates its life?

That’s the problem. You want to ignore the consequences of an abortion because it makes it harder to have one. I think the costs of having one SHOULD be considered, and maybe the woman would choose life for her unborn baby.
The decision to bear a baby is the decision that the eventual person will die. The decision is the fertile woman's choice. Either her egg is fertilized and later dies or it is not fertilized and dies. The egg is living material. Life began a very, very long time ago.
Who said that? Both parties have a responsibility in this. That said women are the gatekeepers of sex, we can act like that's isnt and has been the case since forever but it is. What's the old saying? Women need a reason to have sex men just need a place and time. Joking aside men are just as responsible for the children they make as women are.

Men are already by law required to pay child support. We didnt have near these problems in that regard in the past. Wonder why that is.....
Not from the second of conception and many times the woman has to hire a lawyer and take the shitheel to court.

Make it mandatory that all men who get women pregnant have to pay child support from the second of conception and have to provide health insurance and the DNA data base will ensure that there are no deadbeat dads
Not from the second of conception and many times the woman has to hire a lawyer and take the shitheel to court.

Make it mandatory that all men who get women pregnant have to pay child support from the second of conception and have to provide health insurance and the DNA data base will ensure that there are no deadbeat dads
It is mandatory that men pay child support you dope. Im fine with adding the 9 months the child is in gestation but that's not going to solve the problem you're talking about. If Im not willing to pay child support after the child is born why would I pay it prior to that?

That also has zero to do with abortion or this law in particular.
Name one of the dead.
Joe. Prove me wrong.

Also can I kill a baby that's been born but who's parents havent named yet? If I storm into a delivery room just as the child is being born if I can kill the baby before it's mother or father yell out their name am I not guilty of murder?

Thirdly. If I name all unborn children does that mean that abortion would then be wrong? Fine all the boy fetuses are now named Joe. All the girl fetuses are named Joanne.

Fetuses were never born, they don't have names.

You don't know that. Many parents name their child in the womb.

And what if all those fetuses somehow weren't aborted. All them throughout the history of the world. My guess is humans in this world would have become extinct by as early as the 1600's. This world cannot support the human population as it is. How many will starve this year ? Next year it will be even worse. The more the population increases the more we destroy what's left of this world. Abortion is a blessing, only a fool would consider it a curse. Your very life depends on it.

The global population in 1600 was half a billion. There are currently over 8 billion people on the planet. I think your math might be off.


The fact that you've just abandoned that we aren't killing children and have now moved to well it's for the good of the planet is astonishing.
A woman doesn’t have the “luxury“ of “dwelling” on the life of the unborn, and the 90 years of family, friends, career, travel, hobbies, civil engagement, etc., it will never have If she terminates its life?

That’s the problem. You want to ignore the consequences of an abortion because it makes it harder to have one. I think the costs of having one SHOULD be considered, and maybe the woman would choose life for her unborn baby.
Nonexistence doesn't allow for such comforting, sentimental thoughts; it just is.
with all the methods of contraception, education, and options....abortion should be rare.........not a fuck fest of irresponsibility.
Exactly right, so it makes one wonder why the Democrat's want an uncivilized society that thinks freedom means doing anything one's little evil heart might desire ??
No, I condemn your obviously fake piece of shit “god” because it is a lowly creature not fit to clean toilets.

Banning murder is only “hell” to murderous scum.
Falsely calling people murderers is dangerous and only puts more pain on those already suffering. You are very lucky and you don't even realize it. You're only making things worse, not better.
When my son was born birth control was not available. Abortion was murder. When my 21 year old husband and his 17 year old wife learned of the pregnancy there were no options. Pregnant meant a baby. As I look back with the perspective of a good many years, I'm glad those laws were there. I could not now imagine my life without my brilliant boy. Had it not been for those laws protecting my son's life I might have made a different decision and been the worse off for it.
When my son was born birth control was not available. Abortion was murder. When my 21 year old husband and his 17 year old wife learned of the pregnancy there were no options. Pregnant meant a baby. As I look back with the perspective of a good many years, I'm glad those laws were there. I could not now imagine my life without my brilliant boy. Had it not been for those laws protecting my son's life I might have made a different decision and been the worse off for it.
very very well said
When my son was born birth control was not available. Abortion was murder. When my 21 year old husband and his 17 year old wife learned of the pregnancy there were no options. Pregnant meant a baby. As I look back with the perspective of a good many years, I'm glad those laws were there. I could not now imagine my life without my brilliant boy. Had it not been for those laws protecting my son's life I might have made a different decision and been the worse off for it.
I’m glad you have your wonderful boy in your life, but how was birth control not available?
Joe. Prove me wrong.

Also can I kill a baby that's been born but who's parents havent named yet? If I storm into a delivery room just as the child is being born if I can kill the baby before it's mother or father yell out their name am I not guilty of murder?

Thirdly. If I name all unborn children does that mean that abortion would then be wrong? Fine all the boy fetuses are now named Joe. All the girl fetuses are named Joanne.

You don't know that. Many parents name their child in the womb.

The global population in 1600 was half a billion. There are currently over 8 billion people on the planet. I think your math might be off.


The fact that you've just abandoned that we aren't killing children and have now moved to well it's for the good of the planet is astonishing.
I attempted to look up calculations on what the Earth's population would be if there were never any abortions. No one attempted to do so. ( You people complain about a few hundred thousand immigrants, what are you going to do with almost a million new people each year. Abortion peaked in the 70's at about 1.5 million it's been steadily declining ever since, there was a slight increase during the pandemic, understandably so. ) Couldn't find it, but by your own side's argument it would be in the millions, if not billions of additional population, also there would be a less fit people to carry the load for the ones that had so many abnormalities they should have been aborted. Nature takes care of most of those cases but unfortunately not all.
Not when it’s aborted when its head is already in the birth canal or in the few months prior to that. It feels pain.

That’s why the six-week ban is good. It requires abortion before viability. (I’d actually be OK with 12 weeks.)
Then bam late term abortions except in serious life-threatening situations. That would make abortions legal up to 29 weeks. That would be reasonable.Six weeks is a bad joke.
She’s not forced to give birth against her will. She gets six weeks to murder her would-be child. If that’s not long enough, she can take a bus to the next state.
Forcing women to give birth against their will, violating the privacy rights of women, and jeopardizing the health and lives of women are examples of why conservatives are truly reprehensible and wrong.

The right’s war on women continues.
Forcing women to give birth against their will, violating the privacy rights of women, and jeopardizing the health and lives of women are examples of why conservatives are truly reprehensible and wrong.

The right’s war on women continues.
Nobody’s forcing them to give birth. The SCOTUS didn’t ban abortion.

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