Iranians call for Israel to attack IRGC leaders.


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
I pray nothing happens to those brave Iranians in that oppressive ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.

Iranians call for Israel to attack IRGC leaders.
Graffiti in Tehran denounces the IRGC as a weak government without the interests of the people in mind, and calls for the international community and Israel to help overthrow them.
Israel National News
Apr 16, 2024, 9:34 PM
It always does my heart good to see people with courage.

Courage is the only thing that gives the human race hope.
Nothing would please me more than seeing the head cut off the Iranian chicken.
Nothing would please me more than seeing the head cut off the Iranian chicken.
Saw "TEHRAN BOB" bragging of "success"?

Commander of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, Major General Hossein Salami
I pray nothing happens to those brave Iranians in that oppressive ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.

Iranians call for Israel to attack IRGC leaders.
Graffiti in Tehran denounces the IRGC as a weak government without the interests of the people in mind, and calls for the international community and Israel to help overthrow them.
Israel National News
Apr 16, 2024, 9:34 PM
it's been like that for years, the people for years have been asking for help from Israel to liberate them from this regime and the 2 before it. They actually supported when Israel took out Iran's nuke facilities.
Score so far
Iran 5 Nazi Israel 0

Tell the boys and girls about the missiles that blew the Israeli base Ramon to kingdom come -- from where they flew to Damascus

And tell us about the $1.3 billion the cash strapped Nazis spent knocking out cheap drones . rofl .
Iran's proxy Islamist Hezbollah-thugs injure 7 Arabs in Israel

7 injured from a direct hit at the community center in the Western Galilee, 2 in serious condition.
Seven were injured by a direct hit by an explosive UAV in a communal building in the settlement of Arab al-Aramshe in the Western Galilee. in the artillery for the launch sources.
Ader Gitsis | Branu Tegene | N12 |
Published 13:34 17.04.24

Seven injured, two of them in a serious condition, from a direct hit today (Wednesday) in a populated community center in Arab al-Aramsha in the Western Galilee. Another injured is in moderate condition, and four are in light condition. MDA teams, along with IDF medical teams, evacuated the seven to the Galilee Medical Center in Nahariya.
About the Islamo-NAZIS the racist outcast wrote in reply #7:

Iranian general whose assassination triggered weekend attack on Israel helped plan Oct. 7: report.
By Jesse O’Neill
Published April 14, 2024, 2:59 p.m. ET


Mohammad Reza Zahedi
Iranian Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi was killed in an Israeli airstrike that sparked Iran's retaliatory assault late Saturday.
(FARS/AFP via Getty Images)

The Iranian general killed in the Israeli airstrike that triggered Iran’s retaliatory weekend attack was the Muslim country’s point-man on Hamas’ Oct. 7 assault on Israel, a report said Sunday.

The Coalition Council of Islamic Revolution Forces, an organization with close links to Iranian leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, praised Gen. Mohammad Reza Zahedi after his death for his “strategic role in forming and strengthening the resistance front as well as in planning and executing the Al-Aqsa Storm,” a k a the October massacre, according to the Jerusalem Post.

The group’s description of the slain officer April 3, two days after his death, marked the “clearest admission of Iran’s involvement in the atrocities which saw 1,200 mostly civilians murdered and over 250 taken hostage, since terror group Hamas invaded Israel on October 7,” said dissident news organization Iran International.


Zahedi (center) was killed .

“This is essentially an official admission by a senior Iranian regime figure that Iran did indeed have a hand in the planning and execution of the October 7 attack,” the US-based Middle East Media Research Institute added.

Khamenei had denied Oct. 10 that Iran was involved in the October slaughter, although a Wall Street Journal report the next day said Tehran clearly had inside knowledge about the attacks, citing key sources within Iran and Hamas.

Zahedi, an Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps leader, was among seven Iranian regime members killed in the April 1 Israeli airstrike that hit the Iranian embassy in Damascus.


Armed Palestinian.
An armed Palestinian at the Supernova music festival during last fall’s attack.
(ANONYMOUS/AFP via Getty Images)


People try to extinguish fire on cars following a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip in Ashkelon, southern Israel, on October 7, 2023.
(AFP via Getty Images)

The airstrike led Iran to launch some 300 missiles and drones at Israel on Saturday night.

The “vast majority” of the strikes were deflected by Israel, with the help of the US and other allies, officials said.

Iran — which hosted celebratory street rallies with banners supporting Hamas’ invasion on the same day of Oct. 7 massacre — was the site of similar scenes Sunday after Iran’s unsuccessful retaliatory barrage.
48 countries condemn Iranian attack on Israel: A pattern of dangerous actions.
In joint statement, the Permanent Representatives of 48 countries at the UN condemn Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel: It could have caused significant damage and loss of life.

Israel National News, Apr 18, 2024, 4:54 AM (GMT+3)

The Permanent Representatives of 48 countries at the United Nations on Wednesday issued a joint statement condemning Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel.

“We unequivocally condemn the April 13 attacks by the Islamic Republic of Iran and its militant partners on the State of Israel, which involved launching several hundred ballistic missiles, cruise missiles and attack drones against multiple targets, and note this large-scale attack could have caused significant damage and loss of life,” the statement said.

“We further condemn the fact that the weapons launched at Israel violated the airspace of several regional states, putting at risk the lives of innocent people in those countries, and appeared to traverse airspace near holy sites in Jerusalem,” it added.

“We welcome the efforts to avert a further immediate escalation of violence in the region, following the successful coordinated efforts to defend against Iran’s attack.”

“We condemn Iran’s unlawful seizure of a Portuguese flagged commercial ship near the Strait of Hormuz on April 13 and call on Iran to release the ship and its international crew immediately.”

“We note that Iran’s escalatory attack is the latest in a pattern of dangerous and destabilizing actions by Iran and its militant partners that pose a grave threat to international peace and security,” the envoys said.

They called “on all regional parties to take steps to avert further escalation of the situation and demand that all Council resolutions be fully implemented. We will strengthen our diplomatic cooperation to work toward resolving all tensions in the region.”

The statement was signed by the envoys of the United States, Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czechia, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Federated States of Micronesia, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Poland, Portugal, the Republic of Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ukraine, and the United Kingdom.

I pray nothing happens to those brave Iranians in that oppressive ISLAMIC REPUBLIC.

Iranians call for Israel to attack IRGC leaders.
Graffiti in Tehran denounces the IRGC as a weak government without the interests of the people in mind, and calls for the international community and Israel to help overthrow them.
Israel National News
Apr 16, 2024, 9:34 PM
Oops. Looks like some more Iranians are going to wind up missing.
Looks like one of the Forum Outcasts has gone solo .

Propaganda seems very contrived and amateur .
These novice Hasbara Trolls need to get more training

Score so far
Iran 5 Nazi Israel 0

Tell the boys and girls about the missiles that blew the Israeli base Ramon to kingdom come -- from where they flew to Damascus

And tell us about the $1.3 billion the cash strapped Nazis spent knocking out cheap drones . rofl .

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