Iraq Turns to Russia in War Against ISIS

Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .

Now people are suffering to an extent you couldn't dream of. Timmy the humanitarian.
Iraq gave Russia clearance to fire cruise missiles over its territory into Syria from Caspian Sea
Iraq is turning toward Russia in its war against ISIS in lieu of Obama's limited successes:

Iraq leans toward Russia in war on Islamic State
Why not? Republicans created Isis when they invaded Iraq.

Don't you dare you little weasel.

Don't you dare.

R's didn't create ISIS. Obama did and not only did he create them he funded the shit they have. Obama facilitated the rise and the power of ISIS.

ISIS was in existence before Obama took over. If you know anything about the development of ISIS you wouldn't be talking the crap you are talking.

I do realise, however, that you desperately want it to be true that Obama somehow made ISIS, that he somehow made the conditions for ISIS.

You do realise that it took John McCain (he's a Republican) seven months to even consider doing anything in Syria. He didn't have the power to order troops in, but he was the Republican Foreign Policy mouthpiece and he demanded things happen in Libya, but demanded that US troops and aircraft NOT go into Syria.

I am so tired and so sick. I'm giving you a pass at the moment. But get ready.

Be prepared. :) oh and I am losing a white german shepherd buddy that will probably be put down tomorrow. He's been my friend for so long.

But I will be back. You've got a little time lee time here.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .
You dont really understand this, do you? IT is about international influence. Russia's is rising, the US's is falling. Falling influence in the world is a bad thing. It puts you ont he road to being a third class state.
Iraq is turning toward Russia in its war against ISIS in lieu of Obama's limited successes:

Iraq leans toward Russia in war on Islamic State
Why not? Republicans created Isis when they invaded Iraq.

Don't you dare you little weasel.

Don't you dare.

R's didn't create ISIS. Obama did and not only did he create them he funded the shit they have. Obama facilitated the rise and the power of ISIS.

ISIS was in existence before Obama took over. If you know anything about the development of ISIS you wouldn't be talking the crap you are talking.

I do realise, however, that you desperately want it to be true that Obama somehow made ISIS, that he somehow made the conditions for ISIS.

You do realise that it took John McCain (he's a Republican) seven months to even consider doing anything in Syria. He didn't have the power to order troops in, but he was the Republican Foreign Policy mouthpiece and he demanded things happen in Libya, but demanded that US troops and aircraft NOT go into Syria.

I am so tired and so sick. I'm giving you a pass at the moment. But get ready.

Be prepared. :) oh and I am losing a white german shepherd buddy that will probably be put down tomorrow. He's been my friend for so long.

But I will be back. You've got a little time lee time here.
Sorry to hear about your buddy. It will be hard to drive him into the vet's office...'been down that road before. Painful.....the last ride is painful
If anybody still clings to the delusion that the US is still the superpower it once was... this news is the last nail in the coffin.

Somebody has to finish the job that the halfwit in the White house refuses to do.

And so yes, Russia is having a bigger role in Iraq now.
The half wit is Putin and you. Let him jump into the quagmire in the middle east. Haven't you been taking notes of what has happened to the US when we went in full force. Look what has happened to every western country that has inserted themselves into the middle east the past 120 years. They have all left with their tail between their legs losing lives and money.
We do not have to be the most powerful country in the world. We need to be the best country for our own citizens.

Well, it doesn't appear to me that we are leaving of our own volition. It appears we are being thrown out of the Middle East. We had best start drilling for oil and gas immediately.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .

Obama is being thrown out of the Middle East.
America has yet to prove effective in this fight. Glaring examples of our failures in Iraq and against ISIS continue to be presented such as the May 23 Washington Post story that paints a picture of total chaos and mayhem garnered from the accounts of fighters in the city of Ramadi that recently fell to ISIS.

Adding insult to injury Islamic State fighters crowed about their victory on social media, releasing images of the seized. U.S. supplied military equipment worth millions of dollars that was left behind. More about how we have yet to come up with a workable strategy against ISIS in the article below.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .
You dont really understand this, do you? IT is about international influence. Russia's is rising, the US's is falling. Falling influence in the world is a bad thing. It puts you ont he road to being a third class state.

