IRS: Yeah, It's A Scandal

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From Article 2 (subsection 1) of the Nixon articles of impeachment:

"(1) He has, acting personally and through his subordinated and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigation to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."

Apparently it was a lot more than "merely suggesting"

You are ignorant and uneducated - which is why you are a leftist.

Endeavored, tried.

Nixon attempted to do what Obama has actually done - of course you defend and praise Obama - party above all, after all.

You Khmer Rouge democrats are corrupt to the bone.

LOL - Looks like Nixon did it - they had enough on him to press charges.
When you get that on Obama, I'll cheer you on.

Until then, I'll just keep watching and listening.
The 18 minute gap probably did as much damage to Nixon as any hard evidence did because it was viewed as a deliberate attempt to hide damaging information. Thus with the email situation. The bottom line is this, the IRS violated the law by not ensuring that copies were safely preserved. Storing emails on local workstations only is a massive cluster in IT terms. I don't see any IT people getting fired, most likely because they were doing what they were told to do. When the drives were discovered to have "crashed", the emails were still retrievable from tape. The IRS made the deliberate decision NOT to retrieve them, but "allowed" the tapes to be recycled. In essence, they had the ability to retrieve the emails, but just decided not to and made sure the backups were destroyed as well. This is a problem the Obama sycophants desperately want to just go away.

Please be aware that the entire above narrative is a direct lie - and an absurd one. The IRS uses Microsoft Exchange on a server farm. The claim that mail is kept on a local drive is a flat out lie. The .OST file created on the client machine is an cache of mail kept on the server. Deleting the client .OST will in no way alter the mail on the server. All mail messages are still retrievable to this day. Should Congress issue a warrant for a forensic analysis of the the system I could have the requested mail to you in hours - as could any other MCSE in the nation.

OST File - Know All About Exchange / Outlook OST Files

Secondly, the IRS does not use tape to back up - they are again telling outrageous lies. They use Symantec enterprise backup, which is a snapshotting disk to disk system. No tapes are recycled, because there are no tapes. Snapshots work from a base image of data, then differences on the binary level are recorded, making data retrievable.

Backup Software Solution, Symantec NetBackup Platform | Symantec[/QUOTE]

That's not my post. :eusa_angel:
From Article 2 (subsection 1) of the Nixon articles of impeachment:

"(1) He has, acting personally and through his subordinated and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigation to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."

Apparently it was a lot more than "merely suggesting"

Lois Lerner actually did it. She handed over confidential taxpayer information of a TEA party to group to their political opponents. That's a criminal offence right there.
LOL - Looks like Nixon did it - they had enough on him to press charges.

Again, you are uneducated and ignorant.

Nixon did not do it, he ENDEAVORED to do it, you moronic fool.

Obama however, has ACTUALLY done it.

When you get that on Obama, I'll cheer you on.

Until then, I'll just keep watching and listening.

You'll suck Obama off regardless of the facts, as you always do. You are a partisan hack who holds party above the nation.

Nixon was a Republican, Republicans hold the nation above the party - it's the ONLY reason he went down. democrats hold the party above all - as you do. Kit/CrosswalkAgreement.pdf

And were you aware that the NTEU actually works within the IRS? They are housed within, provided by us, the tax payer, along with their locking file cabinets. We are picking up the tab for this union, even provide their parking spaces-
The*Washington Times*reported this week that the Internal Revenue Service provides government salaries, office space, and equipment to NTEU operatives, who ostensibly represent 92,000 IRS employees.The IRS’ deputy commissioner calculates these union workers spent 573,319 hours in 2012 on NTEU business. That’s the equivalent of 286 full-time employees doing nothing but union labor.

How many times must I hear from Obama apologists that 'there isn't a smidgen of evidence against Obama in the IRS scandal???

Let's begin today's lesson with "Cui bono," the Latin phrase meaning "to whose benefit?"

And, keep in mind, that, just as in most cases presented to a jury, circumstantial evidence is dispositive, meaning that a confession is not necessary.

1. White House Visitors Log :March 31, 2010.
According to the White House Visitors Log, provided here in searchable form by U.S. News and World Report, the president of the anti-Tea Party National Treasury Employees Union, Colleen Kelley, visited the White House at 12:30pm that Wednesday noon time of March 31st.

a. "For me, it's about collaboration." -- National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley on the relationship between the anti-Tea Party IRS union and the Obama White House

b. The very next day after her White House meeting with the President, according to the Treasury Department’s Inspector General’s Report, IRS employees -- the same employees who belong to the NTEU -- set to work in earnest targeting the Tea Party and conservative groups around America.
The IG report wrote it up this way: April 1-2, 2010: The new Acting Manager, Technical Unit, suggested the need for a Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party cases. The Determinations Unit Program Manager Agreed."
Obama and the IRS: The Smoking Gun? | The American Spectator

Because the White House understood what was coming in the mid term elections, 2010.

2. What did Obama foresee in the 2010 midterm elections, and the 2012 re-election campaign, that could necessitate such illegality?

"Due to the attention that the Tea Party focused on his policies, he received a terrible defeat in the 2010 midterm elections. "President Obama had a blunt response when asked Wednesday to explain how it felt to watch the Democratic Party suffer the worst electoral defeat in the House in more than half a century."
Obama admits he got a ?shellacking,? but shows no sign of budging on core agenda | The Daily Caller

3. "The obvious question instantly arises with the revelation that Kelley was meeting with the President personally -- the day before the IRS kicked into high gear with its “Sensitive Case Report on the Tea Party”.

