IRS: Yeah, It's A Scandal

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The basis for the Alinsky type behavior of this administration?

Simple: Obama is an Alinsky trainee.

He is inept at being President...but not at imposing Chicago machine political behavior.

“I need you to go out and talk to your friends and talk to your neighbors,” Barack Obama told a crowd in Elko, Nev. “I want you to talk to them whether they are independent or whether they are Republican. I want you to argue with them and get in their face.”

Actually, Obama supporters are doing a lot more than getting into people’s faces. They seem determined to shut people up.

That’s what Obama supporters, alerted by campaign e-mails, did when conservative Stanley Kurtz appeared on Milt Rosenberg’s WGN radio program in Chicago. Mr. Kurtz had been researching Mr. Obama’s relationship with unrepentant Weather Underground terrorist William Ayers in Chicago Annenberg Challenge papers in the Richard J. Daley Library in Chicago - papers that were closed off to him for some days, apparently at the behest of Obama supporters.

Obama fans jammed WGN’s phone lines and sent in hundreds of protest e-mails. The message was clear to anyone who would follow Mr. Rosenberg’s example. We will make trouble for you if you let anyone make the case against The One.

Once upon a time, liberals prided themselves, with considerable reason, as the staunchest defenders of free speech.

Union organizers in the 1930s and 1940s made the case that they should have access to employees to speak freely to them, and union leaders like George Meany and Walter Reuther were ardent defenders of the First Amendment.

Today’s liberals seem to be taking their marching orders from other quarters."
BARONE: The coming liberal thugocracy - Washington Times

determined to shut people up.....shorthand for the IRS Scandal.
One more time left wing whackos.

ad hom.

read the rules.

really, read them.

Hey, don't shoot me, I'm only the piano player. :D There's a difference between my general regular slag and your post saying your intent was to fuck with PC and not contributing to the thread.

Just like your "don't pay attention to her, she's drunk" post. I personally couldn't give a flying rats ass about how many insults you want to throw out.

I was just giving you a heads up that the rules have tightened for certain forums.

Take it or leave it.
Once I force you to resort to the vulgar, I know that I've wounded you severely.


Your posts are vulgar by nature.

I respond in kind.

You apparently don't know what being charged means. Have a kid look that up for you while he teaches you how to post quote properly.

1. I am never vulgar. I am bright enough to post without resorting to same....the same cannot be said of you.

2. Your English lesson, free of 'charge.'
"Charge: To make a claim of wrongdoing against; accuse or blame"
charged - definition of charged by The Free Dictionary

As you can see, you have been wrong on every element of your post.

Certainly nothing new for you.

I have been correct in every element of my posts.....certainly nothing new for me.

You knew the other person was referring to "charge" in the legal sense just as you were so careful not to clarify your meaning. So for your LEGAL LESSON OF THE DAY, little one:

From Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary;

Charge -
"A formal accusation of criminal activity. The prosecuting attorney decides on the charges, after reviewing police reports, witness statements, and any other evidence of wrongdoing. Formal charges are announced at an arrested person's arraignment."

Now for your LOGIC LESSON OF THE DAY, little one:

Your argument employs the masked man fallacy, and is not so very cleverly contrived. A great example from long ago I've found is this, and is somewhat apropos:

A = Chica just knows Superman can fly.
B = Chica strongly believes Clark Kent can't fly.
C = Chica knows Clark Kent and Superman are not the same person.

Logically, you've stated A = true, B = true, so A+B = C which is false because Superman and Kent are the same just as the same meaning shared by two persons is A+B = C. But you purposely avoided acknowledging that fact by employing the fallacy to fit your whim of the very convenient for you and so very intellectually dishonest.

The fallacy is exposed with you as its creator! You are corrupt to the bone!

As for your closing boast, your misleading statements with willful intent sans clarification are NOT CORRECT, but you ARE CORRECT that it is nothing new for you!

EDIT: For you to criticize someone for dissembling is beyond the pale!
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Your posts are vulgar by nature.

I respond in kind.

You apparently don't know what being charged means. Have a kid look that up for you while he teaches you how to post quote properly.

1. I am never vulgar. I am bright enough to post without resorting to same....the same cannot be said of you.

2. Your English lesson, free of 'charge.'
"Charge: To make a claim of wrongdoing against; accuse or blame"
charged - definition of charged by The Free Dictionary

As you can see, you have been wrong on every element of your post.

