Iran Deal: Funding Terrorists or Improving Diplomacy

Iran has changed its behavior. It has deconstructed its nuclear weapons program. It has removed the very reasons the sanctions against the nuclear weapons program were put in place, and so there is no reason for them any longer.

Sadly for you, it is the truth.

They have met the terms of the agreement, despite claims by the loons they never would.

The only ones who deny it are people like you who have never read a word of the agreement and get all their information from propaganda outlets.

Just like North Korea? How gullible are you, Neville?
Iran has changed its behavior. It has deconstructed its nuclear weapons program. It has removed the very reasons the sanctions against the nuclear weapons program were put in place, and so there is no reason for them any longer.

Sadly for you, it is the truth.

They have met the terms of the agreement, despite claims by the loons they never would.

The only ones who deny it are people like you who have never read a word of the agreement and get all their information from propaganda outlets.

Just like North Korea? How gullible are you, Neville?
Did North Korea ship uranium out? Did North Korea pour concrete into a reactor? Did North Korea shut down their centrifuges and destroy their weapons labs?


Apples and oranges, rube.
I think the obligatory Chamberlain reference you dispell any remaining faith you may have harbored that there actually was a cogent argument to be made against the treaty and events which followed....

The treaty shouldn't be seen in isolation, but rather as part of a process informed by a reasonable conclusion that the constructive participation of Iran is essential in the resulotion of the principal pathologies affecting the region. Relying on "allies" like Saudi Arabia has yielded nothing of value, and has obliged a tolerance of their indisputable indulgence of Islamic extremism.
anyone notice as soon as this deal with Iran went though, North Keora started acting out? fishing for either money or thinking now is good time to attack. This administration won't use force.
Iran has changed its behavior. It has deconstructed its nuclear weapons program. It has removed the very reasons the sanctions against the nuclear weapons program were put in place, and so there is no reason for them any longer.

Sadly for you, it is the truth.

They have met the terms of the agreement, despite claims by the loons they never would.

The only ones who deny it are people like you who have never read a word of the agreement and get all their information from propaganda outlets.

Just like North Korea? How gullible are you, Neville?
Did North Korea ship uranium out? Did North Korea pour concrete into a reactor? Did North Korea shut down their centrifuges and destroy their weapons labs?


Apples and oranges, rube.

OK AFIR, (Apologist For the Iranian Regime) whatever you say. It is now time to trust them. They are trustworthy, and are even doing their OWN inspections. (OMG, who can believe that one is even reasonable?)

A little country, in the Middle of "No Where Bum Fuck Egypt," has the ability to DICTATE to the United States and the rest of the Western World, what it will, and will not do, after running massive terrorist operations, and killing HUNDREDS of your countrymen in an undeclared war.

And here I thought Neville was dead. NOT! He got re-incarnated as G5000. God save the queen.
The whole point of sanctions is to get a rogue nation to change its behavior.

If you don't remove the sanctions once that behavior is changed, then sanctions are pointless.

Iran has changed its behavior. It has deconstructed its nuclear weapons program. It has removed the very reasons the sanctions against the nuclear weapons program were put in place, and so there is no reason for them any longer.

It must really upset the loons their "Obama gave Iran nukes" narrative has been proven to be utterly false. Despite it being false, they still want the sanctions! WTF is that?!?

Are you sure they didn't move their nuclear program to a few military bases that are off limits to the IAEA inspectors?
I think the obligatory Chamberlain reference you dispell any remaining faith you may have harbored that there actually was a cogent argument to be made against the treaty and events which followed....

The treaty shouldn't be seen in isolation, but rather as part of a process informed by a reasonable conclusion that the constructive participation of Iran is essential in the resulotion of the principal pathologies affecting the region. Relying on "allies" like Saudi Arabia has yielded nothing of value, and has obliged a tolerance of their indisputable indulgence of Islamic extremism.

Nice try at being "cogent." Is this what you mean:

The only way to maintain peace in the Middle East is for Iran to dominate that region?

P.S. The best way to avoid repeating history is to learn from it. But you are not "obliged" to do so.
The whole point of sanctions is to get a rogue nation to change its behavior.

If you don't remove the sanctions once that behavior is changed, then sanctions are pointless.

Iran has changed its behavior. It has deconstructed its nuclear weapons program. It has removed the very reasons the sanctions against the nuclear weapons program were put in place, and so there is no reason for them any longer.

