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Is a second american revolution now inevitable?

You wanted to know how all of the ugly stuff can be averted. I told you how:


get real, pot is not going to save the country. :cuckoo:
Yeah, dumb motherfucker. Just like it didn't play any part in saving our country during World War II, right? Or World War I? Or the Civil War? Or..... wait for it....... the American Revolution?

Did you know that the freedom fighters who signed the US Constitution all grew pot?

Did you know that they paid their taxes with it? It was legal tender during the Revolution. People could use Cannabis in lieu of money. George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, all pot growers.

No. A revolution is nowhere near. I think that those talking about revolution truly dont understand what is asked of one in a real war scenario. You have to kill. You have to watch friends and family be slaughtered. Women and children killed in horrific ways. Ugly shit. The nation is not even close to that kind of required sacrifice.

When you are no longer allows to vote or speak, when our families are starving in the streets, that is when revolution becomes a reality.

A few years ago I would have totally agreed with you. Several things to point out here... most revolutions in the past evolve very rapidly. The American Revolution went from "unspeakable" to a reality in about 12 years, for example. Others have been even faster.

Think about your prescribed prerequisites... We've not had a legitimate national election in probably 20 years. The polls are flooded with illegal immigrants and people with no identification, massive voter fraud is happening all over the country, and it has been happening for quite some time. Legitimate citizens are not getting what they vote for. The system has been compromised and the left would like to keep it that way.

Speech? Well, you let someone say something that is outside the leftist mantra and see what happens to them. People are systematically destroyed over little or nothing these days. Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz... they speak their minds and next thing you know, they've been completely vilified in the media, turned into pariahs, careers destroyed. The same thing happens to grass roots movements like the Tea Party. We stopped having freedom to speak under Clinton. The Leftist Machine swings into action and it may take 6 months or so of relentless pounding day after day, but eventually they destroy all credibility in an individual once they've been targeted.

Starving in the streets? Well the economy is worse than it's been in my lifetime. Good-paying full time jobs are gone. More people on food stamps than any time in history. With a national debt rising at nearly $2 trillion per year, it won't be long before we are completely bankrupt and then the gravy train stops. That's when the wheels come off.

Up until a few years ago, I believed that our nation would turn itself around, it always has in the past. However, I see a new generation of leftists who have no inclination to compromise or work together. They believe in authoritarian, totalitarian, left-wing radical government, and NOTHING is going to stop them from having that. You can't reason with them, you can't talk to them. Anyone who dares to challenge them is turned into a racist, homophobe, bigot, extremist, and run out of town on a rail.

Is an armed revolution coming? You better believe it! And it may be happening sooner than you think. We are at the tipping point now. A point of no return. If the political climate doesn't change dramatically in the next election cycle or two, I fear a very real and violent revolution is inevitable. As I said, I did not believe this just a few years ago.

Other than completely misidentifying the bogeyman in your scenario, this is not a bad post. It's the economic climate that's been created that will be our undoing. But let me ask you this: do you really think that they guys who outsourced just about every aspect of our economy that average people could participate in are leftists? No, it's the dog-eat-dog, free marketeers that supposedly free our economy to perform. It's Wall Street. It's the vast and growing influence of mega-corporations. That's where you need to focus your anger.
Who else is going to fight a revolution? Occupiers? They're too busy wiggling their fingers and not electing candidates to public office. Democrats? Democrats are half of the US power structure so they don't want a revolution. Republicans? Yes. Stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, "survivalist" Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist. They will be the ones who are dumb enough to try to start another civil war, just like they did last time.

And just like last time, they will claim for 100 years that it was all about "states' rights" instead of their overt racism and outdated patriarchal bullshit belief system.

Left wing idiots are funny to listen to. Revolutions are very seldom one political party against another. When there are legitimate political parties, this is the antithesis of revolution. This is two (or more) groups working together in cooperation with each other. Revolutions happen on a completely different level, when the parties no longer represent the people. Civil government is abandoned.

Ironically, it will be what you call the "stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, 'survivalist' Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist" element, history will record as the final chapter in an attempt to have peaceful political discourse. The Tea Party will be seen as a failed attempt to save us from Revolution. YOU and your hubristic attitude will be the catalyst for revolt. YOU will be the one who history will blame for the revolution.

Now, let me explain how this is not going to be like the Civil War of 1860. First off, America is much larger and more populated. In 1860, most all Americans lived east of the Mississippi. There was a single compelling interest of the Southern states to declare independence and form a new Confederate nation. Now you can think what you will, save for a few strategical battles, the war could have easily gone the other way. This is because you had solidarity, Side A vs. Side B. More Americans died in the Civil War than all other American wars combined. A modern revolution would look completely different, although you'll see some similarity.

