Iraq told us to LEAVE "their" country - PERIOD!


No freaking guff. I just can't see ISIS getting a warm and fuzzy for whoever takes over the Iraq government.

It's amazing to witness the left wing whackos try to turn the invasion and that's what it was into some sort of political protest.

They are completely insane. It was an invasion. And by anyone's standard a lightning fast takeover of a lot of Iraq. But they are trying to portray it as a rebellion.

I guess they have to. Obama has monumentally fucked up again and they are pulling out all stops to blame everyone else for his failure in dealing with ISIS.

He can order drone strikes on wedding parties in Yemen but hell's bells he wouldn't help out last year when the Iraqis were pleading for drone strikes to contain ISIS.

An 'invasion' that was facilitated by the dis-satisfaction of the Sunnis.
If the country had been united ISIS/L would never have gained a foothold and the army would have fought them off.

The Iraq army is pitiful. They ran from their posts. It's a fact jack...

You mean the Iraqi army Bush spent 5+ years training at the expense of our blood and treasure!!!
Contrary to the neo-conservatard dogma you Wrongpublican bigots love so much, absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Until you can prove Saddam moved nukes to another country--and until you are able to name the specific country they allegedly went to--we enlightened lybyryls must assume that you're blowing smoke.

Or maybe it's not smoke, but rather the steam shooting from your ears after being wrong about Iraq for over a decade.

Really shiphead? You wanna throw the first punch, you freak? Go ahead. I just want to make a note for the record.

Now....back to the real topic. Yes, I expect people of your intellectual disability to do exactly that.

To an intelligent person, there are three potential explanations. Even 10 yr olds can brainstorm this.

They were there but haven't been found in the country we sent troops in to search.
They were not there in the first place.
They were there but were moved

An intelligent person would exhaust all three explanations before shutting the case.

You...being the intellectually challenged that you not follow laws of logic. You follow laws of deceit.

How is not investigating a theory which has absolutely no evidence behind it being deceitful?

LOL. No evidence? You need to go back and read what I said.

If you can't read between the lines, I'm not going to spoon feed you. All I've done is pointed out you can't know things conclusively about that phase.

So enough of the diversion, time to get back on topic.

What we DO know is how much Obama has screwed up Iraq.
An 'invasion' that was facilitated by the dis-satisfaction of the Sunnis.
If the country had been united ISIS/L would never have gained a foothold and the army would have fought them off.

The Iraq army is pitiful. They ran from their posts. It's a fact jack...

You mean the Iraqi army Bush spent 5+ years training at the expense of our blood and treasure!!!

Yea, that one.

Just another in the very, very long line of GOP failures. The only thing they are really good at is "fail".
and yet he did try...

Bullshit. It's well known he didn't try. He never tries. This guy never bargains with world leaders. He doesn't bargain with people in Congress. He's not president material.

He's just good at the microphone playing on people's emotions but not good at executing anything.

well no, he did try and there is proof. Had you watched that PBS frontline Doc you would have seen pictures and everything of him trying.

I guess you actually didnt watch it and only wanted to use some out of context snip in order to be the hack that you are.

Oh wait, I'm sorry. I forgot I was dealing with a rigid brained, black and white partisan.

I'm used to talking to intelligent people who think in gradations and know what I mean is "he did plenty for a community organizer but not the level expected of a president."

If your expectation is your level of effort, he was brilliant. If your expectation is the level of effort a successful president would do, he pretty much did nothing."

Those of us that actually come from that world know what's expected. A hack like you has no perspective from which to judge. So I can understand you being duped.
Contrary to the neo-conservatard dogma you Wrongpublican bigots love so much, absence of evidence is evidence of absence. Until you can prove Saddam moved nukes to another country--and until you are able to name the specific country they allegedly went to--we enlightened lybyryls must assume that you're blowing smoke.

Or maybe it's not smoke, but rather the steam shooting from your ears after being wrong about Iraq for over a decade.

Really shiphead? You wanna throw the first punch, you freak? Go ahead. I just want to make a note for the record.

Now....back to the real topic. Yes, I expect people of your intellectual disability to do exactly that.

To an intelligent person, there are three potential explanations. Even 10 yr olds can brainstorm this.

They were there but haven't been found in the country we sent troops in to search.
They were not there in the first place.
They were there but were moved

An intelligent person would exhaust all three explanations before shutting the case.

You...being the intellectually challenged that you not follow laws of logic. You follow laws of deceit.

How is not investigating a theory which has absolutely no evidence behind it being deceitful?

She can't explain it so she'll just ignore your question.
Once a new government in Germany was established post-war as per the treaties signed and agreed to, have they ever asked us to leave?

If they did, we we left the Philippines.