The NTEU, through its political action committee, raised $613,633 in the 2010 cycle, giving 98% of its contributions to anti-Tea Party Democrats. In 2012 the figure was $729,708, with 94% going to anti-Tea Party candidates. One NTEU candidate after another, as discussed last week in this space, campaigned vigorously against the Tea Party.

So the motivations here -- defeating the Tea Party in 2010, and failing at that, making sure that the news of the metastasizing cancer in the IRS was kept quiet until after the 2012 presidential election was over -- are clear."
once again, your source is lying to you.

The HATCH ACT prohibits any union activity on Federal computer, on federal time, in a federal building....

There are no Union employees working full time for the union paid by us tax's against the Hatch Act/ against the law...and it is NOT being your source and his speculations and lies, aren't worth poop....

Expand your mind and reading sources, you'll be the better for it! Truly!!!
Yeah - Richard Nixon was a true patriot.

(Why so mad?)

No, he was a scumbag, as your little tin god is.

The difference is, you support, defend, and promote corruption, because you hold party above all.

Yeah - except I'm not a member of a party.
But you go right ahead and repeat what your cult leader demands.

I'd hate for you to get kicked out on my account.
Yeah - except I'm not a member of a party.

Yeah, and with the level of integrity you display here, I'm real tempted to believe you... :cuckoo::cuckoo:

But you go right ahead and repeat what your cult leader demands.

I'd hate for you to get kicked out on my account.

You mean oppose open corruption and criminal behavior by the president? That's just what decent people do.

You wouldn't understand.
You should learn what the word 'charged' means.

Try a dictionary.

You should learn to read and understand! I'll give you the legal definition yet again:

From Nolo’s Plain-English Law Dictionary;

Charge -
"A formal accusation of criminal activity. The prosecuting attorney decides on the charges, after reviewing police reports, witness statements, and any other evidence of wrongdoing. Formal charges are announced at an arrested person's arraignment."

Notice how you had to insert the term "legal"?

That's where you lost.
That would be your dodge of dissembling. That was the reason for you to employ the masked man fallacy to dance around the definition of "charge" when it was clearly implied in the legal sense by another. You used a definition from an online source that was convenient for your deflection when that point was broached by another, but when confronted with the actual legal definition, you revert yet again to your fallacy for cover. Your 3D assault ain't working with your obvious and continual dissimulation.
Your shtick is known and getting worn, little one.

From Article 2 (subsection 1) of the Nixon articles of impeachment:

"(1) He has, acting personally and through his subordinated and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law, and to cause, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, income tax audits or other income tax investigation to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner."

Apparently it was a lot more than "merely suggesting"

What a slovenly understanding of the English language!

What is this the third....fourth..time I've had to explain it to you?

Endeavored: attempted

It is Obama who "accomplished" said endeavor.

Be sure to let me know if you need 'accomplished' defined.

For edification:

"He's a white hat in the story. He's not a black hat," Tim Naftali, former director of the Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum, said of Walters.

Nixon sought to use the enemies list to target his opponents and he wanted to use the IRS to achieve that goal, Naftali said.

"The story is interesting because the IRS wouldn't do it," he said. "It didn't happen, not because the White House didn't want it to happen, but because people like Johnnie Walters said 'no.'"

I said to him, 'John, do you know what you're doing?' " Walters recalled. "He said, 'No, what do you mean?'"

Walters, in disbelief, walked out with the enemies list. A couple of days later, he showed the list to Secretary of the Treasury George Shultz, his boss, and said that in his opinion the IRS should do "absolutely nothing" with it.

Shultz glanced at the list, threw it back across his desk and indicated that Walters should lock it up in his safe and do nothing further, Walters wrote.

He personally sealed the list, locked it in the safe and told no one at the IRS he had it.

"We did not touch a single person on that list," he said.
Former IRS chief recalls defying Nixon

"We did not touch a single person on that list," he said.

Nixon administration....not true of the Obama administration.
Pretty funny to have some of the least literate posters trying to linguistically pick apart my posts.

I'll come back when you guys develop a little intellectual honesty (but you've gotta grow some intellect first)

All I have said has been backed by facts. If you could say the same, I'd listen to you.
You know - I get it. The cult leaders demand that you uncritically, mindlessly parrot the cult's doctrine. They DEMAND that you ignore contradictory evidence no matter how stupid it makes you look.

I don't blame you. It's just boring to me.
And after all the diversion from libs, the truth still remains, Obama is crashing and burning in the polls this week because no one trusts him to do the right thing anymore, including with this topic.

First it was NBC/WSJ on Monday, then CBS poll, then AP poll, then today it's CNN poll.

And yes, I know...if you're a liberal partisan, you'll pretend the polls don't exist. You'll pretend the country isn't fed up. You'll go back to snorting whatever it is you snort to fry your brain just to avoid facing truths. Poor idiots.
Pretty funny to have some of the least literate posters trying to linguistically pick apart my posts.

I'll come back when you guys develop a little intellectual honesty (but you've gotta grow some intellect first)

All I have said has been backed by facts. If you could say the same, I'd listen to you.

Translation: "I've been exposed for the dunce I am! Curses, foiled again!"
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