That has been Obama's plan all along. He despises American exceptionalism.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .

Obama is being thrown out of the Middle East.
That's funny. The US has bases on the Kuwait/Iraq border packed with over 15,000 combat ready armored units and USAF Squadrons. Add to those the ones in Turkey and our multiple carrier task forces. The Putin cheering squads are very over excited and morphed with the ODS hater dupes.
'Iraq is turning toward Russia in its war against ISIS in lieu of Obama's limited successes'

Obama has had 'limited success' against ISIS because he is and has NOT been truly fighting ISIS. Obama ran guns to them from Benghazi. He allowed them to flow into Iraq to take over much of the country our military had just recently liberated at great cost WHILE Obama's Intel had been churning our false Intel / Lies about his 'success' against ISIS since 2012!

Obama is still trying to recover from and 'make right' his disastrous 'Red Line' blunder in Syria. Obama actually believed he could throw down a 'Red Line' threat to Assad (with no intention of backing it up) and that Assad would have no other option but to back down because NO ONE would dare to challenge / cross 'Obama'! When Assad did just that, Obama had no clue what to he cowardly back pedaled and tried to blame everyone else, declaring it was not HIS 'Red Line' but the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line'. Assad gassed his own people, our allies witnessed the cowardice and decline of the US, and our enemies were emboldened.

Instead of fighting ISIS Obama has trained more Syrian Rebels to try to fight Assad. Several of those have converted to ISIS, bringing all of the training, weapons, and supplies Obama gave them with them. Putin seized the opportunity to step in to declare HE would take the fight to ISIS, moved planes, weapons, and troops into Syria, secured Assad's regime, and immediately began bombing the crap out of the remaining rebels Obama was and is still supporting. He then made China and Iran his allies, against ISIS and the US, and Russia and Iran are using the 'fighting ISIS' story to not only fight ISIS but to spread throughout the Middle East....

..and Obama is still focusing on saving the rebels and continuing to try to unseat Assad...who is WELL protected now. The whole world can see this. Iraq is trying to save their they have decided to 'make a deal with the devil' instead of taking their chances with an idiot who has other priorities.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .

Obama is being thrown out of the Middle East.
That's funny. The US has bases on the Kuwait/Iraq border packed with over 15,000 combat ready armored units and USAF Squadrons. Add to those the ones in Turkey and our multiple carrier task forces. The Putin cheering squads are very over excited and morphed with the ODS hater dupes.

The problem is that they have a Community-Organizer-in-Chief instead of a Commander-in-Chief. What good are they?
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .
You dont really understand this, do you? IT is about international influence. Russia's is rising, the US's is falling. Falling influence in the world is a bad thing. It puts you ont he road to being a third class state.

That has been Obama's plan all along. He despises American exceptionalism.

Exceptionalism is invading third world countries huh?
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .
You dont really understand this, do you? IT is about international influence. Russia's is rising, the US's is falling. Falling influence in the world is a bad thing. It puts you ont he road to being a third class state.

That has been Obama's plan all along. He despises American exceptionalism.

Exceptionalism is invading third world countries huh?

Exceptionalism is being respected and the leader of the free world. It is an honorable position.
'Iraq is turning toward Russia in its war against ISIS in lieu of Obama's limited successes'

Obama has had 'limited success' against ISIS because he is and has NOT been truly fighting ISIS. Obama ran guns to them from Benghazi. He allowed them to flow into Iraq to take over much of the country our military had just recently liberated at great cost WHILE Obama's Intel had been churning our false Intel / Lies about his 'success' against ISIS since 2012!

Obama is still trying to recover from and 'make right' his disastrous 'Red Line' blunder in Syria. Obama actually believed he could throw down a 'Red Line' threat to Assad (with no intention of backing it up) and that Assad would have no other option but to back down because NO ONE would dare to challenge / cross 'Obama'! When Assad did just that, Obama had no clue what to he cowardly back pedaled and tried to blame everyone else, declaring it was not HIS 'Red Line' but the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line'. Assad gassed his own people, our allies witnessed the cowardice and decline of the US, and our enemies were emboldened.

