IRS Scandal:Ms. Lerner-- hero or villian.

Why? What reason do you have for them?

Tax exemptions are normally given because the group or person is doing something the government wants done.

Can't see much of a reason for why the government would want to give Teabaggers a tax exemption. All they do is keep the voters stupid, looking for someone else to blame.

Can't see much of a reason for the government to give Organizing for America. moveon, media matters, progress now, ACORN's new affiliates, etc. either, if you want to use that as an excuse.

I asked about your statement on churches. Churches do much charitable work.

Chruches have never done anything but spread ignorance and superstition. The day we close down the last church and make the last minister get a honest job, the world will be a better place. Seriously, fuck religion.

As for the others. I agree, none of those groups should get exemptions, either.
You obviously fail to realize how much charitable work churches do.

Religion has never done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

Humanity will be truly evolved when it takes all sky pixies and dumps them into a landfill.

Seriously, fuck churches and fuck religion. We ought to extra tax them for being fucking stupid.
Just because you don't care to see those they do help, whether it is to bring the materials to build wells where no water is available, or to feed children that are starving, or to be the first at a scene of disaster is your own problem. I guarantee those being helped would beg to differ.

1) Government should do those things, not religion. If government is incapable of doing those things, we should get new government.

2) Because they occassional give some poor person food after making him beg to an invisibile sky man, (which honestly, is sort of demeaning) doesn't take away from the fact they've done so much evil in history. I mean, shit, Hitler gave the world the Autobahn, which is the model for interestate highway systems...

But that other stuff kind of cancels that out.
I would say she falls under the heading of corrupt partisan to her credit though her actions are making it harder for the press to ignore the story or let it die we should all thank her for that.
Religion has never done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

Humanity will be truly evolved when it takes all sky pixies and dumps them into a landfill.

Seriously, fuck churches and fuck religion. We ought to extra tax them for being fucking stupid.
Just because you don't care to see those they do help, whether it is to bring the materials to build wells where no water is available, or to feed children that are starving, or to be the first at a scene of disaster is your own problem. I guarantee those being helped would beg to differ.

1) Government should do those things, not religion. If government is incapable of doing those things, we should get new government.

2) Because they occassional give some poor person food after making him beg to an invisibile sky man, (which honestly, is sort of demeaning) doesn't take away from the fact they've done so much evil in history. I mean, shit, Hitler gave the world the Autobahn, which is the model for interestate highway systems...

But that other stuff kind of cancels that out.

What's really sad is you are serious here. If you think they are making conditions on what they are doing for the tornado victims, what they did for sandy, etc. you are sorely mistaken.

As you can see, government does so well. What do you consider yourself? A socialist? Communist? Or other. I am truly curious.

What's really sad is you are serious here. If you think they are making conditions on what they are doing for the tornado victims, what they did for sandy, etc. you are sorely mistaken.

As you can see, government does so well. What do you consider yourself? A socialist? Communist? Or other. I am truly curious.

I consider myself a pragmatist.

First, government does most of what it does reasonably well. Did your mail get delivered yesterday? Did you get from point A to point B reasonably effectively? Were you not mobbed by a gang of hoodlums wanting the $10.00 in your wallet? Yup. Government did its job reasonably well.

Point is, the few sandwiches handed out by church groups in OK, the fact is, most of the really serious recovery work that's going to happen will happen because government in the form of FEMA and other agencies will do their job.

The reason why Katrina was such a scandal was because the level of devastation was above what the cronies at FEMA could handle.

What's really sad is you are serious here. If you think they are making conditions on what they are doing for the tornado victims, what they did for sandy, etc. you are sorely mistaken.

As you can see, government does so well. What do you consider yourself? A socialist? Communist? Or other. I am truly curious.

I consider myself a pragmatist.

First, government does most of what it does reasonably well. Did your mail get delivered yesterday? Did you get from point A to point B reasonably effectively? Were you not mobbed by a gang of hoodlums wanting the $10.00 in your wallet? Yup. Government did its job reasonably well.

Point is, the few sandwiches handed out by church groups in OK, the fact is, most of the really serious recovery work that's going to happen will happen because government in the form of FEMA and other agencies will do their job.

The reason why Katrina was such a scandal was because the level of devastation was above what the cronies at FEMA could handle.

