Iranian Leader in Baghdad, al qaeda just north of city

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered the USS George H.W. Bush from the northern Arabian Sea as President Barack Obama considered possible military options for Iraq. Hagel's press secretary, Rear Adm. John Kirby, said the move will give Obama additional flexibility if military action were required to protect American citizens and interests in Iraq.Accompanying the carrier will be the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea and the guided-missile destroyer USS Truxtun. The ships, which carried Tomahawk missiles that could reach Iraq, were expected to complete their move into the Persian Gulf by the end of the day. The Bush's fighter jets also could easily reach to Iraq.Islamic militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, have captured large swaths of territory north of Baghdad. Their advance on the capital was sending food prices dramatically higher and prompting tighter security in the city of 7 million people.In a phone call Saturday with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. assistance "would only be successful if Iraqi leaders were willing to put aside differences and implement a coordinated and effective approach to forge the national unity necessary to move the country forward and confront the threat of ISIL," according to a statement by the State Department.
Ships move into Gulf as US lays out goals for Iraq

That would be an interesting situation, both Iran and the US helping Iraq at the same time...
Iranian troops in Iraq with the Iraqi's permission.

Oh, the foundering of the Bush policies.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel ordered the USS George H.W. Bush from the northern Arabian Sea as President Barack Obama considered possible military options for Iraq. Hagel's press secretary, Rear Adm. John Kirby, said the move will give Obama additional flexibility if military action were required to protect American citizens and interests in Iraq.Accompanying the carrier will be the guided-missile cruiser USS Philippine Sea and the guided-missile destroyer USS Truxtun. The ships, which carried Tomahawk missiles that could reach Iraq, were expected to complete their move into the Persian Gulf by the end of the day. The Bush's fighter jets also could easily reach to Iraq.Islamic militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL, have captured large swaths of territory north of Baghdad. Their advance on the capital was sending food prices dramatically higher and prompting tighter security in the city of 7 million people.In a phone call Saturday with Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. assistance "would only be successful if Iraqi leaders were willing to put aside differences and implement a coordinated and effective approach to forge the national unity necessary to move the country forward and confront the threat of ISIL," according to a statement by the State Department.
Ships move into Gulf as US lays out goals for Iraq

That would be an interesting situation, both Iran and the US helping Iraq at the same time...

Yes, interesting and frightening at the same time. Rouhani is struggling to avoid admitting he wants US involvement, he could be "out of favor" for his less than zealous support of the Islamic state.
Iranian troops in Iraq with the Iraqi's permission.

Oh, the foundering of the Bush policies.

Aside from Bush II , Rouhani may be playing a dangerous game, the perception of alignment with the US will not increase love for him among the other Islamic nations in the area.
Iran is Shi'ite and will prevent a sunni capliphate in the river valleys of the ME if at all possible.
Now wouldn't that be a sight to see. Iranian Shia's, Sunni's, and Iraqi Shia', plus the US all working together.

Yeah, Peach, I imagine there are those that wouldn't be too happy.
Conflicting reports that the terrorists have taken over 75% of oil refining. Irag govt. Says they repelled attacks.

Oil industry is pulling their personnel.
Next post will be link to article showing, back in January, Iraq and Iran declared they wanted to create an oil revolution together...
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This article is from Dec., 2013. It shows some of the weapons the terrorists have now gotten their hands on. Gives ya that warm and fuzzy feeling, doesn't it? Why have we waited so long to respond, knowing how detrimental it could be to us, if the terrorists got hold of these and so much more we might not know about? Anyone not recognizing these items being in the wrong hands and the potential implications of such is just nuts.

Hellfire Missiles Sent to Iraq, U.S. Plans to Send Drones Next Year | WebProNews

By request, dozens of Hellfire missiles were sent from the United States to Iraq last week. The Iraqi government also requested the delivery of 10 Scan Eagles surveillance drones by March of next year; thus, the U.S. plans to also send along F-16s and helicopters.The war devices will be of assistance to governmental forces in combating the outburst of violence occurring in both western Iraq and Syria territory.The United Nations has reported that the Baghdad government has ran out of Hellfire missiles and is struggling to prevent the violence of an extremists group by Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.The Islamic fighters from Syria alone have already slaughtered nearly 8,000 civilians.According to*The Seattle Times*“…the group has intimidated towns, assassinated local officials and, in an episode last week, used suicide bombers and hidden explosives to kill the commander of the Iraqi army’s 7th Division” at a training camp.On Sunday, State Department official Jen Psaki*issued a warning statement*that the Islamic state, an*al Qaeda*affiliate, was in pursuit to gain “control of territory inside the borders of*Iraq.”Just this past Wednesday on Christmas day, al-Qaeda committed three bombings in Christian areas of Baghdad killing dozens of people.The fiery conflict in Iraq has become contradictory to the Obama administration’s claims years ago that*Iraq was on the right track.This present request mirrors a similar request from Iraq months ago.The U.S*disbursed over 2.7 billion*in Foreign Military Sales to Iraq last July, which comprised of infantry carriers, ground-to-air rockets and 681 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.The*Pentagon’s reasoning*THEN was to “…provide Iraq with the ability to contribute to regional air defenses and reduce its vulnerability to air attacks and also enhance interoperability between the government of Iraq, the US, and other allies.”Evidently, the motive behind this recent assistance is still the same.

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