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Is a second american revolution now inevitable?

Who else is going to fight a revolution? Occupiers? They're too busy wiggling their fingers and not electing candidates to public office. Democrats? Democrats are half of the US power structure so they don't want a revolution. Republicans? Yes. Stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, "survivalist" Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist. They will be the ones who are dumb enough to try to start another civil war, just like they did last time.

And just like last time, they will claim for 100 years that it was all about "states' rights" instead of their overt racism and outdated patriarchal bullshit belief system.

Left wing idiots are funny to listen to. Revolutions are very seldom one political party against another. When there are legitimate political parties, this is the antithesis of revolution. This is two (or more) groups working together in cooperation with each other. Revolutions happen on a completely different level, when the parties no longer represent the people. Civil government is abandoned.

Ironically, it will be what you call the "stupid, racist, gun-toting, Bible-waving, maniacal, 'survivalist' Southern neo-Confederate Teabagger Republicans who think that Obama is a Marxist" element, history will record as the final chapter in an attempt to have peaceful political discourse. The Tea Party will be seen as a failed attempt to save us from Revolution. YOU and your hubristic attitude will be the catalyst for revolt. YOU will be the one who history will blame for the revolution.

Now, let me explain how this is not going to be like the Civil War of 1860. First off, America is much larger and more populated. In 1860, most all Americans lived east of the Mississippi. There was a single compelling interest of the Southern states to declare independence and form a new Confederate nation. Now you can think what you will, save for a few strategical battles, the war could have easily gone the other way. This is because you had solidarity, Side A vs. Side B. More Americans died in the Civil War than all other American wars combined. A modern revolution would look completely different, although you'll see some similarity.

It will begin with a state like Texas declaring independence. Federal troops will be dispatched, but within days, several other states will join Texas in secession. It will not take long for the Federal resources to be exhausted, spread out over the entire country in numerous states. You can't fight 30 Vietnam wars all at once. The various state militias will garner support from foreign countries, so you'll be literally fighting real wars with real armies on numerous fronts. A beleaguered United States with frankly no more source of income from tax revenue, will quickly find itself in trouble. In the end, much like the Soviet Union, the United States will have no choice but to dissolve itself.

This is going to take more than going out and shooting a few redneck teabaggers.
Strategic battles? You seem to think that the right-wing good ol' boy revolutionary army is anywhere near being able to sustain a prolonged guerrilla war against the very society which your sustainability relies. Remember Operation American Spring? No, no one does because it was a stupid idea. No one is willing to drag themselves away from the tv or the microwave to fight a revolution, and if there was a revolution, hundreds of millions of Americans would be INCONVENIENCED. The government and corporations that you would be rebelling against would cut off the supply of everything that this society depends on. The revolution would descend into chaos as hundreds of millions of pissed off Americans who can no longer watch tv, surf the web, buy food at a grocery store, buy gas at a gas station, or have electricity and running water, would be looking for someone to blame. It wouldn't be the government. People have all of that shit now. If the dogmatic right-wing inbred "militia" of Bundy/Palin voters start a full revolution and Americans are inconvenienced, the right-wing Republican Teabagger American Taliban party will be blamed, because they're the psychos who want to revolt against a black President.

Remember that the US military will be defending the government and corporations. The right-wing militia idiots love the military. The right-wing won't fight against the rule of the military so the revolution is a failure. You'll have to find some other way to cripple the power structure.


:lol: :cuckoo:
The left is really stupid. They think a revolution will start with rednecks and weekend warriors locking and loading and going after the military. If citizens ever start shooting, it will be in self defense. No citizen is gonna start a war with the military, that would be suicide but neither will they just voluntarily line up against a wall to be exterminated. At some point they will fight back.
Here is how the revolution will go:

First, some Teabagger will take a shot at someone important and declare a revolution, then the government will place a call to Wal-Mart to close its doors, then the right-wing revolution will starve to death.

The end.

The truly ironic part about this is that the right in this nation is MUCH MUCH MUCH more capable of feeding itself than the left.