You really are serious. I believe you are wrong.

Church group to rebuild homes at no cost in Henryville, Ind. | Louisville

Day 1 - FBC Mission Team Helps Joplin Tornado Victims Rebuild |

Two years after tornadoes, church and ministry groups still help rebuilding effort |

Church Group Spends Spring Break Building for Tornado Victims

Pastor helps hurricane victims rebuild -- GazetteXtra

Helping Hurricane Katrina Victims Rebuild

'Convoy of Hope' helps victims of Hurricane Sandy rebuild | Fox News Video

First Coast Ministry Helps Hurricane Victims |

Disaster Relief - What We Are Doing to Help

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

You really are serious. I believe you are wrong.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

You belieive in Sky Pixies. Seriously, nothing you say should be taken seriously.

Religion is the most fucking worthless thing humans ever invented.

I'm curious. Are you willing to share why you feel that way? What, personally has any Christian done to you to deserve such contempt and cause such bitterness?

I don't believe you would want me to be excoriating your non-belief, now would you?

You really are serious. I believe you are wrong.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the point.

You belieive in Sky Pixies. Seriously, nothing you say should be taken seriously.

Religion is the most fucking worthless thing humans ever invented.

I'm curious. Are you willing to share why you feel that way? What, personally has any Christian done to you to deserve such contempt and cause such bitterness?

I don't believe you would want me to be excoriating your non-belief, now would you?

Oh, I could give you a best of list of why I think religions are scumbags or liars.

There was the nun I had in fifth grade who said that all the babies God drowned in the Great Flood were "Wiiiiiicked!" and had it coming.

There was the nun who said God had a good reason for my mom to die from cancer. She was lucky God didn't have a good reason for me to smash her fucking head into the wall.

There were the Mormon Scumwads I met in the Army, the most backstabbing, two faced mother fuckers I've ever met in my life. (It did help me put Romney's candidacy in the proper perspective, though.)
You belieive in Sky Pixies. Seriously, nothing you say should be taken seriously.

Religion is the most fucking worthless thing humans ever invented.

I'm curious. Are you willing to share why you feel that way? What, personally has any Christian done to you to deserve such contempt and cause such bitterness?

I don't believe you would want me to be excoriating your non-belief, now would you?

Oh, I could give you a best of list of why I think religions are scumbags or liars.

There was the nun I had in fifth grade who said that all the babies God drowned in the Great Flood were "Wiiiiiicked!" and had it coming.

There was the nun who said God had a good reason for my mom to die from cancer. She was lucky God didn't have a good reason for me to smash her fucking head into the wall.

There were the Mormon Scumwads I met in the Army, the most backstabbing, two faced mother fuckers I've ever met in my life. (It did help me put Romney's candidacy in the proper perspective, though.)

Joe, I am sorry for your experiences. It sounds as though you have been unfortunate enough to have had to deal with less than true practicing Christians. EMpathy is something I feel is required of Christians, yet none of those seemed to have shown that trait when most needed by you. And at vunerable stages in life. I am sorry.

Joe, I am sorry for your experiences. It sounds as though you have been unfortunate enough to have had to deal with less than true practicing Christians. EMpathy is something I feel is required of Christians, yet none of those seemed to have shown that trait when most needed by you. And at vunerable stages in life. I am sorry.

No, actually, they proved EXACTLY what chrisitans are... self-righteous phonies who think that their bad behavior is acceptable because their magic friend in the sky says it is.

Again, fuck them.

Joe, I am sorry for your experiences. It sounds as though you have been unfortunate enough to have had to deal with less than true practicing Christians. EMpathy is something I feel is required of Christians, yet none of those seemed to have shown that trait when most needed by you. And at vunerable stages in life. I am sorry.

No, actually, they proved EXACTLY what chrisitans are... self-righteous phonies who think that their bad behavior is acceptable because their magic friend in the sky says it is.

Again, fuck them.

