Iran calls Natanz atomic site blackout ‘nuclear terrorism’


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2017
Iran should now understand they will never be allowed to go Nuclear.

Great news, but just the beginning; Putin is busy putting an invasion force on the Ukrainian border, Red China is moving on Taiwan, and we have a scumbag commie gangster in the White House putting deviants and incompetents in command of our military. More vermin will come out of the wormholes in the coming weeks.
Iran should now understand they will never be allowed to go Nuclear.

Ha-HA!! Thank you very much! It did look WAAAY too coincidental that the very moment Iran started the advanced centrifuges, "something" big and bad happened to their facility.

Ya gotta love the Israelis.

Assuming it wasn't us!! It was at least partly us with Stuxnet. That was my first thought, that we hit Iran. Yes!!!

I shouldn't be so enthusiastic --- it does probably mean war with Iran. Presidents love war: most of them have at least one.
Iran should now understand they will never be allowed to go Nuclear.

Ha-HA!! Thank you very much! It did look WAAAY too coincidental that the very moment Iran started the advanced centrifuges, "something" big and bad happened to their facility.

Ya gotta love the Israelis.

Assuming it wasn't us!! It was at least partly us with Stuxnet. That was my first thought, that we hit Iran. Yes!!!

I shouldn't be so enthusiastic --- it does probably mean war with Iran. Presidents love war: most of them have at least one.

Biden won't go to war with Iran; he's in their allies' pockets as is most of the Democratic Party. As for whudunit, could be anybody; maybe the Red Chinese or Putin wanted to provoke the Mullahs into escalation, or maybe they're just incompetents and a half assed jury rigged circuit blew somewhere. But, Israelis are probably a good guess too. As for us, we have way more than enough justifications from their acts of war against us to wipe them out several times over, we don't really need to wait for anything, and neither does Israel. Their constant breast beating bullshit over wiping them out and the many many attacks by their Hezbollah soldiers menas nobody needs to wait for them to make the first move, they've already made several of those.
Iran should now understand they will never be allowed to go Nuclear.

Ha-HA!! Thank you very much! It did look WAAAY too coincidental that the very moment Iran started the advanced centrifuges, "something" big and bad happened to their facility.

Ya gotta love the Israelis.

Assuming it wasn't us!! It was at least partly us with Stuxnet. That was my first thought, that we hit Iran. Yes!!!

I shouldn't be so enthusiastic --- it does probably mean war with Iran. Presidents love war: most of them have at least one.

Biden would never allow it.......if Trump was still in he would be all for it.

The biden regime is actually funding muslim terrorists.

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Biden just did away with all the sanctions Trump placed on Iran in order to get them to abandon their Nuclear plans....hehheh

I do not think Israel needs bidens stupidity and weakness.

They started moving toward their local allies of convenience as soon as the rigged votes started showing up in 2020. Nobody is going to trust a scumbag gangster like Biden, and certainly not Harris. We're going to have wars break out all over the place, so we might as well get used to it. Appeasing socipaths and thugs has never worked in the past and it won't work now either.
Biden just did away with all the sanctions Trump placed on Iran in order to get them to abandon their Nuclear plans....hehheh

I do not think Israel needs bidens stupidity and weakness.
For a long time, Israel was the center of anti-virus software production, they know a little about cyber security. Good for them, Iran has just been shown they have some glaring vulnerabilities to be exploited. Heh, Heh, I love it.
Iran should now understand they will never be allowed to go Nuclear.

Ha-HA!! Thank you very much! It did look WAAAY too coincidental that the very moment Iran started the advanced centrifuges, "something" big and bad happened to their facility.

Ya gotta love the Israelis.

Assuming it wasn't us!! It was at least partly us with Stuxnet. That was my first thought, that we hit Iran. Yes!!!

I shouldn't be so enthusiastic --- it does probably mean war with Iran. Presidents love war: most of them have at least one.
democrat presidents are famous for jumping in wars
Biden just did away with all the sanctions Trump placed on Iran in order to get them to abandon their Nuclear plans....hehheh

I do not think Israel needs bidens stupidity and weakness.
Obiden is a frail old fool...duh

The greatest embarassment in our history....obama was bad enough bur Joe....just unbelievable how anyone would allow him to be President.....he is not competen enough to run your local McDonalds.

Brain damage, old and one of the most bizarre characters in our political history....should have been sent to pasture after being forced to withdraw from his first run for the Presidency for plagarism and lying. Joe has no scruples....not even to mention the rest of the pathetic.
Great news, but just the beginning; Putin is busy putting an invasion force on the Ukrainian border, Red China is moving on Taiwan, and we have a scumbag commie gangster in the White House putting deviants and incompetents in command of our military. More vermin will come out of the wormholes in the coming weeks.
Not only that ,they want to put a bunch of fags in the Military. Just to be PC.
Iran isn't interested in obtaining nuclear weapons. They're safe under the nuclear deterrents of China and Russia, and their religion won't allow it anyway.

The US has lost access to Iran's oil and that can't be regained because Iran has chosen its allies and its enemies.

Biden would have to beg Iran for a new nuclear agreement now.
democrat presidents are famous for jumping in wars
Wars cost millions if not billions of dollars. The Democrat Party loves to spend money and create slush funds for their financial supporters...and opportunities for more corruption downstream in the manipulation of the monies in lining the pockets of their friends and families.
Iran isn't interested in obtaining nuclear weapons. They're safe under the nuclear deterrents of China and Russia, and their religion won't allow it anyway.

The US has lost access to Iran's oil and that can't be regained because Iran has chosen its allies and its enemies.

Biden would have to beg Iran for a new nuclear agreement now.

Someone call the boys with white coats.....this nutcase needs to be put away before he harms someone or himself.

Geez what a NigNog
Someone call the boys with white coats.....this nutcase needs to be put away before he harms someone or himself.

Geez what a NigNog

The main point this nig nog was making is that there likely won't be any more US wars of aggression for gaining control over small countries' oil resources. All those oil rich countries have chosen their big nuclear friends.

From now on the US is going to have to get through China/Russia/ or another nuclear armed country with interests.

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