If the world went to hell in a hand basket, it would be those right wing nut jobs that survive. You know, those backwoods hunters.

Oh, Puleezeee! Most of the poverty and welfare of this great nation is in the red states. But I guess shop lifting, thievery and armed robbery would be marketable skills when and if anarchy comes. Gator hunting and rabbit trapping might also be handy in a Spartan environment. But in a civilized setting: YOU SUCK!
Oh, Puleezeee! Most of the poverty and welfare of this great nation is in the red states. But I guess shop lifting, thievery and armed robbery would be marketable skills when and if anarchy comes. Gator hunting and rabbit trapping might also be handy in a Spartan environment. But in a civilized setting: YOU SUCK!

What are the demographics of those states with the highest poverty and welfare?

I wonder if that could have anything to do with it?
Is a second american revolution now inevitable?

No. Most of these morons, like you. will be dead, or might as well be, soon enough.


No worries. Given the Church went through its "Reformation" movement to take back the LAWS for the people to live by DIRECTLY (instead of depending on corrupt authorities),
the State is going through its "Reformation" as well.

As you can see, the Tea Party and other Constitutionalists pushing to "take back authority to check govt directly by the Constitution" are harmless and not violent.

There are no rapes, crimes, or 10-30 million dollar clean-ups
reported at Tea Party protests as there were for Occupy.

These are civilized "rebels" using authority of law to reform the govt without bloodshed.

Instead of "civil disobedience" to protest
we are seeing a trend in "civil obedience" and ENFORCING laws in order to expose
corruption and abuses violating them.

So we have a peaceful reformation going on, using education and civil due process,
because that is what the Constitution was written to do: facilitate democratic reforms.

Relax, enjoy, and be proud of your fellow Americans, left and right, who are all actively pursuing reforms through civil discourse, intelligent debate, respecting due process of law.

While other people and countries lose their lives overseas fighting militant battles,
we here have the luxury of beating each other over the head with free speech,
where nobody gets hurt physically. We may waste words, offend or bruise some ego's,
we may lose face or pride, but what we gain in reaching understanding is far greater than what we let go.

Thanks for being a unique voice in this process.
It will be interesting to see what comes from all these Constitutional
conversations, conferences or conventions that people are working on simultaneously.
Each of us, and the insights we contribute to the whole may seem like a drop in the bucket,
but together it takes every single drop to make up the ocean, pushing together to create a wave of change.

That is why it is so important that we get on the same page, point by point,
so we push in the same direction and not against each other wasting our precious energies.
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I do not wish bodily harm to the treasonous folks, a stuck door on their "bunkers" occasionally, as long as they have food, and water, isn't......a bad idea. I am SURE they can survive isolation cells at FSP though.:lol:
Don't worry about it. Right wingers are too old, too fat and too dependent on Government. And the few young ones that are dangerous are stupid.

That's what the british said in 1776.

They were wrong, too.

There really is a good comparison between the founders (and the people) who told England to "pound sand".

When a government becomes larger than the people (as in the case of modern America) it becomes a monster - feeding off itself, growing larger each day. Today, the federal government is probably 10,000% times larger than it was ever envisioned to be. Now, nearly EVERY function of america life is "controlled" by the federal government in some way or fashion.

Intrusive as hell. Again, this was NEVER envisioned by the Founders. Every day, the individual states lose a little more of their power, in direct violation of the Founders.

The liberal left in this country although a small minority, like the "loyalists" defend this monster with every ounce of their collective beings. "Freedom" is as foreign to them as "responsibly" and "accountability" are.