Who is THEY???? This is the liberal problem when you have a small brain. There's no they. There wasn't even any THEY with the Soviet Union. Not even with China.

There are many factions. They change their opinions. And they change their minds during different time frames. There are thousands of variables to take into account and once again you libs think in MONOLITH.

this is the problem with righties like you. Too fucking stupid because their ego gets in the way and they need to win. You state there is no they and then proclaim that there is a they.

The other point is that Germany is not the middle east and thus we can assume they won't act the same.
Furthermore picking the word "they" as if its some sort of issue in terms is stupid.

Typically when saying they, you mean the leaders. Its really not that complex of an issue. Of course we could also look at polls in Iraq that showed a majority wanted America out. The Iraqi Government wanted us out, America wanted out and thus the negotiation failed.

Bush failed because we went into a region we shouldnt have.
Bush failed because he put Maliki in charge, he hand picked him.
Obama failed because he washed his hands of Iraq the moment he got in there and thus didnt bother to guide the Iraqi government like Bushed tried.

Iraqi did what always happens. You remove a bigger power and they fall into tribal wars. You were told it would happen, It happened, and now everyone is trying to blame everyone else because some didnt want to listen.

No lunkhead. You're just an idiot. You have no credibility on this issue. Some of you are just too stupid to grasp complex subjects. I'm sure you don't do well with physics.....don't do well with the Constitution.....and I KNOW you don't do well with economics. I on the other hand was there before, during, and after the surge. I spent time in every part of the country. I could go on but it would really make you feel small. You're not the person I'm talking to when I post. I'm talking to people who have open minds and realize the media's been feeding them bullshit for 6 years now.

I know idiots like you are hopeless.

ETA: And for the umpteenth time idiot, bush passed a success story on to Obama. O said so himself. So go back to smoking crack moron.
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Iraq asked for air strikes last year against ISIS. Obama owns this bloody mess in Iraq.
Just a flat out MessiahRushie lie.

If that isn't a lie you will have no trouble posting a link to Maliki's formal request for air strikes dated 2013. Bush puppet Maliki owns the bloody mess in HIS country.

So according to you, Obama is lying here.
Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreeme…: [ame=]Obama, Romney Clash Over Status of Forces Agreement in Iraq - YouTube[/ame]

I forgot just how rude the liar Bishop Willard was in the debates, constantly cutting off Obama every time he tried to speak, just like the video rudely cuts off Obama's answer to Willard's last interruption.

I notice you chose to deflect rather than post the formal request from Maliki, the only person who could make such a request, for air strikes in 2013.
Why am I not surprised?
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CaféAuLait;9610827 said:
The problem with your statement is the left, Obama and the White House claims Obama ended the Iraq war.

President Obama Has Ended the War in Iraq

President Obama Has Ended the War in Iraq | The White House

( note the source) :eusa_shhh:

Good find. Had he REALLY ended the war in Iraq then we wouldn't be there dropping bombs. I know ... I'm stating the obvious but it just feels good to say it.
Really shiphead? You wanna throw the first punch, you freak? Go ahead. I just want to make a note for the record.

Now....back to the real topic. Yes, I expect people of your intellectual disability to do exactly that.

To an intelligent person, there are three potential explanations. Even 10 yr olds can brainstorm this.

They were there but haven't been found in the country we sent troops in to search.
They were not there in the first place.
They were there but were moved

An intelligent person would exhaust all three explanations before shutting the case.

You...being the intellectually challenged that you not follow laws of logic. You follow laws of deceit.

How is not investigating a theory which has absolutely no evidence behind it being deceitful?

She can't explain it so she'll just ignore your question.

Ignore her question? LOL idiot.

Well you guys are battin a thousand. You certainly are consistent. Wrong again dim wit.
How is not investigating a theory which has absolutely no evidence behind it being deceitful?

She can't explain it so she'll just ignore your question.

Ignore her question? LOL idiot.

Well you guys are battin a thousand. You certainly are consistent. Wrong again dim wit.

Then, feel free to answer it.
Since you're unable to respond to me, try bringing your self-acclaimed laser-like logic to bear on LM's question.
Who is THEY???? This is the liberal problem when you have a small brain. There's no they. There wasn't even any THEY with the Soviet Union. Not even with China.

There are many factions. They change their opinions. And they change their minds during different time frames. There are thousands of variables to take into account and once again you libs think in MONOLITH.

this is the problem with righties like you. Too fucking stupid because their ego gets in the way and they need to win. You state there is no they and then proclaim that there is a they.

The other point is that Germany is not the middle east and thus we can assume they won't act the same.
Furthermore picking the word "they" as if its some sort of issue in terms is stupid.

Typically when saying they, you mean the leaders. Its really not that complex of an issue. Of course we could also look at polls in Iraq that showed a majority wanted America out. The Iraqi Government wanted us out, America wanted out and thus the negotiation failed.