It will begin with a state like Texas declaring independence. Federal troops will be dispatched, but within days, several other states will join Texas in secession. It will not take long for the Federal resources to be exhausted, spread out over the entire country in numerous states. You can't fight 30 Vietnam wars all at once. The various state militias will garner support from foreign countries, so you'll be literally fighting real wars with real armies on numerous fronts. A beleaguered United States with frankly no more source of income from tax revenue, will quickly find itself in trouble. In the end, much like the Soviet Union, the United States will have no choice but to dissolve itself.

This is going to take more than going out and shooting a few redneck teabaggers.
Who else is going to fight a revolution? Occupiers? They're too busy wiggling their fingers and not electing candidates to public office. Democrats? Democrats are half of the US power structure so they don't want a revolution. Republicans? Yes. Stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, "survivalist" Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist. They will be the ones who are dumb enough to try to start another civil war, just like they did last time.

And just like last time, they will claim for 100 years that it was all about "states' rights" instead of their overt racism and outdated patriarchal bullshit belief system.

Left wing idiots are funny to listen to. Revolutions are very seldom one political party against another. When there are legitimate political parties, this is the antithesis of revolution. This is two (or more) groups working together in cooperation with each other. Revolutions happen on a completely different level, when the parties no longer represent the people. Civil government is abandoned.

Ironically, it will be what you call the "stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, 'survivalist' Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist" element, history will record as the final chapter in an attempt to have peaceful political discourse. The Tea Party will be seen as a failed attempt to save us from Revolution. YOU and your hubristic attitude will be the catalyst for revolt. YOU will be the one who history will blame for the revolution.

Now, let me explain how this is not going to be like the Civil War of 1860. First off, America is much larger and more populated. In 1860, most all Americans lived east of the Mississippi. There was a single compelling interest of the Southern states to declare independence and form a new Confederate nation. Now you can think what you will, save for a few strategical battles, the war could have easily gone the other way. This is because you had solidarity, Side A vs. Side B. More Americans died in the Civil War than all other American wars combined. A modern revolution would look completely different, although you'll see some similarity.

It will begin with a state like Texas declaring independence. Federal troops will be dispatched, but within days, several other states will join Texas in secession. It will not take long for the Federal resources to be exhausted, spread out over the entire country in numerous states. You can't fight 30 Vietnam wars all at once. The various state militias will garner support from foreign countries, so you'll be literally fighting real wars with real armies on numerous fronts. A beleaguered United States with frankly no more source of income from tax revenue, will quickly find itself in trouble. In the end, much like the Soviet Union, the United States will have no choice but to dissolve itself.

This is going to take more than going out and shooting a few redneck teabaggers.

The breakup of the US is inevitable. Whether it happens by revolution or not is up for question. I do agree that states wishing to secede will ask for foreign help and get it.
Other than completely misidentifying the bogeyman in your scenario, this is not a bad post. It's the economic climate that's been created that will be our undoing. But let me ask you this: do you really think that they guys who outsourced just about every aspect of our economy that average people could participate in are leftists? No, it's the dog-eat-dog, free marketeers that supposedly free our economy to perform. It's Wall Street. It's the vast and growing influence of mega-corporations. That's where you need to focus your anger.

You have been filled to the hatband with basic Communist propaganda. Outsourcing is the result of endless Unionized Labor demands over the course of the past 70 years. It is the idiotic and inept left-wing liberal agenda which has created the problems with a free market capitalist economy. Furthermore, it is the stupid and ignorant progressive war on capitalism which is INTENTIONALLY destroying the free market economy, so that it can be replaced with State-operated and State-controlled means of production.

Wall Street is a PLACE, not an entity. It is where people gather to trade and invest in capitalist ideas and initiatives. Money is both made and lost on Wall Street everyday, in a free market capitalist system. "Free marketers" do not free our economy to perform! Our economy is stifled by ever-increasing government regulation and mandate, designed to intentionally make it harder for the 'free marketers' to perform. You literally have 'free marketers' in a death grip choke hold, while lamenting they are the problem. The problem is YOU and this left-wing Occutard movement, full of absolute ignorance about free market capitalism and how it is supposed to work. Pumping out your propaganda daily, pushing us into your Socialist Utopian fantasy that will never work because it never has worked.
Other than completely misidentifying the bogeyman in your scenario, this is not a bad post. It's the economic climate that's been created that will be our undoing. But let me ask you this: do you really think that they guys who outsourced just about every aspect of our economy that average people could participate in are leftists? No, it's the dog-eat-dog, free marketeers that supposedly free our economy to perform. It's Wall Street. It's the vast and growing influence of mega-corporations. That's where you need to focus your anger.

