IRS Scandal:Ms. Lerner-- hero or villian.

The Lerner story is getting more interesting by the day.
This women has all the hallmarks of someone who refuses to be the scapegoat. Maybe.
Her refusal to talk certainly would seem to indicate guilt, but not always. She may also be afraid to reveal what she knows. She may not want to reveal what she knows because perhaps it could damage a set of people she believes in.
Her second refusal to resign, again shows clear defiance.
Perhaps her little talk at the beginning of the hearing that waved her 5th amendment rights - was not an accident.
Perhaps. Perhaps this woman is the key to it all.

Villain no doubt about it.

Biggie right here. Lerner told "mistruths" to the House Committee four times in the past year.

And Lerner's insanity became crystal clear when she was crazy enough to have a question planted at the ABA meeting about targeting Tea Party groups and Conservative groups so she could issue an apology before the Inspector General of the Treasury Department's findings were released showing the misconduct of the IRS.

And she has a history of aggressive behaviour that has been uncovered over her tenure at the FEC and continually used her position there to target Conservatives and Christians.

I wouldn't give her the benefit of the doubt of "insanity". What we have in DC how is a tyrannical government that doesn't recognize limits to its power. Anyone who questions or resists the reach of government is an "enemy".

This is why we had a revolution in the first place.

Say what? You think targeting right wing groups by the IRS was legal and appropriate? God help us if the bigoted left ever gains control over the whole Country.

Frankly, the only fraud I see here are Teabaggers, an obviously political group, trying to claim tax exemptions for charities...

Maybe we are investigating the wrong folks.

Actually, those people DIDN'T do it.

Cap and Scooter testified voluntarily... and they got burned. And they didn't even do what people were upset about.

Frankly, you guys haven't convinced me that not giving teabagger groups tax exemptions is a scandal.

then I would assume you are willing to take away moveon's and media matters, progressnow and its many affiliates, New York Communities for Change, etc. tax status away as well, correct?

I've got no problem with that.

Let's go one further. Let's take away the tax exemption most churches get.
Not to mention the IRS was literally asking people what they were praying about.. think about that for a minute.. praying about.

This is right out of the Stalinist playbook.

Praying about as part of a political demonstration.

Frankly, I can't imagine a more useless excercise than prayer, but if you are going to claim a tax exemption because you are praying, maybe someone should ask what you were praying for.

Actually, those people DIDN'T do it.

Cap and Scooter testified voluntarily... and they got burned. And they didn't even do what people were upset about.

Frankly, you guys haven't convinced me that not giving teabagger groups tax exemptions is a scandal.

then I would assume you are willing to take away moveon's and media matters, progressnow and its many affiliates, New York Communities for Change, etc. tax status away as well, correct?

I've got no problem with that.

Let's go one further. Let's take away the tax exemption most churches get.

Why? What reason do you have for them?
Given what Repubs did to their budget (& by proxy the U.S. Budget[see below]) I think they did the best they could w/ what they had:

GOP War on the IRS Costs U.S. Billions | Crooks and Liars
January 12, 2012 07:00 PM
GOP War on the IRS Costs U.S. Billions
For any American concerned about the federal budget deficit, job one must be to collect all of the tax revenue owed to the United States Treasury. That's why supposed Republican deficit hawks simply aren't serious about the national debt. After all, a new report confirmed that steep GOP budget cuts at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are hurting customer service, delaying refunds and costing Uncle Sam billions of dollars annually. Thanks to the never-ending Republican war on the IRS dating back to the late 1990's, tax evasion and cheating are now depriving the U.S. of $400 billion each year.

In April, Congressional Republicans extracted $600 million in cuts from the IRS in return for a spending deal with President Obama, reductions which at the time were forecast to cost the Treasury $4 billion in lost revenue. Now, the annual report to Congress from the National Taxpayer Advocate shows, "IRS is not adequately funded to serve taxpayers or collect revenue."

thats from OVER A YEAR AGO Repubs
:shock: Wonder if "customer service" includes processing 60,000 501 (c) (4) claims? :eusa_whistle:
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Not to mention the IRS was literally asking people what they were praying about.. think about that for a minute.. praying about.

