Irish Referendum - Landside Victory for Womens Rights

"Fake name?" I should have known science and pro-lifers don't mix.It's not murder to expel a trespasser.
"Fake name?" I should have known science and pro-lifers don't mix.It's not murder to expel a trespasser.

It is a fake name.
Repeating that ridiculous claim won't make it true.
If you had any idea of science at all, then you wouldn't be trying to call a baby, a zygote.

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Is that a baby or not? One hour before this picture was taken, was it still a baby or a zygote?
Neither. It was a fetus, stupid!
Only someone ignorant of science would have different answers to those questions.
Oh, so I'm the stupid one for calling a spade a spade?
So are you ignorant, or not? Your answers to the first two questions, will give me the answer to the 3rd.

Trespassers? Really? That's your argument? Fail much?

Until you show me a baby attacking a woman, and crawling inside her....

Good grief you 'science' people are the dumbest people on Earth.
You don't have to attack someone to become a trespasser, fool! Why don't you run into the white house and then complain when they kick you out saying "I wasn't attacking anyone!"

Yeah, let me see the baby "run into it's mother". Then we'll talk.
No, you're still wrong. Again, there is no reason to run into anything for there to be trespass. Trespass exists when two conditions are met:

1. Someone who has no ownership of or agreement to be on certain property is on that property.
2. The rightful owner of that property requests that someone leaves and that someone stays.

The white house example was there to show your original position (that an attack was necessary) was ridiculous.
Yes, you are.
Right, so that was a fetus one hour before, and you can legally kill that fetus in that picture, just an hour before.
Sometimes seconds determine whether you can or can't kill someone, kid. A trespasser can be on your property with a gun pointing at you one second, and 20 seconds later he might be off your property running away from your house. If you kill him at first, it's self-defense, if you kill him 20 seconds later, it's murder. Welcome to the real world.

At birth, the fetus ceases to be in the woman.
So stupid.

Honestly, if this is your best argument for murdering babies, then you failed.
There's no murder, you idiot.

You say stupid things over and over, as if that's an argument.

It is murder.

Do a DNA test. It's a human.
I think we can agree that it is alive, because it consumes oxygen and it grows. It also feels pain.

What are you doing to it?

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You shove a hose into that baby's head, and suck out it's brain.

When you kill a human being, without justification.... that's called murder.

You are commiting MURDER.

You can deny it. You can scream about it. You can hurl your moronic insults until the end of time.

That is MURDER. You are supporting MURDER. You trying to rationalize and justify MURDER.

But in the end, there is a dead human baby, and you are a MURDERER.

End of story. End of discussion. Game over. You lose.

You want to keep screaming, by all means. And I will keep calling you a baby murdering bit of cruelty and evil.
DANG!? You don't say. Okay?
I will help you out.


Where did you get a picture of a hairless chimp?
I hear that millions of Mexicans snuck into Ireland to vote for abortion
Hard to believe they would do it
Ireland has evolved so much since joining the EU. Financially,culturally and politically.
They legalised Gay Marriage a few years back and have a Gay Prime Minister. Dublin is one of the coolest places to visit in Europe. Its nothing special to look at but the people make it something else. They are well chilled.
I wonder what would happen in this country if it was put up for a vote
Which side would win ?
Sweet Rally!


If only the USA could remove the 2nd anal amendment and replace it with all the 2nd Amendment give
all the RIGHT to GOO SACK removal. The 2nd, you have a right to parasite GOO SACK cleansing
of trespassing growths feeding of your bodies!
Repeating that ridiculous claim won't make it true.Neither. It was a fetus, stupid!Oh, so I'm the stupid one for calling a spade a spade?You don't have to attack someone to become a trespasser, fool! Why don't you run into the white house and then complain when they kick you out saying "I wasn't attacking anyone!"

Yeah, let me see the baby "run into it's mother". Then we'll talk.
No, you're still wrong. Again, there is no reason to run into anything for there to be trespass. Trespass exists when two conditions are met:

1. Someone who has no ownership of or agreement to be on certain property is on that property.
2. The rightful owner of that property requests that someone leaves and that someone stays.

The white house example was there to show your original position (that an attack was necessary) was ridiculous.
Yes, you are.
Right, so that was a fetus one hour before, and you can legally kill that fetus in that picture, just an hour before.
Sometimes seconds determine whether you can or can't kill someone, kid. A trespasser can be on your property with a gun pointing at you one second, and 20 seconds later he might be off your property running away from your house. If you kill him at first, it's self-defense, if you kill him 20 seconds later, it's murder. Welcome to the real world.