You have been filled to the hatband with basic Communist propaganda. Outsourcing is the result of endless Unionized Labor demands over the course of the past 70 years. It is the idiotic and inept left-wing liberal agenda which has created the problems with a free market capitalist economy. Furthermore, it is the stupid and ignorant progressive war on capitalism which is INTENTIONALLY destroying the free market economy, so that it can be replaced with State-operated and State-controlled means of production.

Wall Street is a PLACE, not an entity. It is where people gather to trade and invest in capitalist ideas and initiatives. Money is both made and lost on Wall Street everyday, in a free market capitalist system. "Free marketers" do not free our economy to perform! Our economy is stifled by ever-increasing government regulation and mandate, designed to intentionally make it harder for the 'free marketers' to perform. You literally have 'free marketers' in a death grip choke hold, while lamenting they are the problem. The problem is YOU and this left-wing Occutard movement, full of absolute ignorance about free market capitalism and how it is supposed to work. Pumping out your propaganda daily, pushing us into your Socialist Utopian fantasy that will never work because it never has worked.

Excellent post.
I'll defer to someone who knows about wall street and stocks, (I'm poor ;) ) but the way things are it seems that stocks (and therefore the whole process) can be manipulated.

My second point is that a free market system is continuously self correcting and doesn't need "central planning" or other interference from the government to operate effectively.
Other than completely misidentifying the bogeyman in your scenario, this is not a bad post. It's the economic climate that's been created that will be our undoing. But let me ask you this: do you really think that they guys who outsourced just about every aspect of our economy that average people could participate in are leftists? No, it's the dog-eat-dog, free marketeers that supposedly free our economy to perform. It's Wall Street. It's the vast and growing influence of mega-corporations. That's where you need to focus your anger.

You have been filled to the hatband with basic Communist propaganda. Outsourcing is the result of endless Unionized Labor demands over the course of the past 70 years. It is the idiotic and inept left-wing liberal agenda which has created the problems with a free market capitalist economy. Furthermore, it is the stupid and ignorant progressive war on capitalism which is INTENTIONALLY destroying the free market economy, so that it can be replaced with State-operated and State-controlled means of production.

Wall Street is a PLACE, not an entity. It is where people gather to trade and invest in capitalist ideas and initiatives. Money is both made and lost on Wall Street everyday, in a free market capitalist system. "Free marketers" do not free our economy to perform! Our economy is stifled by ever-increasing government regulation and mandate, designed to intentionally make it harder for the 'free marketers' to perform. You literally have 'free marketers' in a death grip choke hold, while lamenting they are the problem. The problem is YOU and this left-wing Occutard movement, full of absolute ignorance about free market capitalism and how it is supposed to work. Pumping out your propaganda daily, pushing us into your Socialist Utopian fantasy that will never work because it never has worked.

Communist hatband huh? Well, I'm the one with a good job and apparently you're not. It's likely to stay that way too. See, I have skills that our overseas competitors haven't been able to mimic and it should stay that way until long after I've retired. I've been opposed to the outsourcing all along. I don't know why I should care about the refuse that our economy has created but somehow I do. So keep those hopes and dreams alive that the free market will get unskilled workers anything but a shit sandwich. I know how important those dreams can be.

Perhaps all the ugly stuff could be diverted. Maybe we'll see partisan ideologues from both ends decide to bury their egos and narcissism and open a honest, honorable, constructive dialogue in the best interest of our children and our country. It will certainly take someone to be first, to be the adult in the room.

Any takers?


I'm not a partisan ideologue. What do you wish to discuss first?
No, I think you rightwingers just entertain the idea of a civil war because you have this child-like fantasy of becoming gun-toting heroes against the traitorous scum seeking to over-throw the constitution and your liberty! You've seen too many movies is the problem. Unfortunately you will remain a no-body.

It would also keep the rest of the world from laughing at you for having that huge, ridiculous, and unnecessary gun collection in your basement that in reality will never serve a real purpose.

I've always been amused at the survivalists that were down in Texas. They planned for every contingency...except tropical storms.....their fall-out shelter was gone in minutes. :eusa_clap:
No revolution (spiritual or otherwise) will or is taking place in America. Most realize we have it too good. The vocal minority will continue to get more vocal but when push comes to shove, they'll be left alone to "fight" by those more level-headed than themselves. And when they realize they are all alone...they will go back to their keyboards and try to stir up more hate.