Certainly nothing new for you.

I have been correct in every element of my posts.....certainly nothing new for me.

You knew the other person was referring to "charge" in the legal sense just as you were so careful not to clarify your meaning. So for your LEGAL LESSON OF THE DAY, little one:

From Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary;

Charge -
"A formal accusation of criminal activity. The prosecuting attorney decides on the charges, after reviewing police reports, witness statements, and any other evidence of wrongdoing. Formal charges are announced at an arrested person's arraignment."

Now for your LOGIC LESSON OF THE DAY, little one:

Your argument employs the masked man fallacy, and is not so very cleverly contrived. A great example from long ago I've found is this, and is somewhat apropos:

A = Chica just knows Superman can fly.
B = Chica strongly believes Clark Kent can't fly.
C = Chica knows Clark Kent and Superman are not the same person.

Logically, you've stated A = true, B = true, so A+B = C which is false because Superman and Kent are the same just as the same meaning shared by two persons is A+B = C. But you purposely avoided acknowledging that fact by employing the fallacy to fit your whim of the very convenient for you and so very intellectually dishonest.

The fallacy is exposed with you as its creator! You are corrupt to the bone!

As for your closing boast, your misleading statements with willful intent sans clarification are NOT CORRECT, but you ARE CORRECT that it is nothing new for you!

EDIT: For you to criticize someone for dissembling is beyond the pale!

"You knew the other person was referring....." are making your appearance today to apologize for someone else's imprecise use of language?

Great how you morons stick together.

Again....Bill Clinton is a rapist, and has been charged as such a number of times:

Take notes:

Clinton Misogyny - Sex
Juanita Broaddrick (AR)- rape
Eileen Wellstone (Oxford) - rape
Elizabeth Ward Gracen - rape - quid pro quo, post incident intimidation
Regina Hopper Blakely - "forced himself on her, biting, bruising her"
Kathleen Willey (WH) - sexual assault, intimidations, threats
Sandra Allen James (DC) - sexual assault
22 Year Old 1972 (Yale) - sexual assault
Kathy Bradshaw (AK) - sexual assault
Cristy Zercher - unwelcomed sexual advance, intimidations
Paula Jones (AR) - unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
Carolyn Moffet -unwelcomed sexual advance, exposure, bordering on sexual assault
1974 student at University of Arkansas - unwelcomed physical contact
1978-1980 - seven complaints per Arkansas state troopers
Monica Lewinsky - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Gennifer Flowers - quid pro quo, post incident character assault
Dolly Kyle Browning - post incident character assault
Sally Perdue - post incident threats
Betty Dalton - rebuffed his advances, married to one of his supporters
Denise Reeder - apologetic note scanned

Anyway, what's the big deal with rape????

Liberals/Progressives/Democrats regularly make icons of rapists (above), killers, and treasonous villains who offer to support America's enemies.

...oh, yeah....and incompetents.

With which of those do you most identify ?
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Obviously political Tea Party groups got scrutinized because they were applying for tax breaks available only to non-political groups.

There is no scandal.

Really? There was no wrong doing? None at all. The Conservative and Tea Party groups brought the scrutiny on all by their lonesome?

:lol: You are forgetting something Carb. It's a bit of a biggie. In my world it's known as "we fucked up. sorries."


Facing fire, ousted IRS chief apologizes for tea party targeting


Some key parts of his apology.

The ousted head of the IRS on Friday said he was sorry for his agency’s targeting conservative and tea party groups for special scrutiny.


“I want to apologize on behalf of the Internal Revenue Service for the mistakes that we made and the poor service we provided,” said Mr. Miller before the panel, which was holding the first of several expected Capitol Hill hearings on the matter.

“The affected organizations and the American public deserve better. Partisanship, or even the perception of partisanship, has no place at the IRS.”


Facing fire, ousted IRS chief apologizes for tea party targeting - Washington Times

If you apply for non-political status with the IRS, but you call yourself 'Tea Party' in one way or another,

and you do it at a time when the Tea Party is the most prominent new POLITICAL movement in the country,

why wouldn't the IRS want to scrutinize your eligibility?

