Iran now claiming 7 drones?

7?? If true,that's pretty shocking. I'll have to wait & see on this one though.
Did No. Korea get the technology from U.S. drone shot down by Iran?...
Reports: N. Korea Developing Attack Drones using US Technology
Monday, February 6th, 2012 - South Korean media report that North Korea is developing unmanned attack aircraft using American technology imported from the Middle East.
South Korea's Yonhap news agency says the drones are based on MQM-107D Streaker target drones and are believed to have come to Pyongyang through Syria.

The Streakers can fly at 920 kilometers per hour and are commonly used for testing missiles.

The report said North Korean attempts at attaching explosives to the drones have so far been unsuccessful. Officials from North Korea have not commented on the reports.


Iran has drones.

Of course we have 3,000 nuclear weapons, 12 aircraft carriers, thousands of the world's most advanced aircraft, nuclear submarines, dozens of spy satellites, and intercontinental balistic missles, but Iran has DRONES!!!

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