Iran opens conference to discuss evidence of Holocaust

Why aren't your fellow gays rising in immediate protest against this abomination? They should be screaming across the news outlets. Isn't that how the pink triangle got its start? How come so much silence among the liberals and the gays?
I can't answer for entire groups of people. I can only answer on my behalf. But I'm not seeing that many conservative groups getting angry either.
I can't answer for entire groups of people. I can only answer on my behalf. But I'm not seeing that many conservative groups getting angry either.

You are correct. All of them are for hoping that the killing of the Jews will get them 'off the hook.' It didn't work in 1940's, maybe it will now?
You are correct. All of them are for hoping that the killing of the Jews will get them 'off the hook.' It didn't work in 1940's, maybe it will now?

Kathy, I'm gonna be straight-forward with you: you have confused me.
Kathy, I'm gonna be straight-forward with you: you have confused me.

At the risk of mis-conveying, I think what she's saying is that she's seeing the old "they came for the jews and I wasn't jewish, so did nothing" thing....
Stupid yes, but illegal? If it's so stupid, there should be nothing to fear.

I did not say I agreed with it being illegal to deny the Holocaust. I merely gave a more plausible and far-less conspiratorial reason for the law to exist.

The "fear," if any exists, would be those Nations catering to PC/World opinion. The do is just about every other way, so why should this be different?

I don't agree with a law making denying the Holocaust illegal anymore than I agree with a law blaming some vast, global conspiracy of world domination on Jews.
Kathy, I'm gonna be straight-forward with you: you have confused me.

Kill the Jews, leave the 'Christians', 'Gays', 'twins' alone. Get it? We won't even get into the retards, etc.

Seriously, the ability to ignore the threats, stated theats mind you, astounds me.
It saddens me that anyone would deny such a horrific event happened. There are people who worked at the concentration camps who've given accounts of what happened as well as survivors who still suffer to this day. I'm not saying that questioning it should be illegal, but people should honestly know better.

Perhaps not as horrific but pretty-damned disgusting are those who have used the Holocaust to force their points of views on others. Anytime you see Neo-Nazis marching in the US, unequal time is given to the protesters of said march, some of whom are always represented by a group of Jews.

The very people who bitch and squeal the most about being the victims of the Holocaust, and using it as a weapon to have their way over others, would deny others their rights by attempting to outlaw what they choose to believe.

Thought you lefties were against legislating morality?
Sorry, Kathianne. I don't cut much slack for white supremacist, neo-nazis.... doesn't mean his intellect is off... just his morals.

Hate is hate...whether it's RWA-style or not.

BTW, I just checked. Your post responded to WJ's... hence my comments.

And everyone hates something. What I REALLY hate are double-standards. Such as: we're all about free speech, but only if it agrees with us.

White supremists, racists, separatists are no less intelligent than you. Their ideology is no more foreign to me than extreme liberalism. I've seen more political hatred on this board than I ever have racial hatred.
Sure you aren't.

So you are saying you ARE for legislating morality? You know, like homosexuality is an abomination?

Didn't think so.
I'm a centrist. I don't see legislating morality as either right side or left side. People's definition of what is moral is subjective.
I'm a centrist. I don't see legislating morality as either right side or left side. People's definition of what is moral is subjective.

Morality in the sense of the Judeo-Christian-based society in which we live, and the Judeo-Christian morals and values we posess is pretty specific. The subjectivity only comes in when you apply either foreign values, or those who wish to ignore the morals and/or the origin of the morals under which they live.

But answer the question and quit tapdancing ..... You think Nazis/racists/supremicists should not be allowed freedom of speech?

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