So yes. If there is one ounce of genetic material left from our Founders - it COULD happen again and perhaps it SHOULD. The Kings and Queens who have taken our government over need to receive a wake up call. This country does NOT belong to the "ruling class" and "We, the people" do NOT answer to them.
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I do not wish bodily harm to the treasonous folks, a stuck door on their "bunkers" occasionally, as long as they have food, and water, isn't......a bad idea. I am SURE they can survive isolation cells at FSP though.:lol:

You're as much a loyalist as the Nazis who swooned over Hitler. I would encourage you to "eat shit and die" - but your soul is already dead.
The left is really stupid. They think a revolution will start with rednecks and weekend warriors locking and loading and going after the military. If citizens ever start shooting, it will be in self defense. No citizen is gonna start a war with the military, that would be suicide but neither will they just voluntarily line up against a wall to be exterminated. At some point they will fight back.
However the military cannot be used against the people...why do you think Obama stated early on the he needed a 'Civil Defense Force' as large as the US Military?

Those civilian forces have been loading up on ammo/arms since he's been in office...Obama and the left have already launched a war against the people...whom will fire first is the unanswered question.
The left is really stupid. They think a revolution will start with rednecks and weekend warriors locking and loading and going after the military. If citizens ever start shooting, it will be in self defense. No citizen is gonna start a war with the military, that would be suicide but neither will they just voluntarily line up against a wall to be exterminated. At some point they will fight back.
However the military cannot be used against the people...why do you think Obama stated early on the he needed a 'Civil Defense Force' as large as the US Military?

Those civilian forces have been loading up on ammo/arms since he's been in office...Obama and the left have already launched a war against the people...whom will fire first is the unanswered question.

I can't help but wonder about all these "loyalists" to the government. Were they as passionate when Bush (1 and 2) were president? Reagan? Ford? Nixon?

That's what I thought. They are only passionate now because their "savior" is in office. In spite of the FACT that the man is a sniveling idiot, they would defend this "king" to the death. Let's see how "loyal" they are when a republican wins in 2016. These cockroaches will run under the fridge faster than you can say "Nazi".
When will this inevitable civil war take place? After another Democrat wins? After a Republican wins? Where were all of these anti-government gun-monkey Teabaggers when Bush signed the PATRIOT Act or opened Guantanamo? They were defending Bush.

Is there a bigger government than one that spies on its own citizens and runs a prison in a Communist country so that laws don't apply there? Lying to go to war? Torturing POWs in secret prisons? Killing whoever with flying death robots for ten years?

Why was it only when a black man was elected that all of these white trash gun freaks started screaming about Socialist Kenyan Fascism? The white-wing of the Republican Teabagger party has been screaming like banshees for six years that Obama is destroying America, he's a Socialist, he's a Muslim, he wasn't even born in America, he's taking our guns so he can take all of our other rights.

So after six years of having your rights taken away, when is the inevitable civil war going to take place?
Maybe not in our lifetime but it will happen...the two sides are too far apart. It won't start with idiots like the Phoenix couple it will begin when and if the federal government orders their troops to kill Americans. The military will split in two and I can promise you the Marines will be on the side of the people. OOORAH!
Strategic battles? You seem to think that the right-wing good ol' boy revolutionary army is anywhere near being able to sustain a prolonged guerrilla war against the very society which your sustainability relies.

Shut up, retard! My post is not about the right or left. You've conjured up some wild ass imaginary "war" orchestrated by radical right-wingers, because in YOUR mind, that's the only way such a revolution could happen. Got news for ya, jackwagon... it's not going to be like you imagine. "Society" will be collapsed. State resources will be used to defend state borders. Enemies of the state will be shot or imprisoned. If you think people are going to play your little quaint left-right political games in the midst of a revolution, you've got another thing coming.

Now, you pansy-ass liberals would love nothing more than for the Tea Party to orchestrate a revolution. It would give you the political impetus to confiscate weapons and declare martial law. Most of you loud mouth belligerent punks would do anything you could to spark such a revolution, but that's not going to happen anywhere but in your wet liberal dreams. Like I said, when this happens, it will be done at the State level by State governments. You're going to have to come get us. My guess is, you're going to find that difficult because your standing army will be in total disarray. Members will be defecting left and right and returning to their respective states to defend their homeland. This will NOT be a Liberal vs. Conservative war. It will be numerous States, declaring independence from the US.
The left is really stupid. They think a revolution will start with rednecks and weekend warriors locking and loading and going after the military. If citizens ever start shooting, it will be in self defense. No citizen is gonna start a war with the military, that would be suicide but neither will they just voluntarily line up against a wall to be exterminated. At some point they will fight back.
However the military cannot be used against the people...why do you think Obama stated early on the he needed a 'Civil Defense Force' as large as the US Military?