This is right out of the Stalinist playbook.

Praying about as part of a political demonstration.

Frankly, I can't imagine a more useless excercise than prayer, but if you are going to claim a tax exemption because you are praying, maybe someone should ask what you were praying for.

You obviously fail to realize how much charitable work churches do.
Given what Repubs did to their budget (& by proxy the U.S. Budget[see below]) I think they did the best they could w/ what they had:

GOP War on the IRS Costs U.S. Billions | Crooks and Liars
January 12, 2012 07:00 PM
GOP War on the IRS Costs U.S. Billions
For any American concerned about the federal budget deficit, job one must be to collect all of the tax revenue owed to the United States Treasury. That's why supposed Republican deficit hawks simply aren't serious about the national debt. After all, a new report confirmed that steep GOP budget cuts at the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) are hurting customer service, delaying refunds and costing Uncle Sam billions of dollars annually. Thanks to the never-ending Republican war on the IRS dating back to the late 1990's, tax evasion and cheating are now depriving the U.S. of $400 billion each year.

In April, Congressional Republicans extracted $600 million in cuts from the IRS in return for a spending deal with President Obama, reductions which at the time were forecast to cost the Treasury $4 billion in lost revenue. Now, the annual report to Congress from the National Taxpayer Advocate shows, "IRS is not adequately funded to serve taxpayers or collect revenue."

thats from OVER A YEAR AGO Repubs
:shock: :clap2:

and that has already been proven as false. Catch up.
Or perhaps she's been around Washington long enough to realize you don't give the politicians the shovel to bury you.

Hey, remember Iran-Contra? Remember how Ollie North got a pass on embezzling funds from illegal arms sales and giving them to the contras, but Cap Weinberger- who had opposed the whole scheme from the get-go, got indicted for lying to Congress because he said he didn't keep a diary, but in Lawrence Walsh land, meeting notes were a diary. Forget that they weren't, that Cap had handed them over to the National Archives, and that they supported his testimony. He was indicted twice for this.

Remember Whitewater- That's where the Clintons were investigated for a land deal where they lost money, some of their friends went to jail, and eventually, it turned into an investigation where they were investigating whether the president lied about a blow job and whether blow jobs actually count as sex.

Hey, Remember Plamegate? That's when a reporter exposed the name of a "secret" operative (who hadn't been in the feild in a decade), and Scooter Libby got convicted not of exposing the name, but of not remembering who brought the topic up first in a conversation. The guy who did leak the name- Richard Armitage- was never charged.

Yeah, can't imagine why Ms. Lerner isn't keen on saying stuff without immunity.

The leaked name was actually spoken by her husband first.
then I would assume you are willing to take away moveon's and media matters, progressnow and its many affiliates, New York Communities for Change, etc. tax status away as well, correct?

I've got no problem with that.

Let's go one further. Let's take away the tax exemption most churches get.

Why? What reason do you have for them?

Tax exemptions are normally given because the group or person is doing something the government wants done.

Can't see much of a reason for why the government would want to give Teabaggers a tax exemption. All they do is keep the voters stupid, looking for someone else to blame.
Not to mention the IRS was literally asking people what they were praying about.. think about that for a minute.. praying about.

This is right out of the Stalinist playbook.

Praying about as part of a political demonstration.

Frankly, I can't imagine a more useless excercise than prayer, but if you are going to claim a tax exemption because you are praying, maybe someone should ask what you were praying for.

You obviously fail to realize how much charitable work churches do.

Religion has never done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

Humanity will be truly evolved when it takes all sky pixies and dumps them into a landfill.

Seriously, fuck churches and fuck religion. We ought to extra tax them for being fucking stupid.
She needs to resign. Her refusal to talk is helping to keep the truth from the American people. I don't care how loyal she is to her fellow politicians, she isn't there to serve them. I don't care if she is covering for people or directly involved, either way she is unfit to serve and she's shown that by her refusal to cooperate.
Or perhaps she's been around Washington long enough to realize you don't give the politicians the shovel to bury you.