Instead of fighting ISIS Obama has trained more Syrian Rebels to try to fight Assad. Several of those have converted to ISIS, bringing all of the training, weapons, and supplies Obama gave them with them. Putin seized the opportunity to step in to declare HE would take the fight to ISIS, moved planes, weapons, and troops into Syria, secured Assad's regime, and immediately began bombing the crap out of the remaining rebels Obama was and is still supporting. He then made China and Iran his allies, against ISIS and the US, and Russia and Iran are using the 'fighting ISIS' story to not only fight ISIS but to spread throughout the Middle East....

..and Obama is still focusing on saving the rebels and continuing to try to unseat Assad...who is WELL protected now. The whole world can see this. Iraq is trying to save their they have decided to 'make a deal with the devil' instead of taking their chances with an idiot who has other priorities.

Indeed. His pin pricks of blind aerial bombing and drone attacks that take out one or two individuals have failed to slow the ISIS advances.
'Iraq is turning toward Russia in its war against ISIS in lieu of Obama's limited successes'

Obama has had 'limited success' against ISIS because he is and has NOT been truly fighting ISIS. Obama ran guns to them from Benghazi. He allowed them to flow into Iraq to take over much of the country our military had just recently liberated at great cost WHILE Obama's Intel had been churning our false Intel / Lies about his 'success' against ISIS since 2012!

Obama is still trying to recover from and 'make right' his disastrous 'Red Line' blunder in Syria. Obama actually believed he could throw down a 'Red Line' threat to Assad (with no intention of backing it up) and that Assad would have no other option but to back down because NO ONE would dare to challenge / cross 'Obama'! When Assad did just that, Obama had no clue what to he cowardly back pedaled and tried to blame everyone else, declaring it was not HIS 'Red Line' but the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line'. Assad gassed his own people, our allies witnessed the cowardice and decline of the US, and our enemies were emboldened.

Instead of fighting ISIS Obama has trained more Syrian Rebels to try to fight Assad. Several of those have converted to ISIS, bringing all of the training, weapons, and supplies Obama gave them with them. Putin seized the opportunity to step in to declare HE would take the fight to ISIS, moved planes, weapons, and troops into Syria, secured Assad's regime, and immediately began bombing the crap out of the remaining rebels Obama was and is still supporting. He then made China and Iran his allies, against ISIS and the US, and Russia and Iran are using the 'fighting ISIS' story to not only fight ISIS but to spread throughout the Middle East....

..and Obama is still focusing on saving the rebels and continuing to try to unseat Assad...who is WELL protected now. The whole world can see this. Iraq is trying to save their they have decided to 'make a deal with the devil' instead of taking their chances with an idiot who has other priorities.
At some point you will realize that Russia has joined in the side killing Sunni Muslims in a holy war. Russia has joined the minority side of the war and angered the Sunni Muslim world.
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .

Obama is being thrown out of the Middle East.
That's funny. The US has bases on the Kuwait/Iraq border packed with over 15,000 combat ready armored units and USAF Squadrons. Add to those the ones in Turkey and our multiple carrier task forces. The Putin cheering squads are very over excited and morphed with the ODS hater dupes.

The problem is that they have a Community-Organizer-in-Chief instead of a Commander-in-Chief. What good are they?
What is wrong with standing by and watching the Russians? The big battle yesterday in Syria left 15 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed or captured and little if any ground gained. Not a good start for the Russians. Of course none of those tanks were Russian. The claim is that they were all Syrian. Do you believe that?
'Iraq is turning toward Russia in its war against ISIS in lieu of Obama's limited successes'

Obama has had 'limited success' against ISIS because he is and has NOT been truly fighting ISIS. Obama ran guns to them from Benghazi. He allowed them to flow into Iraq to take over much of the country our military had just recently liberated at great cost WHILE Obama's Intel had been churning our false Intel / Lies about his 'success' against ISIS since 2012!

Obama is still trying to recover from and 'make right' his disastrous 'Red Line' blunder in Syria. Obama actually believed he could throw down a 'Red Line' threat to Assad (with no intention of backing it up) and that Assad would have no other option but to back down because NO ONE would dare to challenge / cross 'Obama'! When Assad did just that, Obama had no clue what to he cowardly back pedaled and tried to blame everyone else, declaring it was not HIS 'Red Line' but the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line'. Assad gassed his own people, our allies witnessed the cowardice and decline of the US, and our enemies were emboldened.