That's not just their right, it's the IRS's JOB.
Of course Republicans and conservatives didn't have any problem with this sort of tax/IRS scrutiny:

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status

"Nearly two years after a controversial decision to investigate the NAACP for criticizing President Bush during the 2004 presidential campaign, the Internal Revenue Service has ruled that the remarks did not violate the group's tax-exempt status.

In a letter released yesterday by the NAACP, the IRS said the group, the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization, "continued to qualify" as tax-exempt..."

"...After filing four freedom-of-information requests, NAACP lawyers discovered that far more than two members of Congress called for an investigation and that all were Republicans.

Republican Sens. Lamar Alexander (Tenn.) and Susan Collins (Maine) called for the investigation.

Others included Rep. Jo Ann S. Davis (R-Va.) and then-Rep. Larry Combest (R-Tex.). Former GOP representatives Joe Scarborough of Florida, who now hosts a talk show, and Robert L. Ehrlich Jr., currently governor of Maryland, also requested a probe...."

...I don't recall month after month of conservative outrage on messageboards or anywhere else over the above TARGETING OF A GROUP BY THE IRS.

Do any of you recall that?

IRS Ends 2-Year Probe Of NAACP's Tax Status
More missing emails
Surprise! Health and Human Services Emails About Obamacare Rollout Have Been "Destroyed" - Katie Pavlich

The IRS is missing emails. The EPA is missing emails. What's the latest agency to pull the "the dog ate my homework card?"An executive at the Department of Health and Human Services, Marilyn Tavenner, is claiming emails requested by the House Oversight Committee as part of an ongoing investigation into the Obamacare exchange and rollout, have been destroyed. The claim came around 5 p.m. Thursday. These same emails were subpoenaed 10 months ago by Congressional investigators.“Today’s news that a senior HHS executive destroyed emails relevant to a congressional investigation means that the Obama Administration has lost or destroyed emails for more than 20 witnesses, and in each case, the loss wasn’t disclosed to the National Archives or Congress for months or years, in violation of federal law,” Issa said in response. “It defies logic that so many senior Administration officials were found to have ignored federal record keeping requirements only after Congress asked to see their emails. Just this week, my staff followed up with HHS, who has failed to comply with a subpoena from ten months ago. Even at that point, the administration did not inform us that there was a problem with Ms. Tavenner’s email history. Yet again, we discover that this Administration will not be forthright with the American people unless cornered.”Issa also said the Committee was not directly informed about the "destroyed" emails.
And people still try to claim this is all happenstance?
The list, investigations in which key emails have gone missing, all subpoenaed-

IRS as many as 17, but less than 20
Labor Dept
State Dept
I know I am not listing at least one agency, but can't for the life of me remember which other agency it is. There are just too many to keep up with. And we are to believe all these subpoenaed emails just happened to go missing when they were ordered to turn them over. If you believe that then I have a bridge that crosses the world to sell ya at a great deal!
Again....Bill Clinton is a rapist, and has been charged as such a number of times:

No - he wasn't. Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Just so we're straight. (IMHO) Bill Clinton was a sexual predator with nothing close to the moral fiber I want in my POTUS. So, I hope we're straight on that, cupcake.

But he was never charged with rape. That's just a legal fact that you can't change no matter how many times you bray something different.
Again....Bill Clinton is a rapist, and has been charged as such a number of times:

No - he wasn't. Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Just so we're straight. (IMHO) Bill Clinton was a sexual predator with nothing close to the moral fiber I want in my POTUS. So, I hope we're straight on that, cupcake.

But he was never charged with rape. That's just a legal fact that you can't change no matter how many times you bray something different.

You should learn what the word 'charged' means.

Try a dictionary.
Again....Bill Clinton is a rapist, and has been charged as such a number of times:

No - he wasn't. Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Just so we're straight. (IMHO) Bill Clinton was a sexual predator with nothing close to the moral fiber I want in my POTUS. So, I hope we're straight on that, cupcake.

But he was never charged with rape. That's just a legal fact that you can't change no matter how many times you bray something different.

"But he was never charged with rape."


"Bill Clinton’s rape of campaign supporter Juanita Broaddrick, “was an event that in fact took place” according to a Wall Street Journal piece, Feb. 19, 1999. “To hear the details of her story and the statements of the corroborating witnesses, was to understand that this was an event that in fact took place.”

