Iraq War veteran critically injured after being hit with a grenade by Oakland Police

My bad,i just watched the video. The Police have to be held accountable for this. One officer actually shot a grenade right into the crowd trying to help the wounded man. This is criminal behavior. These officers were way out of line. There is no excuse for intentionally firing grenades directly at citizens. They should no longer be police officers and should be prosecuted as well.

One flash bang was thrown unto the crowed. Nothing was fired into the crowed. The city government supports the protesters. They have not taken any action against the police who were assaulted in the first place.
My bad,i just watched the video. The Police have to be held accountable for this. One officer actually shot a grenade right into the crowd trying to help the wounded man. This is criminal behavior. These officers were way out of line. There is no excuse for intentionally firing grenades directly at citizens. They should no longer be police officers and should be prosecuted as well.

One flash bang was thrown unto the crowed. Nothing was fired into the crowed. The city government supports the protesters. They have not taken any action against the police who were assaulted in the first place.

I love how they keep saying Shot and Grenade like they were firing off Frags with a luancher.

It was one Flash Bang Grenade. Designed to stun and confuse nothing more, and it was thrown not Fired.

Jesus you people on the left are hilarious, You attack us on the right and say we hate Government because we want to limit Federal power, yet you automatically fault the Cops at every opportunity in every Situation. The Cops are one of the most noticeable Faces of your Beloved Government that you want us all to rely on so much. Kinda Ironic.

Maybe that is how we can explain it to you libs. Think of it this way, You hate cops and always assume they are in the wrong. That much is clear, so think of the Federal Government as being just like Cops are in your mind. Brutal, Abusive, Jack Booted Thugs.

Now maybe you understand why we want to limit government power. Especially at the level it can be most over bearing. The Federal Government.

My bad,i just watched the video. The Police have to be held accountable for this. One officer actually shot a grenade right into the crowd trying to help the wounded man. This is criminal behavior. These officers were way out of line. There is no excuse for intentionally firing grenades directly at citizens. They should no longer be police officers and should be prosecuted as well.

One flash bang was thrown unto the crowed. Nothing was fired into the crowed. The city government supports the protesters. They have not taken any action against the police who were assaulted in the first place.

I love how they keep saying Shot and Grenade like they were firing off Frags with a luancher.

It was one Flash Bang Grenade. Designed to stun and confuse nothing more, and it was thrown not Fired.

Jesus you people on the left are hilarious, You attack us on the right and say we hate Government because we want to limit Federal power, yet you automatically fault the Cops at every opportunity in every Situation. The Cops are one of the most noticeable Faces of your Beloved Government that you want us all to rely on so much. Kinda Ironic.

Maybe that is how we can explain it to you libs. Think of it this way, You hate cops and always assume they are in the wrong. That much is clear, so think of the Federal Government as being just like Cops are in your mind. Brutal, Abusive, Jack Booted Thugs.

Now maybe you understand why we want to limit government power. Especially at the level it can be most over bearing. The Federal Government.


I agree and disagree with you. I'm not on the Left. But you are right that it is the Left/Democrats who want the Nanny State/Police State but then complain when the Government gets out of control. These officers were wrong though and should be held accountable. It was incredibly callous and cruel to fire a grenade directly at citizens trying to help a wounded citizen. These officers knew the man was hurt and the people were trying to help. They went ahead and fired on them anyway. That is unacceptable and they should be fired. But you did make some valid points.
So many Americans wanted this Nanny State/Police State. They wanted that all-powerful Government. Well now they got what they wished for. You can't have it both ways. If you want the Nanny State/Police State,you'll just have to take your lumps. But what about the rest of us who never wanted this Police State? Now we have to suffer too. It's very depressing.
Oakland Police critically injured Scott Olsen, a Marine Corps veteran twice deployed to Iraq, with a flash bang grenade.

Occupy Oakland protests - live coverage | World news |

According to a video of the encounter, seen here:

Oakland Policeman Throws Flash Grenade Into Crowd Trying To Help Injured Protester - YouTube

Olsen was wounded while he was attempting to come to the aid of a second injured protester.

At the 10 second mark in the OP video link, you can see the protestor drop like a stone. However, there is no one and nothing near him. No trails of smoke leading to him, which you can clearly see for all the other smoke grenades in the background of the video.