It must really upset the loons their "Obama gave Iran nukes" narrative has been proven to be utterly false. Despite it being false, they still want the sanctions! WTF is that?!?

Are you sure they didn't move their nuclear program to a few military bases that are off limits to the IAEA inspectors?

HOW DARE YOU! In fact, how DOUBLE DARE you to even suggest such a thing! You are attempting to move him off his narrative, and just like all leftys----------> remove the narrative, and the emperor has no clothes.
The whole point of sanctions is to get a rogue nation to change its behavior.

If you don't remove the sanctions once that behavior is changed, then sanctions are pointless.

Iran has changed its behavior. It has deconstructed its nuclear weapons program. It has removed the very reasons the sanctions against the nuclear weapons program were put in place, and so there is no reason for them any longer.

It must really upset the loons their "Obama gave Iran nukes" narrative has been proven to be utterly false. Despite it being false, they still want the sanctions! WTF is that?!?

Are you sure they didn't move their nuclear program to a few military bases that are off limits to the IAEA inspectors?

Nothing's "off limits"...... Some facilities are governed by an access request requirement, but denial of such request can be judged a violation.
I think the obligatory Chamberlain reference you dispell any remaining faith you may have harbored that there actually was a cogent argument to be made against the treaty and events which followed....

The treaty shouldn't be seen in isolation, but rather as part of a process informed by a reasonable conclusion that the constructive participation of Iran is essential in the resulotion of the principal pathologies affecting the region. Relying on "allies" like Saudi Arabia has yielded nothing of value, and has obliged a tolerance of their indisputable indulgence of Islamic extremism.

Nice try at being "cogent." Is this what you mean:

The only way to maintain peace in the Middle East is for Iran to dominate that region?

P.S. The best way to avoid repeating history is to learn from it. But you are not "obliged" to do so.

I can appreciate why cogency is a problem for evidenced by your jibber jabber about "domination"......

But that aside, what history do you believe we are at risk of repeating?
Improving diplomacy they say. what a joke. After they went and Captured our sailors off a ship held them captive and forced the woman/American CITIZEN to wear a headscarf against her will. that's some real deplomancy there. Were you people just born yesterday or what?
The whole point of sanctions is to get a rogue nation to change its behavior.

If you don't remove the sanctions once that behavior is changed, then sanctions are pointless.

Iran has changed its behavior. It has deconstructed its nuclear weapons program. It has removed the very reasons the sanctions against the nuclear weapons program were put in place, and so there is no reason for them any longer.

It must really upset the loons their "Obama gave Iran nukes" narrative has been proven to be utterly false. Despite it being false, they still want the sanctions! WTF is that?!?

Are you sure they didn't move their nuclear program to a few military bases that are off limits to the IAEA inspectors?

HOW DARE YOU! In fact, how DOUBLE DARE you to even suggest such a thing! You are attempting to move him off his narrative, and just like all leftys----------> remove the narrative, and the emperor has no clothes.

You keed, no?
Improving diplomacy they say. what a joke. After they went and Captured our sailors off a ship held them captive and forced the woman/American CITIZEN to wear a headscarf against her will. that's some real deplomancy there. Were you people just born yesterday or what?

There is no question that the sailors were taken, and promptly released, consequent to a territorial violation.
To the Right: With your critical view of the deal, how would you propose to handle the situation with Iran. IE. Do you chip away in attempt to build a bridge to diplomatic relations or do you take an absolutist approach, which I fear would lead to war or growing hostility from a very dangerous potential enemy?? If you prefer the later, please explain why?

Not only a false choice, but disingenuous as well. Could you have presented the same question to Great Britain in 1939?

What I would do is repudiate the nuclear agreement with Iran, reimpose the most extreme sanctions possible and declare The Gulf to be a No Sail Zone for the Iranian Navy. I would then declare Iran to be a Terrorist nation and place ABM sites around it to shoot down any ballistic missiles fired from Iranian soil. I would further declare that an Iranian nuclear attack on another country would be considered a declaration of war against the United States.

Does that answer your "question?"
Did my question offend you? I sensed some hostility in your response. I appreciate you listing some action items rather than a bunch of complaints. Curious though, after you've locked down Iran, how do you see everything playing out for future generations?
The GOP had a chance to stop the deal, but they changed the process for rejecting it...

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