Those civilian forces have been loading up on ammo/arms since he's been in office...Obama and the left have already launched a war against the people...whom will fire first is the unanswered question.

I can't help but wonder about all these "loyalists" to the government. Were they as passionate when Bush (1 and 2) were president? Reagan? Ford? Nixon?

That's what I thought. They are only passionate now because their "savior" is in office. In spite of the FACT that the man is a sniveling idiot, they would defend this "king" to the death. Let's see how "loyal" they are when a republican wins in 2016. These cockroaches will run under the fridge faster than you can say "Nazi".

They will run and HIDE...under the nearest piece of furniture that will accommodate them...and they'll be sucking one thumb while the other is stuck up their ass in a fetal position. These people are GUTLESS.
And there aren't any other ways to reconcile our differences, is there? It has to come down to violence because "the two sides are too far apart", right? As if human society is 2-dimensional.

All branches of the military will follow their orders as they are trained and paid to do. The People who attempt to revolt will be summarily put down, if they can even get out of their motorized fat people wheelchairs to start a revolution in the first place.

Have you ever heard of voting? Just because you're the fringe minority and can get a few differently minded Republicans elected doesn't mean that your ideas are worth a shit to the overall population. When the majority of the population rejects Teabagger nonsense as bullshit, it doesn't mean that Teabaggers are being "oppressed". It means that your ideas are shit and rational society rejects them and you.

The American Taliban will lose its guerrilla war because the system is designed to protect itself. The majority of American food is not home-grown nor are your medical supplies readily available in urban environments. With production and distribution controlled by massive corporations that are in collusion with the Federal government, the supplies that the American Taliban would depend on to sustain their terrorist war against America would be easily cut off, leaving the Confederate flag-waving American Taliban Republican Teabagger holding their empty rifles like limp dicks as Bradley vehicles roll through their survivalist "command center" campsite.

Why do you want so many Americans to die?
Strategic battles? You seem to think that the right-wing good ol' boy revolutionary army is anywhere near being able to sustain a prolonged guerrilla war against the very society which your sustainability relies.

Shut up, retard! My post is not about the right or left. You've conjured up some wild ass imaginary "war" orchestrated by radical right-wingers, because in YOUR mind, that's the only way such a revolution could happen. Got news for ya, jackwagon... it's not going to be like you imagine. "Society" will be collapsed. State resources will be used to defend state borders. Enemies of the state will be shot or imprisoned. If you think people are going to play your little quaint left-right political games in the midst of a revolution, you've got another thing coming.

Now, you pansy-ass liberals would love nothing more than for the Tea Party to orchestrate a revolution. It would give you the political impetus to confiscate weapons and declare martial law. Most of you loud mouth belligerent punks would do anything you could to spark such a revolution, but that's not going to happen anywhere but in your wet liberal dreams. Like I said, when this happens, it will be done at the State level by State governments. You're going to have to come get us. My guess is, you're going to find that difficult because your standing army will be in total disarray. Members will be defecting left and right and returning to their respective states to defend their homeland. This will NOT be a Liberal vs. Conservative war. It will be numerous States, declaring independence from the US.
Your states' economies are dependent on the US. Your lives and livelihoods are dependent on the US. A civil war would hurt you a lot more than it hurts the government.

Why don't you try to find a better way to overthrow the rich?
No. A revolution is nowhere near. I think that those talking about revolution truly dont understand what is asked of one in a real war scenario. You have to kill. You have to watch friends and family be slaughtered. Women and children killed in horrific ways. Ugly shit. The nation is not even close to that kind of required sacrifice.

When you are no longer allows to vote or speak, when our families are starving in the streets, that is when revolution becomes a reality.