Tale as old as time....
Tune as old as song...
No revolution (spiritual or otherwise) will or is taking place in America. Most realize we have it too good. The vocal minority will continue to get more vocal but when push comes to shove, they'll be left alone to "fight" by those more level-headed than themselves. And when they realize they are all alone...they will go back to their keyboards and try to stir up more hate.

Tale as old as time....
Tune as old as song...

That's what the greeks said.
That's what the romans said.
That's what the french said.
That's what the russians said.
That's what the british said.

History is littered with the wreckage of governments that said "no revolution will or is taking place."
Here is how the revolution will go:

First, some Teabagger will take a shot at someone important and declare a revolution, then the government will place a call to Wal-Mart to close its doors, then the right-wing revolution will starve to death.

The end.

The truly ironic part about this is that the right in this nation is MUCH MUCH MUCH more capable of feeding itself than the left.

If the world went to hell in a hand basket, it would be those right wing nut jobs that survive. You know, those backwoods hunters.

True as the day is long.We live in upstate ny,if any real shit hit the fan say in the city,it wouldn't be long for all those starving city dewlers to move north and west,it would get real ugly fast.Hungry people do desperate things.
Don't even pretend you are part of "country boys can survive" nonsense.

There will be no apocalypse.

If the loonies on the far right rise up, there will be no arrest and trials, I think, only summary execution of the far right terrorists who are caught with weapons.
No. A revolution is nowhere near. I think that those talking about revolution truly dont understand what is asked of one in a real war scenario. You have to kill. You have to watch friends and family be slaughtered. Women and children killed in horrific ways. Ugly shit. The nation is not even close to that kind of required sacrifice.

When you are no longer allows to vote or speak, when our families are starving in the streets, that is when revolution becomes a reality.

A few years ago I would have totally agreed with you. Several things to point out here... most revolutions in the past evolve very rapidly. The American Revolution went from "unspeakable" to a reality in about 12 years, for example. Others have been even faster.

Think about your prescribed prerequisites... We've not had a legitimate national election in probably 20 years. The polls are flooded with illegal immigrants and people with no identification, massive voter fraud is happening all over the country, and it has been happening for quite some time. Legitimate citizens are not getting what they vote for. The system has been compromised and the left would like to keep it that way.

Speech? Well, you let someone say something that is outside the leftist mantra and see what happens to them. People are systematically destroyed over little or nothing these days. Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz... they speak their minds and next thing you know, they've been completely vilified in the media, turned into pariahs, careers destroyed. The same thing happens to grass roots movements like the Tea Party. We stopped having freedom to speak under Clinton. The Leftist Machine swings into action and it may take 6 months or so of relentless pounding day after day, but eventually they destroy all credibility in an individual once they've been targeted.

Starving in the streets? Well the economy is worse than it's been in my lifetime. Good-paying full time jobs are gone. More people on food stamps than any time in history. With a national debt rising at nearly $2 trillion per year, it won't be long before we are completely bankrupt and then the gravy train stops. That's when the wheels come off.

Up until a few years ago, I believed that our nation would turn itself around, it always has in the past. However, I see a new generation of leftists who have no inclination to compromise or work together. They believe in authoritarian, totalitarian, left-wing radical government, and NOTHING is going to stop them from having that. You can't reason with them, you can't talk to them. Anyone who dares to challenge them is turned into a racist, homophobe, bigot, extremist, and run out of town on a rail.

Is an armed revolution coming? You better believe it! And it may be happening sooner than you think. We are at the tipping point now. A point of no return. If the political climate doesn't change dramatically in the next election cycle or two, I fear a very real and violent revolution is inevitable. As I said, I did not believe this just a few years ago.

Oh go to hell, you silly loser. Pull out your little pop guns and get blown away by not only the police, but fellow citizens that have had enough of the nonsense you guys spew constantly.

There are millions of good paying jobs going begging in this nation. They require techinical skills. And you wingnuts are against education and work hard at being willfully ignorant, so you cannot qualify for those jobs, and blame everyone else for your stupidity.

Your idiotic wet dreams of murdering your fellow Americans are a travesty and states all that one needs to know about your morality and sanity.

There is a very fine line between insanity and genius.

I don't think you can yourself tell the difference. :badgrin:
No, I think you rightwingers just entertain the idea of a civil war because you have this child-like fantasy of becoming gun-toting heroes against the traitorous scum seeking to over-throw the constitution and your liberty! You've seen too many movies is the problem. Unfortunately you will remain a no-body.