Bush failed because we went into a region we shouldnt have.
Bush failed because he put Maliki in charge, he hand picked him.
Obama failed because he washed his hands of Iraq the moment he got in there and thus didnt bother to guide the Iraqi government like Bushed tried.

Iraqi did what always happens. You remove a bigger power and they fall into tribal wars. You were told it would happen, It happened, and now everyone is trying to blame everyone else because some didnt want to listen.

No lunkhead. You're just an idiot. You have no credibility on this issue. Some of you are just too stupid to grasp complex subjects. I'm sure you don't do well with physics.....don't do well with the Constitution.....and I KNOW you don't do well with economics. I on the other hand was there before, during, and after the surge. I spent time in every part of the country. I could go on but it would really make you feel small. You're not the person I'm talking to when I post. I'm talking to people who have open minds and realize the media's been feeding them bullshit for 6 years now.

I know idiots like you are hopeless.

ETA: And for the umpteenth time idiot, bush passed a success story on to Obama. O said so himself. So go back to smoking crack moron.

Yeah, yeah...libruls are dumb because you use logic...where's that dinosaur I asked you about?
The Iraq army is pitiful. They ran from their posts. It's a fact jack...

You mean the Iraqi army Bush spent 5+ years training at the expense of our blood and treasure!!!

Yea, that one.

Just another in the very, very long line of GOP failures. The only thing they are really good at is "fail".

Oh geeze, here we go again. I feel like the physics teacher trying to get those with intellectual disabilities to stop fidgeting.

The training was great. What you would know if you kept up with the smallest sliver of news is that we the U.S. provided the glue. We weren't just there militarily, we were mentoring them in the diplomatic realm, the political realm, the econ development realm, police, military, etc.

We were the glue, shit for brains.

When Obama pulled out, he removed the glue. Bush had been helping to guide Maliki along by mentoring him. O basically made Maliki take the training wheels off before he was ready.

Maliki regressed and made decisions that really hurt Sunnis. When the Sunnis were attacked by ISIS, Sunni soldiers and police had already given up on Maliki's leadership.

They fell apart for political reasons, not training reasons.

They fell apart because the dumb fuck you dumb fucks put into office fucked it up. IDIOTs.
She can't explain it so she'll just ignore your question.

Ignore her question? LOL idiot.

Well you guys are battin a thousand. You certainly are consistent. Wrong again dim wit.

Then, feel free to answer it.
Since you're unable to respond to me, try bringing your self-acclaimed laser-like logic to bear on LM's question.

AGAIN. I answered it in 184 idiot.

How many times do I have to tell you I answered it clod?
You mean the Iraqi army Bush spent 5+ years training at the expense of our blood and treasure!!!

Yea, that one.

Just another in the very, very long line of GOP failures. The only thing they are really good at is "fail".

Oh geeze, here we go again. I feel like the physics teacher trying to get those with intellectual disabilities to stop fidgeting.

The training was great. What you would know if you kept up with the smallest sliver of news is that we the U.S. provided the glue. We weren't just there militarily, we were mentoring them in the diplomatic realm, the political realm, the econ development realm, police, military, etc.

We were the glue, shit for brains.

When Obama pulled out, he removed the glue. Bush had been helping to guide Maliki along by mentoring him. O basically made Maliki take the training wheels off before he was ready.

Maliki regressed and made decisions that really hurt Sunnis. When the Sunnis were attacked by ISIS, Sunni soldiers and police had already given up on Maliki's leadership.

They fell apart for political reasons, not training reasons.

They fell apart because the dumb fuck you dumb fucks put into office fucked it up. IDIOTs.

So, using the same incredible logical template that you've already shown us earlier, there are three people that could be to blame for the situation in Iraq;

-Bush, for picking an inept protege,
-Maliki, for his ineptitude,
-Obama, for leaving Iraq.

Do you think it might be a combination of these?
Maybe it's not as black and white as you're painting it.
Why can't you understand that sometimes there is more than one factor at play?
Why have you leapt to one conclusion when there could be multiple reasons?
Ignore her question? LOL idiot.

Well you guys are battin a thousand. You certainly are consistent. Wrong again dim wit.

Then, feel free to answer it.
Since you're unable to respond to me, try bringing your self-acclaimed laser-like logic to bear on LM's question.

AGAIN. I answered it in 184 idiot.

How many times do I have to tell you I answered it clod?

LOL. No evidence? You need to go back and read what I said.

If you can't read between the lines, I'm not going to spoon feed you. All I've done is pointed out you can't know things conclusively about that phase.

So enough of the diversion, time to get back on topic.

What we DO know is how much Obama has screwed up Iraq.

Can you highlight the specific answer to his question please?

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