Hey, remember Iran-Contra? Remember how Ollie North got a pass on embezzling funds from illegal arms sales and giving them to the contras, but Cap Weinberger- who had opposed the whole scheme from the get-go, got indicted for lying to Congress because he said he didn't keep a diary, but in Lawrence Walsh land, meeting notes were a diary. Forget that they weren't, that Cap had handed them over to the National Archives, and that they supported his testimony. He was indicted twice for this.

Remember Whitewater- That's where the Clintons were investigated for a land deal where they lost money, some of their friends went to jail, and eventually, it turned into an investigation where they were investigating whether the president lied about a blow job and whether blow jobs actually count as sex.

Hey, Remember Plamegate? That's when a reporter exposed the name of a "secret" operative (who hadn't been in the feild in a decade), and Scooter Libby got convicted not of exposing the name, but of not remembering who brought the topic up first in a conversation. The guy who did leak the name- Richard Armitage- was never charged.

Yeah, can't imagine why Ms. Lerner isn't keen on saying stuff without immunity.
That's pretty good!
yes ,these accusations are baseless. All you have is the IRS admitting they were politically incorrect when they profiled a group named after famous tax law breakers and who promote tax evasion.

It is politically incorrect for the IRS to target opposition groups? Sorry, that is a bit beyond political incorrectness there Lieseeker.

I am beside myself anyone could be this bald-faced biased. (Lieseeker)

I still haven't seen any evidence it is anything more...
I've got no problem with that.

Let's go one further. Let's take away the tax exemption most churches get.

Why? What reason do you have for them?

Tax exemptions are normally given because the group or person is doing something the government wants done.

Can't see much of a reason for why the government would want to give Teabaggers a tax exemption. All they do is keep the voters stupid, looking for someone else to blame.

Can't see much of a reason for the government to give Organizing for America. moveon, media matters, progress now, ACORN's new affiliates, etc. either, if you want to use that as an excuse.

I asked about your statement on churches. Churches do much charitable work.
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The Lerner story is getting more interesting by the day.
This women has all the hallmarks of someone who refuses to be the scapegoat. Maybe.
Her refusal to talk certainly would seem to indicate guilt, but not always. She may also be afraid to reveal what she knows. She may not want to reveal what she knows because perhaps it could damage a set of people she believes in.
Her second refusal to resign, again shows clear defiance.
Perhaps her little talk at the beginning of the hearing that waved her 5th amendment rights - was not an accident.
Perhaps. Perhaps this woman is the key to it all.

Unbelievably, IRS agents have the right to plead the Fifth. I , on the other hand , must answer every fucking question in the F1040 form.

Go fig.

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Organizing for America -
Under the federal tax code 501(c)(4) the group will have tax-exempt status as long as it is not primarily involved in activity that could influence an election
Organizing for America - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
bing -
Organizing for America | Organizing for America Pledge Project Obama's plan will rebuild and renew America by creating jobs and investing in the three areas most critical to our future: Energy — Transforming America's
[ame=]Mitch Stewart's Organizing Update - March 9, 2009 - YouTube[/ame]

President Obama's plan will rebuild and renew America by creating jobs and investing in the three areas most critical to our future:

•Energy — Transforming America's economy to run on clean and renewable energy in order to create new American jobs and industries
•Health care — Comprehensively reforming health care so that families, businesses, and government are relieved from the crushing costs that impede economic growth and prosperity
•Education — Reforming and investing in America's education system so that citizens are prepared to compete in a global economy

•I support President Obama's bold approach for renewing America's economy
•I will ask friends, family, and neighbors to pledge their support for this plan
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Praying about as part of a political demonstration.

Frankly, I can't imagine a more useless excercise than prayer, but if you are going to claim a tax exemption because you are praying, maybe someone should ask what you were praying for.

You obviously fail to realize how much charitable work churches do.

Religion has never done anything good in the whole of human history, not once, not even by accident.

Humanity will be truly evolved when it takes all sky pixies and dumps them into a landfill.

Seriously, fuck churches and fuck religion. We ought to extra tax them for being fucking stupid.
Just because you don't care to see those they do help, whether it is to bring the materials to build wells where no water is available, or to feed children that are starving, or to be the first at a scene of disaster is your own problem. I guarantee those being helped would beg to differ.

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