It would also keep the rest of the world from laughing at you for having that huge, ridiculous, and unnecessary gun collection in your basement that in reality will never serve a real purpose.

I've always been amused at the survivalists that were down in Texas. They planned for every contingency...except tropical storms.....their fall-out shelter was gone in minutes. :eusa_clap:

Got a link?
Who else is going to fight a revolution? Occupiers? They're too busy wiggling their fingers and not electing candidates to public office. Democrats? Democrats are half of the US power structure so they don't want a revolution. Republicans? Yes. Stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, "survivalist" Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist. They will be the ones who are dumb enough to try to start another civil war, just like they did last time.

And just like last time, they will claim for 100 years that it was all about "states' rights" instead of their overt racism and outdated patriarchal bullshit belief system.

Left wing idiots are funny to listen to. Revolutions are very seldom one political party against another. When there are legitimate political parties, this is the antithesis of revolution. This is two (or more) groups working together in cooperation with each other. Revolutions happen on a completely different level, when the parties no longer represent the people. Civil government is abandoned.

Ironically, it will be what you call the "stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, 'survivalist' Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist" element, history will record as the final chapter in an attempt to have peaceful political discourse. The Tea Party will be seen as a failed attempt to save us from Revolution. YOU and your hubristic attitude will be the catalyst for revolt. YOU will be the one who history will blame for the revolution.

Now, let me explain how this is not going to be like the Civil War of 1860. First off, America is much larger and more populated. In 1860, most all Americans lived east of the Mississippi. There was a single compelling interest of the Southern states to declare independence and form a new Confederate nation. Now you can think what you will, save for a few strategical battles, the war could have easily gone the other way. This is because you had solidarity, Side A vs. Side B. More Americans died in the Civil War than all other American wars combined. A modern revolution would look completely different, although you'll see some similarity.

It will begin with a state like Texas declaring independence. Federal troops will be dispatched, but within days, several other states will join Texas in secession. It will not take long for the Federal resources to be exhausted, spread out over the entire country in numerous states. You can't fight 30 Vietnam wars all at once. The various state militias will garner support from foreign countries, so you'll be literally fighting real wars with real armies on numerous fronts. A beleaguered United States with frankly no more source of income from tax revenue, will quickly find itself in trouble. In the end, much like the Soviet Union, the United States will have no choice but to dissolve itself.

This is going to take more than going out and shooting a few redneck teabaggers.
Strategic battles? You seem to think that the right-wing good ol' boy revolutionary army is anywhere near being able to sustain a prolonged guerrilla war against the very society which your sustainability relies. Remember Operation American Spring? No, no one does because it was a stupid idea. No one is willing to drag themselves away from the tv or the microwave to fight a revolution, and if there was a revolution, hundreds of millions of Americans would be INCONVENIENCED. The government and corporations that you would be rebelling against would cut off the supply of everything that this society depends on. The revolution would descend into chaos as hundreds of millions of pissed off Americans who can no longer watch tv, surf the web, buy food at a grocery store, buy gas at a gas station, or have electricity and running water, would be looking for someone to blame. It wouldn't be the government. People have all of that shit now. If the dogmatic right-wing inbred "militia" of Bundy/Palin voters start a full revolution and Americans are inconvenienced, the right-wing Republican Teabagger American Taliban party will be blamed, because they're the psychos who want to revolt against a black President.

Remember that the US military will be defending the government and corporations. The right-wing militia idiots love the military. The right-wing won't fight against the rule of the military so the revolution is a failure. You'll have to find some other way to cripple the power structure.

Last edited:
In other words, if you lose the ballot, you are going to use the bullets. Typical rightwingnut shit. You will lose the ballot, and you will not use the bullet. You will just post drivel on the internet and mewl and puke a lot.

The Fourth Amendment is not up for negotiation at the Ballot. The Second Amendment is there to protect the Fourth Amendment and destroy the NSA, no matter how many Progressive and Neocon zombies vote to retain the NSA.

The same applies to the First Amendment:

"CONGRESS shall pass no law..."

CONGRESS is the body of POPULARLY elected representatives at the BALLOT. But not even these BALLOT CERTIFIED representatives can VIOLATE the freedom of speech/press/religion/arms/warrants/quartering/jury trials/etc.

Yes, the Second Amendment, as you said "BULLETS" is there to maintain the Rule of Law. A majority that votes AGAINST the Constitution is in REBELLION/INSURRECTION against the Constitution, and insurgents and rebels must be crushed.

Those who vote AGAINST the Constitution forfeit their legitimacy as Americans.

Only the Amendment process, via Article V, allows a peaceful and LEGAL means of changing the Constitution.

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