Iran to put warships off US Atlantic coast...

heh. Bring it, bitches.

Hey, let the target practice begin!

They won't make it half way across the Med before breaking down.
Has it dawned on our conservative friends that Iran may have an ulterior motive for placing warships along America's coast and their "Rambo" response may be playing right into it.

With the Palestinian request for statehood resting with the United Nations, the last thing the US needs is to further inflame antiAmerica feelings in the MidEast!

Wait, let me get this straight.

Iran is going to park their bunch of tugboats off of our shore and we don't need to do anything to hurt their feewings?
The pan-Arabic nationalist movement wants one thing - to destroy the U.S. financially and they're willing to make incredible sacrifices to that end.

Can we AFFORD a long war - an occupation - of Iran?

As long as they are in International waters, they have every right to be there.

As do we.

this is nothing but Posturing. Iran's Navy can not compete with US Naval and Air forces, Especially not just off our Atlantic Coast. We have no Intel that Iran Possess any Nuclear Capable Subs, which would be the only real thing to worry about.

I Promise you this, if Iran does put Boats off our coast. The US navy will know exactly where they are at all times, and will be right on their asses, Just waiting for one of them to get cocky, so we can remind the world just how Potent our Air and Naval Forces really are.

Can you say no contest.
The pan-Arabic nationalist movement wants one thing - to destroy the U.S. financially and they're willing to make incredible sacrifices to that end.

Can we AFFORD a long war - an occupation - of Iran?

Could we do it? Of course. We could easily dismantle Iran's conventional Forces. With about 200,000 Troops. However to occupy a country like Iran? Hell man don't even try with out 750,000 Plus Troops.

I don't think we need to do that anyways. I think we could use air strikes, and some special forces to Decapitate the Iranian government, and perhaps make some contacts in the Democrat Opposition groups in Iran, to work out how to help them take over the country.

Much like Libya.

Really though All I think we really should do, is determine if it is possible for us to Destroy or Seriously set back, their Nuclear program.

Iran is not a conventional Threat to us or it's Neighbors.

Oh sure they could invade Iraq, or Afghanistan yep. However US Air and Naval Forces excel at one thing. Decimating Conventional Military's in the Field. There really are not to many places in the world, where a country could move large numbers of troops, and tanks and trucks. That we could not easily destroy. Iran's Air force would not be any more effective than Iraq's and would likely not even try to fight us.

A lot of people seem to be under the false impression, that just because we struggle with Occupations, that we are some how weak now. Nothing has changed pertaining to our Abilities to Control air space, and Systematically Dismantle Anti-air systems, and Utterly Destroy Armies in the field.

We are still light years ahead of anyone else, when it comes to that.
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This thread must be how the red assed baboon feels shortly after females go into heat.
The declaration comes just weeks after Turkey said it would host a NATO early warning radar system which will help spot missile threats from outside Europe, including potentially from Iran. The decision has angered Tehran which had enjoyed close relations with Ankara.
NATO would blow them out of the water if they tried to sink a cruise ship.....looks like Turkey would call an Article 5 before they US had a chance....NATO's fleet is likely bigger than ours is.

Iran has ships from 1960's and 1970's. The only "modern" and serious thing about Iranian Navy are its submarines. But not serious enough for a real Navy.
The pan-Arabic nationalist movement wants one thing - to destroy the U.S. financially and they're willing to make incredible sacrifices to that end.

Can we AFFORD a long war - an occupation - of Iran?

It would hurt, and easily escalate.
This thread must be how the red assed baboon feels shortly after females go into heat.

That's something that can only be told from personal experience, right?

Do you still keep in touch? :D

Educated people are aware of the reference, billy. Don't feel bad because you needed to spit some chaw juice on the floor before thinking of what to post.
This thread must be how the red assed baboon feels shortly after females go into heat.

That's something that can only be told from personal experience, right?

Do you still keep in touch? :D

Educated people are aware of the reference, billy. Don't feel bad because you needed to spit some chaw juice on the floor before thinking of what to post.


As long as they are in International waters, they have every right to be there.
Not with long-ranged missiles aimed at Wall Street like their brethren al Qaeda.

Also, since they bragged about long-ranged missiles and wiping the USA and Israel off the face of the map, they shouldn't be surprised if the US Navy frisks 'em now and then.


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Yeah. They could use the same excuse that American Sub Commander used when they plowed into a boat full of school kids during a power dive off the coast of Japan.

Of course..little hard to explain why a Texas Oil Man was driving..:eusa_shhh:

You're a fucking idiot.

Scott was a career Naval officer and well respected and admired by his crew. You're not fit to wash his skivvies nor massage his balls with a warm washcloth, asswipe.

Waddle Scott | Bio of Waddle Scott | AEI Speakers Bureau

Fuck off you gay asshole.

Oil tycoons on the submarine - Campaign Finance -

It seriously sucks don't debate people who know what the fuck they are talking about..

Oil tycoons on the submarine
The list of civilians aboard the USS Greeneville doesn't reveal a fundraising scandal, but it does underscore the link between money and access to power.
By Daryl Lindsey WASHINGTON -- Texas oil money will buy you access to more than just Washington environmental policy. Apparently, it will also get you a seat on the USS Greeneville. If you're lucky, the sub's captain might even let you have a go at the controls.

Following its initial investigation of the sinking of Japanese fishing vessel Ehime Maru, the Navy finally released Saturday a list of civilians who were aboard the USS Greeneville the day it rammed into the Ehime Maru, killing nine passengers, including four Japanese students.

You fucking shitstain pansy ass motherfucker..
Let's see, you say some civilian was driving the sub, another tells you who the captian is, and you post an article about civilians being on board thinking that proves that a civilian was driving the sub.

You are fucking stupid. Really.

Moron. wasn't referring to your mother.If you weren't so gay you'd realize that.

I've had girlfriends with kids.

That would make me a motherfucker too.


Of course you weren't - you back-peddling pussy. Everyone has more than one Mother.

God - there's stupid, and there's "Swallow" stupid.

Have another deep swig of whatever the fuck it is you're bombed on/Foodstamps scammed for you today, i.e. Boone's Farm.

Why would I need foodstamps? Got a six month severance. :eusa_eh:

And you're calling "me" stupid?


And no "backpeddling".

And no swallow either, WarriorTakesItUpTheAss102. Not into the gay shit. No matter how much you ain't gonna gargle my jiz, stupid.

Got it?
Boy, you get testy when shown to be wrong.

Most of marginal character do, though.

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