Now, the cop that tossed a smoke grenade into the group trying to help the injured man... he should be disciplined.

Looked to me that he dropped because of an explosion to the left and further away from the camera. No clue what could have hit him. And Whoever popped more smoke did as he should have, they were clearing the area and those people were advancing. The Police would have got the young fool medical attention faster than the idiots in that crowd.

Yeah..they were clearing the Area that was paid for by American citizens of the American citizens that paid for the area and the salaries of the cops doing the clearing while exercising their right of free speech.

Good to be an American, when Americans are acting like Soviets. :clap2:
At the 10 second mark in the OP video link, you can see the protestor drop like a stone. However, there is no one and nothing near him. No trails of smoke leading to him, which you can clearly see for all the other smoke grenades in the background of the video.

Now, the cop that tossed a smoke grenade into the group trying to help the injured man... he should be disciplined.

Looked to me that he dropped because of an explosion to the left and further away from the camera. No clue what could have hit him. And Whoever popped more smoke did as he should have, they were clearing the area and those people were advancing. The Police would have got the young fool medical attention faster than the idiots in that crowd.

Yeah..they were clearing the Area that was paid for by American citizens of the American citizens that paid for the area and the salaries of the cops doing the clearing while exercising their right of free speech.

Good to be an American, when Americans are acting like Soviets. :clap2:

The area is suppose to be open to everyone, Not occupied by a Bunch of Protestors 24/7.
Looked to me that he dropped because of an explosion to the left and further away from the camera. No clue what could have hit him. And Whoever popped more smoke did as he should have, they were clearing the area and those people were advancing. The Police would have got the young fool medical attention faster than the idiots in that crowd.

Yeah..they were clearing the Area that was paid for by American citizens of the American citizens that paid for the area and the salaries of the cops doing the clearing while exercising their right of free speech.

Good to be an American, when Americans are acting like Soviets. :clap2:

The area is suppose to be open to everyone, Not occupied by a Bunch of Protestors 24/7.

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


I know it's new to you.
The Police were wrong here. They knew what they were doing. They intentionally fired on innocent citizens trying to help an injured citizen. The video shows this very clearly. This was criminal behavior. We shouldn't have police like this serving us. And they do serve us. I guess many have forgotten that though.
Yeah..they were clearing the Area that was paid for by American citizens of the American citizens that paid for the area and the salaries of the cops doing the clearing while exercising their right of free speech.

Good to be an American, when Americans are acting like Soviets. :clap2:

The area is suppose to be open to everyone, Not occupied by a Bunch of Protestors 24/7.

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.


I know it's new to you.

That has NO CLAUSE that says they may pitch camp there and live there.
It's pretty funny how so many Tea Partiers have suddenly turned into Tories.

It is funny how the left has tried to portray the Tea party as violent and failed every time. How they support the OWS and it IS violent.

Is a Torie a bad thing? Or should i even care? Too tired to google it. lol! I'm sure it was just a feeble insult attempt anyway. Take care.
Exercising there right to throw rocks and bottles, and ignoring an order to disperse. Fuck that guy. He should have listened and moved.

You have video of the crowd "throwing rocks and bottles" prior to the police moving in and assaulting the crowd?

Please feel free to present it.

On the same token where is the video of this veteran being injured with a gernade as the OP claims? There is no smoke around him and he is laying down as the video starts.
Some police do behave like Nazi Storm Troopers. This is just fact. The power does go to their heads. And they do have a lot of power. These officers were being assholes. They knew exactly what they were doing. They have to be held accountable.
Some police do behave like Nazi Storm Troopers. This is just fact. The power does go to their heads. And they do have a lot of power. These officers were being assholes. They knew exactly what they were doing. They have to be held accountable.

Are you sure? Maybe this man was injured by those around him ( as it has been alleged that bottles were being thrown) and the cops thought they were coming back to hurt him more? We do not know the whole story, or maybe there was a fight going on and the cops saw him being swarmed and thought someone was coming back to hurt him again?

Just me wondering out loud...
Some police do behave like Nazi Storm Troopers. This is just fact. The power does go to their heads. And they do have a lot of power. These officers were being assholes. They knew exactly what they were doing. They have to be held accountable.
No, they need to be killed.

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