...Clinton persisted and forced her onto the bed and used his strength to hold her down.

According to Broaddrick’s account Clinton tore apart her pantyhose at the crotch, that he inflicted pain when he penetrated her, and that he bit her lips which also inflicted pain. Norma Rogers says she found Juanita on the same bed shortly afterward, in a state of shock, her pantyhose torn in the crotch.

Broaddrick says that after his ejaculation, Clinton told her not to worry about becoming pregnant for he had the mumps when he was a child and that he was sterile. Juanita first publicly told of Clinton’s claim of sterility in 1999 when Chelsea was about 20 years old. He was reportedly the first president who has kept his medical records secret.

Juanita says that his behavior and words as he was leaving are seared into her memory, that he put on his sunglasses, and gestured toward her mouth saying “You better put some ice on that,” and walked out."

Weight 216-236, height 6’2”
Again....Bill Clinton is a rapist, and has been charged as such a number of times:

No - he wasn't. Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Just so we're straight. (IMHO) Bill Clinton was a sexual predator with nothing close to the moral fiber I want in my POTUS. So, I hope we're straight on that, cupcake.

But he was never charged with rape. That's just a legal fact that you can't change no matter how many times you bray something different.

You should learn what the word 'charged' means.

Try a dictionary.

You can't redefine words to try to cover your tracks either.

When someone is charged with a crime, you'll be able to find the paperwork. It's public information.

Ponder the difference between an accusation (which was recanted btw) and being charged with a crime. I'll give you plenty of time.
No - he wasn't. Repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true.

Just so we're straight. (IMHO) Bill Clinton was a sexual predator with nothing close to the moral fiber I want in my POTUS. So, I hope we're straight on that, cupcake.

But he was never charged with rape. That's just a legal fact that you can't change no matter how many times you bray something different.

You should learn what the word 'charged' means.

Try a dictionary.

You can't redefine words to try to cover your tracks either.

When someone is charged with a crime, you'll be able to find the paperwork. It's public information.

Ponder the difference between an accusation (which was recanted btw) and being charged with a crime. I'll give you plenty of time.

I use words with precision.

a charge or claim that someone has done something illegal or wrong.
"accusations of bribery"
synonyms: allegation, charge, claim, assertion, imputation; More
the action or process of accusing someone.
"there was accusation in Brian's voice"

I am correct, and you are a weasel deathly afraid to confront the facts.
More missing emails
Surprise! Health and Human Services Emails About Obamacare Rollout Have Been "Destroyed" - Katie Pavlich

The IRS is missing emails. The EPA is missing emails. What's the latest agency to pull the "the dog ate my homework card?"An executive at the Department of Health and Human Services, Marilyn Tavenner, is claiming emails requested by the House Oversight Committee as part of an ongoing investigation into the Obamacare exchange and rollout, have been destroyed. The claim came around 5 p.m. Thursday. These same emails were subpoenaed 10 months ago by Congressional investigators.“Today’s news that a senior HHS executive destroyed emails relevant to a congressional investigation means that the Obama Administration has lost or destroyed emails for more than 20 witnesses, and in each case, the loss wasn’t disclosed to the National Archives or Congress for months or years, in violation of federal law,” Issa said in response. “It defies logic that so many senior Administration officials were found to have ignored federal record keeping requirements only after Congress asked to see their emails. Just this week, my staff followed up with HHS, who has failed to comply with a subpoena from ten months ago. Even at that point, the administration did not inform us that there was a problem with Ms. Tavenner’s email history. Yet again, we discover that this Administration will not be forthright with the American people unless cornered.”Issa also said the Committee was not directly informed about the "destroyed" emails. are some FACTS, instead of Political HACK JOB as your blogger has given:

A senior health department official under Republican scrutiny for the flawed rollout of likely deleted some emails now sought by congressional investigators, msnbc has learned.
The Department of Health and Human Services planned on Thursday to alert Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration, which is charged with enforcing federal record keeping laws, about the problem, according to a copy of a letter being sent to Archives.
There is no evidence that Marilyn Tavenner, an Obama appointee who leads the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, intentionally hid information or deleted records; rather, the gaps appear to be the result of sloppy record keeping. But Republicans have attempted to turn missing emails into a political scandal before, as they did with Lois Lerner, a former IRS official at the center of a separate controversy over alleged targeting of conservative nonprofit groups.
The department is working to reconstruct Tavenner’s inbox and expects to recover “most, but not all” of the voluminous email sent to her office, which is charged with running the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges.
Tavenner’s office has faced intense scrutiny from Republican lawmakers seeking answers around the launch of the website, set up to help people purchase insurance through the exchanges.
The Federal Records Act requires government employees to preserve all official “records,” a definition that includes some but not all emails.
According to the letter and two senior HHS officials with knowledge of the matter, Tavenner receives an unusually large number of emails – some 10,000-12,000 per month – since her address is public and advocacy groups occasionally urge their members to contact her. In order to stay below the agency’s Microsoft Outlook email size limit, Tavenner would regularly delete emails after copying or forwarding them to her staff for retention.
However, Tavenner didn’t follow that procedure every time, meaning some emails never made it to her staff for safekeeping before being deleted, the letter explains.
The recordkeeping problem was discovered as HHS officials were collecting documents in response to subpoenas from Republican Rep. Darrell Issa of California, who chairs the House Oversight Committee. Issa began looking into in the fall.
HHS officials have since been working to determine the scope of the problem and recover as many emails as possible. On July 31, officials determined they were likely missing some emails and should notify the Archives “out of an abundance of caution,” the letter states.
A team of HHS officials is now working to reconstruct Tavenner’s inbox by collecting emails from people she typically corresponded with and through other methods. They expect to recover “most, but not all” of Tavenner’s emails, the letter adds.
“While we have not identified any specific emails that we will be unable to retrieve, it is possible that some emails may not be available to HHS, and we are therefore filing this memorandum,” Kathleen Cantwell, a records management official at the agency wrote.
All emails sent within HHS are most likely recoverable, while correspondence with people outside the agency will be more difficult or impossible to retrieve, according to the HHS officials with knowledge of the matter.
The outside emails Tavenner remembered to copy to her staff were likely saved, the officials said.
While it’s impossible to know how many messages might be missing, HHS staffers studied her email habits for a month and estimated that at least 90 percent of her traffic was within the agency, the officials said.
The HHS team is collecting emails from her immediate staff as well as a larger universe with whom she most regularly communicated. They’re also drawing on records collected earlier in response to unrelated Freedom of Information Act Requests, the officials said.
So far, HHS been able to recover more than 71,000 emails that match search terms set out by Issa’s subpoena, though they’ve only recently begun pulling correspondence from the wider network and expect that number to “increase dramatically,” the officials said.
There are no significant time gaps, nor any apparent patterns in the missing records, the officials added.
Responding to Congressional requests has become a major task for the agency, which has expended more than 23,000 staff hours and turned over more nearly 135,000 pages of documents in response to the subpoena.
Through a combination of these methods, the officials said they feel confident they can assemble “a robust and fulsome record” containing the “vast majority” of Tavenner’s correspondence.
HHS on the hunt for emails Issa wants | MSNBC
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Oh, I'm sure it was just 'sloppy' record keeping, just as all the others were, as well. Care4all, you, for whatever reason, whether you know the participants, have some hair to be lost in this, or whatever, refuse to face the fact that all of these subpoenaed emails disappearance is more than just coincidence. You are either really naive, bless your heart, or don'-t want the truth to be known. But I have gone round and round with you, just as others have, posting facts for you that you refuse to see, therefore my going round with you again is just not in the cards this time, unless, of course you blatantly post lies, then I will respond if I see them. Have a good day.
More missing emails
Surprise! Health and Human Services Emails About Obamacare Rollout Have Been "Destroyed" - Katie Pavlich

The IRS is missing emails. The EPA is missing emails. What's the latest agency to pull the "the dog ate my homework card?"An executive at the Department of Health and Human Services, Marilyn Tavenner, is claiming emails requested by the House Oversight Committee as part of an ongoing investigation into the Obamacare exchange and rollout, have been destroyed. The claim came around 5 p.m. Thursday. These same emails were subpoenaed 10 months ago by Congressional investigators.“Today’s news that a senior HHS executive destroyed emails relevant to a congressional investigation means that the Obama Administration has lost or destroyed emails for more than 20 witnesses, and in each case, the loss wasn’t disclosed to the National Archives or Congress for months or years, in violation of federal law,” Issa said in response. “It defies logic that so many senior Administration officials were found to have ignored federal record keeping requirements only after Congress asked to see their emails. Just this week, my staff followed up with HHS, who has failed to comply with a subpoena from ten months ago. Even at that point, the administration did not inform us that there was a problem with Ms. Tavenner’s email history. Yet again, we discover that this Administration will not be forthright with the American people unless cornered.”Issa also said the Committee was not directly informed about the "destroyed" emails. are some FACTS, instead of Political HACK JOB as your blogger has given:

