Iran: Big Tobacco Sees Opportunity For Cigarette Market


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009

Lifting the Iranian sanctions opens up the second largest market and largest middle class in the Middle East. Wall Street's probably licking their chops at getting into a market that has been stifled for years and years.
If you like trade and/or a piece of your salary/wages come from trade... thank Obama for your increased income or increased job security.

Iran Nuclear Deal: Big Tobacco Sees Opportunity For Cigarette Market Amid Lagging Revenues Elsewhere

By Elizabeth Whitman

It’s not just Big Macs, Frappucinos, iPads and other stereotypical Western commercial products that could soon trickle legally into Iran. If sanctions are lifted, Tehranis might eventually have access to legal Marlboros and other Western cigarette brands that are otherwise smuggled into the country.

After the signing of a nuclear accord in July, international sanctions on Iran could be repealed as early as next year, and tobacco companies are jostling for their share in a major untapped market in the Middle East. For the past several years, cigarette sales in developed countries have lagged, spurring tobacco companies to pivot toward emerging markets. The addition of Iran could be a significant boon for these companies – depending on which ones secure a stronger foothold first.

"What it really comes down to is a battle over market share," Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, who founded the Virginia-based Iran Tobacco Research Group and has published extensively on the political economy of smoking and the cigarette trade in Iran, said. "There’s definitely interest on the part of the traditional major global players in getting back into Iran in a serious way."

The World Bank classifies Iran as an “upper middle-income” country, and its 80 million people make it the second-largest country in the Middle East by population, after Egypt. By some estimates, Iranians spend $3.3 billion on and smoke about 52.6 billion cigarettes every year. The number of smokers is rising, too, from 7.65 percent of the population in 2010 to 8.55 percent in 2014, according to a report published in August by Euromonitor International, a business intelligence research group based in London. Others have suggested that smoking rates are substantially higher. According to Kenneth Shea, a senior analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, about 15 percent of Iranians smoke, and "that number has generally edged higher over the years," he said. Batmanghelidj, meanwhile, estimated that smoking rates in Iran could exceed 20 percent.
If they're buying ciggies, that's less money for terrorism.

We should still keep the sanctions on. Obama is an idiot. We'll be paying for his weakness for decades.
Now the libs/democrats are cheering for the OUTSOURCING of our jobs and businesses. but they care about you now, don't forget.
No you are wrong,sorry. You want to interfere with your ability to breathe and take in oxygen, you don't smoke. Big tobacco isd and should be legally taken to task, SHUNNED. You are wrong to defend it at any level but you will lick the boots of any corporation. Immoral.
No you are wrong,sorry. You want to interfere with your ability to breathe and take in oxygen, you don't smoke. Big tobacco isd and should be legally taken to task, SHUNNED. You are wrong to defend it at any level but you will lick the boots of any corporation. Immoral.

you libs think you have the right to poke your nose into everybody's live because YOU DON'T LIKE IT. sit down people like you are laughed at. a smoker wouldn't be so rude as you non/SMOKERS.
HOW DO YOU take a country down from within folks? cheers for our BUSINESS AND JOBS BE outsourced. that is what this is all about. so wake the hell up

and NOW TO ONE who has visions of wiping us off the map. NOW who are the traitors here?

Lifting the Iranian sanctions opens up the second largest market and largest middle class in the Middle East. Wall Street's probably licking their chops at getting into a market that has been stifled for years and years.
If you like trade and/or a piece of your salary/wages come from trade... thank Obama for your increased income or increased job security.

Iran Nuclear Deal: Big Tobacco Sees Opportunity For Cigarette Market Amid Lagging Revenues Elsewhere

By Elizabeth Whitman

It’s not just Big Macs, Frappucinos, iPads and other stereotypical Western commercial products that could soon trickle legally into Iran. If sanctions are lifted, Tehranis might eventually have access to legal Marlboros and other Western cigarette brands that are otherwise smuggled into the country.

After the signing of a nuclear accord in July, international sanctions on Iran could be repealed as early as next year, and tobacco companies are jostling for their share in a major untapped market in the Middle East. For the past several years, cigarette sales in developed countries have lagged, spurring tobacco companies to pivot toward emerging markets. The addition of Iran could be a significant boon for these companies – depending on which ones secure a stronger foothold first.

"What it really comes down to is a battle over market share," Esfandyar Batmanghelidj, who founded the Virginia-based Iran Tobacco Research Group and has published extensively on the political economy of smoking and the cigarette trade in Iran, said. "There’s definitely interest on the part of the traditional major global players in getting back into Iran in a serious way."

The World Bank classifies Iran as an “upper middle-income” country, and its 80 million people make it the second-largest country in the Middle East by population, after Egypt. By some estimates, Iranians spend $3.3 billion on and smoke about 52.6 billion cigarettes every year. The number of smokers is rising, too, from 7.65 percent of the population in 2010 to 8.55 percent in 2014, according to a report published in August by Euromonitor International, a business intelligence research group based in London. Others have suggested that smoking rates are substantially higher. According to Kenneth Shea, a senior analyst at Bloomberg Intelligence, about 15 percent of Iranians smoke, and "that number has generally edged higher over the years," he said. Batmanghelidj, meanwhile, estimated that smoking rates in Iran could exceed 20 percent.

People in Middle East seem to smoke like demons, cigarettes not so much cigars.
Well if a business doesn't want to pay a decent wage then hasta LA vista. No american should work for $9 an hour. That is a joke.
No you are wrong,sorry. You want to interfere with your ability to breathe and take in oxygen, you don't smoke. Big tobacco isd and should be legally taken to task, SHUNNED. You are wrong to defend it at any level but you will lick the boots of any corporation. Immoral.

you libs think you have the right to poke your nose into everybody's live because YOU DON'T LIKE IT. sit down people like you are laughed at. a smoker wouldn't be so rude as you non/SMOKERS.

I smoke as does Mr. Lucy and I can tell you the anti-smokers are exceptionally bad-mannered and shouty, fanatically Bolshie actually.
the op would watch with Obama as Iran take us down. this is what this is all about. trying to give that traitor Obama kudos.
Why would one interfere with ones ability to breathe? Are you going to tell me cigs are not bad for a person?
i dont smoke very much.but this topic ..

im going to yard for smoking gheyloon :banana:
Smokers are amongst the dumbest people there are. Let it happen.

You are ignorant fool making such ridiculous comment.

like I said, smokers aren't that RUDE like these snobs who believes everyone should bow down to their wants and wishes. I can't stand people like that

The anti-smoking crowd are in the Gutmenschen crowd, the Gutmenschen these are the Do-Gooder's, the Holier Than Thou, the Politically Correct, those who think they are somehow Morally Superior to everyone short, they are the Leftists.

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