Instead of fighting ISIS Obama has trained more Syrian Rebels to try to fight Assad. Several of those have converted to ISIS, bringing all of the training, weapons, and supplies Obama gave them with them. Putin seized the opportunity to step in to declare HE would take the fight to ISIS, moved planes, weapons, and troops into Syria, secured Assad's regime, and immediately began bombing the crap out of the remaining rebels Obama was and is still supporting. He then made China and Iran his allies, against ISIS and the US, and Russia and Iran are using the 'fighting ISIS' story to not only fight ISIS but to spread throughout the Middle East....

..and Obama is still focusing on saving the rebels and continuing to try to unseat Assad...who is WELL protected now. The whole world can see this. Iraq is trying to save their they have decided to 'make a deal with the devil' instead of taking their chances with an idiot who has other priorities.
At some point you will realize that Russia has joined in the side killing Sunni Muslims in a holy war. Russia has joined the minority side of the wa
Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Holy shit, it's like finding a sucker to marry your ex wife . Now we don't have to pay alimony anymore .

Obama kept his promise to get us out of Iraq . Thank god he did .

Obama is being thrown out of the Middle East.
That's funny. The US has bases on the Kuwait/Iraq border packed with over 15,000 combat ready armored units and USAF Squadrons. Add to those the ones in Turkey and our multiple carrier task forces. The Putin cheering squads are very over excited and morphed with the ODS hater dupes.

The problem is that they have a Community-Organizer-in-Chief instead of a Commander-in-Chief. What good are they?
What is wrong with standing by and watching the Russians? The big battle yesterday in Syria left 15 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed or captured and little if any ground gained. Not a good start for the Russians. Of course none of those tanks were Russian. The claim is that they were all Syrian. Do you believe that?

If you agree that leading from behind is the answer. Apparently it isn't working for the Iraqi leadership. I don't know who's tanks they are. I wasn't there but I know you were.
'Iraq is turning toward Russia in its war against ISIS in lieu of Obama's limited successes'

Obama has had 'limited success' against ISIS because he is and has NOT been truly fighting ISIS. Obama ran guns to them from Benghazi. He allowed them to flow into Iraq to take over much of the country our military had just recently liberated at great cost WHILE Obama's Intel had been churning our false Intel / Lies about his 'success' against ISIS since 2012!

Obama is still trying to recover from and 'make right' his disastrous 'Red Line' blunder in Syria. Obama actually believed he could throw down a 'Red Line' threat to Assad (with no intention of backing it up) and that Assad would have no other option but to back down because NO ONE would dare to challenge / cross 'Obama'! When Assad did just that, Obama had no clue what to he cowardly back pedaled and tried to blame everyone else, declaring it was not HIS 'Red Line' but the WHOLE WORLD'S 'Red Line'. Assad gassed his own people, our allies witnessed the cowardice and decline of the US, and our enemies were emboldened.

Instead of fighting ISIS Obama has trained more Syrian Rebels to try to fight Assad. Several of those have converted to ISIS, bringing all of the training, weapons, and supplies Obama gave them with them. Putin seized the opportunity to step in to declare HE would take the fight to ISIS, moved planes, weapons, and troops into Syria, secured Assad's regime, and immediately began bombing the crap out of the remaining rebels Obama was and is still supporting. He then made China and Iran his allies, against ISIS and the US, and Russia and Iran are using the 'fighting ISIS' story to not only fight ISIS but to spread throughout the Middle East....

..and Obama is still focusing on saving the rebels and continuing to try to unseat Assad...who is WELL protected now. The whole world can see this. Iraq is trying to save their they have decided to 'make a deal with the devil' instead of taking their chances with an idiot who has other priorities.

Indeed. His pin pricks of blind aerial bombing and drone attacks that take out one or two individuals have failed to slow the ISIS advances.
Stop making stuff up. You waste everyone's time with you lack of knowledge and misinformation. ISIS has been slowed, lost ground and having to be on defense instead of offense. If that comment is wrong, show the areas where ISIS has made meaningful gains recently.

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