Joe, you are hurt and I do understand. I just ask that you try not to make such broad sweeping generalizations. If you were to ask all that you have dealt with in life you would find there are many that are Christian that have actually been good to you. In every walk of life you will find those that are masquerading as something they are not, hiding who they really are. I, personally have run into the hypocrites as well, but then I have run into those that walk the walk that give me hope again.
Thank you for sharing this as I know it holds pain for you.
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that's exactly what you did. Instead of addressing this scandal on this day you went back to the old "but someone else did it too" as if that explains or excuses a goddamn thing this stupid democrat did. and all she gets for her nefarious behavior and lies is a long taxpayer paid vacation, makes me want to vomit.

Actually, those people DIDN'T do it.

Cap and Scooter testified voluntarily... and they got burned. And they didn't even do what people were upset about.

Frankly, you guys haven't convinced me that not giving teabagger groups tax exemptions is a scandal.

then I would assume you are willing to take away moveon's and media matters, progressnow and its many affiliates, New York Communities for Change, etc. tax status away as well, correct?

Moveon and Media Matters? Sure.

Joe, I am sorry for your experiences.

Oh, please. Cut the santimounious crap. At least that scumwad nun was more honest. Somewhere in her dried up brain, she probably thought my mom's cancer was a good thing.

(Incidently, my mother was a teacher at the same school this nun worked at and I had the misfortune of attending for 8 years. That she could say something so stupid was appalling)

My view on religious people is to treat you all like special retards, because you are, and don't let you get control of any part of my life that's important to me.

This has nothing to do with Mrs. Lerner, who was given thousands of these tax exemptions to sort through, gave directions that were ignored by her underlings, and now she's kind of stuck.

Maybe that's fair, if she wasn't supervising this group enough.

But it's also not worth making a federal case over, especially given that not ONE teabagging group got its tax exemption denied.
Oh, please. Cut the santimounious crap. At least that scumwad nun was more honest. Somewhere in her dried up brain, she probably thought my mom's cancer was a good thing.

(Incidently, my mother was a teacher at the same school this nun worked at and I had the misfortune of attending for 8 years. That she could say something so stupid was appalling)

My view on religious people is to treat you all like special retards, because you are, and don't let you get control of any part of my life that's important to me.

This has nothing to do with Mrs. Lerner, who was given thousands of these tax exemptions to sort through, gave directions that were ignored by her underlings, and now she's kind of stuck.

Maybe that's fair, if she wasn't supervising this group enough.

But it's also not worth making a federal case over, especially given that not ONE teabagging group got its tax exemption denied.

The IRS, as well as many in Congress, and the President, and the IG have all admitted they were targeted. Your denial doesn't make it so.
Actually, those people DIDN'T do it.

Cap and Scooter testified voluntarily... and they got burned. And they didn't even do what people were upset about.

Frankly, you guys haven't convinced me that not giving teabagger groups tax exemptions is a scandal.

I'm utterly shocked and speechless. ;) :cuckoo:

The scandal is about an abuse of power rooted in partisan obstructionism. There was no cause. Ask yourself why you are still blind to the bias. Be the groups left or right, is secondary to whether the IRS was justified in what they did. Plainly they were wrong.

Calling yourself a "party" and engaging in political discourse is social welfare, how, exactly?

And yet the Coffee Party does just that.

Coffee Party USA - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why did their application sail right through the IRS?

The IRS, as well as many in Congress, and the President, and the IG have all admitted they were targeted. Your denial doesn't make it so.

True enough.

Targetting by itself isn't illegal. It's actually called due diligence.

When something calling itself a "Party" seeks a tax exemption for being a "social welfare agency", there's probably a good chance they are trying to pull a fast one.

The IRS, as well as many in Congress, and the President, and the IG have all admitted they were targeted. Your denial doesn't make it so.

True enough.

Targetting by itself isn't illegal. It's actually called due diligence.

When something calling itself a "Party" seeks a tax exemption for being a "social welfare agency", there's probably a good chance they are trying to pull a fast one.

and yet all those new groups with progress in their name were not.

The IRS, as well as many in Congress, and the President, and the IG have all admitted they were targeted. Your denial doesn't make it so.

True enough.

Targetting by itself isn't illegal. It's actually called due diligence.

When something calling itself a "Party" seeks a tax exemption for being a "social welfare agency", there's probably a good chance they are trying to pull a fast one.

and yet all those new groups with progress in their name were not.

Why should they be? Progress doesn't imply anything political. "Progressive", you might have a point.

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