Iraq 10 Years Later: The Deadly Consequences of Spin

No, that's not why you're looking like an idiot..... You have yet to link, post or whatever to counter what I've posted. But you're worrying about looking like an idiot..:eek:

What is there to dispute?

Yes, we went into Iraq.
Yes, people were killed, and in horrific ways and numbers.

What is the point of this thread?
Celebrating "Bush's failure".


Have at it.
I'm sure you can find pages of shit to copy/paste to support your "Evil Bush/Cheney" meme.

Maybe it's out of guilt because you were part of that 72% that was in support of crossing the border into Iraq. I don't know.

But I'm really not seeing anything original within this thread that I haven't seen in any number of the typical 'conspiracy theory'-'bash Bush' threads.

Iraq and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free ...
Program development ... ·
Iran–Iraq War ·
The 1991 Persian Gulf War

Iraq's weapons of mass destruction programs were ... were used extensively against Iran during ... uprisings against Kurds in 1991. Chemical weapons were ...


Yes and the Reagan administration took an official no comment stance. No condemnation of Iraq for using WMD's.

How could he, when he was arming the Iranians, now today's chicken hawks want to start a war with them. Start a war with N. Korea or better yet help the Syrian rebels, which either side isn't too friendly with the U.S., so then we find ourselves stuck in there for another decade.

Sven Kraemer - Global Proliferation Threats - 19 June 1996

Sven Kraemer - Global Proliferation Threats - 19 June 1996

Programs to produce weapons of mass destruction have been ... accords and by Reagan administration defense and foreign ... restricts the flow of even ...
One night, more than a decade ago, I was a guest on Bill O'Reilly's Fox News show along with Bill Kristol, the godfather (or son-of-the-godfather) of the neoconservative movement. The subject: What to do about Iraq? The Bush administration had begun pounding the drums for war, claiming, as Vice President Dick Cheney had put it, that there was "no doubt" tyrant Saddam Hussein was "amassing" weapons of mass destruction "to use against our friends, against our allies, and against us." As one of the few political analysts on television to question the rush to war, I noted that WMD inspections in Iraq could be useful in preventing Saddam from reaching the "finish line" in developing nuclear weapons. Kristol responded by exclaiming, "He's past that finish line! He's past the finish line!"

Saddam wasn't—as it turned out, he wasn't even in the race. He possessed no WMD nor any significant program to develop them. And his repressive regime had no meaningful connections with Al Qaeda. Yet in those dreadful months before the March 19, 2003, invasion of Iraq, the cheerleaders for war inhabited a place of privilege within the media. They could say anything—and get away with it. Kristol could declare—as he did the day before our exchange—that a war in Iraq "could have terrifically good effects throughout the Middle East," face little challenge, and gain plenty of debate-shaping attention.

There was at that time a sort of madness within the political-media world. With the nation still under the shadow of 9/11, prominent journalists had jettisoned the most crucial of traits in our profession: skepticism. At one point, I debated David Brooks, then of the Weekly Standard, over the necessity of launching a war against Iraq. He summed up his support for the endeavor by asking: Don't you believe the people of Iraq desire democracy just as much as we do?

Iraq 10 Years Later: The Deadly Consequences of Spin | Mother Jones

Another junk opinion by Ma Jones. Maybe all the left wing geniuses who just fucking knew there were no WMD's in Iraq should have shared their knowledge with the CIA or Bill Clinton. We assume that republicans supported a republican president but how stupid were democrats who voted for the use of the Military? We still live with the legacy of the criminal negligence of Korea that ended with the loss of anywhere from 38,000 to 50,000 Americans in three years and Truman never asked Congress for permission. Lefties ignore it because dumb assed Harry Truman was a democrat. All we hear is whining about Iraq because Bush was a republican. The truth is that the democrat party with the full support of the left wing media and radical nut case protesters did everything in their power to undermine the Military mission. Harry Reid should have been indicted for treason when he told the Military "the war is lost" just before the Troop surge. Someone should come forward and claim responsibility for the full page NY Times ad that called the US Military commander "betray-us". All this whining about Iraq is just camouflage for the disastrous mess we are in today because of Barry Hussein's last four years.

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