At birth, the fetus ceases to be in the woman.
So stupid.

Honestly, if this is your best argument for murdering babies, then you failed.
There's no murder, you idiot.

You say stupid things over and over, as if that's an argument.

It is murder.

Do a DNA test. It's a human.
I think we can agree that it is alive, because it consumes oxygen and it grows. It also feels pain.

What are you doing to it?

View attachment 195371

You shove a hose into that baby's head, and suck out it's brain.

When you kill a human being, without justification....
There is. That's the part you're missing. There is, at the very least, justification to kick it out of the womb. Trespass. Then it starves.

The abortion doctors are just putting it out of its misery. That's all. You want it to starve instead?

So, you have no problem with killing any babies.....
If you say so! I wouldn't want to contradict your delusions. Might make you unstable.

Now, back on topic: do you have any argument against what I said or should we assume you're another retarded pro-lifer with no debating ability?
Landslide for godless, fks who have no compassion for human life more like it. Hawaii will take place there too.

Degenerate support the killings of those who can't not speak...............

Degenerates support being retards all the way yaaaay.
Ireland Resoundingly Votes To Legalize Abortion

Ireland Resoundingly Votes To Legalize Abortion


The people of Ireland voted overwhelmingly to repeal its restrictive abortion ban by changing the country's constitution.

The results were announced Saturday evening, local time: Out of more than 3 million people who participated in Friday's referendum to overturn the Eighth Amendment, which bans nearly all abortion in the socially conservative country, 66.4 percent voted for repeal and 33.6 percent voted against it.

It was a difference of 706,349 votes, according to RTÉ News.
On this day, the people of Ireland won a great victory in their march to freedom I am proud for my Irisheness this day!
Irish Times exit poll projects Ireland has voted by landslide to repeal Eighth Amendment

Ireland has voted by a landslide margin to change the constitution so that abortion can be legalised, according to an exit poll conducted for The Irish Timesby Ipsos/MRBI.

The poll suggests that the margin of victory for the Yes side in the referendum will be 68 per cent to 32 per cent – a stunning victory for the Yes side after a long and often divisive campaign. See here for liveblog coverage of events across Friday in the referendum vote.

A huge win for the girls.

Well done Ireland.
It's good that Liberals are not breeding.
On this day, the people of Ireland won a great victory in their march to freedom I am proud for my Irisheness this day!
Just thinking about the thousands of Irish girls getting the boat over to Britain. Lonely,scared and carrying a small case.
And the thousands of unwanted infants cast on the tender mercies of psychopathic nuns.

Those days are gone.

Its a great day for women and humanity.
A huge win for the girls.

About half (probably slightly more) of the innocent victims of abortion are girls.

It takes the depraved mind of a LIbEral to think that allowing more of them to be killed in cold blood, is a “huge win” for them.
Maybe men need to help raise the baby that they want to bring into the world so badly.

Stop being dead beats or shut up about abortion.

I am not entirely in disagreement with you.

Both the man and the woman who are involved in the creation of a new human being are responsible for that child, and ought to be obligated (by legal force if necessary) to provide for that child until that child has grown into an adult able to provide for himself.

The very same moral decay that allows so many to freely shirk this responsibility, is the same that has caused society to accept abortion, as well a a wide range of other evils.
a huge defeat for babys
It's a zygote, not a "baby."

No matter what names you may use to describe a human being at different stages in his life, he's still a human being.

By the way, do you know what a zygote actually is? A human being exists as a zygote only for a very, very brief time, long before his mother even begins to suspect that she may be pregnant. The zygote stage of a living organism's existence is but a single diploid cell, formed by the merging of two haploid gamete cells. Except in those forms of life which are unicellular, a zygote very soon develops into a multicellular organism, at which time it is no longer a zygote.
a huge defeat for babys
It's a zygote, not a "baby."

No matter what names you may use to describe a human being at different stages in his life, he's still a human being.

By the way, do you know what a zygote actually is? A human being exists as a zygote only for a very, very brief time, long before his mother even begins to suspect that she may be pregnant. The zygote stage of a living organism's existence is but a single diploid cell, formed by the merging of two haploid gamete cells. Except in those forms of life which are unicellular, a zygote very soon develops into a multicellular organism, at which time it is no longer a zygote.
If it's a human being, it should be bound by laws against trespass.

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