A senior health department official under Republican scrutiny for the flawed rollout of likely deleted some emails now sought by congressional investigators, msnbc has learned.
The Department of Health and Human Services planned on Thursday to alert Congress and the National Archives and Records Administration, which is charged with enforcing federal record keeping laws, about the problem, according to a copy of a letter being sent to Archives.
There is no evidence that Marilyn Tavenner, an Obama appointee who leads the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, intentionally hid information or deleted records; rather, the gaps appear to be the result of sloppy record keeping. But Republicans have attempted to turn missing emails into a political scandal before, as they did with Lois Lerner, a former IRS official at the center of a separate controversy over alleged targeting of conservative nonprofit groups.
The department is working to reconstruct Tavenner’s inbox and expects to recover “most, but not all” of the voluminous email sent to her office, which is charged with running the Affordable Care Act’s health insurance exchanges.
Tavenner’s office has faced intense scrutiny from Republican lawmakers seeking answers around the launch of the website, set up to help people purchase insurance through the exchanges.
The Federal Records Act requires government employees to preserve all official “records,” a definition that includes some but not all emails.
According to the letter and two senior HHS officials with knowledge of the matter, Tavenner receives an unusually large number of emails – some 10,000-12,000 per month – since her address is public and advocacy groups occasionally urge their members to contact her. In order to stay below the agency’s Microsoft Outlook email size limit, Tavenner would regularly delete emails after copying or forwarding them to her staff for retention.
However, Tavenner didn’t follow that procedure every time, meaning some emails never made it to her staff for safekeeping before being deleted, the letter explains.
The recordkeeping problem was discovered as HHS officials were collecting documents in response to subpoenas from Republican Rep. Darrell Issa of California, who chairs the House Oversight Committee. Issa began looking into in the fall.
HHS officials have since been working to determine the scope of the problem and recover as many emails as possible. On July 31, officials determined they were likely missing some emails and should notify the Archives “out of an abundance of caution,” the letter states.
A team of HHS officials is now working to reconstruct Tavenner’s inbox by collecting emails from people she typically corresponded with and through other methods. They expect to recover “most, but not all” of Tavenner’s emails, the letter adds.
“While we have not identified any specific emails that we will be unable to retrieve, it is possible that some emails may not be available to HHS, and we are therefore filing this memorandum,” Kathleen Cantwell, a records management official at the agency wrote.
All emails sent within HHS are most likely recoverable, while correspondence with people outside the agency will be more difficult or impossible to retrieve, according to the HHS officials with knowledge of the matter.
The outside emails Tavenner remembered to copy to her staff were likely saved, the officials said.
While it’s impossible to know how many messages might be missing, HHS staffers studied her email habits for a month and estimated that at least 90 percent of her traffic was within the agency, the officials said.
The HHS team is collecting emails from her immediate staff as well as a larger universe with whom she most regularly communicated. They’re also drawing on records collected earlier in response to unrelated Freedom of Information Act Requests, the officials said.
So far, HHS been able to recover more than 71,000 emails that match search terms set out by Issa’s subpoena, though they’ve only recently begun pulling correspondence from the wider network and expect that number to “increase dramatically,” the officials said.
There are no significant time gaps, nor any apparent patterns in the missing records, the officials added.
Responding to Congressional requests has become a major task for the agency, which has expended more than 23,000 staff hours and turned over more nearly 135,000 pages of documents in response to the subpoena.
Through a combination of these methods, the officials said they feel confident they can assemble “a robust and fulsome record” containing the “vast majority” of Tavenner’s correspondence.
HHS on the hunt for emails Issa wants | MSNBC
Care4all, you really aren't an asset for damage control, you do realize that, right?
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