A few years ago I would have totally agreed with you. Several things to point out here... most revolutions in the past evolve very rapidly. The American Revolution went from "unspeakable" to a reality in about 12 years, for example. Others have been even faster.
Quite right. They may evolve quickly but that has nothing to do with the fact that we are not nearly there yet.
Think about your prescribed prerequisites... We've not had a legitimate national election in probably 20 years. The polls are flooded with illegal immigrants and people with no identification, massive voter fraud is happening all over the country, and it has been happening for quite some time. Legitimate citizens are not getting what they vote for. The system has been compromised and the left would like to keep it that way.

You STILL have the right to vote. You want to know what the single largest attack on voter rights is? It is NOT illegals, not even close. It is turnout. The reason that people are not getting what they want has a lot to do with the fact that most don't even bother to vote at all.

BTW, that is one of the things you are going to see way before insurrection is used - near 100 percent of voters actually turning out. If people are not willing to get their asses off the couch, they are not going to be willing to fight and risk their lives.

Speech? Well, you let someone say something that is outside the leftist mantra and see what happens to them. People are systematically destroyed over little or nothing these days. Sarah Palin, Ted Cruz... they speak their minds and next thing you know, they've been completely vilified in the media, turned into pariahs, careers destroyed. The same thing happens to grass roots movements like the Tea Party. We stopped having freedom to speak under Clinton. The Leftist Machine swings into action and it may take 6 months or so of relentless pounding day after day, but eventually they destroy all credibility in an individual once they've been targeted.
That is irrelevant and incorrect. You STILL have the right of speech. There is still plenty of speech out there. When Hanity is allowed to p[operate openly during a liberal government then speech is clearly still a right.

Further, you mention Palin as though the liberal attacks have 'ruined' her. Nothing could be further from the truth. She does better now then she ever has. She is a rock star now making a TON of cash. She is in a FAR better position then when she was a governor.

Starving in the streets? Well the economy is worse than it's been in my lifetime. Good-paying full time jobs are gone. More people on food stamps than any time in history. With a national debt rising at nearly $2 trillion per year, it won't be long before we are completely bankrupt and then the gravy train stops. That's when the wheels come off.
Yes, that is possible but it is not as close as you posit. There is a ways to go before the producers are completely removed from the picture. A LONG way to go.
Up until a few years ago, I believed that our nation would turn itself around, it always has in the past. However, I see a new generation of leftists who have no inclination to compromise or work together. They believe in authoritarian, totalitarian, left-wing radical government, and NOTHING is going to stop them from having that. You can't reason with them, you can't talk to them. Anyone who dares to challenge them is turned into a racist, homophobe, bigot, extremist, and run out of town on a rail.
I actually agree with that. It takes a LOT, however, to bring down the most productive nation in the history of the world.
Is an armed revolution coming? You better believe it! And it may be happening sooner than you think. We are at the tipping point now. A point of no return. If the political climate doesn't change dramatically in the next election cycle or two, I fear a very real and violent revolution is inevitable. As I said, I did not believe this just a few years ago.

I simply don't see something of this magnitude coming this soon. The American people could not even stomach the Iraq war - a war that we suffered virtually nothing for. The dead in Iraq would not even show up as one of the top 10 killers in this nation. A civil war would kill more than the next 10 or 20 COMBINED. Americans are just to damn comfortable to risk and experience so much.
Your states' economies are dependent on the US. Your lives and livelihoods are dependent on the US. A civil war would hurt you a lot more than it hurts the government.

Why don't you try to find a better way to overthrow the rich?

Well, first of all, it's not going to be a "civil war" in the traditional sense. Second, when it comes to this, the individual economies of states will be a non-issue. Wars are seldom fought with consideration of what it will do to the economy. Overthrow the rich? Who are "the rich?" Why would I want to overthrow them?
And there aren't any other ways to reconcile our differences, is there?

Right now there is. We're not talking about a revolution next week. There still remains several more avenues of political discourse, elections, Article V conventions, etc. When all other options have been exhausted, there will be revolt.

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